Feather your Nest Friday, 26th July, 2024.

I am a day late this week.   I just got home from my trip to the city to have a tooth removed and a bone graft.   Even though this doesn't sound like much fun I really had every blessing.   My niece Allie came with me and stayed with me and was an absolute angel.   She is the kind of person that can make dental surgery recovery seem like fun.   I was looked after by a wonderful dentist.   I had Mums comfy place to stay.  

Yesterday I slept most of the day,  hence no post.  Today I drove home and the more I drove the more it rained!  In the end I was heading into rainbows and came in the driveway which was full of puddles!   This is so good!

So tonight I am pretty tired.  But it is so nice to be home.  

Before I left I freeze dried peas to add to my pantry.

I took a hack saw with me to Adelaide.  Once again I got a car load of succulents!   These are the size of the Agaves in Mum's garden.   This one is about as tall as me...

They are in a row and behind them lots of new plants spring up.     Before I went to the dentist I cut off some more to bring home.   

This was the back of my car when I loaded up.   The back seats were saved so I could go to Aldi on the way out of town.

So yes I stocked up at Aldi and by this stage the car was pretty full.  Then I headed down the freeway.

I prayed all the way home.  The French Olympics depiction/parody?/insult/filth... I don't even know what to call it... insult to Our Lord and the Apostles at the Last Supper upset me so much.  I did not watch it live but the news showed me this.  In our home I have not turned the TV on since Andy died.   We still hear about things and see them but this one is beyond words.  This is how they want to represent their country?   

While I was gone my helpers put in a gate in the back fence.  Now the tractor can come in to pick up the  rubbish AND I have a shot cut to the chickens!  Yay!

Lily tried her first solids.

She seemed happy about it.  She is joyous about everything! 

So that is my short report.  I hope you found many ways to build up your home this week.  Keep chipping away at all you can also rest and re charge over the weekend! xxx


  1. So glad the tooth procedure went well. Praise God for blessings. I also don't watch much on TV, my nephew is staying and seemed shocked I didn't want the opening ceremony put on here, he ended up watching it in our shed but came up after not long. I slipped out that I believed it was satanic, whoops. Praying for a complete and speedy healing for you x Deb

    1. Thanks so much Deb. I think you are spot on! xxx

  2. Hello Annabel,

    Iā€™m so glad your procedure went well, you sound like you are recovering well too, so that is good šŸ˜Š

    I didnā€™t hear about the controversy at the opening ceremony until I read your post, so I looked it up, I agree with you it was in very poor taste. I have many things I would like to say about it, but I wonā€™t.

    On to more pleasant topics. I picked a large bunch of coriander from the garden, dehydrated it then blitzed it into a powder, that added a little to my spice pantry. Iā€™ve been baking bread, bread rolls and muffins from scratch. But in really exciting news I got two new veggie gardens made, as I think you saw a photo of on FB. Iā€™m so happy. It makes me feel abundant and gives me a sense of security to do this!

    Have a lovely week. Look after yourself šŸ™

    From Cheryl šŸ¦šŸŖ¹

    1. Dear Cheryl, Thank you! Yes I did see the new garden beds! It is absolutely what we can grow and I am a fan of growing somethings upward on a frame or trellis etc as that creates even more space! You added to your shelves and all the baking is so beautiful! Well done that is a good week! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Lily is truly a joy from the very beginning, you are all truly blessed. The rain has been wonderful to fill rain water tanks and to provide ongoing moisture to the farmers and graziers. Iā€™m so pleased your surgery went well and that you were cared for . The bone graft doesnā€™t sound like a pleasant experience! I didnā€™t see this part of the Olympic opening ceremony, but is another sign of the times, and testament to the sodom and Gomorrah that this world is fast becoming. Last night we had to switch channels, as a movie was just bare pornography before our eyes. Nothing is sacred anymore, and what was reserved between a husband and wife is now reduced to lust and immorality. Sorry to end on this note. šŸ˜ž

    1. Well done on turning the channel! Sodom and Gomorrah is exactly the right reference! It is so nice to be home, greener and some sunshine today which just helps the grass to grow! Have a good new week! xxx

  4. Dear Annabel, Iā€™m with you on the Opening Ceremony! I thought it was for families, for people of all ages and nationalities to come together, but no, clearly it was an attack. Iā€™m so glad the surgery went well. Allie sounds lovely; what a wonderful person. Lily is just so sweet. I love her big smile. I hope you found some good deals. I have been cooking little cakes and biscuits. Also crocheting. And I think I need to turn the tv off even more. Iā€™m going to question everything. Love, b

    1. Dear Bridge, Thank you so much! I had been so worried and upset not having Andy to take me to this procedure but Allie stepped up and she was perfect. And Lily and her big smiles greeted me when I got home. Well done on the lovely baking and crocheting! You are right ... children and families were viewing. Do you notice they always have little boys amongst the drag queens and one bloke had his "bits" hanging out of his pants and he was standing near a little boy. It is completely vile. Seriously I am glad Andy wasn't here. He would have been so upset and heartbroken. He could no longer take it. Nor my Dad... oh holy moly it is the best he never saw it either!
      Let's have a very good week, my challenge is to preserve something each day. With love Annabel.xxx

  5. I'm so glad things went well for you, Annabel, at the dentist! I know we all have been praying. So glad that Allie could go to help and comfort you. God is so good in how He provides!
    Amazing haul of succulents. Little Lily is such a joyful one. Thanks for sharing pictures of your sweet grandchildren!

    I have been adding to my nest by: making a big batch of kombucha, cooking from the garden, cleaning, and organizing. The summer has been busy getting the teens to their summer jobs. We are thankful that we live where jobs are abundant. My husband continues to look for a job that will work with his skills and health challenges.
    We are preparing for a graduation party tomorrow. My second daughter graduated homeschool and is off to college in 2 weeks. The food will be homemade and the decorations and party plates are from the dollar store. So nice to have children that will help with the food and decorating!

    Love, Leslie (Ohio)

    1. Dear Leslie, Congratulations to your daughter for her graduation! It is great about the teens and their jobs. I do remember the driving around picking up and dropping off time of my life! I hope and pray your husband finds a good job!
      Your cooking fresh from the garden and housework all sound great. Busy times! Oh yes... you reminded me I have all the succulents to plant. I might do a couple of day method! With love Annabel.xxx

  6. Dear Annabel, I am very glad you are over the dentist. You were brave and Aliie was a blessing! I had a problem with a tooth when I was ten years old, my Aunt took me to the only dentist available in a comunist little town and I came out with blood on my white T shirt and a terror of dentists that had lasted well up to my 30's, when I took my son to dentist visits. Luckily, he has no fear and very good teeth but I was very attentive for him not to take the same fear. Lily is so precious with all her smiles, a very happy baby! I like your succulents, the new gate and the rain. My week was at a normal rythm, work, cook, garden, enjoy, slow down, crochet. My chicken slowed down, too, eggs are every other day, I think because of the heat wave, but still I could honour the week demand for selling eggs. Today I picled cucumbers for winter for a coleague and received in exchange cucumbers and food for my little dog, for the cats and kitchen scrap for the chickens. Now I rest in the backyard watching the duck s patrol and reading / relaxing with my dear Bluebirds. Have a nice weekend everyone, Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Dear Laura, I had a terror of dentists too. But your experience sounds worse than mine! Thank you! I could not do much other than crochet but coming home to the rain, greener grass, the gate... I was grateful. Also having plants to add to my rock garden for free!
      The heat does knock chickens around. Love the trade with your friend! And I love your ducks! They are so happy and busy and really your problem with snails and slugs is over!
      Have a very good new week! With much love Annabel.xxx

  7. I am so glad that the procedure went well and that you had support then and afterwards. I hadn't heard about the Olympic controversy until I read about it on here, so I looked it up. I am not a practising Christian, but I feel that it was extremely tasteless and disrespectful. As a woman, I am also increasingly annoyed by drag being seen as 'just a bit of fun' when it is actually a grotesque parody of womanhood. What a strange world we live in!

    1. Dear Tracy, Thank you! You make a good point! There is a lot more to being a woman than dress ups and that is insulting too. I am so glad to be home and have the week done and dusted! Many thanks, love Annabel.xxx

  8. I've always enjoyed watching the Olympics and I don't consider myself much of a sports fan. We even got to attend the 1996 Olympics and I enjoyed it very much. This will be the 1st time I won't have watched an Olympics as an adult. I don't need it and apparently they don't need me.

    Every Christmas I try to make some of my gifts homemade/thrifted. It's been my dream to have all my gifts be homemade/thrifted but I've never been able to achieve that. However, I'm hoping this year is different. I'm already working on my list and I hope to start on the garments for my grandchildren in the next couple of weeks and the strawberry jam for my daughters.

    I'm glad your dental surgery went well.

    1. Dear Margaret, I am the same! I have stayed up many a late night glued to the olympics over the years. But not this year.
      My goal is the same... most Christmas presents homemade. A lot of baking happens in December but in January I started making things. I need to go through my cupboard and see what is in there! Jam sounds perfect. I like to do little baskets of home made things too. With love and thanks Annabel.xxx

  9. Iā€™m so glad your dental procedure went well. Thank God for His blessings! And you have many! I love how smart you were in getting succulents and freeze drying peas, etc., etc., even while dealing with your procedure. Lily is beautiful and so happy! How absolutely disgusting about the Olympics! I really was looking forward to seeing the scenery in Paris, but now I donā€™t plan to watch it. Have a great weekend! Sue in USA.

    1. Dear Sue, Thank you! I was glad I could work in some things to bring back with me! Today I got a few of the succulents planted. They are so big they make an instant impact! Have a great new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. I am so thankful all of the dental work went well and you are safely back home. Lily is so cute!!
    I did not watch the Olympics as we never watch TV, but saw the headlines on the internet. It shows how demonic these evil people are and how much they hate Hashem and Yeshua. May they be crushed. God will not be mocked.
    Have a rest filled weekend, my friend.
    With love,

    1. Dear Glenda, Thank you! Yes it is so nice to be home. I have slept a lot! Also today I got a few succulents planted! Have a very good new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  11. I am so glad that procedure is over for you. Praying for healing for you. We are praying about boycotting the Olympics.

  12. I am glad your surgery went well. I hope in a few weeks you will be fully recovered.
    I know we can get complacent living our quiet lives but I believe everyone needs to get ā€œoutā€ in the bigger world. Taking trips to the city after country living opens our minds to other peopleā€™s thoughts and actions from which we can take hope or despair. It can also make us appreciate every blessing we have. Have a great week, Erin

    1. Dear Erin, Thank you! For sure! I really see things and really appreciate coming home from the city. Its interesting. Also I can take opportunities like shopping at the big stores! With love Annabel.xxx

  13. What a sweet and beautiful lil Angel .
    We never watch the games it has been strange for a while , more about Hollyweird than the Athletes.ā€™
    Glad youā€™re back home , in this crazy world coming home is such a grand thing.
    We try to make our home a haven , a safe place to come out of this crazy world and to have beauty , comfort and yummy food .

    1. Dear Lynd, I did find the British opening ceremony also very weird. But not to this extreme! Yes! Coming home is a beautiful thing! It is our sanctuary and we must try to keep it that way. Even my own bed... it is the best! With love Annabel.xxx

  14. I'm so glad things went well Annabel and that you had good company and came home with a car load. Those succulents are huge!
    Lily is just a doll! She has such a sweet smile.
    I didn't watch the Olympics opening when I heard what it was going to be. Its just disgusting! I do hope that's the last of those displays.
    It's been a busy week here on the home front with more canning and we now have our full winter's supply of wood plus lots extra so that is a need that's off the list.
    Its been so hot that the little bit of baking I do is in the toaster oven but boy do I look forward to a proper baking day when the weather cools.
    I'm gathering things to take to my son's on Tuesday after his surgery, I've been so worried and scared that they won't be able to get all of the cancer so my mind just races with different thoughts.
    I anticipate that there will be a lot going on here in the USA that won't be good and will be war like so preparing for that.
    The closing of our local pharmacies is not good and the ones staying open have much higher prescription prices.
    I will be busy for awhile yet with the gardens but also keeping my ears and eyes open.

    1. Praying for your son, Vicky, that all the cancer will be removed. Prayers for you as well...may God fill you with His peace.
      Love, Leslie (Ohio)

    2. Praying for your son and your your family. Praying God gives the peace that passes all understanding. I pray that he guides the surgeons hands and minds and you receive a good report. I pray s c covering over your son and your family. That by his stripes he is healed. Sending hugs
      Patti From San Diego

    3. Dear Vicky, (For anyone reading her sons surgery has gone well!). You worked really hard and I am so glad the surgery went well! Now he needs rest and recuperation. I know you will be feeding him your yummy chicken! Less competition with the pharmacies will mean higher prices. That is not good at all. It is fantastic what you are harvesting and to be ahead for the whole of winter for wood! That is awesome! With much love Annabel.xx

  15. Dear Annabel, I am relieved to hear your procedure went well and is over with and you are back home. What a treasure your niece is, that was so nice of her to go with you. I have had a busy and good week full of normal happenings. Love Clare

    1. Dear Clare, Thank you! I have been so happy to be home. A busy and good week sounds lovely! Thats what we want! With love Annabel.xxx

  16. Dear Annabel
    Iā€™m sure youā€™re very glad to have that dental work now behind you.
    I made lots and lots of cauliflower rice and froze it as cauliflowers are only 1.99 and itā€™s easier to cook it by stirring it directly in a bechamel for recipes.
    The days are getting noticeably longer so spring is nearly here.
    Stay warm.

    1. Dear Kate, Thank you! Yes I am seeing signs of spring. A blossom here and there... and daffodils are up! That is a great deal on cauliflowers!! They are $4.60 here which is better than the previous $8. But I will watch and wait! It is cold today but no rain at all is forecast for 10 days! So we are back to needing rain. I hope its been a good week! With love Annabel.xxx

  17. Dear Annabel,
    First, prayers and hugs sent for a fast and complete recovery. I fear the pain of the dentists office so much. I don't go as often as I should because of it.
    DS2 showed me that blasphemy that was the Olympics opening on his phone today. I had not heard about it but then again this is why I watch so little TV. Basically local weather and sports (occasionally). There is so little of any worth on tv anymore.
    Yesterday we took advantage of a great 12% off everything in store at a local farm store. Farmer got a 650gallon water tank on sale and then the discount for the pasture. We also needed 600ft of hose. That project took over an hour in the heat and humidity but now we can be sure the cattle can get to good water as the ponds are getting smaller in the heat.
    I found shirts for the grandkids on sale ($5.00US) plus the discount. Of the 4, 2 were sets of 2, so $2.50 each shirt minus 12% equals $2.20 each. That is cheaper than the Thrift Store! The other two were branded John Deere shirts, and with the discount $4.40. Again, I could not get this deal anywhere else. The children were thrilled with their new tops.
    Later in the day, Farmer discovered our riding lawn mower needed at the least, a $300.00+ part that may or may not fix it's issue. Another phone call to the farm store and he got a larger mower on sale plus the discount. The old one was over 10 years old. I'd say it paid for itself.
    So while the Farm had an expensive day, it was much less than it could have been.
    Final savings of the day, we found a special on pizza. The price of two Jumbos equal to the price of two Mediums. The extras went home with the children for their supper this week.
    We are still eating from the pantry and freezers, so our grocery bills are slight. We slowly clearing out the processed foods we do not eat anymore. We mostly eat Keto/Carnivore for health reasons.
    Again, blessings on you as you heal.

    1. Dear Kay, Thank you so much! Oh what good deals you got! My Grandsons love John Deere! Those shirts sound just lovely! It is also great about the tank and water set up for the cows. I know how important that is! The new mower is a good investment. Possible parts from the old mower can be saved. The kids would have loved having pizza to take home! You really had a big week ! With lots of love Annabel.xxx

  18. So glad that things went well at the dentist and that you are safely home.

    Managed to add some more jars and cans to the pantry this week and continued to use up items from the freezer.

    I love sports - especially the Olympics so I sat through all 4 LONG hours of that absolute mess. With so much rich history, literature, artists & great writers to celebrate - somehow they thought THAT was the best way to showcase Paris? And yes, it was disrespectful to Christians around the world. The only part I really enjoyed was the lighting of the flame and Celine Dion's performance to close the evening - she was amazing! I've just seen the organizing committee online "apologizing" IF anyone was offended - complete BS - they knew exactly what they were doing and approved it and what do they mean by IF someone was offended - the outrage has been coming in from across the Globe - there is no IF about it. I feel very sorry for the athletes.

    1. Dear Margie, Yes the outrage is still going. I follow some churches online and you tube and they have made very good statements. Which encouraged me.
      Well done on adding jars and cans to the pantry! That makes it a good week! I am trying to do the same, something each day! With much love, Annabel.xxx

  19. So glad your procedures went well and you arrived safely home again with lots of goodies. I totally agree about Paris. So sad and disgusting. And what a joy that sweet face of Lily. I do not understand why people want to destroy such pure innocence. Just the devil.

    1. Dear Elaine, Yes they sure love to include the children... which is truly evil. God help them. Our Lily is a joy. I am going over to see them shortly. It is cold here! I need to be near the fire! I am feeling much better! Thank you! With love Annabel.xxx

  20. I'm so glad you are safely home and the dental procedure is behind you. I hope healing is going well. Lovely photo of Lily and you received some very welcome rain. I don't know what the French were thinking of with their opening ceremony, they offended many of their own citizens too.
    My routines have all gone a bit awry recently as we went away for a short time and had guests and the garden needs lots of attention. We have builders in the house so its all a bit topsy turvy. The building work is part of our future proofing and improving so we can age in place ( we hope!). I have picked and frozen lots of blackcurrants and redcurrants and we are eating lots of salad and veggies from the garden. Not quite in the glut weeks yet but that will come soon. I am picking many vases of flowers and we give them to neighbours too. I have sorted out some more sad teatowels and cut them up for cleaning cloths/ messy mop ups. A friend and I went to a fabric roadshow in aid of charity and I was very pleased to buy some fabric in colours I needed for a project at a good price. Even Liberty fabric was cheaper than we can buy it locally.
    My grocery shopping came in under budget this week so I will think about what to stock up with the spare money.
    Love to you Annabel and all bluebirds.
    Penny in the UK.

    1. Dear Penny, It is good planning to make your home suitable to stay in. That would be ideal. Your garden is sounding fantastic! I love that you are picking, enjoying and sharing flowers! A fabric roadshow sounds like something I would be at with you! I adore Liberty it really is the most gorgeous fabric. Yes do stock up with any spare money. Hopefully on a really good deal too! Goodness prices are getting crazy! While you are eating fresh from the garden that will keep your grocery bill lower too! With much love Annabel.xxx

  21. Oh the sweet smile of Lily! I love seeing your grand babies! I'm hoping and looking forward to having a few one day. I love the good report about your dental surgery. I pray for your good health and comfort often.
    I agree with you about the Olympics. I won't be watching. We rarely watch tv anymore but I'm intentionally going to avoid the games.
    My week has been good. I'm cleaning my house by area (zones) and spending a few minutes each day with intention in the chosen area for that week. My house is much cleaner, and it's only a few minutes each day!
    We've been eating at home from our pantry. I'm also working on different things to add to my Etsy shop and gift cabinet this summer. In the sewing room, I'm using fabrics I already have instead of buying new. Not only is that saving money, it uses up things that are taking up space! I love to turn something into a useful item!
    Hoping you are able to rest this week!
    Stacy in Virginia

    1. Dear Stacy, Well done on the zone cleaning. I can feel as we get to the end of winter/early Spring I will be Spring cleaning. Everything fresh and sparkly is just lovely. Converting supplies into gifts and items to sell is brilliant. Feel free to share your Etsy shop here or on the Thursday Afternoon Club (or both!) With love Annabel.xxx

  22. Praise the LORD for he is good ! I am delighted to hear your tooth surgery went well ! He provides for us so much ! I watched some of the opening Olympics but didn't see the disturbing news you mention. We must guard our hearts ! The world says we are supposed to accept this stuff but I won't ! Lily looks so beautiful! I hope you had a good week ! Love Sonia. Sydney Australia


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