Back to Basics. Quiche or impossible pie.

Today I used up some eggs because the girls are laying like there's no tomorrow!   These recipes are really good because you can use all all sorts of things as filling.   As you will see there are so many options!

In this instance I made myself an impossible pie.  

When I am cooking for myself I made something that will mean I have a couple of dinners and a couple of lunches I don't even have to think about!

I always use no stick baking paper.  Basically life is just easier and things come out perfectly.

If you want to make a quiche then use pastry and make an egg and cream mixture.   I refuse to give measurements.  I will use a bit more cream (any kind) or cream and milk... than egg.  I add a sprinkle of black pepper.  That is it.   You do not need to blind bake your pastry.  I would still use non stick paper.  

For an impossible pie you skip the pastry and add some self raising flour to your egg and cream batter and blend until it is smooth.   For a guide today I used  8 eggs,  500mls of cream (about half a quart) and about 3/4 cup of SR Flour.   Make sure it is nice and smooth.  

In my fridge I had about a third of a red capsicum.  In my freezer I had two slices of bacon.  Perfect!  Semi sun-dried tomatoes or fresh tomato are also really good.  Left over ham is perfect if you have it!  In fact when I have left over ham I chop it and freeze it for the next impossible pie. 

So then I went in the garden and picked some Parsley...

And some chard. 

I used a little bit of Parsley and a couple of leaves of Chard.  You could use Silverbeet or Spinach.  You could use a lot more.  If you used enough it would be like a spinach pie.   Also you can use grated zucchini.  Just grate it and squeeze some moisture out of it first.   This is yum!  But I am using what I have so...

I made up my batter...

Then I fried up an onion plus everything else I mentioned...

Then I threw this all into my baking pan which is lined.

If you are making a quiche style then this all goes on top of your pastry.  

Your baking paper needs to be wide enough to create a pool with no leaks!  If not, well,  use two smaller dishes!

Sprinkle with cheese.  Cheese makes everything better in my opinion.

Bake in a medium ish oven until it is golden and all puffed up.  

This will be delicious hot or cold.  I serve with some tomato relish or a salad and some sticky balsamic glaze.   But you can just serve it as it is!   

This is suitable for breakfast,  lunch or dinner.  It is perfect to make for dinner then have left overs for lunch boxes.

In either quiche or impossible pie style you can also make mini ones ie in muffin pans or king size muffin pans... or in smaller baking dishes.    These are perfect for picnics,  catering...  school lunch boxes.

With the impossible pie you can add slightly more flour so it will be even firmer and it will hold together and travel well.  These can be made as muffins...  like an egg and bacon breakfast muffin.   Just put in what you like and make up a name.    You can make up a couple of dozen at a time and freeze them.   A quick warm up in the microwave (oven or air frier) and you would never know they were frozen.

There are a lot of other filling possibilities but I am just including the ones I really like.   

When meat is very expensive eggs are a powerhouse of protein for your family.   For those on low carb you can use slices of ham instead of pastry to hold and bake your batter.  Actually that is really good.

If you have variations please do share.   I hope this gives you some use it up and economical


  1. Annabel, your Impossible pie looks so delicious.
    I use to always make the impossible pie, then went to making quiches with pie crust as they were so easy to pack for to go meals. Now I just make frittatas.
    All are different each time as I use up little bits out of the frig, I love when we have mushrooms to use to go into it.
    Unfortunately with egg prices going up so so much here and shortages at times, we don't make as many as I would like. Though they are a great quick meal when the frig only has a little of this and that.
    Having one with a salad or a cup of fruit is a full meal, I usually make muffins at the same time as the oven is running and those are made with whatever is available in my pantry at the time.

    Wonderful Blog as this will help so many.

  2. Great "guide" to impossible pie, Annabel! Sometimes I use some cooked green/brown lentils in one of these for some additional protein and "meat"...and thin slices of tomato laid on top after it's poured in tastes great, too! You're right...this is excellent hot or cold, which makes it very versatile. Pesto drizzled over the top is delish, too! Love it!

    xx Jen in Ns

  3. Does Impossible Pie freeze ok? Thanks in advance.

    1. Yes just fine... just thaw and re warm to

  4. I love to make a quiche, both with crust and without (bake as you do the impossible pie) using parchment paper. They are a great way to use up bits and pieces of meat, veg and cheese - and like you - I kind of eyeball the mixture as to how many eggs etc.

    I didn't realize that your impossible pie uses flour so I am going to try that next time I make this - probably this weekend. I find both versions so handy as I divide them up, wrap them well and then pop them into the freezer. They defrost in no time so make a great breakfast, lunch or dinner. I'm lucky in that my favourite spot for really good eggs has reduced the price to $5.49 per dozen (extra large) - they had been up to over $6 Cdn. at one point. I could get cheaper eggs and sometimes do for baking, but for eating I'll pay that little bit extra.

  5. I grew up making impossible pie sweet- instead of vegetable- add a bit of sugar, coconut and cinnamon- vanilla if you wish

  6. Annabel you must know what I love !!! I saw a quiche is Coles supermarket $15 !! Can you believe that ? Homemade is so lovely ! My mum also makes similar to impossible pie without the pastry as I'm trying to lose weight. With the addition of spinach onion, garlic , it's so delicious ! I had to laugh when you said cheese makes everything good ! So true ! I also have found you can add smooth ricotta cheese in ! So yummy ! I just love these recipes Annabel ! Love Sonia in Sydney Australia

  7. Thank you! Making this for dinner right now. Lord bless you, Annabel.
    Leslie in Ohio

  8. This looks delicious and I will add this recipe to my list of food recipe ideas,for now & when I come out of hospital

  9. I use milk instead of cream. I often bake some veg in the dish I'm using (eg onion, sweet potato, capsicum, aubergine, tomato, zucchini, herbs) then when they are done pour the eggy mix over the top and back in the oven.If I want it richer I might add sour cream or ricotta to the eggy mix.

  10. Thank you so much for this recipe, I make a good quiche but this is a brilliant option without the pastry! I always have loads of bits and pieces to use up too. I hate to waste any food, I know sometimes it happens, but I avoid it as much as I can so a great option for me and my family. Thank you xx


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