Feather your Nest Friday, 27th September, 2024.

It is already the end of September.   I can hardly believe it!   We are having some beautiful perfect Spring days.   

I spent some time making the most of the wildflowers.   Vases in the house are full and then I began to make up bunches ready to give away.

In the evenings I worked on crochet edges and a wash cloth for a baby gift.

Also more pot holders for the present cupboard.   Next week my basics post will be how to make them.  They are quick and easy,  everyone needs them,  fresh pot holders brighten up the kitchen... so they are a good basic.

A friend sent me some preserving jars so I sent her a bunch of flowers.  Then she sent me card making supplies!  

My own garden is coming out with more and more flowers.   It took a lot of planting and failures to finally having a sea of flowers... from completely empty spaces when we moved here.

My friend who advised me to put a rock anywhere 1./ nothing will grow and 2./ where dogs dig a hole... (which in my case meant I needed hundreds of rocks...) was right and it worked! 

Each day I check the cows and calves.  Yesterday I found calf number six...  and then calf number seven, which had just been born moments before I got there!   Two in one day! 

Laffie had her calf...  and she still came up to the window for a nose pat and I said "good girl Laffie what a beautiful baby!"

Doris is still pregnant... I can't wait for her to have her calf as she should still be super friendly too.

I bought new beds for the girls.   The old beds were sentimental as Chloe and Lucy had them but they were rusting really badly.  So I faced up to getting new ones.  Because I promote reading I chose these beds with a library bed head and I stocked each with age (and reading level )appropriate books ready for when they come on Sunday.  

They each have a special bookmark waiting on their pillow.

Chloe cut a basket of Parsley (with Chase's help) and I ran it through the freeze drier for her.

I have some to dry as well and nice snap lock craft bags that have clear windows to pack it into.  These will add to my pantry themed gifts.

On Sunday Mum and I are going to pick up the girls and bring them back for a few days.   I have a lot planned!   This could mean my basics post is a few days late... I will see how I go!

I came home from town with Zucchini and Basil plants to add to my garden tomorrow.   
Also... the dried fruit and glazed cherries I need for Christmas cakes.  
Also... stickers to dress up the envelopes when I sent out my Christmas cards. 😊🎄

I hope it has been a good week for you.  How did you build up your home, pantry or garden?   Are you working on your gift cupboard?   In a couple of weeks I am going to haul everything out and review what I have and what I need...  I find this to be so much fun!  Starting in January pays off.  Little bits add up! xxx


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