Feather your Nest Friday, 6th September, 2024.

It is so beautiful to look over the week.   First of all I got an email from Laine!  This was wonderful and made my week.  For those of you who are praying please keep going! 💗

We endured a something like ten day storm.  I lost count.  There were violent winds and last weekend they put out warnings it was about to get worse. I thought HOW can it get worse, it was that bad.  But they were right, it got worse.  Saturday night it was actually quite frightening.  Some friends of Mum's put a mattress against their bedroom window,  to give you an idea.   We had a break from it on Tuesday which was an out of the blue beautiful Spring day!  Then the wind returned! 

The trouble with wind, when the rainfall has been really low,  is that it dries everything out.  So this all was a bit depressing and also everyone seemed worn down and on edge... I think continuous wind drives people nuts.  

Finally now we had a break and it has been raining!  Steady nice rain!  It is such a relief!   

I have some things to report...

The chickens all LOVE the lawn clippings and there were plenty of them.   

Because there is a huge lawn around the house there are a lot of clippings.   The goats also get some.

Some people will wonder about lawn... but in a fire prone area a big buffer of green lawn right around the house is like a fire break and also very cooling.  Now for me it is also a crop to feed the animals.

The hen with the fancy hair do on the right (above) ...  I THINK she is my blue egger.   

I have accumulated a real variety of hens.  I love this!   They are so pretty!

I am getting a dozen eggs a day now so it is wonderful. 

AND as we speak... the eggs in the incubator are chirping.  No chickens.  I don't even see any holes or cracks.  Just chirping.  I was expecting them Sunday.  It is really weird to see eggs that are making noises.   It is like someone is playing a trick.   So I really hope a few hatch!   If they do the chicks will be lifted out and the lid will go back on as duck eggs are in there also and will need another week! 

So speaking of early... yesterday I was washing dishes and I looked out my beautiful kitchen window.  I saw a cow standing all alone.   Then I saw a black dot next to her.    Again... in my diary I wrote to check cows daily from October 1st.   I think I miscalculated!   I went out in Andy's ute and she had just given birth!   BUT there was also another calf that was probably a day old!  Many of the cows are really looking due.  Laffie looks so due I wonder if she might have twins?   It is unlikely but I would be over the moon.


This one is so little!  I love calves, incase you haven't figured that out.   So now I am doing the one or twice daily rounds.

I added to my Christmas hamper supplies.   These are all Vanilla Extracts brewing.

This reminds me I need to give them all a shake.   I will go listen to eggs and shake the vanilla...

I also used a small bucket of honey to fill some jars for the pantry and two for my gifts.

Next weeks basics post will be Vanilla Extract.  It is ridiculously easy.    But week by week I am building things I can add to Christmas kitchen gifts and hampers.  

After all the wind there was a lot of mess to clean up.  The good thing is the goats really like to eat most of the branches that come down.   This tree actually hit the back of the hen house... but there was no damage!     The part that hit was mainly just sticks and leaves.   Probably the chickens got a fright but this was lucky.

I was given a heap of Beatrix Potter books.  Straight away I planned to make baby cards with them but also I have friends who love Beatrix Potter, as I do.   Three of these books are brand new and on inspection I decided to put them straight into the gift cupboard.  The others will be cards and bookmarks.

Also I had 6 huge bags of shredded paper come my way.  I refreshed all the chicken nesting boxes. 

I went to town and to two op shops.   I came home with some wonderful things.  Beautiful cook books,  a crystal bowl on a stand,  a get started in knitting/crochet with needles set (straight into gift cupboard) cotton quilt with pink roses,   (for the fabric)  a couple of lovely canning jars and a Pyrex measuring jug.

Very happy and lovely day also seeing my friend.

I had a baking day.  In one slow cooker I made bone broth.   Tomorrow I am freezing this in batches and one lot will go into pumpkin mash I am making for Lily. 

My biggest  crockpot was filled with meat and veggies to make pie filling.  I did eat two dinners of this,  once over rice and once over a baked potato with sour cream on top.  Quality control.  

The rest made 16 individual meat pies and one large pie.

I take them out of the oven early because these were going into the freezer.... and on the reheating/cooking will finish them off.

Also I made one that was pastry on the bottom and mashed potato over the top.  These were family sized pies.

I was very happy adding to my ready,  emergency,  frozen meals.

Mum gave me a big jar of almonds,  maybe 1.5 kilos.  

I have Parsley to harvest and Lemons to pick.  Also Lemons to use up still...

How did you build up your home this week?  I hope opportunities came your way.   I had many blessings to count.   In my nightly gratitude prayer I am noticing I must fall asleep sometimes before I get to number ten.  So it definitely helps me stop my mind from whirring and helps me settle down happily.  😊   Good sleep after a busy day is just the best.   Have a lovely weekend with some rest! xxx


  1. I started 2 large bottles of vanilla this week too. I am overflowing with tomatoes right now so almost every meal has had tomatoes in it. I am making a huge pot of sauce at least once a week and canning it. Making lots of pickles too. The dehydrator is running daily with herbs, kale and swiss chard. We had work on our cellar done this summer. I am putting the pantry back together finally. We have a few big expenses so we are eating from it and the garden this month.

    1. Loads of tomatoes is a great problem to have! All your canning and eating fresh from the garden is fantastic! It would be a lot of work putting the pantry back together but so nice to see it all lined up!xxx

  2. Annabel, what a lovely week, disregarding the winds though. Have new life born on the farm, how exciting. I would be out there everyday, just watching them. The chickens are gorgeous, can't wait to see the new chicks next week.
    I love how your gift pantry is growing!!

    We had a busy week here, trees cut down, so happy as we have severe winters and we are hoping this helps with ones not falling. Some were leaning over and others were dead. We paid the co-pay on neighbor's insurance for one large limb damaging their fence when it came down in a storm, needless to say we had that tree trimmed. It's a beautiful very large weeping willow.
    We have landscaper building a retaining wall and putting in drainage. With the heavy rains we receive we need the best drainage possible. One room in basement flooded with last storm.
    Husband reorganized the shed as winter is approaching and he needed to get the snowblower re-positioned in it, eventually it comes up to the garage.
    With all husband's work outside, I have been busy inside. I made apple muffins with one lonely apple that was left adding I pecans and raisins to them. There was leftover rice from Chinese take out that I made rice pudding with. We try our best to not waste any food and to make it go a long distance.
    I am also working on my library/craft room in basement, lets say it's a disaster. It is exciting though. I am deep cleaning and re-organizing. I now have all my crochet tools together. I am also finding tid-bits of leftover cotton yarn, not enough for even a washcloth, so I am making facial scubbies with the yarn, oh! so many different colors, it is fun at night seeing each come to life. I made 7 last night.

    Grocery shopping we haven't gotten much as prices are ridiculous and only things on sale are junk food. We continue to check for mark downs in the meat, bakery and grocery, just in case. Husband has done well in bakery mark downs saving us over 50%.

    Prayers for all Bluebirds, may all be able to achieve their weekly goals.

    1. Dear Rosanne, That was a really big week! It is so great how one left over apple can make something really delicious. I hope the drainage issues can be solved.. get into water into the basement isn't good at all. It is all more work too!
      The leftover yarn projects are really pretty and useful. I love the soft cotton for makeup removal they are so gentle. Great gifts.
      Im sitting at ten chicks and two calves... so far! With much love Annabel.xxx

  3. Dearest Annabel, we had those horrendous gale force winds in Sydney too makes me sneeze, cough, etc. even the dog was sneezing ! And really puts me on edge ! I just adore your pies they make me smile ! I made a big bath of mince I added a tin of lentils to stretch it and for added fibre. Next I will make a tuna bake. I finally found cream of celery soup to make it with !! I would appreciate your comments on living on less.as we all continue to feel the pinch of cost of living. May you get some good rest after those storms. Lord, I pray for Annabel and how she misses Andy so much. Strengthen her in all her work. And Lord bless her from the top of the crown of her head to her feet. ! In Jesus name I pray, Amen. ! Sonia , in Sydney , Australia

    1. Dear Sonia, Thank you for your kind words and prayers! Well done on your mince cook up! That sounds good. And on finding the canned soup you needed. I love a tuna bake! I will post my version in a couple of weeks Sonia as I think I will be making this on Friday. It is amazing that so much of Australia got those winds. I am really mindful of how difficult things are getting and it doesnt seem to matter what country we live in... all the same basically... high power prices, high food prices, high has prices and shocking housing prices. So I am trying to add more and more economical things but also just encouragement to keep going. With much love Annabel.xxx

  4. What a wonderfully productive week you had! Such a blessing that the scary storms did not do severe damage. Persistent wind can be taxing on the nerves.

    Congratulations on your new baby calves! It is such fun to watch them scampering and running about!

    So very lovely that you heard from Laine. I continue to pray for her and was able to get a card in the mail to her as well. Continuing to work on compiling the index for her letters and rereading them is such a comfort and encouragement. Keeping Laine and her family in prayer.

    You are so busy, but not just busy, you accomplish so much each week. This inspires me to discover new ways to build up our own home.

    This week frozen ripe bananas were turned into a wonderful Banana Nut Bread using a recipe gleaned online. Hubby commented that it is his favorite to date!

    Today I will use frozen strawberries and blackberries to make a berry syrup for topping pound cake.

    These simple tasks add enjoyment to my day and in a very small way, help to feather our nest. Wishing you all a beautiful day!

    1. Dear Carolyn, It was so nice you could mail Laine! Laines Letters havent dated... they still apply just the same! I see different things in them now reading them at an older age!
      The Banana bread and the syrup sound delicious. For my Monday I was able to do lots of little things that as you say make for a beautiful day. With thanks, Annabel.xxx

  5. Hi Annabel
    Wow! Chickens, eggs, calves, lemons, vanilla essence, you had such bounty this week.
    I'm glad the crazy storms have passed and you're getting some needed rain. You did make me laugh, eating your pies was quality control!
    Our garden has given us sweetcorn, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, garlic and courgettes and a client has given us more tomatoes and apples.
    I put six bags of tomatoes in the freezer for the winter.
    I made oatmeal crunch cookies, quiche and vegetable soup with 'bits and bobs'.
    My daughter was asked to go to a friends house to pick up boxes of hand me down baby clothing and some equipment to borrow. Her friend's Mum is a friend of mine so we all had coffee together and my friend lent me lots of baby equipment to keep at our house because it will be useful not to have to keep carting things backwards and forwards and the baby will be spending plenty of time with us no doubt. Boxes and boxes of lovely things! Toys, clothes, Moses basket, baby play mats- the list went on and on. So kind.
    Hope all Bluebirds are fluffing their nests.
    Penny in the UK.

    1. Dear Penny, Thank you! How wonderful your friends have so much they are sharing with you and your daughter. Also what a really fun visit! So good that you have such a lot coming in from the garden! Freezing tomatoes is such an easy way to make them wait for later! Your baking sounds beautiful too! There is nothing like a baby coming to increase our nesting. I still remember when pregnant how that really kicked in for me, organising and planning. With love and thanks, Annabel.xxx

  6. Oh, Annabel! Such wonderful news that Laine is improving. I have been so blessed to be reading Laine's letters each day. Congratulations on the new calves and coming chicks! You seemed to cover all your bases in savings and stocking up.

    After a family BBQ and nap, my husband declares he is taking me foraging. Many stores were closed for Labor Day, so it was a great time to shop God's "wild food store!". We found elderberry, grapes and rose hips.
    I canned up 10 quarts and 4 pints of elderberry syrup. I get to make grape jelly, today. And the rose hips are waiting to become tea. What a blessing!! I cleaned my china cabinet last night while my syrup bubbled on the stove.
    It felt so good to accomplish 2 things at once.

    Now that my middle daughter has left for college, we are proceeding with the adoption of a teen girl. We attended a lovely wedding last month. The bride was adopted at 15. And 8 years later, she is a beautiful new wife. God is good! We now have room to open our home to a lovely young woman who needs a forever family. We really need prayer as we deal with the authorities. So many rules and paperwork! They want us to start all over. But we went today, in person, to make an appeal. The social worker was very kind and sympathetic. We told her that we were worried that our girl would age out of the social care system as she is now 16. We asked for grace for her sake.

    The Lord bless you all as you endeavor to serve Him by being the hands and feet of Jesus,
    Leslie in Ohio

    1. Dear Leslie,
      Foraging! That would be one of my favourite things to do of all! Foraging and a picnic would actually be my perfect day. And you had fantastic finds! Just wonderful. All those Elderberries! Rosehips are so full of vitamin C! I bet you had a great time.
      It is wonderful to give a girl a home after her life in the system. I will pray for a perfect match with your family and it goes smoothly. With much love Annabel.xxx

  7. Many years ago I volunteered as a classroom assistant and the teacher whose classroom I was based in told me that trying to do anything with young children when it was windy was just a waste of time and effort as they went collectively crackers and spending time with them convinced me that she was right!
    I haven't managed to accomplish much this week, but I did break down some herbs I had dried and put them into jars. I also harvested my first apples and pears this season from the garden.

    1. Tracy yes I feel for teachers on those days! Good job on getting the herbs into jars. Also it is lovely to have apples and pears coming in! I hope you get heaps! xxx

  8. Can you let us know how Laine is doing? I pray for her daily! Thank you.

    1. I am so glad you are praying. She is the same. She is in hospice care, at her home. This is why it was especially exciting to get an email. Last time I was able to talk to her husband but she could not talk. xxx

  9. Hello Annabel,

    I’m so pleased that you heard from Laine 💜🙏

    Thank goodness the weather has settled, strong winds are very scary indeed!

    Chickens, calves and ducks, spring has really sprung! 😍 So exciting!

    I had a huge fail rate with the seeds I tried to start, so I gave in and bought heaps of seedlings during the week and got them planted. I made a pillow slip from some old bed sheets in an envelope style as I’m getting annoyed with the pillow slips that come with the sheet sets not staying on the pillow properly, I think they are poorly made these days. Anyway my first one works really well, so when I get time I will use the remaining old sheet to make more.

    I’m picking tomatoes and mulberries from the garden. The last of the snow peas and a few herbs here and there.

    Life is so busy the days fly by! It almost scares me, we are in September!!!

    Anyway have a lovely, productive week.

    From Cheryl

    1. Dear Cheryl,
      Yes Spring has really kicked in. Ive been planting my Spring veggies too!
      Good job on trying with the seeds.... some things I can grow from seed in abundance ie Parsley. But yesterday I bought Tomatoe, cucumber, zucchini and other seedlings. The main thing is to have out gardens planted up!
      I agree with you about pillowcases! I am thinking to make some as I have very pretty fabrics... and making. abetter/deeper pocket to tuck the pillow in behind is much better! Pillowcases make lovely gifts too!
      Having Mulberries is so nice! Snow peas and herbs sound beautiful too! Yes the days are flying by it is the 12th now.. almost mid September! With love, Annabel.xxx

  10. During the Dust bowl yrs in north America, the continuous wind was so bad that people did lose their minds. I'm so glad you weathered this storm well. The new calves are adorable. I love seeing them in the spring.

    1. I can believe that! My mind was iffy after a week! !!xxx

  11. Maxine aka mikemax6 September 2024 at 20:55

    What a great week you had, Annabel!

    Due to illness in the family, I didn't get a garden planted this year. I had 3 tomato plants and stuck them in the ground. This week I feathered my nest by canning 7 pints of homegrown tomatoes. I picked 13 more ripe tomatoes today but I will wait to can them until I get another picking. I'm hoping to get about two dozen jars of tomatoes but it all depends on whether we get an early frost (I hope not).

    So far this year I have also canned 18 pints of 4 varieties of dry beans; three batches of jam (have frozen blueberries for more); 6 jars of canned coleslaw; plus the tomatoes. This is not a huge amount, but it all adds up!

    I froze 10 lbs of ground beef, a couple of ribeye steaks and the bones from the steaks. No grocery specials this week to write about.

    Best wishes to all of the Bluebirds!

    1. Dear Maxine, Well those tomatoes certainly did well! And with your beans, jam, blueberries through to beef and steaks... you added loads to your supplies! You did so well! It does add up as you say! We also never know what deal we might find at any time. I am planting my first tomatoes TODAY! I am very excited! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Annabel you had such a wonderful week. So lovely to see you have some baby calves and more on the way as well as baby chickens. Glad that there was no major damage there with the tree almost hitting the hen house. You baking and op shop finds are just beautiful and will make good gifts and lovely items for your home and crafts too.

    We have been saving to redo our garden beds and have likewise problem to you with challenging clay sand soil here and the garden beds being somewhat too low for DH's and my back injuries. This week I purchased more above ground garden beds and all the garden beds will be 90cm high which will be easier to manage. Once they arrive and we get all those set up we will order the soil to go into them. It won't be a cheap exercise but well worth it for self reliance and for both of us to do gardening at a much better height. I am so excited.
    In the home I went through some more of my wardrobe and donated items that no longer fitted me and changed my winter wardrobe over for summer clothing. We damp dusted a few rooms too which got rid of the dust from those crazy winds we had here as well.
    We did a few grocery shops after me going through the pantry and finding some gaps as we were so busy away from the home with appointments.
    From WW in one shop I used a $10 off promo code, our 4% off e-gift card and got half price sales on magnesium tablets and bought a lot of staples including powdered milk, sugar and flour to top up used 10lt storage containers to save $34.89 on usual prices. At Woolworths I also used a 2700 point promo for $100 or more purchase to earn 2980 points to get $20 off our next grocery shop.
    Next shop I used our $20 off WW rewards dollars, our 4% off e-gift card and purchased on sale 2 x 1kg Yoplait yoghurts, 2 x 4lt Peters icecream, and on half price sale 1.25lt coca cola and some staples to save $36.21 on usual prices.
    DH and I did an energy survey in the shopping centre and earned $40 in Coles gift cards that we will use to offset some more grocery purchases this month.
    We purchased 4% off e-gift cards and used our WW fuel vouchers to fill up quite a few empty jerry cans of fuel to bring down the fuel cost from $1.573 to $1.472 per litre saving another $22.54 on usual prices.
    Hope everyone has a wonderfully frugal week ahead.


  13. Annabel you had such a wonderful week. So lovely to see you have some baby calves and more on the way as well as baby chickens. Glad that there was no major damage there with the tree almost hitting the hen house. You baking and op shop finds are just beautiful and will make good gifts and lovely items for your home and crafts too.
    We have been saving to redo our garden beds and have likewise problem to you with challenging clay sand soil here and the garden beds being somewhat too low for DH's and my back injuries. This week I purchased more above ground garden beds and all the garden beds will be 90cm high which will be easier to manage. Once they arrive and we get all those set up we will order the soil to go into them. It won't be a cheap exercise but well worth it for self reliance and for both of us to do gardening at a much better height. I am so excited.
    In the home I went through some more of my wardrobe and donated items that no longer fitted me and changed my winter wardrobe over for summer clothing. We damp dusted a few rooms too which got rid of the dust from those crazy winds we had here as well.
    We did a few grocery shops after me going through the pantry and finding some gaps as we were so busy away from the home with appointments.
    From WW in one shop I used a $10 off promo code, our 4% off e-gift card and got half price sales on magnesium tablets and bought a lot of staples including powdered milk, sugar and flour to top up used 10lt storage containers to save $34.89 on usual prices. At Woolworths I also used a 2700 point promo for $100 or more purchase to earn 2980 points to get $20 off our next grocery shop.
    Next shop I used our $20 off WW rewards dollars, our 4% off e-gift card and purchased on sale 2 x 1kg Yoplait yoghurts, 2 x 4lt Peters icecream, and on half price sale 1.25lt coca cola and some staples to save $36.21 on usual prices.
    DH and I did an energy survey in the shopping centre and earned $40 in Coles gift cards that we will use to offset some more grocery purchases this month.
    We purchased 4% off e-gift cards and used our WW fuel vouchers to fill up quite a few empty jerry cans of fuel to bring down the fuel cost from $1.573 to $1.472 per litre saving another $22.54 on usual prices.
    Hope everyone has a wonderfully frugal week ahead.


  14. Annabel you had such a wonderful week. So lovely to see you have some baby calves and more on the way as well as baby chickens. Glad that there was no major damage there with the tree almost hitting the hen house. You baking and op shop finds are just beautiful and will make good gifts and lovely items for your home and crafts too.
    We have been saving to redo our garden beds and have likewise problem to you with challenging clay sand soil here and the garden beds being somewhat too low for DH's and my back injuries. This week I purchased more above ground garden beds and all the garden beds will be 90cm high which will be easier to manage. Once they arrive and we get all those set up we will order the soil to go into them. It won't be a cheap exercise but well worth it for self reliance and for both of us to do gardening at a much better height. I am so excited.
    In the home I went through some more of my wardrobe and donated items that no longer fitted me and changed my winter wardrobe over for summer clothing. We damp dusted a few rooms too which got rid of the dust from those crazy winds we had here as well.
    We did a few grocery shops after me going through the pantry and finding some gaps as we were so busy away from the home with appointments.
    From WW in one shop I used a $10 off promo code, our 4% off e-gift card and got half price sales on magnesium tablets and bought a lot of staples including powdered milk, sugar and flour to top up used 10lt storage containers to save $34.89 on usual prices. At Woolworths I also used a 2700 point promo for $100 or more purchase to earn 2980 points to get $20 off our next grocery shop.
    Next shop I used our $20 off WW rewards dollars, our 4% off e-gift card and purchased on sale 2 x 1kg Yoplait yoghurts, 2 x 4lt Peters icecream, and on half price sale 1.25lt coca cola and some staples to save $36.21 on usual prices.
    DH and I did an energy survey in the shopping centre and earned $40 in Coles gift cards that we will use to offset some more grocery purchases this month.
    We purchased 4% off e-gift cards and used our WW fuel vouchers to fill up quite a few empty jerry cans of fuel to bring down the fuel cost from $1.573 to $1.472 per litre saving another $22.54 on usual prices.
    Hope everyone has a wonderfully frugal week ahead.


    1. Dear Lorna, Bacially my whole house needs damp dusting. I am doing a little each day. Wind and also ask from a fire all winter...
      The higher garden beds will be very good. They will be beautiful. At first I thought of raised bed as good for anyone with a bad back (and they are) but the way you just dont get snails, slugs and bugs etc they re so much better! Wow the energy survey paid really well! With the rewards card this all added up to a great amount!
      Good to have the jerry cans topped up too. I must check on that here.
      Today I have some seedlings to plant out for Spring... and there is a bit of sun shining! So it begins! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Annabel thank you and hope you get all your seedlings planted there for spring.

      Sorry about the multiple replies as there was a glitch and it just said error each time I posted so just delete the other two posts.

      Have a great week ahead.


  15. Nice post and beautiful hens! Thank you for your encouragement and helpful tips! Esther

  16. Such a lovely post! I'm so glad you had a great week.
    I'm afraid I've had a rough week. We lost my beloved father. He's with the Lord, and that's a blessing. Please pray for my grieving family? He was a wonderful man and will be dearly missed.
    Stacy in Virginia

    1. Dear Stacy, I am so very sorry. I will pray. It is almost four years since I lost Dad. It knocks me just think about. We were very blessed to have wonderful Fathers. With much love Annabel.xxx


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