Feather your Nest Friday, 4th October, 2024.

It is October.   To me that means we are officially on our way to Christmas.  I opened up my present cupboard to go through everything I have made and collected this year so far.   Also I started a list and am working out what I have and what I still need to work on.

This week I had my Grand daughters for a few days.  It's been a big week all up!

As always I wanted to teach the girls new things and spend as much time with them as possible.   This time we made soap.  I used Jane's recipe for one batch and an older recipe for the blue batch.   Jane's was the best.   Also for those of you who think soap making is scary,  we did this with ease.  I did send the girls out of the kitchen while I put the lye into the water.   But really there is nothing scary about it.   The water heats up... the oils are warming on the stove. You blend the two parts and voila.   

As we filled the moulds it was hard for the girls to imagine how they would look when they were set and we turned them out.    The pink came out first.   They were just amazed and so excited and thought it was "better than the shops!"   

The idea is that these will cure now and become their school teachers presents at Christmas time.   I have pale blue and pale pink tissue paper and have been saving little boxes so that have an easy way to present them.

They were so proud! 

We made Honey Crackles.    Most of these were taken home to share. 

And we made Honey Gingerbread.   Then they decorated them ...

These were packed into tins to take home also.

They went up and down the hill on the flying fox about a thousand times I think.  They slept well!  

They loved their beds!  And they loved the books to choose from.  They both did a lot of reading and took books home to go on with.

Yesterday was clean up and recover day lol.   I also had a ton of stuff to load from the car as on the trip Thursday I picked up groceries,  bulbs, lemons, oranges and more flowers! 

On Sunday I am giving some of the ladies at church bunches.  Then I will get to making some more up.

I had a very large pot with a dead tree in it.  Finally,  I decided to give up on the tree and use the pot for veggies.   At the swap tables I got two tomato plants!   So in they went! 

The garden is just so bright!  I have never had this many flowers.

I still have seven calves.   I think by next week I will have eight.  They are so tame they come up to me in the car.

I just sit there quietly and they come to me.  Cows are very nosey by nature.  😋

Last night we had a little bit of rain.   I could see my Oregano was just past its best so I cut it back and got this into the freeze drier.    

It filled two trays so I cut some Parsley as well to fill the other two trays.

I found a packet of Zucchini seeds so I have them in a cup of water to plant out tomorrow. 

I have a pumpkin to make Lily some puree and I think I will make orange and lemon cakes over the weekend.   It is a long weekend too PLUS daylight savings begins.   That also is such a signal that the season has changed and Christmas is getting close! 

There is a lot of bad news in the world.  I am so so sorry for the devastation in the US and everywhere that is erupting into full blown war.   I am very grateful for my beautiful week.   It was full of goodness.  I hope the same for you.   How did you build up your home, pantry or garden this week?  We love to hear! xxx


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