Back to Basics. Lemon cake.

This cake has become a favourite lately.  It is beautiful... I have only made it with gluten free flour but the original recipe was for regular flour.   I have had lemons and so I have made a heap of these plus frozen some.

I made major mistakes making this and it still turned out!  The original recipe was one of those that tells you what not to do well after you already did it!   But oh well it still was good!

The flavour is subtle.  I think it could be made with orange... which I intend to try this week.

So soften a cup of butter and beat it with 2 cups of sugar for a good six or eight minutes until it is creamy.

Then add one eggs at a time... you need 4 eggs... keep beating...

While you have whipping going on add the juice of a lemon to a cup of milk.   

Now add some vanilla to your mix then add some flour... you need Self raising flour ( or make some)  and you need three cups.  Add some flour but not all, add some of your milk mix, but not all... keep beating and adding alternating between flour and liquid until it is a lovely whipped mixture.

Line a cake pan... I used a 30x30 cm pan... 10 to 12 inches...  

It is so whipped and lovely.  

Now bake in a moderate oven  (350F  0r 180C)  and do the skewer test after about half an hour,  mine took about 40 minutes.

For the icing... I melt some butter,  add my icing sugar,  the juice of about half a lemon and some milk until I get a thick but smooth icing.  

It is gently fragrant and lovely.   Mum loves it so I know she will be printing this off as she keeps asking me to write it down.   

I STILL have lemons and oranges... so I am going to get baking tomorrow.  I think I am becoming  famous for my morning and afternoon teas.  Whoever calls here gets fed.  If someone can't stay they get a coffee in a cup with a slab of cake for the road.  😊

You can take a cake like this... cut it in half, thirds or quarters and ice each one.   A small cake like that makes a very sweet gift for someone.   

Making a Gluten Free cake for a friend who does not eat wheat is usually extremely appreciated.   

I have just thought to make this tomorrow with a lemon cake and organ juice icing as that would be even prettier!  

Next week by basics post is how to easily make pot holders for use or the gift cupboard... since they are something like kitchen towels that we all need! xxxx


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