Feather your Nest Friday. 19th July, 2024.

A lot has happened since last Friday, in the world and at home.  As I write there is a global internet outage.  Here it is affecting banks, airlines, supermarkets, the media and more.  So... I have hopped on to try and get this post out a few hours early and see what happens!  I have the battery radio near by should I need it! 

After I took the girls home I had a giant sleep in then attacked the big clean up and pack up of craft supplies etc.   The cows won and got the bale of hay and were very happy about it.   Now the boys will build me some kind of landing strip for the flying fox that is not tasty to cows. 

Once I caught up I knew I needed to get on to lemons and eggs.   Firstly,  I used twenty lemons and twenty eggs to make two batches of Lemon Butter.

Eggs from happy farm hens make this beautiful colour!  My original post on Lemon Curd was called Jars of Sunshine.  You can see why!   Both my helpers now bring their household food scraps out each week.  The chickens are really loving all the extras! 

I did cheat but I filled tarts...  

Then I filled sponge cakes...

Then I filled jars and froze them.

Then I gave away a dozen eggs so now I only have a couple of eggs and still a lot of lemons!   And we have a cold snap, huge storm, rain... I don't think any chicken will be in an egg laying mood. 

I made Pasties.   16 man sized, 2 kid sized, 6 gluten free...

All of the cooking helped Chloe,  stocked my freezer and I gave one of my helpers dinner in a box...

A parcel arrived.  The contents were ok but the packing was fantastic!   Just when one of the nesting boxes needs some fresh material!   Out of all my chickens they only use two nesting boxes.  🥚

This morning, before the storm came in,  Chloe had the boys out and about using up energy and getting fresh air.

I am getting close to finishing my blanket.   I say this but the border will probably add on several days!

Since the girls read so much I decided to keep my eyes out for more novels right for their reading levels.  I got over 200 for $40.   They are just beautiful.  I bought them not expecting this many!   But here in Australia it would be $40 or more for TWO books.   Today I went through them.   There are many classics and things that I know will appeal.

There are some to put away for a bit older reading age.   There are sixty that I am going to donate to the little library because they don't pass all my criteria but someone will love them.   This leaves sooo many books!  So I can go onto looking for more boys books at the older boys will soon be reading.

In the garden my beans are growing... I have beans in three beds.

A major achievement this week was Andy's stone is in place at the top of the hill.   The top of the hill was cut out, filled with rocks, then stone, then road base...   then cement... then finally the stone was moved from the shed and up the farm track, over a kilometre to the hill.

The rock weights a tonne, literally.  I couldn't watch.   I found it terrifying actually.

Anyway... they got it into position without incident.  Tim is an excellent driver!

Now you will remember our friend Andrew.  He is the man who was Andy's friend and he was baptised a couple of weeks after Andy's death.   Andy knew this had been arranged and was sooo thrilled.    Well,  here he is with Andy's stone,  set in place,  job done.   This was the culmination of weeks of work.

He knows the farm nearly as well as Andy did.  He makes sure I have water to the house, water to the troughs,  cows stay in,  everything works!   Without him I would have been toast.   As our friend he has been sent by God,  truly.  

The next steps are to build a fence,  add droppers (as there is a stock waterline right next to it) plant ground covers then in Spring Andy's ashes will go up there.  That spot was picked by him he was very specific.  However he would never have expected this rock... and when the crucifix and plaque go on I will show you.  He would think it is really something.    His wishes plus a lot more.


Our Back to Basics post next week is by Laura!  She shares something I have never heard of but using ingredients most of us grow in summer.  It is absolutely beautiful!   This is a basic for her in her kitchen in Romania! 

Also next week I have to go to the city for a dental procedure under a sedation.   You can imagine how excited I am about that.  BUT... I am motivated because this tooth is just starting to be a problem and I have only pain or infection ahead.  Because I'm having a bone graft as well I am having a sedation.  Believe me I am ALL FOR sedation!   I hope to post as usual Friday but if I don't I should be ok over  the weekend.  

My helpers are going to look after the farm.   I haven't left yet and I already just want to come home!  You know me though, I have packed a crochet project bag to take with me.    Something smaller than lugging my whole huge blanket around.   The start of the next blanket!    Also there is going to be some time where I can go shopping beforehand and if all goes well (and I don't look like I've been knocked out in the boxing ring)  I will go to Aldi on the way home.  😊

How did you build up your home this week?  I hope you were able to add to your pantry!  xxx


  1. Dear Annabel, you accomplish so much! Well done. Andy’s stone looks magnificent. Amazing what a substantial tractor can do! Praying for follow up rain, and that your dental procedure goes perfectly for you. Missy.

    1. Thanks so much Missy! The tractor was such a big deal to buy but it completely changed life on the farm. We got quite a good soaking last night too! xxx

  2. Dear Annabel, Andy's stone is amazing. I had a full day in the kitchen today and was very pleased with what I achieved. We are going for a day trip to my parents tomorrow (2 1/2 hours away) so we will be getting up early. I made sausage rolls, scalloped potatoes, honey joys and apple cakes for our lunch. I also purchased 8, 120ml jars and filled 4 with lemon jelly and 4 with baked custard for my Mum and Dad to have small desserts in the week to come. Just a little way I can help them. Annabel that rug you made is so beautiful. I am still working on a plain green one the same colour as my husband's ute to go in it as it's cold in winter as the ute's heater no longer works. I am going to try finish it up I think I've taken nearly 2 years to do it, I'm not sure. I will be thinking of you and praying for you next week. Love Clare

    1. Dear Clare, Your cook up to take to your parents sounds just beautiful. I hope you are having a fantastic day! I love the idea of the green rug for your husbands ute! That is a perfect gift. If you dont have too far to go you will get it finished up in no time! Scalloped potatoes are perfect for this weather! Good idea. Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Oh yes what a major achievement Annabel, to have Andy’s stone in position, just as he wanted it to be. The worked involved sounds phenomenal! Can’t wait to see the memorial plaque in place and ground covers planted. It must have been quite a moment for you Annabel. What a blessing for you to have such wonderful helpers at the farm next week, knowing everything is in hand. I’m sure you will benefit from having this ‘time out’ Annabel, as your daily exploits sound exhausting ! Best wishes and blessings from Robyn S.A.

    1. Dear Robyn, Thank you! I am really happy with the plaque and the cross and cant wait to get those on, it will make all the difference. We had a pretty good rain last night but the wind was something else! Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  4. The lemon butter looks so delicious. I drooled through the previous Jars of Sunshine post and here I am doing it again. Lovely. Andy's stone is so beautiful and I know he is looking down from Heaven smiling at you with love. I will be praying for your dental procedure. I have one of my own coming up in a couple of weeks - a crown lengthening where they trim/cut gums and possibly file down some of the bone to make it all even. I have an infection that has developed on the gum of one of my front teeth (I have a permanent crown on that one) that has gone a bit wonky for some reason in the past 9 months despite it being fine for years. Like you, I'm not looking forward to it but I know it'll be for the better. No sedation for me. I hope that's not a mistake of a decision. LOL

    1. Dear Karla, Oh I am sorry about that infection. Even a low grade infection is really bad for your body. Make it number one that the infection is healed. I am really luck I have gone ok... have a full day rest tomorrow. Also Im glad to have it over! You will feel this way when yours is also behind you! Thank you re Andys stone. I know when the crucifix and plaque go onto it he will be so blessed by it. Thank you also re the lemon butter. When I get home I should have more eggs... so I can get going again! With much love Annabel.xxx

  5. Dearest Annabel, believe me you will just want to go home to sleep after sedation and take it really easy for a few days ! I've had plenty of sedations for medical stuff and I've nursed people through sedation for dental work !!
    You also MUST get some good pain relievers from the surgeon before you are discharged because when it wares off you will need something !!
    What a wonderful time to be had with the grand kids. These are the memories they will keep ! My grandmother and grandfather had very little money but they had a double backyard and each holiday we would climb trees, or watch my Nana cook ! Learning to see basic things is a great skill ! I even learnt how to make basic scrambled eggs when I was young with homegrown chives of course ! You are so lucky to have chickens with this bird flu even finding eggs in the city is very hard ! I don't make lemon butter because I don't know how to sterilize the jars and I have no dishwasher. I can't eat it because of the sugar I'm trying to lose weight ! It is true on your farm you are so busy you don't need to worry so much about your figure being so busy and making farmers food and food for Chloe etc . I would dearly love to see a recipe file section in this blog. ! I will pray for your procedure Annabel. If at all possible , try and stay one night in hospital. You will thank me ! Love Sonia. Sydney Australia

    1. Sonia, sterilizing jars is easy! Place clean jars upside down in a roasting pan and add a couple of inches of water. If you have room on your range, put the pan on a burner and bring to a slow boil. If you don't have a spare burner, put the pan in your oven. I usually set the oven for around 300F--don't know what that would be in centigrade, but I'd say "slow moderate" (?). Again, you want a slow boil. Make sure the jars boil for at least 15 minutes, but longer is fine. Check occasionally to be sure there is water in the bottom of the pan--it tends to fill the jars, so just lift the jars to empty it back into the pan.

  6. Maxine aka mikemax19 July 2024 at 06:32

    You had quite a busy and productive week! The lemon curd is absolutely beautiful. You have done a wonderful job of honoring Andy.

    Our house is finally finished from the water damage in April. We had to move out of the house for 10 days in June.

    Additionally, last Friday I had the pantry closet rebuilt in the utility room. The jokers who built this house only put in 4 shelves spaced so far apart that much potential space was unusable. (But not far enough apart to just add shelves in-between). I hired a guy to tear out the existing shelves and build 6 shelves in the same space. The cost was mostly labor as he was able to reuse most of the lumber and brackets. I touched up the paint and then put everything back, plus some other stuff that had been looking for a home. I have additional food storage in the attached garage so most of this is kitchen and utility room overflow. Big improvement!

    The fact that we've accomplished anything has been a miracle. For the past two months, my daughter has been suffering a mental health crisis. She is 47 years old and developmentally disabled. She has had severe clinical depression and anxiety for about 30 years. Normally, she does very well, but one of her meds quit and we're having trouble finding one that works without nasty side effects. She normally lives away from home for half of every week, but she's been home full-time for over a month and has gone to work only two days. (Not at all this week). This is both heartbreaking and very stressful. We are being reminded daily that all we can do is pray and trust God.

    Last Friday, I made a batch of apricot jam for the first time. It is SOOOOOO good! I don't like fresh or canned apricots, but I sure do like the jam! I will make more if I can get the fruit at a decent price again. Strawberries are on sale this week and I will be making freezer jam.

    Looking forward to reading all of the other Bluebirds' accomplishments. I hope you all have a good week coming!

    1. What a coincidence to come on here and read that you, Maxine, made apricot jam for the first time too. My husband was gifted some and I decided to have a go and it turned out great. It must be international apricot jam week!

  7. So glad to read that you have had some cooler weather and rain! Wild Fires have flared up again on both coasts here - the oil industry areas are threatened in Alberta and a major hydro electric facility has been under threat in Newfoundland - although the rest of us have had a fair bit of rain. I'm sure in you google Toronto and flooding you'll get a few photos showing what it was like here on Tuesday! We got a month's worth of rain in a matter of hours and it completely overwhelmed the systems - flooding & power outages. It took me 2.5 hours to get home on public transit - had to walk at the start and at the end of the journey because of the power being out and then I had to climb 4 stories to my apt. BUT - being prepared has its advantages. I had plenty of light sources, a hand cranked radio that worked really well, a battery powered fan (a relief since it was about 30C) and plenty of food and water. I had power back by the evening but for some people it was nearly 48 hours and there are many flooded basements.

    What a great buy with all the books! The girls will be set for years!

    A microwave is next on my list of small appliance purchases to make so I will be making your lemon curd recipe at that point in time. The problem is - I LOVE lemon curd and it will be a real temptation to eat it all in one go!

    Andy's memorial stone will be wonderful once all the work is completed - what an amazing tribute to him.

    I am with you when it comes to sedation - knock me out - do what you have to do - and then let me go home! Most of the time the anticipation (and dread) is worse than the actual treatment and you are wise to get it sorted before anymore issues arise but - take lots of time to recover.

    I will look forward to Laura's post next week - she always has something interesting to share.

    Yep - we have been hit with the IT issue as well here in Canada - it seems to be mainly airlines and some banks that are affected here. My home pc and my work one seem to be working fine but I might check out a couple of other websites just to see what is still down. This is why I always keep some cash on hand - apparently some of the supermarkets are having problems with their self-checkout registers and some banking cards aren't working at the regular registers - so just a reminder.

    Stay safe everyone.

    1. I have seen about fires and floods! Your journey home was not easy! Well done on all you had done to prepare for such an event!
      I am the same with the lemon curd. My secret it to gift some, share some baking and reduce what is left for me! Also to some extent the freezer is out of mind for me! I went well with my dental procedure and it is funny I thought I was awake and knew what was going on then they were finished and I was moved into recovery. So I must have actually been asleep over an hour. When Allie brought me home I slept a lot more. So far I am going great. Yes it is good to be over.
      Also here it was airports/banks.supermarkets... I agree we must have supplies, we must have cash. All of these things (it seems like your week tested out your preps well) are good reminders. This one had me making. list of things and making sure I have paper copies of my banks accounts and funds. What a week! With love Annabelxxx

  8. Debby in Kansas USA19 July 2024 at 15:42

    Loved your post and pictures, Annabel. I love the sour sweet thing so I love lemon treats. I just told hubs I wanted a piece of Key Lime pie for my next birthday! I'm hoping the Amish restaurant has that kind. They have about 50 kinds!

    Your helper must been tickled with his fancy lunch. It looked delicious! Lucky Chloe to have such a kind mama!

    Andy's stone is beautiful. I look forward to seeing it all completed. I can't imagine what the final result will be.

    Ugh, the dentist! Prayers on a successful and not painful experience.

    1. Thank you Debby! Lemon butter sounds perfect for you! I am resting the day after the dentist and it all went well. Thanks so much!

  9. Was there an internet outage?
    See the things I miss out on hearing because I don't watch the news every evening! It must be ok now because I'm sitting here this morning with my laptop on my knee, Facebooking and blogging as usual.

    1. Im glad you are not affected. It is still ongoing. World wide flights, supermarkets, banks... airports are in a crisis and people stranded. It is the biggest outage in history currently. I am not going to try and look at my banking until I hear it is fixed. Eek I dont want to see nothing! It might be resolved by Monday I dont know. If not at least here I know there will be all kinds of crisis. ie people cant buy fuel. I dont watch tv or the news of the evening as its mostly rubbish, ours is terrible!xxx

  10. Dear Annabel,
    Your lemon butter and cakes look so delicious. I am glad you have helpers that you can trust and rely on to help you on the farm.
    I love that you are buying books for the girls. I have such a weakness for books that our friends from homeschool co-op have nicknamed us “The Librarians”. It was funny at first, but now I am seriously thinking this could be a ministry. I would love for friends to be able to come borrow books and not have to worry about pulling questionable content off the shelves. (I don’t feel like public libraries are safe anymore as far as values- especially for children). I have loads of books on history, homesteading, homemaking, old fashioned skills, health and cooking, theology, marriage and motherhood, as well as Bibles, hymn books, reference books, and classics. Of course children’s books too. I would serve coffee and tea and cookies to my visitors. I am working towards being able to pull this off.
    I have made some good, like-minded friends in the homeschool co-op. Next week I am having two of them and their daughters over for crafting and light refreshments. I have loads of craft supplies, too, and a strong desire to open my home and share it with others.
    This week I have been busy rearranging bookshelves and working in the garden to get ready for fall planting. We have had all meals at home and I am working on eating mostly from the freezers and pantries, and cooking basic things myself as opposed to packaged convenience foods. It is just too expensive now. Colton has also been bringing leftovers home from the fire station and that has given us several meals this week. It baffles me that no one else wants to take the leftovers home but I am grateful we get them.
    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

    1. Dear Kelsey, I love that you are the library and yes that is a ministry. Public and even school libraries here have books for children every from a young age that are full of filth and perversion and even library 'entertainers" for pre schoolers who are drag queens etc. So yes I vet each book too.
      Having a home school co op is wonderful. Outings and visits form a really important part of homeschooling. I wish you were near so Chloe and her boys could join in! The girls are going to love crafting with you Kelsey. Their eyes will light up is my bet! Whatever Colton brings home is an asset as even scraps will feed chickens! You are going so well!! xxx

  11. Dear Annabel,
    The comment above about the home library is me, Kelsey. I got a new phone and I can’t figure out how to sign in with my blogger profile, among other things lol.

    1. I just know it was you right from the start! xxx

  12. Annabel you lemon butter is certainly bottles of bright sunshine. The sponge cakes look wonderful filled with the lemon butter and topped with wonderful icing. Your homemade blanket looks so inviting to snuggle into. Andy's tomb stone looks beautiful and such a wonderful view out over the countryside and so wonderful Andrew could be there to see it. So glad you have so many wonderful helpers to help you on the farm and look after things while you are having your dental procedure.
    Things quietened down after so many medical appointments so I had time to go through our walk in pantry to do an inventory and we had used quite a bit so I put in a few grocery orders to fill in the gaps.
    At IGA they had specials on lamb leg roasts for $9.99kg and I bought two half roasts, 3 trays of chicken maryland on managers special for $4.50kg and coca cola on half price sale for $1.92 ea saving $28.28 on prices elsewhere.
    As our church was running a charity drive for a children's charity in Qld I bought a $10 5% off face value e-gift card costing $9.50. With that I was able to buy 5 x 48pg exercise books for 20c ea, 5 rulers for $1 ea, 5 x pencil sharpeners reduced from $1.55 to 10c ea, 3 x 2pks of erasers for 50c ea and a pack of 2 summer baby bodysuits reduced from $5 to $2. We also bought a few blocks of chocolate on half price sale and used a 3% off face value e-gift card saving all up for all purchases we saved $35.71 on usual prices.
    From the Reject shop we topped up on a carton of wet cat food for $1.45 tin saving another $3.60.
    In savings we have now saved more than the price of DH's new car we bought last year so are happy with our progress.
    Around the home DH is still recovering from an operation so we thought that we would set about doing all the little lighter maintenance and other things that needed doing. I changed two light bulbs outside for LED ones and found that one light fixture will need replacing. DH concentrated on getting all the ironing up to date so now that is all done. I concentrated on sorting the walk in pantry room so things were in better order.
    In the kitchen we cooked 4 loaves of wholemeal white bread in the bread making machines from items in our storage and we cooked all meals from scratch.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead and Annabel I hope you heal well from your dental surgery.


    1. Dear Lorna, Thank you!
      You made great choices for the children charity drive. That is lovely work your church is doing.
      Great work on the car savings! I hope your DH is ok and revering well. Having all the ironing done is just lovely!
      The bread would make your whole home smell so nice!
      I have done well and resting today before I head home tomorrow. It is quite a novelty having a whole day to rest. I mainly have been sleeping which I guess is to do with the aesthetic after effects. I will be so happy to drive home and the first thing I will do is check the rain gauge! With much love Annabel.xxx

    2. Annabel I am glad you have been resting and that is the best thing to do and no doubt you will be happy to be home again.
      Thank you and we are happy with our savings and donations which we will drop off at church on Sunday and will put some toothpastes in there as well that we have here at home.


  13. Dear Annabel, Andy’s tomb stone and resting place is really quite glorious. I can only imagine how it will look when it is finished. I’m think king that it may be a nice place to pray? It just have been quite emotional seeing that rock.
    Well done on buying all those books. I must keep a look out. One of my sons loves factual books and I often forget to look for those. Having books, puzzles, crafts and games are so handy to have ready. I think the girls will be quite lucky to snuggle up with that blanket and one of those books. How gorgeous is that blanket!! Wow! I think it is so beautiful. I love how Chloe and her family benefited from your cook ups. Yum! I found a few boys tops that were $2 at the op shop. Dh also installed a new oven! I am grateful. I think I’ll make cake tomorrow. I’m very excited to see baby pawpaw (papaya), rosella and mango blossoms. We have been fishing and crabbing. It’s lovely to get outside. Lots of love, B

    1. Dear Bridge, Thank you. I feel emotional about the rock too. When you see the rest you will really love it.
      It is beautiful you have a new oven! I hope your first cake came out perfect! With kids and books I have found if you find books on subjects they are really into then they want to read. I need now to look for boys books more but I will just keep going as a new paperback is over $20 and if I see good books at 50c I will just build the library and keep them in age groups to bring out as needed. It is a good idea about games... ok I will watch for more of these too!
      Nice to find some tops for the boys and I hope the fishing and crabbing has been both fun and successful too! What a good week! With love Annabel.xxx

  14. Annabel is this the cross that you had to dig into the dump to retrieve? Gracious my heart was in my mouth with that escapade of yours, lol. The stone is lovely and the view is so wonderful. Andy knew just what he was about in thinking that should be his final resting place.

    My grandfather was buried in a lovely little cemetery that overlooked a field. He farmed as a hobby, and the day he was buried there was a tractor in the field plowing. I thought how much he would appreciate watching that field in all seasons. The farmer, noticing a funeral was in progress stopped his tractor and didn't go back to work until we were walking away. I thought how touching for a farmer to pay such respects to a man who'd loved farming himself.

    Sunday, I did a small shopping trip. Small...but used the last of the grocery money for the month. I picked up a few sales items that were best prices and then a couple of markdown items that were 'extra' but stood us in good stead as they added to the freezer.

    Monday, I took the milk in the fridge and made a small batch of yogurt. I'm the only one who eats it in the house...I also made bread.

    Tuesday I was out with my mum. I took her for the seasonal treat of fresh made peach ice cream and picked up another 1/4 bushel of peaches. It takes about three or four days before they are ripe enough to eat and then it's game on. I have to get busy and work them. I started to feel certain that I had a cold coming on...and that was the end of my week! I have spent a lot of time resting and recovering and just doing the very basics of basic things.

    Thanks to several entrees I'd put in the freezer (some made for that purpose and some leftovers put away) I have not had to work too hard making meals. It's just thaw and heat and make a side dish or two.
    One thing I did this week was to reorder bulk cold meds. Rather than buy a ready- made capsule, I purchase all the same components in bulk, and we use them in the same dosages as what is on the box. It saves a TON of money to do it that way!

    Thursday, I had someone extend a very gracious offer to refill my pantry and freezer as they had come into funds and wanted to share their good fortune. I was told my limit which made me say, "Oh my!" I have made my list and will go next week to get the items on it. My things will be 'ingredients' not ready-made items.

    Today I've just gotten in my monthly Amazon Subscribe and Save order. I try to be sure that what I get is truly the best price on the items I get. It's all shipped free with Prime which makes it very economical for me (80 miles round trip to a proper grocery for us).

    One thing about not feeling well this week. I've stayed home, spent no money other than buying peaches. Which by the way, I shall be getting busy paring and putting in the freezer as they are now ripe!

    1. Dear Terri, Yes that was the cross! I have vowed not to do anything dumb and dangerous on my own anymore especially when no one knows where I am! But I am glad I saved it!
      My Dr also showed me one time how to make my own tablet that I had for emergency when I had a migraine. She wrote it down... it equalled three over the counter medications in one tablet. So then I just kept those all on hand. It also was smiles cheaper!
      I know how it is with peaches... when they are ripe its go time! I am sure your Mum loved the outing!
      Your friend who offered the fill your pantry and freezer.... oh my gosh that is AMAZING and I bet your mind is working overtime on the best strategy. I agree basic ingredients. How exciting!!! I hope you are feeling better! What a week! With love Annabel.xxx

  15. Annabel,
    Andy's resting place is going to be so serene. It may just be the place you go to when you need some calm and quiet. And the blanket your making is gorgeous.
    The gardens are in full swing now and as of writing this I've put up 53 quarts of pickles, picked a half bushel of green beans and froze 5 half gallon bags of broccoli and a few bags of zucchini. And two of my grandkids spent the night and had great fun helping pull the garlic. I have that curing and each day we eat something fresh from the garden. Oh boy am I in heaven! Im still working on getting a baby bootie right haha but practice makes perfect until I decide to just move onto something else.
    I picked more blackberries and made another cobbler to share around and cut the side shoots on the broccoli plants and made a summer soup with veggies.
    And lots of puttering type work. I need to step up though and get more done.

    1. Dear Vicky, You are in your element amongst all the harvest! As you are truly reaping what you have sown! This is all good fun for Grandkids and learning too.
      Berry cobbler sounds sooo good! So does the soup!
      I know each day you will be putting up and picking something more! What a great time but it is a lot of work so pace yourself! With lots of love Annabel.xxx

  16. Hello Annabel and Bluebirds

    You’ve had such a productive week Annabel. Such a great use for all those eggs and lemons! Andy’s stone is a lovely tribute 🙏 The world is definitely a little crazy at the moment, but to be honest we all expected this craziness, sadly I think it’s only a taste of things to come.

    Life is ticking over in a blur of projects and plans in my little world. We detailed and cleaned our caravan this week and have put it up for sale. Next week we will be tackling the dreaded taxes! I’m harvesting cabbages and beans from the garden, and I’m almost ready to harvest and pickle my beetroot. Soon I hope to double the size of my vegetable garden.

    Best wishes for your upcoming dental appointment.

    From Cheryl 🙏🐦🪹

    1. Dear Cheryl, Thank you so much. I agree with you. I think of these things as warnings, they give us the tip and motivation to prepare some more and what areas we might lack. God is good. He lets us know in our hearts and signs around us. I hope you get a great price on the caravan! Great to be harvesting beans and cabbages!! And wow on being about to double the size of the veggie garden! To add one more thing I hope you will get a tax return! With much love Annabel.xxx

  17. Hello Annabel and Bluebirds, we still don't have internet, but that is due to a local technical problem now. Just a few lines to write here: - What an amazing tribute for Andy! It will look unforgetable! -Thank you for publising my Back to Basics articol - I will pray everything will go easy for you at the dentist! - On Friday I entered live on the national radio and won a big sum of money (aproximately 20% of my monthly income) because I knew all the answers to the questions about the american presidents! I had a lot of emotions but I did well! Sending lots of love from far away, Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Oh wow Laura! That is amazing and fantastic! What a boost for you! Well done on your knowledge! I hope you are full back online soon! You will see why! xxx


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