For such a time as this.
Finally I got here to start this series. I keep in my mind all the "on the ground" reports I get from all of you all. Like Laura's comment about how she lives on the edge of democracy and war. Her location is literally Romania with Ukraine at the end of her street!
My location, for those that are not aware, is worth looking up on a map. Find Australia. Now find South Australia. Now find SE South Australia. Now find Kingston. I am half an hour inland from there. So I am at the bottom of the world to the extent I am about as far south as you can go! In some ways I think oh good I am far from everything. But it proved not necessarily to be the case...
In 2017 or so God started to bug me to prepare. I didn't understand it but it was a very nagging feeling which eventually I acted on and it has led to a world of changes. And I still feel it and I still work on it.
At the beginning of 2020 this feeling just became LOUDER. Within that year Australia changed entirely. It was like living in a movie.
Our family experienced....
My daughters farm has a state border through it. To go see her and the kids I had to go through a police and army checkpoint. I was going 100 yards over the order and could point to where to them ie see that house over there!? It became a nightmare to get in and out. Sometimes I could get in but not out. Sometimes I could get out but not in.
Lucy had a baby (Sidney) in this time. She was allowed to go to the hospital for the birth and she was allowed to go home. But the specialist wanted to see Sidney daily and she was not allowed to take him for his appointments. We had to apply and the specialist wrote a plea to the government that he MUST SEE THIS BABY daily for a week at least. The government replied NO. We became sub citizens where even the life of a new born baby had no importance.
We realised we were on our own. I bought medical baby scales so Lucy could weigh Sidney daily. We found a way across country and swamps to get him to the doctor. It was like a war movie.
Then the girls could not go to school. For months.
Then the police came to my house saying I had not completed testing. But I had and I did all I was asked. Which was all rubbish as everyone got covid anyway.
Then my brothers friend nearly died and was in intensive care for 21 days because he reacted to the vaccine. Then many friends became sick. My Mums friend lost all his hair and became paralysed after the third vaccine. When I saw him next I did not know who he was. Now some of what people were forced to take is banned.
Some people began to protest and they were shot at with rubber bullets. A pregnant lady was dragged from her house because she posted something on Facebook.
Many businesses closed forever leaving the country towns bare.
Then we had empty supermarket shelves and then we had rationing. Whether you were a ten person household or a one person household you could have one or two loaves of bread, one milk, and at once stage this affected about thirty categories. People had to team up ie I offered to get bread for a lady with a big family and we met on the other side of the checkout.
Since... the cost of food and various shortages continue. There are housing shortages, rents are unaffordable even for places I don't consider habitable for human beings, anti semitic attacks in the cities, all kinds of protests.... knife violence is not heard of daily.
Our gov seems to have sold out to unelected officials in Europe and we have inadequate electricity for a heatwave or cold snap and prices mean many people have no heating or cooling.
I am not picking on any country. We all seem to be "coincidentally" in the same boat to one degree or another. The saddest is those of you who have been offered euthanasia rather than treatment for curable conditions. And those of you who have said to me you now accept your own government hates you and wishes you were dead. This is from people who have always been proud of their country and loyal. And this is their reward. You really are the carbon they want to reduce. And believe me this covers a fair few countries.
Recently in Australia in a heat wave the gov turned off peoples air conditioners remotely. This is enabled by smart meters and certain appliances with this technology. So rather than turn your power off they can just turn off your heater or cooler. An electrician told me they first used this (to his knowledge) in NURSING HOMES. Just think about that.
We had a drought. Farmers are at an extreme low in our state. Farmers world wide are being driven off their land, paid to grow things that are not food.... so we can all eat lab grown food which is no doubt terribly healthy as Bill Gates says so.
On Wednesday it is one year since I found my husband dead on the front lawn with my Granddaughters here.
I had discerned so much we have been told in the last year is utter nonsense. Do you know the feeling when you feel in your bones and water somethings just don't make sense and are somehow not right? We you don't ignore that or you do at your peril.
Many of you had a shocking 2024 and already a very difficult new year. Many of us became widows. Several are carers for very ill husbands.
I could go on for four more hours but you get the picture. And globally many areas are on the absolute edge. We have actually become used to living on the edge.
So why have dragged you down this grim path?
Firstly, I get a lot of comments, emails and messages asking me if I think you are weird for feeling (again in your heart and bones) that you ought to be preparing? And "why do I have this nagging feeling?" No I do not think you are weird. Unless we all are. No. Too many Christians I have grown to trust have said it to me. We are not imagining it.
This leads me to what I want to say. We were born for sure a time as this! Many of us are now the older women with the job of teaching the younger women. The Bible says "Be not afraid" or "Don't be afraid" over 300 times. I am not afraid. I was born for such a time as this.
All the things I have been banging on about for years now... be watchful, be diligent, be prudent, have a teachable heart, don't be idle, be industrious and encourage one another are exactly what we need to be doing.
I saw an example. If a fire is coming I can tell you from experience the first thing that happens is the power goes off. So if you have an EV and you need to charge your car... exactly how do you flee? We need viable emergency plans and viable back up plans. We need to think things through.
Those of you who did my Emergency Preparedness classes (see index) and Patsy's Circle the Wagons Class probably listed some things that need working on... I did! But doing small things often to be better prepared, building your pantry, grow some of your own food, be a producer, make things from scratch, barter and build a network... I have found that just taking every opportunity adds up and God sends you stuff. Remember when my neighbour moved and gave me several hundred canning jars? (Also she gave me Zackie.) At the time I thought if God is sending me this many jars He must be sending me a heck of a lot to fill them. And... most of those jars are full now!
I also believe - ask and you shall receive! Let your family, friends, neighbours, co workers know that you take fruit, veggies, jars, chook scraps, that you are looking for a crockpot/dehydrator/canner/pots, cast iron, planters... material to compost.... water tanks... put it out there! It will come! Seriously, be brave about this...
Just work with what is in your hands. Right now eggs, lemons, cucumbers and zucchinis are in my hands... also the above garden beds. They need manure added and I can plant them up as soon as its Autumn with winter seeds and seedlings. I will have them ready!
My photos are just random things I consider progress from the last year. I don't watch TV but I do study homestead type you tubers and home making videos. I have to pace my day. But as long as I have breath in me my Grandkids will have eggs, fruit, veggies and meat, come what may. I was born for such a time as this and so were you. Together we can help each other. xxx
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