Feather your Nest Friday, 8th November, 2024.

It has been a huge week.  Probably for all of us! 

I left off last Friday with photos of a lot of beautiful produce I was given.   What a blessing that was.  So I got to using,  sharing and preserving it.   Freshness and goodness! 

I am still going with lots to use yet.   I also filled the slow cooker with beef, onions and capsicums.   This became very rich and tender and I added other veggies.   Chloe got this tray for her family,  ready to pop in the oven.   For me it was delicious over a couple of nights.

I have been trying to keep an eye on the fruit trees.    THOUSANDS of little pears formed so it was time to cover them.   If it is left too late the birds get them.   I re checked the apple tree and there are thousands of apples forming.   So my helpers came to the rescue and all three trees were netted very neatly! 

I was thinking how many jobs are things that need to be completed in a window of time.  Left too late the fruit would be gone.   A whole year would be lost.   These kind of things get done thanks to making a list.   "Prune in June" is always in my head and that means the pruning part is't forgotten either!

In the orchard I have been topping up the bath tub and trough planters with mulch/compost.     My giant pile of compost has broken down to really beautiful  - from the nursery standard - stuff!   It is amazing!   I literally have a truckload of it! 

Following Patsy's Circling the Wagons class inspired me to get some solar lanterns.  My house is ok but if I had anyone in the cabin or top house these would be helpful.   They were from Kmart. 

I smashed my iPhone and broke my front tooth.  In unrelated incidents.    I decided since the phone still works I would get my tooth attended to first.  It is all fixed as of today.  Very thankful it was a fast and painless job too! 

Of course having to travel I stopped on the way home and picked up a box of seedlings to plant over the weekend.

I got my cupboards lined,  the new cupboard cleaned and some treasures that were Dad's are on some of the shelves.  The little green jug Mum said was from when they were first married.  💖

More wildflowers came out and these are a much paler pink than the last lot.   I am planning to have a pale pink tablecloth in "the shop" with a huge vase of these...

A big digger was here as an old fence is coming out to build a much needed new one.

A lovely friend sent me these gorgeous jars and some craft supplies too!

On Wednesday one of my helpers told me there was a cow out on her own near the front fence.  It was election day and I had the TV on for the first time in ten months!   I waited for an ad and then I went for a drive to investigate.   Well,  I didn't find her but while I was there I decided to have a good drive around and then go check on the cows and calves.   Suddenly I saw a tiny calf just standing under a tree all alone.
This is not so unusual as cows do leave their calves and then go back to them.  But this calf looked starving,  hollow and  I don't think she had ever ben fed.   I picked her up.   Closer inspection convinced me she was dehydrated.   I put her in the ute and drove her way over to the cows and I put her on the ground trying to see if any cow was interested.   They just weren't.   I waited a while.  But no...

So I got her back into the ute.   She may be tiny but she is still heavy!   When I got back to the house  Tim was here,  thankfully,  and he lifted her out this time and I went and made her a bottle.   She actually drank her bottle pretty well.   This is where my animal pantry helps me so much! 

It is hopeless taking a photo of anything black in the sun... I hope she hangs in there and I have better photos next week.   

I named her Justice.

I tried to convince Andrew that he needs a dog and she is a large Labrador.   But no he didn't go for it.  But actually I adore her and feel so blessed that I went for that drive right when I did.   That's miraculous.

By the end of Wednesday I felt like I had been run over by a truck but what a day!

Now I have news to share.    Dear Laine has gone to her heavenly home.  She has been in home hospice for weeks and she wrote to me last about three weeks ago.  The last email I said " I love you Laine."   
I have loved Laine for more than 30 years.    I began getting her letters when the girls were at school.  I didn't know her from a bar of soap but I felt each letter was an actual letter to me and waited for each one.   She encouraged me so much and each letter was a combination of friendship,  Bible study, wisdom and tips.    
Laines Letters went on to be seen over the years by millions of women!  She had a global impact.  She told us we are doing God's work.  
She proves that you don't have to have a degree or be a celebrity to have a huge influence and leave a great legacy.   She was a wife and Mum and she just loved the Lord and served Him.
A couple of months ago Art told me they asked Laine if she was healed and was well right now what would she do?  And she replied she would get up and start serving her family!   
I expected to be very upset on hearing this today but I am not.  I can't stop thanking God for her.
In my wildest dreams I never would have thought I would ever become her actual friend rather than imagining I was one!   In my wilder dreams I never ever would have thought she would write articles for Bluebirds!   She shared a lot!   She just was a natural teacher.  She even taught hard lessons and made them seem easy.
She truly helped shape my family and now my Grandchildren.  Her ministry is indeed BIBLICAL!   
Her ministry will go on too with her family and all her letters.   It is my hope a new website might be made and all her letters reposted.   In my index you will find her letters here and also links to past letters.
I hope to speak to Art tomorrow.  If I find out anything else I will let you know.   Please pray for her family.   

So that was my epic week.  I feel encouraged but exhausted!   
How did you build up your home, family, pantry or garden this week?  

The Circling the Wagons class is epic.  It is not too late to join here.   Thank you to everyone who participates in either (or both)  The Tuesday Afternoon Club and or this class!  The participation and brilliant answers have made Patsy's class a real life scenario and I am learning so much.  It is a very fun way of learning too.xxx


  1. Annabel and Bluebirds,
    Annabel, what a full week you have had.
    My deepest condolences to Laine's family on her passing. She was an inspiration to so many. She is home and no longer suffering, may the Lord give her family comfort.

    I am happy to hear your tooth repair went well and that Justice is doing well. The election was a very stressful time, I am not sure how many people were able to sleep waiting on the news.

    I have been fighting a virus all week and not sure when it will leave me. So no large projects accomplished though keeping the house clean and crocheting squares from leftover yarns to eventually make an afghan. I feel the need to use every little bit of yarns I have to good use. It's exciting in a way to see what I can create at times.

    Winter is approaching here, it was 2.2*C here this morning, we had to turn the heat back on. They are saying we might get snow by next week. Time to bring the snow blowers up to the house from shed. Life goes on and seasons change, a ever ending cycle of life.
    This is the time of year we would love to hibernate, it will be a rough winter according to the Farmer's Almanac, so we have been working on preparing and stocking our pantry. No matter the season we have work to do and preps to do. God blesses us with wonders every season.

    Prayers for all Bluebirds.

    1. Rosanne we've had snow here a couple of times already. Our lowest overnight/morning temperature has been -4 C

    2. Dear Rosanne, I hope you are feeling a lot better. It does sound like winter is coming fast to you. On one hand I would love to see the snow. On another I would be afraid of it being that cold! Getting things ready, crochet to work on, sounds good! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. So sorry to hear of Laines passing. Blessings and prayers for her family and friends. Sorry for your loss of a friend - she will always be with you.

  3. What a busy week you've had. Know that I'm offering prayers for Laine's soul and for comfort for you and her family. I've also gone back and read several of the Letters you shared and the "Prepper or Proverbs 31" post spoke to me. Her message resonated and I am thankful for your sharing, not only Laine's wisdom, but so much of our own. Blessed to count you among my online friends.

    1. Thanks so much Lori. I need to go back and re read each letter. Things speak to us differently over time too. Thank you for your kind words.xxx

  4. Thank you for the news on Laine- She is with her Saviour and Lord. His name be praised. Will be praying for comfort for the family. Her letters impacted me greatly over the decades and I will be forever grateful.

    1. Thank you! I agree and she will still influence generations!xxx

  5. Dear Annabel,

    Thank you for sharing the news about Laine. I immediately wept thinking how much her family and many who knew her will miss her, but it’s so comforting knowing she’s with her Savior. She impacted me greatly too! ❤️ I shared your words about her on my blog. Many loved her.

    1. Lori- I almost sent you an email today to let you know about Laine. Thankful the news reached you. ❤️

    2. Dear Lori, Thank you and thank you for posting to your blog. Hopefully we can generate a new generation to read her letters. They do not date they will always been good advice and training! With love Annabel.xxx

  6. A beautiful tribute to our godly friend! She influenced my life in the same way she did yours! it sounds like we were reading her letters about the same time. I’m so thankful there’s hope that we will see her again. And the lessons that she taught all of us will remain in our hearts and be passed down to the next generation. May God be with Art and the family as they live day by day for His glory!!

    1. Thank you Georgene for reaching out to me as you did. Yes we must have been reading the original letters back there together. What an impact they had! Thank you so much, with love Annabel.xxx

  7. I am so sorry to hear of Laines passing. I admit I have only read a few of her letters over the years, but it is plain to see she was a true proverbs 31 woman and later in life a true Titus woman. May she rest in peace.

    Once again your week has been eventful and full to the brim! I love the freeze dried tomatoes stacked in the Fowler Vacola jar! So pretty 😍 It was great to get those fruit trees netted, and you are very wise about planning this into the schedule, I ordered and received some fruit fly bags in the mail this week to cover my capsicums and tomatoes, they are very prone to fruit fly. I will be putting them on this weekend.

    The story of Justice warmed my heart. I think she is already my next favourite cow after Laffie of course 😂

    I’ve had a week of up and downs here. We went to a concert in Brisbane on the weekend with our sons and friends, we had a fabulous weekend away. But I still managed to build my home and feather my nest a little, I made yoghurt from scratch with culture I ordered online (I’ve never liked the yogurt made from using a bit of commercial yogurt, it always has a grainy texture to me) anyway I can report it was a success! The yogurt was thick and creamy and delicious! Cheaper and healthier than shop bought. I harvested more Bazil and made more pesto for the freezer. Zucchini was harvested and made into zucchini chocolate cake, and I’m picking a few strawberries, cucumbers, chives and parsley.

    As usual I was back at work on Thursday, but Friday I woke with a horrendous migraine! Oh I can blame the “pre” change of life on that! Migraines have been creeping back into my life in the past 12 months and I haven’t had them since I was a teenager! ie the last time I had huge hormonal shifts. I was unable to go to work on Friday and spent the day in bed! I’m feeling quite a bit better this morning, so I’ll see what the new week brings.

    Also Annabel I hope you realise that you are the Laine to many of us here! You are our Titus and Proverbs 31 role model. The student has become the teacher! You were taught and encouraged by Laine and now you are teaching others! That is part of her legacy and it will be your legacy as well 🙏

    Love from Cheryl 🪺

    1. Dear Cheryl, Thank you for your kind words! I aim glad you had such a fun weekend away! And the yoghurt! Sounds like you nailed that! That would be so healthy. Thick and creamy is how I like it. The cake sounds so good too!
      I am sorry about your migraine. I suffer severe migraine from 8 years old until about fifty when they started to lessen. Lucy gets them also from 8... also Mum... also from 8! Well each person is different but in case and a long shot... I could never take any time of hormonal tablet... and I finally discovered that anything containing artificial sweetener gave me a migraine. Now artificial sweeteners are hidden everywhere! Other than thank... drinking plenty of water and I always have to wear sunglasses! Well I hope you dont get any more.
      Thank you this was a very generous thing to say and encouraging to me! With love Annabel.xxx

  8. Prayers for Laine and her family - she was very special.
    So sorry to hear about your tooth but glad that repairs have been sorted and you are recovering.
    Stayed out of the grocery store this week aside from a couple of Christmas treats that were on special and have now been tucked away into the pantry. I seem to have run out of steam a bit this week.
    I am reading the Circling the Wagons blog posts and it did make me realize that I needed more than a fondue pot for emergency cooking - so - I have a new camp stove and fuel that is safe to use indoors - so that makes me feel a bit more confident in case of Winter power cuts.

    1. Margie, Well done on the camp stove. My rule is we must be able to boil water as that alone can be life saving. You made a good investment! I am so glad you are in the class! Good job on grabbing some Christmas items while they are on a great deal. Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Dear Annabel, I am praying for Laine’s family. What a wife and mother- what an inspiration to us all. I will continue to pray.
    What a huge week! Well done on getting Justice home and on all those beautiful veggies preserved. That home cooked meal looks delicious. I am going to keep preparing. I am still worried funnily enough. I feel I need to do a lot more. I will go through Patsy’s class from the start and will try and catch up this weekend. It’s so valuable and extremely generous and kind of Patsy. Lots of love, Bridget

    1. Dear Bridge, Thank you! Yes keep prepping and I know Patsys class will help you. Read each comment as they are gold! It helps to really put yourself into the situation. And take lots of notes! Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. I am wondering how old is the daughter Laine and her husband adopted. I hope old enough to manage without her mother. Of course we always need our mothers and Laine was a special one.

    1. Dear Carole, Lucy is only fourteen where as the other kids are all grown with their own families. So this is really sad. Art is a very good man and she has brothers and a sister and families who I know will rally round. But it is just awful. With love Annabelxxx

  11. Thank you so very much for sharing the news about Laine’s Heavenly homegoing. What a beautiful person with a wonderful giving soul. Sending up prayers for her family and will continue to be blessed by her inspirational letters and servant spirit.

    1. Thank you Carolyn I agree.xxx

  12. The Celebration of Laine’s Life has been scheduled.

    The Celebration of Life of Laine Amavizca will be held at Emmanuel Faith Community Church in Escondido (639 E 17th Ave Escondido, CA, United States)
    on November 22 at 1 PM PST PST / 3PM CST.

    If you are unable to attend in person but would like to join the live stream, please use this link:


    If you would like the link to Laine’s Letters, her ministry, the archives are at these links:



    Thank you for your love, support and prayers for our family ❤️

    Hannah Williams

  13. Dear Annabel (and everyone),

    I am so sorry to hear of Laine's passing. Prayers for her family and friends.

    You had a beautiful week, Annabel. The new calf is so sweet and I hope he does well. It's so nice to see your produce and seedlings; we have frosts at night now and I will live vicariously through your garden in the winter months.

    I hope everyone has a good week ahead.

    1. Thank you Kathy! Yes now is our time to plant! I am still planting every week. And the calf is making good progress now! xxx

  14. Laine’s DIL commented on my post and we can watch Laine’s funeral live on Nov. 22 for all who are interested. Here is the link:


  15. Hello Annabel and Bluebirds
    I'm sorry I have been absent for some weeks, I have been reading but didn't feel able to comment. My husband and I have both been ill but the positive side of these weeks has been the arrival of our first grandchild, a baby girl. Oh the inexpressible joy and love, she is so precious. We have someone else to love and worry about now.
    Your post about Andy's memorial was so touching Annabel and I thank you for sharing it and Andy's deep faith. Your words affect people for the good in so many ways.
    I am sorry to hear of Laines death. My goodness what a positive force she has been and her writings live on for all of us. She will be remembered with great affection and I pray that her family will find peace.
    It has been so good to read your posts, you are keeping going when things get tough and emotional and your attitude is an example for me and others to follow. I know it isn't always easy and I applaud you.
    Sending hugs to all who need one.
    Penny in the UK

    1. Dear Penny, I really hope you are much better now! Congratulations on your Grand daughter! No one tells you what it is like when you get your Grandchildren. But it is equal to when you become a Mother, hence no one tries to explain it! It is truly the biggest blessing! Thank you for your very kind words!! So glad to hear from you, hope now you are well again, with much love Annabel.xxx

  16. Dearest Annabel, your memorial stone of Andy is just beautiful he would love it and be so proud of you for all the work you have put in ! I'm so sorry to hear the passing of Laine. May she rest in Jesus ! Despite breaking your tooth and cracking your phone, well done on all you achieved ! I also had to get a new phone rather stressful doing that all by yourself ! I could afford a apple so I have a android phone I'm happy with ! I'm interested in making CWA worthy scones. A lot to learn. Lots of love, Sonia in Sydney Australia

    1. Dear Sonia, Thank you so much. Tomorrow I am attempting to get a new phone. I kind of dread these things! Scones are a very good thing because everyone loves them and they cost so little. They go with a bowl of soup, can be breakfast or taken to work etc. Also they freeze well. It took me years to get them right which was by ignoring all the advice. I melt the butter, do them in the mixer and add a pinch of baking powder even though I am already using self raising flour. And cut them. thick. They work GF or regular. I hope that helps! With love Annabel.xxx

  17. Annabell, I do love to read your blog, but don’t comment much. I was so sorry to hear about Laine. There is a celebration of life for her on Facebook on Nov 22. Anyone may watch.

    Your blog is as inspiring to me as Laine’s letters have been for over 25 years!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.


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