Feather your Nest Friday, 9th August, 2024.

I am glad to sit and look at the week.  It was a bit all over the shop!  I travelled to the dentist for follow up and as usual squeezed in a trip to Aldi.  Also this time I went to Kmart and another couple of stores.  I normally never get to shops like these.  

I arrived home late this afternoon.  Chloe had been to collect our new hens,  we got six each.  As I was travelling she headed off on quite a big trip to pick them up,  armed with cardboard boxes we had saved.   Tom was excited about the mission!  I am really glad Chloe is getting ahead with laying hens as well!  She sent me this photo on my phone as I drove home.    Chicken in a box.  😊

I still have my Lasagne chickens to get as well!   These all will really boost my flock.   In my opinion now is a good time to build your flock.  Make that your flock,  your pantry,  your garden and all household needs.  

My #everybitcountschallenge had to be stalled but I am very happy that instead I stocked up on things like nighties and underwear and also found kids summer clothes to put away.  Some will go into the Christmas cupboard.   So I got ahead there. 

I did get peas freeze dried before I left home.

Tomorrow I need to get on to produce I was given last weekend.  There were two men who stayed in the cabin and came up to the house with a big box (and two bags)  of all kinds of fruit and veggies.   I shared some with Chloe and Mum and began to work things into my meals.   But there is so much and it arrived just when I was wondering what to preserve next! 

Not only that but... I brought all the jars (I think I mentioned them last Friday) that I traded for as well... put them through the dishwasher.   There were just over thirty.

So now I have the produce and the jars! 

My cooking was Enchiladas.  I made sixteen.     My post on Monday is how I make these.  Vicky taught me.  They are another super meat stretcher!  And really easy!  

These are ready to freeze.  I do not brown them if I am freezing them,  this way they are finished off when in the oven heating up.

As I already showed I made a bunch of deserts that used up some of the Lemon Butter I made.

Andy made a swing for our yard which the boys love.  Luke replicated it in their yard much to the delight of everyone! 

Lily hit her 5 month milestone!

The dress she is wearing was made by Mum for Chloe.    I remember Mum being thrilled with the yarn as it had a slight sparkle to it.  Chloe wore it over and over.   So now it is Lily's turn!  It looks beautiful on her. 

Lovely Leslie contributes every week and in her last post she closed by saying:

"Lord bless you all as you serve God,  your families and community."  

 I cannot think of a better way to end a post than that.  Thank you Leslie. xxx


  1. Hello Annabel and Bluebirds 🐦

    It sounds like you’ve had yet another busy and productive week. The produce looks amazing, so fresh!

    I planted a heap of seeds into seedling pots this week. Some of the seeds were very old, so not sure how successful my ‘Spring planting’ will be, but it’s worth a shot, even to just get a few will be good, I can see myself having to buy seedlings though LOL

    A couple of weeks ago you said I would find the soil I needed to fill my second veggie bed, and you were right!! I thought I had used all the compost I had, but I had forgotten about a compost bay in the yard because it was hidden by an old car! 😂 It wasn’t fully decomposed but I used the chunky stuff in the bottom of the bed and the good soil on top, and I had enough to fill the bed! It was right under my nose this whole time! Since then, I went to a friends place whose neighbour has cows, I collected bags and bags of cow manure to bring home for the garden!

    Thanks as usual for all the inspiration and encouragement Annabel. Have a lovely week.

    From Cheryl

    1. Dear Cheryl, That is amazing about the compost and also the bags of manure! You are really set! Also it will be interesting to see how many seeds come up. I have a lot of volunteer things popping up and I am determined to make the most of them even if I need to move a lot to different spots etc. I hope you get a fair few come up. Some can take a bit longer than we think. You have the last garden bed ready to go at the perfect time! That was a very good week! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. Dear Annabel, wonderful news about your tooth ! Praise God for his blessings ! I made a big lasagne and froze it in pieces. Your enchiladas look great ! Love Sonia in Sydney Australia

    1. Dear Sonia, Well done on the lasagne! Slicing it up into portion sizes and freezing it will give you many nights off and ready meals! So handy! I am planning Lasagnes again later in the week probably. Also some impossible pies... I was thinking how these would be a very good meal for you because they use up just about anything! The enchildadas and impossible pies will be basics posts. Have a really good new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Annabel and Dear Bluebirds,
    Annabel, Lily is so adorable, you can see the love in her brother's eyes. It is wonderful that you saved the dress for her, Nana Pat has to feel so loved seeing Lily wearing it.

    Happy you were able to get to the dentist follow up and stop at the stores to purchase needed items. Also happy you were able to get all the jars.

    I baked pie and cookies, made 21 jars of jam and have 2 - 1/2 gallons of elderberry elixir brewing. I was able to crochet a bit to add to my gift pantry also.
    I am also continuing to clean and reorganize pantries, working on my medical pantry now, it fills small closet. Trying to see what we need, what we have and what I need to replenish.
    Husband is trying to clean and restock items in shed for lawn mower, snow blower and garden needs.
    All of this can be overwhelming when we look at it all but doing just an small area at a time helps.

    Prayers got all Bluebirds.

    1. Dear Rosanne, Thank you! You did so well with all those Elderberries and making the jam! It is a big job going through each area of the house and each pantry! One at a time is enough for sure! Also good getting ahead with things for winter! With much love Annabel.xxx

  4. I love the chicken in the box, it really made he smile. Annabel I’m not doing the challenge, but today someone gave me 2lbs blackberry, what a lovely gift. Nothing that comes my way will not be wasted. Tomorrow I’m making lot with courgette, it seems everyone wants to give me courgette. So as I never look a gift horse in the mouth lots will be put in the freezer. Lady’s keep look to your home and making it the best it can be.

    1. Here in Australia we call courgettes zucchini. If you have a lot zucchini "slice" is nice ! Eggs, flour, cheese, grated zucchini, put in a slice tin and bake. Yum !
      Sonia, Sydney, Australia 🦘

    2. I am of the opinion that you can never have too much zucchini! Any that doesn’t get used fresh, I use my food processor to shred it up, squeeze out the excess water (which I save and use for soup and gravy base). I used to dehydrate the shreds or freeze in 2+cup portions for use in quick bread. Now I freeze dry the shreds. Some I turn into a powder that I add to sauces and gravies but most I leave as shreds. I toss the shreds into pasta sauces, gravies, soups and stews. Zucchini shreds take on the flavors of foods it is cooked with and is high in beneficial plant nutrients including minerals and vitamins A & C. Plus it stretches meals with good fiber and it is pretty much indistinctive, hiding from picky eaters!

  5. Dear Annabel, I love how your Mum made a dress for Chloe and now Lily wears it. It’s such a beautiful dress. I love the colour and it suits Lily so much. I love all that produce and jars. You will make great use of it all, and it’s so lovely how you give some to your family. I have had a busy week. I did get the chance to make chocolate chip biscuits and to crochet some more. I hope to get in the garden this weekend and crochet some more. I really love Leslie’s quote. It’s beautiful. Lots of love Bridget

    1. Dear Bridge, I have only just caught up with the produce, it was just great! Chocolate chip biscuits would have been a bit hit! I am glad you re crocheting too! Leslies words were just right... that is what we need to focus on! With much love Annabel.xxx

  6. I love how you get fresh produce when people stary at the cabin. I was wondering... do you offer a reduced rent if they bring a box of veggies? If you do - what a great idea. It must save a few trips to town.

    1. Dear Frogdancer, There are two sets of guys who use the cabin and they are friends now. I take no payment at all it is all strictly a trade. They clean up after themselves and bring their own linen. They always offer to do anything around that needs doing too. It is one of my trading set ups! I love it, they love it as they get out of the city and have a bonfire etc. Win/win! With love Annabel.xxx

  7. Greetings from Florida miss Anabelle. It has not been a productive week for us.
    The hurricane hit us on Monday.
    We spent three days tieing things down,putting things in the sheds.
    We lost power on Sunday.
    We had the generator ready to go with plenty of gas.
    The rain wouldn't stop and in a short time flooded our property.
    It is 8 feet deep behind my home.
    We spent the last 6 years clearing the land and planting trees and gardens.
    Many trees and roses , hydrangeas grown from cutting's. The cost of trees and plants are unaffordable nowadays. So we buy a plant and take a cutting.
    Many things are dying already.
    The water flooded our large shed.
    We managed to get out new zero turn mower out of the flooded shed and our golf cart. The tractor is still in the shed we couldn't get it out.
    But many things are lost.
    Thankfully we had food,water and medicine. It pays to be prepared.
    They closed forty eight roads in my county. No way to get out for gas or water. We saw many people lined up tying to get a little gas.
    The power finally came back on four days later. Thanks to the incredible people
    from the electric companies.
    Many came from other states to help us. Bless those wonderful souls.
    These people risk life as limb braving floods ,winds,downed power lines. Not to mention poisonous snakes and alligators!
    I live in a rural area and this is a reality of life out here.
    It's been a rough week but it could have been a lot worse.
    Being prepared helped a lot.
    Because my husband believes in
    being prepared we had fans,ice, water,food and even a TV.
    We were also able to help our neighbor with water and a hot meal.
    This showed us what we need to work on to be better prepared.
    Keep teaching us all.
    You'll never be sorry for the the time you spend preparing your home for what life throws at you.

    1. Oh my gosh! What a week! I am sorry it's been so tough but honestly you did well! You had your generator and fuel, food and water! Good job! Yes the floods and electricity lines down are just so dangerous. Only then you added alligators! As you say these times test our preps and we learn what we did right and what we can add. You got through well and helped your neighbour! Well done to you both! xxx

  8. Hi Annabel
    I'm so glad you and Chloe are managing to source more hens, they're such a good insurance against shortages or unexpected events. The vegetables you were given looked like a good variety, eating the rainbow will be easy for you.
    My husband received grapes and apples from a client and our own garden is giving tomatoes, courgettes, spring onions and runner beans. I picked rudbeckia, lilies, sweet peas and dahlia for the house. We gave a daughter a lovely head of celery. A neighbour asked if she could pick some sweet peas from our patch as she was doing flowers for a friends wedding and didn't have enough. We were glad to say yes and she brought round a bottle of red wine as a thank you. There was no need for a thank you but that sort of barter seems to be common in the countryside.
    I made a batch of oatmeal cookies for afternoon tea break.
    I took a full car load of decluttered 'stuff' to the charity shop and the tip, so satisfying to get it out of the house!
    Penny in the UK

    1. Dear Penny,
      The apples and grapes would have been great additions to all your lovely garden produce! The sweet peas would have looked lovely in the bouquet and a good trade with a bottle of wine! Well done on a car load of things to donate! You had a really good week! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Hello Annabel! That chicken in a box looks so adorable! I am so happy that you are able to get some more chooks. I am amazed at how beautiful that dress is on Lily and how it looks newly made. Your Mum is a talented knitter, just like my late Mum was, and it is a credit to you to have cared for this garment so well. The produce looks amazingly fresh and appetising, so much of the food we get here looks almost past its best date🤷🏻‍♀️. Those peas look like they could win a prize at the local show. So clever of you to have invested in the freeze drier and use it. If I bought one, it would probably still be sitting in its box! I am awfully tired at the end of my week working in early childhood education. I have had some daffodils pop up which give me cheer, many haven’t come up and I’m wondering if the wombats, or Mrs Possum have eaten them?! I must try your enchilada recipe soon, they look delicious! I think that I am using way too many exclamation marks, but your posts always lift me up and they are something I always look forward too. Love and Peace, Jennie from Queanbeyan 🖤🖤

    1. Dear Jennie, Thank you! I kept all the things Nana and Mum made my girls and really everything has kept perfectly. I am fairly sure Chloe will also wash them when Lily grows out of them and put them away again!
      I dont blame you for being tired. I love kids but taking them on one or two at a time is exhausting enough! It is lovey to have daffodils yes they are so bright at the end of winter. If you had some eaten off they might still pop up next year. Thank you so much for your kind comment! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. Annabel I love that you are going to have chickens that you refer to as ‘lasagne chickens’ lol. The enchiladas look great. Do you make them gluten free? I’ve tried before but the gluten free wraps have always fallen into pieces. The boys look so happy with both their sister and their swing!

    We’ve had a good week with some very good deals found at the supermarket. Inspired by you finishing two crochet blankets in the last few months I decided to do at least a row a day for the month of August. I’m choosing to not count the rows until the end of the month either, but I figure that should get it over halfway and then I can either put it away until next year or keep going. But I’m definitely feeling better about it being a blanket rather than a short scarf! And it’s nice to finish off the day with some crochet.

    Have a lovely week
    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen, Thank you! The store gf tortillas do fall apart but wraps are better. They both are MUCH better if you warm them in the microwave before attempting to wrap. But I like this with rice so much I think I prefer that anyway. The story of the lasagne chickens is I made my niece a lasagne... her boyfriend liked it so much he offered to trade me two fancy golden chickens for a lasagne. (Sorry if you already know this!) This deal is coming up!
      Well done on finish dup the blankets! This was how I got some momentum after being completely stuck. I felt so good finishing them! When I do a row I often think ok I can do another row and so it goes!
      I am glad you found some good deals too! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Dear Jen, Thank you! The store gf tortillas do fall apart but wraps are better. They both are MUCH better if you warm them in the microwave before attempting to wrap. But I like this with rice so much I think I prefer that anyway. The story of the lasagne chickens is I made my niece a lasagne... her boyfriend liked it so much he offered to trade me two fancy golden chickens for a lasagne. (Sorry if you already know this!) This deal is coming up!
      Well done on finish dup the blankets! This was how I got some momentum after being completely stuck. I felt so good finishing them! When I do a row I often think ok I can do another row and so it goes!
      I am glad you found some good deals too! With love Annabel.xxx


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