Back to basics. Chicken Enchiladas.

Vicky taught me to make Enchiladas and all my family love them!   I adapted the recipe a little bit and make no claims about it being authentically Mexican or any such thing.  It is just how I made them and because they are a real meat stretcher I want to share them with you.   They freeze very well which is an added bonus.

This is how I made them and it is very flexible.

First of all,  in a large pan,  fry up some chicken in small pieces.   Get your chicken a little browned and looking nice then add a couple of jars or bottles of Passata.   I am being vague... last time I used 1.5 kilos of chicken approx...  and it made me 16 man sized enchiladas.  You can use any amount.     You can also use left over cooked chicken but it you do add this later instead of at the start.  Use what you have.  Use what is in your budget. 

Instead of passata you could use a couple of tins of diced tomatoes.  A tin of tomato soup and some tomatoes.  Anything ... to give you a lot of tomato sauce.   You are aiming for a very saucy sauce... ie plenty of liquid.

To this add a chicken stock cube... or a heaped teaspoon of chicken stock powder.   Now add half a teaspoon of chilli powder,   a teaspoon of garlic powder,  a teaspoon of onion powder,  a teaspoon of oregano and half a teaspoon of cumin. 

Let this simmer away.  If you are working with raw chicken from the start you want it to cook down to be nice and tender.  You want your flavours to blend.  So I say you need an hour of simmering, lid on. 

If you are woking with cooked chicken add it in maybe in the last 30 minutes or so.

Tortillas come in small, regular and extra large... at least here in Australia.   So choose the size you want to make.  I do the big ones so I can count one enchilada per person but you be the judge.  For this I needed two packs.  If you have any left over that is ok as they freeze perfectly for next time.

When your mixture is looking good taste it.  If it is too tart add some sugar.  If it is too mild add some chilli...  or chicken bullion... or onion or garlic!  You are aiming for it to be delicious!   It is always easier to add than to take away!   You can make the sauce slightly hotter than you think because once it is blended with the other ingredients these calm it down.  But taste... this bit is where you get it to your liking. 

Let the sauce cool a bit so you can handle it.   Spread a little bit of tomato sauce over the base of your baking dish.   I use the same dishes I would use for a lasagne.  I oil them first.

As it can be messy I fill each enchilada inside that dish... lay out an enchilada...  spread a nice line of sour cream down the centre,  then some of the mix you've made then some grated cheese.  I am generous on the sour cream as it is just delicious.  

Roll that up so the seam is at the bottom and slide them along to form a nice row with a little space in between.

Add a little extra sauce especially on the edges of the tortillas and more grated cheese over the top.

If you are going to eat them now they go into the oven until they are heated right through and the cheese is golden.

They are really good served with a green salad... but on the other hand you can just serve them as they are!

If you want to freeze them cool them to chilled in the freezer then wrap and freeze.   The rest of the cooking will happen when you need them.

I made them in trays of four or five for family and for myself I wrap them individually and label.   I have a very quick meal any time.

Very often for myself I skip the tortilla and serve the chicken and sauce over rice,  a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of grated cheese.  This is completely delicious.   You could serve it in the same way using giant baked potatoes instead of the rice.  

You should end up with quite a few meals!   This is why I say when you make them up go for loads of sauce.  You will never be sorry you ended up with a lot!   Just taste and adjust according to your quality.  If your sauce seems too thick then add in some water.  

I am very grateful to Vicky as before she helped me I thought Enchilada sauce was something that came in a jar... and last time I looked one small jar was expensive!   I hope whatever way you serve them your family loves them! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel, these look absolutely delicious. I love that you can freeze them. I will definitely try them. I also love that these items are always in the pantry. Thank you, Annabel and Vicky for the encouragement. Love, Bridget

  2. Thanks for sharing this recipe Annabel and especially thanks for explaining how to freeze them, this is helpful information when batch cooking 👍🏼 From Cheryl

  3. I'll have to try the freezer enchiladas, i think the grandsons will love them. I will use browned hamburger, that is what's in the freezer from the last time we butchered.

  4. When I was a young mum I lived on a cul de sac that had eight stay at home mums. We worked out a plan where we each cooked the entre’ once a week and every one else brought side dishes. We traded recipes, taught each other many things, and our children had an extra play date! It was perfect. One of the mums was Tex-Mex and she made the very best enchiladas. She heated her tortillas in the meat mixture to infuse them with flavor. Sour cream and salsa were on the side. And she would add fresh corn to the meat mixture if it were available…She sometimes added tomatoes when cooking and other times she didn’t. Whatever she did, they were magical!! Can’t wait to try your / Vicky’s recipe, too! Matty

  5. We eat a lot of Mexican (Tex/Mex too) food and always have. One of my favorite tips is if I have too much filling for my enchiladas, or we don't want enchiladas for days, you can use the same filling in quesadillas! It's basically the same food using the same ingredients just cooked differently. And quesadillas are a super quick meal for those days you just want something different or have little time.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe! It looks like something my family will enjoy! God bless! Sue in USA

  7. Annabel's recipe sounds de-lish and she is correct that they freeze beautifully! I am not familiar with anything called passata sauce, thus I use a different recipe for the enchilada sauce and it is cheap and good. However, I freeze it separately and add it when I bake the enchiladas. I add sour cream when serving. We also like cheese enchiladas made with grated cheese and a little chopped onion. Now I am making myself hungry!

  8. Annabel
    Your enchiladas look so good and your sauce mouth watering! They are truly a good stretcher because it's so flexible. We like them with just cheese, some with just rice, but like you I just prefer the sauce over rice, bean enchiladas can be made and beef ones too or hamburger even turkey in place of chicken.
    And they don't have to be loaded to be filling.
    If you have a small amount of the sauce left and a few tortillas I like to bake them flat not rolled up and add some toppings like an enchilada pizza.

  9. These look good! I make enchiladas with a chile-based sauce and serve them over shredded lettuce. It kind of partially wilts into the sauce which tastes much better than it sounds. I have somehow never thought to include sour cream! I'm excited to add that in next time now.

  10. Dear Annabel, I think they look superb ! And will especially help bluebirds with men to feed and families ! I would prefer to make it and serve over rice like you mentioned. I like how this recipe can be used so many ways ! I will admit here , and I know all the bluebirds here will support me and not judge me, when I say I am finding the cost of living very stressful ! I am trying to finish my course so I can get work. Living on government benefits is very hard !! Even though it's just me , I can say I'm stressed about the cost of living. ! Living in Sydney is very costly, but as my medical needs are complex I have to be near a big tertiary hospital so I have to be in the city. My sister moved out to the country over 15 years ago before she started a family, and luckily has never needed any medical things. Her neighbour got breast cancer god bless her, and with cows to milk , she had to come to the city four hours away for three months, leaving behind her children , husband and farm. Unfortunately there are very few medical services in the bush. The government needs to invest more money in this area. My sister's husband fell off a ladder last year on his back (praise God her didn't die or worse) but was sent to a hospital two hours away for treatment.
    So, in short Annabel, if you can do a "cost of living crisis "?. Also, can you post a recipe for your tuna Mornay ? Love Sonia in Sydney Australia 🦘

  11. Statistics have said that in these struggling times old fashioned recipes are making a comeback Such as corn beef cottage pie adding lentils to mince rice pudding and anything with eggs

    1. I love old fashioned corn beef and veggies ! And a real steal at $8 a kg here , it does so many versatile meals!!


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