Feather your Nest 20th September, 2024.

I think I squeezed a week and a half into this week!  It may be more pictures than words I am so tired tonight!  

Where to start!?   Chloe was here and as you know she is known for her beautiful cakes.  She told me she tried to buy Orange Extract from the supermarket and they didn't have it.   Then she went online and found it was very expensive.  I jumped in that I could make it as it is not any different than making Vanilla Extract.   By the end of the evening I had several bottles started.  I did Lemon Extract as well while I was at it.  By the next day the Vodka was already turning a very pretty colour.

I was able to make it right away because over the weekend friends called in with citrus for me. This had been grown in their garden so I knew no sprays or anything ever touched them.  

The secret is to use a veggie peeler with a light touch and just get steps of peel without any white which is bitter.  Then slice those thinly, lengthwise.   Really there is nothing to it!

The next day I had lemons and oranges without peels on my counter top so I made Lemon Butter with 8 lemons and 2 oranges.

The two oranges made it extra bright!

With some of this I made jar deserts which I delivered to Chloe's family.

These apparently went down a treat.

I am pleased to report that Lily scoffs the bone broth pumpkin puree.   Today at the swap table I traded a Fiddle Leaf Fig plant for half a pumpkin so I am set to make some more.

Being Spring here one of the highlights for me are the wild flowers.  There are just flowers everywhere.  I decided that this year I am going to collect all the flowers I can that will dry well and then make bunches to give away.   Both yesterday and today I got armfuls of flowers.   From previous years I know these dry perfectly and keep their colour.

I am out of vases and using large canning jars!  Today I got so many more. I have filled three jars like this and have a whole table covered in flowers outside.   Over the weekend I will begin to make up some bunches.

Yesterday I met friends in a small town.  We had lunch and went to the thrift shop.  It was fantastic!   I found this cup and saucer set for $3.

Also crystal!   It has been a goal to get enough crystal containers to make them into candles for next years gifts.  The smaller ones were $2.   A larger 24% lead crystal, English bowl on a stand was the most, it was $8 but it's so gorgeous....

I am very happy with myself as I sewed three potholders (with thick wool filling) and in the evening I did a crochet edge and loop so they can hang in the kitchen.   Some weeks I just don't get to the sewing machine yet a few minutes a day really adds up!

I also used a book from the thrift store to make bird themed cards.   I love them because I love birds! 

In the evenings I got a few more tea towels edged.

Some of my younger hens have started laying.   The top egg is a normal sized egg... the egg at the bottom is a learners egg!  

Calf number four arrived!   The four of them are already happily running around together.

My chicks were promoted to an outdoor coop in my protected back yard... with their little heater one.   They are loving it. I notice how all the nails LOVE the sun.  They sun themselves and scratch around.

In the orchard my middle pear tree is covered in blossoms.    The most I have ever seen! 

We had another big bonfire...  now the yard of the "top house" is cleaned up and hopefully will soon look green.    All this has made it much neater but also safer in a fire.

With one eye on world events I started thinking about how could I increase my veggie growing space?  I was already thinking about what would I try with my pumpkins this year as the last couple of years failed. 

My helpers installed a large cement trough in the driveway for when sheep or cattle come in and eat this area down.  Previously I had an old bath tub for the job.   Also we put in all cement troughs and a spare plastic trough was unused.   I realised these would be my new planters!   I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

When my helpers arrived Monday I explained my plan.  I am sure they live in fear of my next plan.  But still they jumped in and the tractor brought the bath and the trough down to the orchard.   The orchard has a rabbit proof fence so this is the best place.

My big compost heap gave me plenty of soil to fill them both up.   The bath tub is planted.  I need to add mulch on top...

The trough is 12 foot long. It holds a lot of soil.  The end has pumpkins but I still have almost ten feet to plant.

Today twenty Sussex hen eggs went into the incubator.  If any of these hatch they will be big and white.   

To end my day my beautiful friend made me dinner.  It was just delicious and there are some left overs for tomorrow.   AND I arrived home to giant puddles in the driveway as it had rained!

I am in bed with cup of tea, a hot pack and I am not moving!   šŸ˜Š

How did you build up your home, pantry or garden this week?   It is just so lovely to have friends who "get it" and share with.   xxxx


  1. Dearest Annabel. I look forward to Friday nights, for I get to ā€œcatch upā€ with you and the week youā€™ve had. I love the pictures you post and your beautiful love for family and the farm.
    Please will you consider a potholder sewing tutorial? Iā€™m in need of some new ones. Thank you my dear and hope you get some rest and relaxation this weekend xx Kim

    1. Dear Kim, Thank you so much! Ok I will take pictures as I make the next pot holder. They are super easy! Thank you for the idea! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. Annabel, What a full week you have had, many new lives on the farm, the baby calf is adorable, prayers all your new eggs will hatch. Your pear tree looks so beautiful with all the blossoms on it. Amazing work with your kitchen items, love the dish towels and pot holders. I know Chloe will be happy with the lemon extract.

    I had a full week, it seemed to be on and off. We spent Sunday going to nurseries. More than half a day was driving around. I was blessed to find perennial Chrysanthemums at a better price than annual ones. We also were able to get 7 black lace elderberries at half off. We are having major work done on side of house with a retaining wall and drainage, so we were looking for bushes to plant in the area. The mums all went in front of the house where other plants had died.

    I was able to start a batch of cough medicine for the winter here. A few more days and I can decanter it and add the honey to it. I crocheted 2 potholders and an oven mitt with leftover yarns and 5 more facial scrubbies, so I felt good using more of my little bits, though husband does wish for another oven mitt. So I will start that soon.

    I worked a little more in basement trying to get it all organized, it seems I need some storage containers. It is work but rewarding as things are getting better organized.
    We have also stopped at grocery stores on our trips out to check for markdowns. They are getting few and far between. Sales are mostly on junk food, so just buying essentials has gone up tremendously. I watched my husband as we walked through the store, he has his path all mapped out and it is so adorable watching him look fr markdown tags in departments, I was so proud of him, as before we met he would never do that.

    We continue to prepare for winter here, husband just filled another propane tank for the grill, (never know when we might need to use it with power outages.) I am busy with preparing medicines for winter and getting bedrooms ready, with warmer blankets and sheets.) One big job left is to power wash the house before winter sets in.

    Prayers for all bluebirds, may all be blessed with pantries that will cover them through the coming months

    1. Dear Rosanne, You had a really big week too! Your cough medicine sounds really good! Also your garden must be looking so nice! Having Elderberry growing will be a big asset!
      Having the BBQ ready to go at all times is a good idea. Thinking ahead is the key for sure! Have a great new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. What a week you have had! The lemon, orange extract looks beautiful and what a great gift idea! Your crystal glassware will be beautiful as candles. Our garden is slowing down. Husband asked to borrow a friend s Emory freezer so I could defrost our old! Freezerā€¦.what a great event. And it all happened in 24 hrs, they loaded the empty freezer up to return this morning; what a wonderful feeling knowing our freezer is cleaned and refilled! Our oldest grandson is playing hi school football so we are traveling to watch his games. He s a good player so gets a lot of game time, and it is so fun to watch! Need to hem jeans/pants for the daughter before the next game. We cleaned out a shelf in the garage and found a tub of wonderful toys we had saved for the little grandsons, oh they will be thrilled. Thankfully we are able to trade eggs for produce with a neighbor. Thanks for the motivations. Have a great week

    1. Dear Linda, It is just great you attend the games and watch your Grandson. Wow that is what I need to do with my freezer, good job!
      Finding the toys was great! Having eggs to trade is such an asset. They are becoming more and more expensive and sometimes harder to get... hence I keep hatching chickens! You ad a really good week! With love Annabel.xxx

  4. I look forward to your letters also. I think you were born making beautiful things. The crystal containers will make such beautiful candles! I love the blue flowers. I dont think we have them here. You are blessed to have the lemons. How great to make lemon flavor and lemon curd. Everything you make looks so yummy. Congratulations on the new baby calf. I use to love going to the barn,getting in the pen and playing with the calves. I managed to make some refrigerator pickles. My husband tells me to think about the things I have done and not on the things I haven't done! Your cards are so nice. Do you include envelopes when you package them? May next week be as wonderful as this one............Nancy

    1. Dear Nancy, I agree with your husband about thinking over all the things you achieved... which is what these Fridays are about. Because I took have a list of things to do but we must take a break, rest, re group and think about all the goodness of the week.
      Yes all my cards, large and small have matching envelopes. Sometimes in a gift I include stamps or a pen. And package them nicely!
      Thank you so much! With love Annabel.xxx

  5. You've had a busy week!! We are finishing up putting the gardens to bed for the winter - it is pretty warm here in Kansas still. Wanting to inquire about Laine -if you've heard anything new? Still praying for her. Thanks!

    1. Well done on the garden work! Yes Laine wrote a few days ago. She had family visit. She is in home hospice. I was thrilled she could write me an email! With love Annabel.xxx

  6. Amazing week, Annabel!
    The orange extract looks so beautiful. And I love the way you trimmed your hot pads. Gives them an extra touch. I must crochet my edges. Such lovely gifts they will make. Glad Lily loves your pumpkin puree. So healthy...and better than factory made. And thank you for sharing your idea about drying wildflowers. A perfect gift.

    Well, my week was productive. Still making grape jelly and applesauce. We enjoyed a jar of applesauce from 2 years ago! Still very yummy šŸ˜‹. I have been trying to clean my pantry as I stock it. My husband built me a shelf in a corner of the pantry to maximize space. It made a huge difference!
    Happy harvest Bluebirds,
    Leslie in Ohio

    1. Dear Leslie, The extra shelf in the corner is a great addition. Applesauce is so good and useful in many recipes. Or just on its own!
      I like the crochet edges as I can sew during the day then work the edging in the evening. And give the pot holder a hook to hang from. Keep stocking tha pantry Leslie. You are doing a good job! With love Annabel.xxx

  7. Dear Annabel, my goodness what a busy and wonderful week you have had. I loved the thought of the rain, cup of tea in bed. How wonderful you have made orange extract. I would never have thought. That will be beautiful as will the lemon extract. Your pot holders and tea towels are beautiful. I love how Lily loves her dinners made by you. Thrift shopping and lunch out sounds like my favourite sort of day. I love how you have increased your vege bed space. What a clever idea. I need to empty some pots today and get growing. Iā€™ve ordered more seeds. So am also on the look out for more growing space. We were given bananas and avocados this week. I made banana pancakes yesterday, this helps with breakfasts. Itā€™s holidays here, and the weather was lovely for the beach yesterday. Iā€™ve been trying to crochet a row a day of the blanket. We bought some dvds, books and cds at the thrift store. It is a cheap way for entertainment and I know what we are actually getting. Lots of love, Bridget

    1. Dear Bridge, Thank you! Banana pancakes sound just perfect for the holidays. You are a week ahead of us I think. Our kids break up this Friday. I like DVDs that I pick out and do this instead of TV. Also good books, you cannot collect enough of those. Going to the beach is so good... taking a picnic dinner down the beach is something we used to do very often. Everyone sleeps well after swimming! Yes... growing space is valuable. One thing is to grow everything that can be grown upwards ie on a trellis... or on a fence... to leave more space at the bottom. With the chooks you can continually improve the soil. The shredded paper I use turns into mulch really fast... I am ending up with better and better results. Maybe for Christmas drop hints for planters! :) Have a lovely new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  8. What a wonderful week you had! I love those extracts - I received a gift card for my birthday to our LCBO Liquour Control Board of Ontario so I think I will use it for a bottle of vodka as I want to start vanilla extract - and now lemon and orange - for Christmas gifts. Thank you for this idea.

    I have continued to put away dry goods into glass jars with oxygen absorbers for long term storage. I have various types of sugar added this week (no oxygen absorbers), different salts and I will pick up more flour tomorrow and add that as well. I also need to get some raisins as they are on a special Loyalty Point offer and I am very low at the moment. Jars are all washed but will be sterilized before being used so still a bit of work to do.

    A number of non food items were on at great sale prices this week at my local store so Garbage & recycling bags, ziplocs and dish liquid have all been added to my stocks.

    Have a wonderful week.

    1. Good job on getting so much put away for long term Margie. Watch for the Vodka to be on a sale... this can get you a lot more with your voucher.
      The non food supplies are all great... the last, we will always need them... a good idea to stock up at great prices! I need to get some dried fruit too for my fruit cakes, you reminded me of that! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. You had a very fruitful week! No wonder you are tired out! I had a very busy week in a different way, filled with appointments, shopping, watching grandkids, etc. Today I got together with old friends for our annual birthday lunch, so that was a fun outing.
    I like your idea of using pictures from old books to make beautiful cards, however I would have a hard time cutting up old books as I Love books! LOL!ā˜ŗļø
    I also love your idea of using the old bathtub for a planter, too! What a grand idea! I got a leaky galvanized horse trough from a friend several years ago and planted my herbs in it! Works Great!
    Our garden season is winding down as Fall approaches. We will soon be picking ours apples and making applesauce. I Love the fragrance of cinnamon and cloves filling the house as it cooks open the crockpot!
    Thanks for sharing your life with us all here!
    God Bless!
    Nana C (aka Laura C)

    1. Dear Laura, Thank you! You had a very busy week! The get together with your friends sounds like a great time.
      I love Autumn and the apples and pears that go with it. The horse trough would be perfect for your herbs. I am on the look out for such things as I still could use some more! Have a great new week, with love, Annabel.xxx

  10. I love everything about your post. The potholders are so beautiful! Yesterday I went into a high end kitchen shop just to look around. As it is Autumn here in the US they had all their new fall/harvest items displayed. What caught my eye were the (pricey) potholders and apron made of flannel. I wondered to myself why I had never thought to do that. They were so soft and cozy to the touch. I will be making a few for Christmas gift I think. Beth

    1. Dear Beth, Thank you! I LOVE to browse those kinds of stores as I always get ideas and it is great to see the prices on things! It is eye opening! I really like the idea of flannel for an apron as often aprons seem to be a stiff fabric not a soft one which I would far prefer. These will be great gifts! Have a very good new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  11. Dear Annabel, you had a very good week, a lot accomplished and good friends, too. That is the best! You deserve some good rest and then play with the pink flowers bouquet over the weekend.
    I love your pictures, all those pink clouds of flowers, the crystal, the tea towels, and now you seem to have your own calves and chickens kindergarden - I know it includes hard work also, but that makes me smile. I love Spring! Sussex hens are my favourite. Very gentle, curious, good layers and beautiful, too. My Philip was a Sussex and a very good rooster!
    It is a great ideea to plant all you can and to prepare in every way. Food or food chains may be difficult or very expensive this winter, as here, in Europe, after hard drought that has created big problems in agriculture and farmimg, now all that remained is being flooded - big areas of land and agriculutre land is damaged and lots of animals were taken by the water. So, even if In the period 1-14 July 2024, Romania was the largest exporter of soft wheat, barley and corn in the European Union now you can see the strugles for the next year production and the ovewintering of animals, like beef, pigs, goats and even chicken farms. I think it is wise to prepare for worst hoping for the best. I also, use up every piece that can be planted, holding soil and water. I laughed at your words * I am sure they live in fear of my next plan. *.

    About my chickens and the egg eating problem: thank you for your advice, you all were very kind. First thing I removed the nesting box and I left a fake wood egg there, just for fun. I bought some extra calcium from the feed store. I put some more branches and rearanged a bit for them to be somehow new and less boring, I left them out supervised, in the orchard, to change their scenario for a few hours. The result is I have one egg every day, have not seen any other signs of eggs eaten. The egg is a small one, so maybe the new black wyandotte chickens start timidly to lay eggs, the white Sussex and the golden ladies are still loosing feathers. So, maybe, I am not sure, will see............
    We have started the harvest of the wine yesterday and the weekend will be all violet grapes, divine smell, hard work and a sense of well done job.
    Autumn here is beautiful, green -yelowish leaves, purple and red traces here and there and a magnificent golden light. I love it.

    Wish you all the best, blessing and smiles, Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Dear Laura, It is very sobering to think of drought only to be hit with severe flooding. In our state we had a less severe issue.. vast areas had a late frost and it hit a lot of fruit trees and crops. All of things things can mean normal harvests do not happen. That is why we always have to make hay while the sun shines as sometime it might not be shining!
      I liked to hear what you think of Sussex hens. This sounds very good. Now I hope I will have some hatch and not all roosters!
      Good job re the eggs... I have it now and then... especially when there are a lot of eggs it is easy for two to bang together and if one breaks the hens eat it. It takes a fair bit for them to learn to break eggs on purpose. But we do all we can so they dont get that idea and always remove any egg shell, broken egg etc. The small egg does sound like you have a new layer starting. I now and then get one ridiculously tiny egg which makes me smile.
      Oh it is great you are bringing in the grapes to make the wine! I am so impressed you do this! The Autumn colours sound gorgeous. I know what you mean about a golden light. How lovely!
      I hope you have a great new week! We have had rain and I am so glad and I rested a lot! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Hi Annabel
    It does me so much good to look at your lovely photos, they are an antidote to the awful things happening around the world. I love the pink teacup and plate and your pot holders., The jarred desserts are a winner. I'm thinking of what I could put in some to give to the family. Also orange essence! what a great gift.
    This has been a mixed week but I've survived and I count my blessings. I've batch cooked vegetable curry and frozen some plus yet more bags of runner beans and tomatoes. The runner beans are the third sowing and probably the best of all.
    I've picked lots of flowers for the house and put out some autumn decor, all things I've had for years.
    I made a batch of seeded muesli bars, I call them budgie bars to make my husband laugh.
    We have had a big load of logs delivered before the winter prices come in and we paid cash for a discount. They are in the log shed drying probably for two winters hence as we like to keep stocked up well ahead. We also had the heating oil tank filled up before prices go up when the weather gets colder. I love the feeling of heating security.
    We went to a garden centre we haven't been to before and my husband spent the gift card he had for Father's Day. He chose well grown plants from which he can take cuttings for more plants. We often give plants as presents. I went to the houseplant section and the shelves marked ' needs TLC'. I bought an orchid at less than half price, it looks healthy but isn't flowering but I've bought them back into flower before. The label said the colour is honey peach which is a new one on me.
    I went shopping with my daughter for the last things on her baby list. We used two of my store loyalty cards, I received the points on the spend and she received more than Ā£6 off each bill.
    I am always aware of how blessed we are to have enough money for the things we need. I hope you and all Bluebirds around the world are managing to feather your nests.
    Penny in the UK.

    1. Dear Penny, Thank you! I am planning to make trifle in jars ie cake, then jelly and let that set... then fruit, custard and cream... but any variation will be beautiful.
      Well done on the batch cooking and it is lovely to enjoy fresh flowers.
      Haha on the budgie bars. Probably a bird would also enjoy them!
      It is so lovely (and exciting) you can go shopping with your daughter for baby things! Also it is great you have wood stored up... that is like money in the bank and great security! I LOVE going to the garden centre, it is therapeutic! So nice to get a new orchid! You did not mention the bad part of the week... I hope this week will be easier. With love Annabel.xxx

  13. I have some very worn looking potholders that are good but just look natty. I'd been looking for more but am very much inspired by your lovely ones featured this week.

    Late last week I found a real deal on a membership for a big bulk store membership. I secured that deal so fast! I saved almost 80% of the original cost. I plan to go next month and stock heavily on flour, sugar and such basics as that.

    I took an ample supply of vegetables and pickled them to make Giardiniera and Refrigerator Pickles. Both turned out really well.

    I am much amused at your post on Orange and Lemon extract this week as I had just this week taken time to look up both and thought I'd make those myself. I need to buy vodka, but I look forward to getting this done.

    I made an entree that was more than we needed and was able to put a whole pan in the freezer for a future meal.

    I have just completed stocking up winter ailment needs and next focus area will be to stock up on first aid items. I try to be systematic about what I do so that each category we might require is covered.

    I found an excellent sale on sheets (back to school sales apparently include bedding) so I now have a spare set for the guest bed. I paid about $10 for the set with discounts, sales, etc.

    I absolutely love to find I have something on hand to use to fill a need, such as your tub and troughs. How brilliant to use them as planters!

    1. Dear Terri, It was the state of my own kitchen pot holders (they were once lovely and free) that got me going to make some for both my kitchen and the present cupboard.
      That was an amazing deal on the sheets. Getting a membership to the bulk food store was great! Also great work on stocking up on winter health things.
      I know where there is a very old pink bath tub and it is so heavy it would take the tractor to get it but it is just too far away. It's driving me crazy! I might find a way yet! Have a good new week! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Annabel, I loved your calling the new little eggs, learner eggs. That is exactly what they are! I wish I'd thought of it. The grandchildren think they are so cute. Your posts are so inspiring, just what I often need. Thank you.

  14. As always, your posts are so beautiful! I love the potholders and flowers and that you had some restful time.
    I'm still grieving my dad, although this week has had good and hard moments. Other than that, I've made your chicken pot pie filling and made a biscuit topping. Boy did my guys love that! I've found a coffee cake recipe they like this week too. My grocery bill has gone down by about half since I started working on making from scratch and just plain buying less expensive food. I'm using coupon apps for buying pantry items, so I get cash back on them. I read a suggestion once where the housewife used 5 dollars out of every grocery visit for pantry. Both ideas work!
    I appreciate you. Thank you for teaching me to do a little each day towards the goal, even on hard days.
    Stacy in Virginia

    1. Dear Stacy, Well done on your food bill! That is fantastic and also cooking from scratch is usually healthier. It's a win win! Also it is smart to coupon, I wish we had them! But these ways to add to your pantry are great and I think of each area as part of the pantry ie medical, bathroom supplies, laundry etc.
      It is almost four years since my Dad died. You never stop grieving it just becomes something you find a way to live with. A lot of photos helps me because they are all of really good times and Dad so well and happy... same with Andy... this has the effect on me of being really grateful and I feel they are still with me.
      I am so glad your family liked the chicken recipe! I just posted a new cake recipe too! I love coffee cake... mmm I think that could be my next project! With love Annabel.xxx

  15. Annabel, I love your crochet edges! do you have or know of a tutorial on how to do those? I would love to make some and give as gifts.

    1. Thanks Belinda, I do! If you look up The Bluebirds are Nesting Crochet edges I have ideas on ways you can use them and a full tutorial. If you are in the Tuesday Afternoon Club yell out there and I will post it for you! xxx

    2. Thank you so much, Annabel. :)


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