Feather your Nest Friday, 2nd August, 2024.

 It is August, our last month of winter,  and the first signs of Spring are already showing up.   There are blossoms on some of the fruit trees, wattles flowering and daffodils.

For me it was a bit of a week of recovery.  The first few days I had sleeps.  It didn't seem to matter how much sleep I got I needed some more!    I decided to gradually unpack, catch up and get all the Agaves I brought back from Adelaide planted into the garden.

My blanket in pinks was finished.

I had a head start on this one as it was started last winter.  But I enjoyed it so much! 

I got another one going.    My stash has enough smoky blues and greys to make a boy blanket.

This will see out winter!  

You can see...  where there is a space I plant an Agave and voila! 

I also joined Jessica's challenge at Three Rivers Homestead the #everybitcountschallenge where you aim to preserves something everyday.  It doesn't matter how you do it,  just food put up one way or another.  She runs it now because its peak harvest where she lives but I have found I can still do this in winter and I do it again in summer although then it's by myself!    Each day I post what I managed to Thebluebirdsarenesting on Instagram.  Mainly because it is motivating and I also love to see what everyone is preserving and how they are doing it!  It is just a joy to see! 

Tuesday my harvest looked like this...

It is really fantastic that in winter quite a bit still grows and even the chooks have kept laying.  I am attributing this to all the scraps Andrew and Tim bring them.  Lots of treats seem to have kept them happy and motivated!  😊

So the week went...

1.  Lemon Butter.

2.  Freeze dried Parsley.

3.   Bay Leaves.

4. Bananas.

5. Peas.  They are still in the freeze drier so no photo.

In town today I was about to take about 60 books to the little library!  That gave them a boost. 

At the swap tables I got two bags of jars!  Also some oranges!

As you know my niece came with me to my surgery.   She is a busy farmer so I made her some meals.   The next bit of the story is her boyfriend breeds really nice chickens.  I had seen a photo of stunning ones, I don't know the name or breed but they are golden.   They remind me of Laura's golden chickens.  I am going to say they probably lay golden eggs out of wishful thinking! 😊

One of the meals I made was a large tray of Lasagne which I thought would do them both for two dinners.   

Well,  her boyfriend must have liked it because she sent me a message that I can have two golden hens for another tray of lasagne.   So you already know what I said "DEAL!"   😊

By coincidence Chloe and I were both searching for more hens and Chloe finally found some.  They are hard to get!  The going rate now is $32 each.  These are nice point of lay brown hens.  Even at this rate we both ordered six.  It is good if Chloe keeps up her own flock and I do too.   Also eggs today (in the store) were $7 and $8 a dozen.  To me it is not so much about saving money.  It is about healthy hens and eggs and the security of not depending on the supply chain.   If eggs are not available my Grandkids will all still be eating them.

Often I see prices and think I should have taken a photo.  So today I took this one.

So that is $31 pound.   Each week things have gone up.   I came home with plenty of ingredients though!  Just not these ones!   As Cath says on The Cheapskates Club,  ingredients give you options.  Many options!

I hope you found ways to build up your home, garden or pantry this week!    Maybe we will go with home, pantry, garden, gift cupboard and freezer..... so a possible five stars!  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


  1. Annabel,
    I am so happy your oral surgery went well and you recovered quickly with the sleep that you needed.
    You are truly blessed with jars from trade table. Your freeze drying items looks so vibrant and delicious.

    I had a slow week due to health but felt better yesterday so husband and I went elderberry picking, there are some growing next to a plaza north of us. I tend to keep my eyes open when we drive anywhere for the bushes. We had a great spot once, but they cut all the bushes down by the road.
    So I will be processing them into jelly and elixir this weekend. So I feel good putting something good back into my pantries.
    God is good giving me the stamina to do all of this in the heat.

    We all need to pay attention to our pantries now more than ever and look for different ways to help stock them.
    We found a new store, Farmer's India Market. We we were able to purchase dried fruits, tapioca and olives for a lot less than the chain grocery stores. We were truly blessed.

    Prayers all bluebirds have a wonderful week.

    1. Dear Rosanne, Thank you! The work you did with the Elderberrys was fantastic! Getting to pick them was wonderful!
      I love the sound of the market! I love places like that! I know you kept going and getting a lot done! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. Oh the blanket turned out so beautifully Annabel! And already you’ve started a new one! I have come to a grinding halt on mine. I’ve been cross stitching instead which is odd for me because I normally love to crochet in winter. Maybe I’ll commit to one colour a day just to keep it moving. Your agaves make such a big impact! Our local supermarket sells ready made trays of lasagne for $30. I think they are 1kg, so I’m sure yours would have been bigger. Obviously it was very much appreciated if you were offered hens for another tray!

    With your encouragement I ‘outcooked’ the children in the holidays so that I could freeze some baking. That has been gold this week as I could add a frozen fruit muffin to lunchboxes. I will try to bake some more this weekend as it was so helpful to have them on hand.

    It has been very cold here this week so soup is on the menu. The weekend is due to be dry and windy so there will be towels hung up to dry.

    Have a great weekend
    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen, Thank you! I am in the city and brought the new blanket with me as it isn't too big to lug around and pack!
      Thanks for telling me about the lasagne price. Mine are for sure between two and three kilos!
      Well done on the baking! Yes it is tough to keep up with hungry kids. On Sundays my Mum would do piles of pancakes or pikelets. She had a large electric hot plate so she could do 20 at a time. She would keep going after we had eaten as many as we could and then when they were cold she buttered them for our school lunch boxes. I loved them! So this was one more get ahead lunch box filler.
      Dry and windy weather is great for washing as the wind "irons" everything smooth! I am going to Aldi tomorrow to get the meat and cheese for the "chicken lasagne" and some more cooking! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Dear Annabel, a pleasure reading your post, as always. The blankets are gorgeous, beautiful work. And what a great story regarding the chickens. My golden chickens (Orpington I think) have very tame and friendly personalities, but so are the white Sussex, they almost eat from my palm. The three new pullets that I bought together with my ducks are black with some golden lace around the neck, they are very calm and quiet, eat little and get along well with the other chicks. So far I don*t have any pecking problems but that is mostly because of Philip, the Great Rooster, who supervises everything! and because I handle all of them with low voice, talking to them, keeping calm, they are not bored with all the activities in their big run. Also, the ducks are very very funny! They recognize me the minut I get in the garden so I have to go to salute them every time.
    My week was filled with vet visits and medication for the kitties. They got a virus, developed severe pneumonia - I managed to save two of them (they are still with treatment/antibiotics but already eating alone) but I have lost my favourite, Litlle Domino. Life with animals are the best but I have many many scars on my heart.
    I, too, join Jessica*s everybitcounts challenge. My first day was harvesting and drying thyme, calendula and mint. Some of that will go into the chicken feed in the winter.
    On August 1st. every year we celebrate our first love date with red roses. We are together from day one and this year was the 29th anniversary! We are romantic that way.......
    Sending love to you, too. Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Dear Laura,
      I will find out the name of these chickens... they do look very similar to yours which I love. Also I think it is so nice to have a variety!
      I am really sorry about the loss of the kitten. And the vet bills. You saved two kittens so we will look at it that way.
      For those with snow and icy winters... what you do with drying green is absolutely brilliant!
      It is so sweet how you celebrate your fist date! That is beautiful. You look too young to be having a 29th anniversary! Next year will be a big milestone!
      I am in the city so doing some extra and stores I never normally get to. Not exciting things but things we should get we can like underwear and basics... With much love Annabel.xxx

  4. You always accomplish so much even when “recovering.” Glad you are feeling more rested. I was curious about your freeze drying, I know you have freeze dried so many things since you purchased it. I’m curious if you have used very much of what you preserved & if you like the quality, texture & taste as well. Also do you use it like fresh? We picked up information on a freeze dryer but it’s a large purchase so would like to have real input before ever making such a large investment. Thank you. Your blanket looks so warm and beautiful. …Vicky in Ky.

    1. Hi Vicky, Thank you! Some good you tubers to watch re freeze drying at Acre Homestead and Three Rivers Homestead. What got me on to the freeze drying is the 20+ year life span of what you process. I ask do not care for salt or canned veggies. I was dehydrating constantly and loved that. But you still only get a couple of years shelf life. Herbs and things like tomato slices.... they do not need rehydrating in the sense that one you add the herbs to the salad or the tomato to the pizza, or whatever, they instantly are like fresh again. There is enough moisture in the food/cooking to just revert them to fresh. It is weird! For dried fruit to eat as snacks I prefer the dehydrator as that gives you a chewy texture... freeze dried is more of a snap crispy texture. However these items I use ie sliced banana on to of a pavlova or in a smoothie or apple into the pan with some pork chops. Watch a lot of videos and learn some more. I do love mine and have it running at least several days a week. I hope that helps, Love Annabel.xxx

  5. Dear Annabel,

    Your blanket is beautiful! I bet in the winter it's been nice to work on, with it keeping your lap warm while you finish it up. So glad to hear that you are feeling a bit recovered from your surgery ordeal. It's been go, go, go here for a few weeks...lots of company, a new job in the family, and the garden to contend with. I'm having quite a few issues with the garden, but am managing to get some harvesting done...and lots of weeds for the chickens! This week I have processed blueberries, broccoli, green beans, green peas, red and black currants, and some carrots. We have been focusing on keeping our spending down to increase our savings, and I am grateful for the garden produce.

    Very hot and humid here right now...not the weather for afghan/blanket crocheting for me, right now! Ha, ha. Good deal on the chickens...and I bet your lasagne is out of this world, so your niece's boyfriend is getting a great deal, too!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    xx Jen in NS

  6. I am having a periodontal surgery next week and am going to be on soft foods for 2 weeks. I am really going to miss my lovely salads and crunchy veggies! Wow that fillet steak price is crazy! I forget I live in the middle of an agricultural area (Oklahoma). I always love your ideas and insights about living responsibly! Glad you're doing well.

    1. Dear Karla, I hope your surgery goes well (or maybe by now went well) and you are resting up. I could not stop sleeping for days! Thank you so much! With love Annabel.xxx

  7. I am always inspired by your homemaking! I hope you are feeling much better! God bless you!

  8. Annabel I am so glad you are recovering well and you are still accomplishing so much with your preserving, the beautiful crocheted blanket and starting a new one too. I am just gobsmacked at the price of the fillet steak you took a picture of and sadly there are many places with that cost.
    In groceries we managed to pick up a whole porterhouse steak on special at IGA for $12.99 kg cut for free, a 1.5kg tray of BBQ sausages on markdown for $4.75, 4 x 4pk of cheese and bacon rolls marked down to $2.88ea, Yoplait yoghurt on sale for $4.40ea, a cream filled ,topped sponge cake on markdown for $4.20 and zoosh 185g dips on special for $2.75 ea. All up this saved us $100.72 over prices elsewhere. Yes the porterhouse steak in other stores is $35kg + in price shock horror.
    Around the home we continued to do a stocktake of the pantry and topping up on items we had used during a spend less grocery challenge. I am pleased to say our meat freezer and the items we used are now all replaced at good prices.
    In the kitchen we made 4 loaves of wholemeal white combo bread in the bread making machines and cooked all meals from scratch.
    In the gardens I did a mini weed of part of one garden bed.
    Savings wise since September last we have saved the purchase cost of DH's new car and 62.55% of the ride on mower purchase price. Still a way to go to save to have our new garage put in but we are pleased with our progress.
    Hoping everyone has a frugal week ahead.


    1. Dear Lorna,
      You did very well with the steak! But you did well on all the shopping! Having the freezer room is important so we can take advantage of deals when we do see them.
      Your savings have been fantastic! I love that you set a goal and achieve it then pick the next goal. Also that you still achieve it when times are challenging to say the least. A new garage will be a great goal.
      I am in the city and shopping some stores I dont normally get to go to so far I have found a few really good deals! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Dearest Annabel, I am delighted to hear your dental surgery went well. If you're tired just go with it and have a nap ! I'm sure you are having nourishing food. I would like you to do a special on the rising cost of food prices ! I live in Sydney and while I am in govt housing which I am so grateful for, I am very very stressed about food prices. ! Goodness knows how people are feeding a family ! Thankful it's just me and my dog ! I go to ALDI when I can, and avoid Coles. A tray of mince at either is now close to $10!! Cheese $9.50 a block ! At all three major supermarkets. !! I try to eat fruit in season and veggies. I tire of trying to figure what to cook ! I don't like meat very much. I did make a big pot of veggies soup this last week. Delicious and reminded me of my Nana who always had a pot of soup on the stove ! I would really appreciate your input here on feeding yourself on a budget ! Your blanket is gorgeous ! I want to learn to crochet ! Love Sonia in Sydney Australia

    1. Do check out YouTube tutorials on crochet (choose either UK or US terminology -but I suggest UK). I self taught when I retired and find blankets very meditative and satisfying. The blog at Attic24 is totally inspiring and informative for the prettiest and doable blankets.
      Please don’t think it’s too hard, a bit of practice and you’ll be surprising yourself. Good luck.

    2. Dear Sonia, As Kate says it is easy to get going in crochet as you tube will teach you right from chain stitch.
      A pot of soup was a great thing to make. While it is cold I would make a different soup every week. I would make an omelette with some grated cheese, an avocado on toast, simple fried rice, pasta with some tomato, garlic, herbs, cheese... very simple things. A toasted sandwich with you soup. I watch for what veggies are the best deal. This decides the soup and or veggie dishes. If you cook up some rice or pasta make enough for a couple of nights. A simple quiche or impossible pie... that is full of goodness. I might do a post on making those. They can go to work for lunch, be dinner or breakfast! So can some nice berry muffins, or make them apple muffins as that will be much cheaper. I hope that helps Sonia, With love Annabel.xxx

  10. Annabel, your posts are like coming home!! Thank you!


    1. Thank you so much Erin!xxx

  11. Lovely crochet and beautiful preserving.
    So amazed at how much you accomplish even when you need rest. So glad you got that rest!

    We celebrated my eldest son's birthday on Friday. He turned 26! Then we welcomed a surprise visit from my husband's cousin on Saturday. Then our church had a pool party last night. So many events. But I did accomplish much. My husband and I butchered several old chickens on Wednesday. So we save on feed and have meat frozen for future meals. I made a small batch of salsa and several jars of blackberry jam . Of course, homemade cake for the party. We enjoy tomatoes from the garden sliced, in salads, and small ones for snacks.😊
    People in my county are celebrating an Olympic athlete: Trevor Bassitt. He placed 5th in men's 400m. hurtles this morning! He gets to run again tomorrow. What a godly young man he is too. There are over 700 signs around his hometown reminding us all to pray and cheer him on. 😊
    Lord bless you all as you serve God , your families, and community.
    Leslie (Ohio)

    1. Dear Leslie, You did have a lot to celebrate! You did a lot too! The cake and all you added to your pantry ... all wonderful.
      How exciting to have a local you know in the hurdles! I bet he gets a hero's welcome when he comes home!
      Thank you I love your blessing at the end! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Just checking in for a minute, almost no time since we've started back to school. I wanted to let you know that I got some golden chickens too. :) My daughter has been asking for buff orpingtons, and since she's home from college for a few more weeks I decided this was the time. We got 2 buff orps and 1 cream legbar pullet, all about 3 months old. They are so funny to watch. We have them separated from our older girls right now. I had to put down one of our older girls (my favorite one) because she has been ill with water belly and just getting worse. It was so very sad.
    I have not stored up anything in the past few weeks but we've been relying on our freezers and pantry to get by. Going back to school/work has kept me so busy! I am glad we had some meals put up for just this purpose. I will work on getting things built back up when things settle a little bit.
    Sending you lots of love from Tennessee!

    1. Dear Dianna, When I get these chickens I will ask if they are Buff Orpingtons! I have never had any chickens this colour before. I am glad you had meals put up for such a busy time! Thank you for your lovely comment! With love Annabel.xxx


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