Feather your Nest Friday, 31st of January, 2025.

I had a really good week.  We had a break from heat,  I felt caught up in the house enough to do more work outside since the days were nice.  I also felt some relief... in my mind January had been something to get through due to it being both summer and Andy's anniversary.  It was causing me a lot of anxiety since it was an unknown.  Also last week the heat was the same as the week before Andy died and it was very deja vu ish.  Having survived this I felt elated this week that I got through it and came out the other side.

Some of you will know and understand without me saying more.

My mission this week became to get things done while the weather was better and while I felt good!  My helpers were here for three days.   They worked non stop of fire prevention because from Sunday it is going to be really hot again.  In fact today a fire broke out on my brothers property north of here but very luckily if was attended to before it could get far.   My helpers cleared tons (literally) of pine needles and debris away making a clearing and firebreak to widen my safety perimeter.   We tested my over head sprinkler system.  The animal droughts, water tanks, fire unit and so on....

I had a man and his son in law stay in the cabin on the weekend.  They brought me beautiful produce plus a cake.  

Also they booked in again then another man booked in and happily they both picked different long weekends!   More trades coming!   The trades remind me of mystery boxes if you ever watched that cooking show.

From the garden and also from a friend I had more produce...

This is the first year I have ever grown a great crop of cucumbers.  And they are so much nicer than store bought!

I both shredded and froze zucchini...

And freeze dried...

Then I threw tomatoes, zucchini, capsicums and onions into the slow cooker.  I don't chop them I just trim as needed and chuck them in.


At the end I blitzed it, let it simmer some more with some oregano... then it went into jars.

This could go on a pizza or in a pasta sauce.  So full of goodness. ( I leave a fair bit of headspace as I freeze these.)

I made another garden produce bake with meatballs and it was delicious.

I saw Cheryl S mention (on Cheapskates Chatter)  that she has been weighing her garden produce and calculating what it would have cost.  I thought what a good idea!  I've had kilos and kilos of cucumbers, zucchinis, tomatoes, capsicum...  all kinds of things.  I had ten kilos of lemons at one stage!  How satisfying to see what this is worth to the budget, much like when we used to do The Vicky Challenge and add up our actual savings.   I just thought it adds appreciation and amazement to our efforts! 

The talk is of eggs prices and egg shortages.   I notice this is not just Australia.   Well, my girls are banging out almost two dozen eggs a day but still this interests me so I checked the shelves today while I was in town.

I consider each dozen I collect to be worth $8 since thats about the going price.  But greater... none of my family or Grandkids are going to not get their eggs!

Even if you can get set up with three chickens it is worth it. They add joy to your life!  They cost very little to feed since most households have enough scraps and weeds to 3/4 feed them.

This morning Chloe found a baby Guinea Fowl in her hen house... she has Geese, Ducks, Guinea's and actual chickens!   Previously these chicks don't survive.  So she caught it and Tom called it Hoodie Doody.   I brought him home and put him under my chick warmer as although the weather is warm he sat in his water dish and got cold.  Tom trusted me as I said he is shivering so he has to come to my place.

So everyone kissed Hoodie Doody including Lily and he seems to be ok now.  He will go back to Tom when a bit established.

Chase is following Tom and getting very keen on cooking.  They make baked egg custard from eggs they collected.

I'm not sure what he was whipping up here but he was happy about it!

I used up some eggs and lemons last week... I made some little deserts to take over to Chloe's and this time Lily got her very own.  😊

Now that I am set up and on a roll... I am sewing again for at least 15 minutes,  usually around 3 30 when I am wearing out.   Currently I'm on pot holders and drying mats are next.

I made four with the teapots...

Now Australian birds...

I have chicken and farmyard fabric to get to as well!

Tom came and helped Andrew pile up pine needles.  He can drive this little digger as far as hand controls go (and reversing) but luckily his legs aren't long enough so Andrew does that bit!

I finished some more crochet wash cloths and added them to the gift cupboard.

A friend gave me some lovely bottles with lids, the right size for salad dressings etc.

I am thinking on how just making the most of what is in your hands,  keeping your hands busy...  creating and making... they stop you from going crazy.  It can be really hard to carve out some solitude to work on something nice but it is so good.  Even fifteen minutes!  You just feel accomplished!  Turning produce into something delicious, filling your jars and pantry,  topping up the freezer,  it is all a good feeling!  

I tidied up my patio and prettied it up.  And added some touches to the garden, while watering I found some spaces which I filled with pot plants,  bird baths, shallow bowls to add water to the garden.    Now it is going to be hot.  That will slow me down!

I hope you had a great week.  How did you build up your nest?  Some of us are baking, some are freezing... but we are all working together! xxx


  1. Oh Annabel! That tea pot fabric is stunning!! I love teapots! I had to downsize and have only kept a couple😂. You have had a productive week. Well done. So glad you got to do fire prep ahead of some hot days. So often i see houses with big gum trees all hanging over the top of them and lots of fuel on the ground and shake my head…. A home among the gum trees is not safe if not maintained! And so much produce. Its been a big week of work here, and just keeping my head above water. Some weeks its like that. I’m working on producing lots of compost for the garden at the moment. So shovelling hay and manure is the order of the week. I turned one pile this week about half a cubic metre, and started the next pile. Hoping the one i turned will be ready in a couple of weeks. Its been so hot here that some of my seedlings died. However, some have been ok. Had to go to town to take a friend to an appointment today and picked up another fruit tree. So will also be looking to plant that tomorrow. Did groceries and was a bit horrified by some things that had gone up in price! Just wow. Have a wonderful week everyone! Missy

    1. Dear Missy, I love trees and the gums but not where they can fall though the middle of my house on fire! Well done on the compost! It is hot here too. No seedling could survive here at the moment. I am just trying to keep alive what is established.Even that is going to be hard the next few days! I also will have to replace a couple of fruit trees in Autumn or Spring. You have been working hard! You are getting a work out with all that shovelling! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. When I thought I might be moving closer to my son, I stopped stocking up because food is hard to move. Now that I know I'm staying here, I'm adding to my pantry again. One of the stores had canned fruit on super special. I like to have it around, especially in winter. I bought a case of peaches and a case of pears (24 cans total) for .99 can. I also bought a case of peaches for my church's food pantry.

    Annabel, I like the idea of sewing for 15 minutes a day. Well done on the potholders!

    1. Wow they are fabulous prices on the cans of fruit! Also so lovely you got some for the church pantry. You are right it is really tough to move house with a lot of food but I am glad you can go back to pantry building now! With much love Annabel.xxx

  3. Reading about your week made me smile. I love weeks like this, where I'm busy and going non-stop, yes they are exhausting, but in a good way, because the exhaustion has made my family's life a little better. The cooler days have been wonderful, with windows and doors open, even if it means dusting every day. I picked a big bowl of raspberries from the second flush and they are so good, I had to get them in the freezer quick smart or they'd have been gobbled up (mostly by me!). Today I made three huge salads, we are expecting over 40 for the next 4 days, and steamed whole potatoes then baked them for a few minutes so we can have stuffed potatoes; while the oven was on I made a huge quiche in my big lasagne dish with lots of tomato, onion, grated carrot, grated zucchini, re-hydrated mushrooms, and lots of grated cheese. These can be hot or cold for lunch or dinner during the heatwave. Thomas has been helping to refill the ie cube trays for ice, and the reusable ice cubes are all in the freezer. There are water jugs in the fridge too. I have a plan for the heat: get up early to close the house up, then water everything well before the sun is up, then I have a list of inside things to do, with a break early afternoon to check the garden and water the pots, then more inside things (lots of cards to make, sewing to do, crochet to work and I have two lovely cross-stitch kits I was given for my birthday to work). Have a blessed week everyone.

    1. I am doing the same... it will be cold meat and salads here for days. Over 40s now. Eek. I love prepared ahead salads. Cold drinks and ice ready to go is great too. I have to do short bursts of watering and tried to get ahead with some deep watering. I will be so glad when summer is over!! xxx

  4. It sounds like you had a very full week of productivity. The produce looked divine. Glad you have set aside time for sewing as it is a stress buster for those who love it. Your grandchildren are cute.
    Many blessings to everyone of the bluebirds.

    1. Dear Glenda, I was very blessed with produce! Crochet and sewing or card making... probably they are my favourites. I am happy the boys are turning into keen little cooks! Have a very good Sunday and new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  5. I love your hot pads...and your helper! I have gave some of my extra eggs to my neighbors. they love them. Eggs here are about the same price as yours so they are overjoyed. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Vickie your neighbour would really appreciate those eggs. Maybe they wills ave their green and bread scraps for you. I have eggs to share with family and friends tomorrow and Im so grateful to be able to! Eggs are really golden now! xxx

  6. I have been working on a large piece of embroidery and mending some broken pieces of porcelain when the light allows. It has been mainly dark and gloomy here in the North of England, so I make the most of things when it is actually sunny.

    I also made and froze some pasta sauce with tomatoes that were going to be thrown away by my local greengrocer and herbs from my garden and I am currently working on an experimental batch of lime chutney, something I haven't made before, since I was given 2lb of limes.

    I am curious about the lovely produce given to you by people staying in your cabin. Is this a standard act of courtesy by people hiring somewhere to stay in Australia or is it given in part payment? I haven't come across any mentions of it anywhere else and it seems such a lovely thing to do.

    1. Dear Tracy, Those tomatoes would be so full of goodness! Well done! I have not heard of lime chutney so I will be interested to hear how that goes.
      Tracy the deal I have with the cabin... I do not charge money. Most of these guys are trying to get a deer to fill their freezer for their family. They are good guys and I only let here people I trust. They both have family with either a fruit and veg shop or market garden. So I say let's trade. It is good for them. It is good for me. The American man I got the cement troughs for my garden from my neighbours for the favour. Happy with that also! Some have offered to do work, service my car, do repairs... it is a win win. I am already booked up for March and April! Have a good new week! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Thank you, Annabel. It sounds like you have a great system going! The instructions say the lime chutney needs 6 months to mature, so it is going to be a bit of a waiting game. xx

  7. Hello Annabel (and everyone),

    The boys cooking together and the photos just warm my heart. Those fabrics are amazing, and all the produce is beautiful to see. You had such a good week, and have done so well getting through this difficult month and continuing to inspire and support so many people. Much love to you, Annabel.

    Work has been a little wild. This week I did a bunch of cooking, a little knitting, rooted some herbs for a friend who just moved into a home with a big sunroom & wants to learn gardening, and spent some time with my Dad. He turns 83 today! So we are having a special dinner tonight and tomorrow evening he will be my date for my friend's formal wedding, dinner and dancing. I think he's pleased to have a chance to wear his formal wear again (he's a musician). Hopefully Sunday can be a baking/take care of the house kind of day.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    1. Dear Kathy, Enjoy your special night out! You also had a busy week! Your Dad and my Mum are the same age! I hope the weekend gives you a bit of rest since work has been so busy! With much love Annabel.xxx

  8. You sound like you had a very busy week Annabel! You did a lot! It must be such peace of mind to know you are as fire safe as you can be, I love that you get so prepared, but I would expect nothing less 😉

    Your produce looks amazing, and yes I’m sure if you calculated it’s shop value it would blow your mind! Knowing its dollar value also adds to the desire to not want to waste a single thing!

    I love that you have begun your sewing. You said keeping busy stops you from going crazy…well that is me at the moment. Idle hands really are the devils workshop!

    In my neck of the woods I am still harvesting and drying Bazil. I made 2 zucchini breads from a big zucchini that got away on me! I purchased a tray of figs for $15 for fresh eating, but they started to mould quite quickly, so I made 2 jars of fig jam out of it. I got some Autumn seeds started in trays 🤞I made 4L of miracle spray. I attended a garage sale last Saturday and got heaps of fabric for just $5 a roll! I also got some Fowler Vacola jars, a glass pie plate and a beautiful old bowl! I sewed up another supermarket shopping bag this week and I’m finally happy with the size, more akin to the paper bags you get from Coles, the other bags I’ve made are too narrow at the bottom and the handles were way to long. I intend on making a heap of these bags with all the fabric I bought, I have a couple of ideas what I might do with them, but I will see. Finally I hemmed a pair of pants for a relative and it felt nice to serve someone in this way, while I was working I was thinking of your mum and all the knitting she has done for so many people over the years, blessing others is a big reward, you and she have taught me that!

    Love Cheryl

    1. Dear Cheryl,
      I could not believe that fabric purchase. Good cotton is expensive. It looked lite many meters on each roll. Seriously just wow! Figs do go downhill fast but it is great you got the jam made. I love figs. I hope to get some soon. I think nice shopping bags are great and also good gifts. I suggested also lovely pillowcases, tea towels... napkins. There are so many things you could make. You had a great week! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Good that you have got through January when you knew it was going to be a tricky month. Fire prevention must be so important for you, I just can't imagine that heat. Love the teapot fabric!
    I had an early morning trip to the supermarket again and found discounted fish fillets and several packs of chicken which are in the freezer. I like the idea of figuring out how much we save by cooking at home, growing, sewing etc. I made a batch of braised red cabbage, it isn't easy to find in the shops and my one cabbage made lots of portions. I made a big pot of mushroom soup, probably 6 big servings and a small pot in the supermarket, two measley servings was £2.75. I also made 24 chocolate chip cakes, 18 cost £7.50 in the supermarket!
    A friend gave me a hand me down wooden push along trolley and some board books for my granddaughter.
    We are still eating our own stored potatoes, shallots and parsnips.
    I cleaned up a couple of paintings I don't care for which belonged to my late parents and had them valued, they will be sold at the local auction house next month. Clutter out, cash in.
    I have been watching YouTube videos about zero waste, there is still more I can do to make the absolute most of everything we own, maintain things, mend etc. This community inspires me too!
    Penny in the UK

    1. Dear Penny, Thank you! I was glad to get into February!
      Well done on the deals from the early morning shopping! It sounds like you are on to something! I love the old push along trolleys! This is how my girls learned to walk!
      I hope the paintings fetch a great price! That will be so exciting! I will be dying to know how that goes! Good job! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. I thought the egg shortage was only in the USA. Hmmm...that interesting. We are still finding them but they are expensive and always a limit of two. What seems in short supply is chicken. The case was pretty much empty at one store this morning so we made another stop to get chicken while we can still find it. These are interesting times we are living in aren't they?

    1. This is pretty much Australia wide, has happened before, I am pretty sure UK as well. As the price of meat went up and up people wanting plenty of protein for their family turned more to eggs. However that is not what caused the shortage. Yes interesting times. Every day I work to be more self sufficient in food.xxx

  11. Yes, egg shortages here in the US, too. Costco has been out of stock last few times we have been there. Fortunately, we freeze dried all the excess we couldn’t eat fresh and that will last us till the hens start laying again in spring. We have 10 hens but they turn 3 yrs old in 2 months. I understand they start slowing down the egg production at 3. Our daughter had the great idea of putting new chicks under broody hens come spring, that should bolster our flock and should have lots of eggs by late summer. ~ Karen in Washington state

    1. Dear Karen, I have freeze dried some eggs but I am thinking I should do a lot more. If you give your chooks scraps and plenty of greens they will keep laying. But yes come spring a few chicks will be good to refresh the flock. If chicks become hard to get... and you can find some fertile eggs you can swap the fertile eggs and put those under a broody hen. Though you will get half roosters most likely! These hens would be such an asset to you! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Dear Annabel, have you ever thought of boxing up your eggs and selling them to the green grocer or such in town ? I bet you'd make a lot of money. Here in Sydney the minimum for 12 eggs is over $10. I only need 6 because it is just me and that even harder to find because of the bird flu spread.
    If I went to Harris farm a more expensive store than the usual some people pay up to $22 !!! Just a thought for a side hussle for you ! I had a funeral to go to in this heat it was a lot, and so many folk. She was so young to die from drugs. So sad. Only 49.
    If I can get to my supermarket at 10.30pm $12 chickens are half price. I find myself eating a lot of tinned fish on salad and other cold meals. It's not so much the heat but at times the humidity can be almost 90 plus percent. What I would give for summer to be over. ! I always keep cold water in the fridge and keep the house closed up with block out drapes. I get the full on sun of the day. I definitely don't walk the dog until the sun goes down too hot on their feet ! I feel for all your animals outside !
    Beautiful seeing work and cooking ! What a blessing all that produce. Do you have a nearby or in town farmer market ? If so you could sell jams and pickles ! Even cakes and zucchini cheese muffins ! I love to bake ! But I know the ingredients and heating the oven is hot and expensive ! I think your little grandson may be a cook !! He's so cute !! Any updated recipes you can send us ? Much love Annabel, stay cool. Love, Sonia in Sydney

    1. Dear Sonia, Thank you! I could sell eggs for sure and will if needed but my goal is to make sure my kids, Mum and Grandchildren eat plenty of farm fresh eggs. Then I give eggs to some friends also. I am going to freeze dry more eggs for emergencies. A lot of people talk about replacing eggs in recipes but nothing has the goodness of eggs. I am very sorry about your friend. What a sad situation.
      Getting a half priced chicken then having cold meat it the best in this weather! The good thing is in the county there are no pavements and no cement. So animals walk on grass/soil which does not get hot like cement does. They are smart and stay under trees and near water. Thank you for the compliments! All my cooking is for my Grandchildren or Mum... I dont honestly think I can cook more... although before I had kids I did cook and sell cakes and lasagnes. That was a good sideline. The amount of food Mum and I took to Lucys yesterday...! Today it would be in lunch boxes too. It all will be mowed down quickly but we know it was a help and all nutritious plus I took 3 dozen eggs for Lucy and also a dozen for a friend. I like the ida of zucchini cheese muffins thank you for that! It is very hot here... and today the wind is blowing too. eek! Stay cool! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Dearest Annabel, yes my friend dying was sad. I understand she had battled many schizophrenia thoughts for years and addiction to drugs. She turned to the lord which was wonderful but in the end I think she believed the devil was after her. She stopped her medications and reaching out to people.
      We must not isolate for those of us who ever struggle with depression etc..the eggs what a blessing !! Oh my gosh such a blessing all that fruit and veg !.in this heat I can't sleep much and usually have a nap in the afternoon. Cold things are my best friend right now. It's isn't so much the heat but humidity over 90 percent !!.even tonight !
      I just kept thinking of all the yum food I could make with zucchini ! Cold chicken is now almost $14 !
      With love, Sonia in Dydney

  13. Dear Annabel
    Firstly, it was a privilege for me to have you display the valentines I made on last weekend's post. To me it is so important to spread goodness in our very troubled world.
    You got so much done, as always. I love the fabric and potholders. And the boys are so precious.
    It has been a busy week here. We took stock of things that will rise greatly in price because of tariffs that will go into place tomorrow and ordered supplies of some clothing and pantry items before those tariffs went into place. I ordered my seeds for the garden last week and they have arrived. We had some appointments about an hour away from our home and were able to stop into our favorite grocery store in that area. Thursday is the day they mark down meat and poultry for quick sale. I was able to get several turkey breasts and semi boneless legs of lamb to stock the freezer with. Egg prices are over the top in our grocery stores as well and I feel very blessed that we are able to get eggs at reasonable prices from the local farm up the road from us. I made some more valentines for personal use, as well as birthday and anniversary cards for those friends and relatives celebrating in February. I'm also making little gratitude journals from cardstock and printer paper. These will be added to the gift cupboard as will some bowl potholders, hot pads and jar openers. I'm in the process of cutting out aprons to also be added to the gift cupboard. Blessings to you and all of the Bluebirds. Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie, Thank you so much for allowing me to use your photos and story! Yes we can all make a difference for sure. Having a near by farm is a very good thing. Your gift cupboard is sounding very nice! Already! I think aprons should go on my list as I have a fear bit of yardage! Many thanks! Love Annabel.xxx

  14. Dear Annabel,
    I wanted to say that I loved Cookie's valentine cards...so beautiful! What a talented lady.

    I'm so glad to hear that you've soldiered through January and made it out the other side...I was praying for you and thinking of you often. Your potholders, especially the ones with Australian birds, are absolutely beautiful! I just love that photo of Tom on the digger...a farmer through and through! And I'm so happy that your cucumber gardening is so successful this year! Love cucumbers at any time, but they are so refreshing during the heat.

    Had a big week...made a new curtain for the front door; washed a HUGE crocheted rug in the bathtub (it's an area rug and is made out of strips of old cotton sheets and it is HEAVY when wet)...so glad to be able to get that done, as it was filthy and can't be washed in my washing machine; finally put away the rest of my dried herbs from the summer from the paper bags in which they'd been drying; cleaned a few other very cluttered spots in the house, and generally kept on with some decluttering and "spring" cleaning, as well as making time to do some crafting and reading. I have plans for this week to be just as productive, so fingers crossed!

    Hoping things will cool down a bit for you there, soon. You are so smart to stay on top of clearing out brush to keep the fire risk down!

    Wishing you and all Bluebirds a wonderful week ahead.

    xx Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen, Thank you! I have found homegrown cucumbers are way nicer than bought ones! Next year I will grow even more! I know of curtains for the front door in the cold. This is a great thing. I have thought of making bathmats... ok so don't make them too bulky will be in my mind now! The dried herbs will be just beautiful. You achieved heaps Jen! With love Annabel.xxx

  15. Thank you for sharing your week, Annabel. So glad you made it through a hard month. God is good.
    Your hot pads are gorgeous! I can't wait to make some myself.
    The boys are so adorable. Love it that they want to cook like Mom and farm like Dad.
    Work, sickness, and rest has occupied my week. God provided me a wonderful nurse...my 15 year old daughter, Sophie. What a blessing she is!
    My other kids helped with chores and even grocery shopping (that they bought themselves).
    God is good!
    Blessings and prayers for all Bluebirds,

    1. Dear Leslie, I am sorry you have been sick and hope you are better! I love the name Sophie, how beautiful she looked after you. I wonder where she learned to be so gorgeous!? :)
      I really hope this week has been much better! With much love Annabel.xxx

  16. Beautiful pot holders! Such NICE fabric! Looking forward to the drying mats.
    Prayers and have a good week. 🌸 Esther

    1. Dear Esther, Thank you! It is really fun to have fabrics I like to work with. Luckily for the backings Ive collected ginghams and plains mainly from thrift stores. I did get a little more done today! I hope it's been a good week for you as we are almost back to Friday! With love Annabel.xxx

  17. I'm a little mad at myself. When I was growing up we had chickens and too many eggs. We ate eggs for breakfast and lunch and sometimes had them tossed in supper meals as well. I grew to almost hate eggs and avoided them a lot over my lifetime. Only recently have I begun to enjoy them once more. And now they are in shortage, I am actually craving them. I can only shake my head at myself.
    Eggs in our small town run about $8-$10 a dozen. They are hard to find in the town where we do our shopping. I managed to find some for just $4.19 a dozen last week but it wasn't my stock up week and I didn't have money for more so I skipped getting more than a dozen.
    I have been deep cleaning, a task that is easier to accomplish in cool weather because I always get cool again quite easily, unlike in the summer. I have made all the usual things (meals at home all week long, bread, etc.) and trying to avoid wasting anything.
    I've also been watching sales and am restocking the freezer with meats. At the same time I'm on Week Five of a Pantry Freezer challenge. I would not have been able to restock so heavily had I not been working on this challenge, so while it's not been a savings exactly, the grocery budget has been well used for future meals.

    Annabelle, Becky at Acre Homestead shreds and freeze dries her zucchini then she grinds some of it to use a flour substitute as well as using it as filler in meatloaf and meatballs and spaghetti and such. Just thought I'd share that with you.


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