Feather your Nest Friday, 12th July, 2024.

What a week!  Today I took my Grand daughters home after the week here.  It has rained.  The grass is growing,  the girls had a great time and were so lovely to have with me.   Also two of my Grandsons had birthdays!   Sidney turned four and Chase turned two.  So two little parties in two households.  

Before the girls arrived I planned.  We had lots of projects going and I set up the lounge room for painting.

As always I tried to teach the girls some new skills.   One of the projects was simple hand sewing.  

They made several different animals each.  They learned how to stuff a toy along the way.   Scarlett gave a dog to Tom and he was very happy!

Harper showed Tom how to do a cartwheel and asked if Tom would like to learn.  He said "no thank you" as it would "make his legs break and his knees catch on fire."  Dramatic.   However we settled on going on to the lawn and they could teach him to do a somersault.   They would demonstrate and they broke it down to step by step.  He watched and listened and Chloe and I looked on.  Oh my gosh it was hilarious. 

It was serious business.  And Tom nailed it!   They all ran around in the sunshine and wore themselves out. 

Our BIG project took almost a whole day.  And my helpers made it happen.  Tim and Andrew set up a flying fox... I bought a kit but we needed extra cable and a lot of work to set it up.  

The garden at the side of the house is quite steep.  There are gum trees up the top and more down the bottom.  I always thought I had the makings of a perfect flying fox! 

The boys had it in place and it needed a test out.  Harper volunteered with me holding on and running with her.   It was too low and needed adjusting.  This went on over a few tests.  

Harper must have heard what I had said to Tim as (on the phone that evening) she told to her Mum that the flying fox is amazing but at the end it throws you to Tasmania.   What every parent wants to hear! 

Ok,  so we modified that and made the decline less steep and added a bale of hay to land on.

This worked a treat! 

The girls found it necessary to run alongside each other.   All the tests and adjustments meant I went up and down that hill and lifting them on and off until we got it right...   phew!

Anyway they thought it was awesome.  Tom and Chase came and tried it out.  Then I ran down the hill with them several times each as well.   They loved it.

Then the inevitable happened and the cows broke into the front yard to eat the bale.   The girls were yelling at the cows and I am in my nightie chasing the cows with the car headlights.   😂

I never have success posting videos here but I will post them to instagram.  The perfect landing/dismount became the goal with a lot of celebrations!

Luckily we did all this before rain came.  So everyone was worn out... Scarlett needed a hot pack on her aching legs...  

We said our prayers and asked for rain for the farms which we named.  Here farms tend to have names  ie my farm is Windarra.  Anyway rain came and the next day we went for a drive to look over the paddocks.   I was telling the girls - see how our prayers were answered and that we must remember to say thank you.   Just then a rainbow appeared.  It was faint at first but we stopped the car and watched.  It got brighter and brighter.   We all said "wowww" together.   As we were saying wow a second rainbow appeared!   It was amazing!    

The photos don't do it justice but at least I got some.

We watched for a good ten or fifteen minutes.  It was so beautiful.  This turned into a Bible lesson on the first rainbow.  

Andy always said grace before dinner and we all held hands.  Last time I asked the girls if they would help me pray since Andy is not here to do it.  But they were too shy so I went ahead on my own.  This time they both offered to say grace.  Each day they prayed thanks for the lovely things of the day and I sat there and thought Andy would be just loving us sitting there, the girls praying out loud at the beautiful table he bought me.   These were moments I soaked in and won't forget.

Sidney was encouraged to blow out his candles by his adoring sisters.

Chase had one of Chloe's creative cakes! 

The girls are crazy over Lily.  They just keep saying "she is so cute."  

Lily seemed pretty keen on them too!

Lily also is 4 months old now.

For the party she wore a dress and had a giant bow headband but for some reason I don't have a good photo... you are probably tired of photos of my Grandkids by now!

I did get all my strawberry plants planted.  There turned out to be twenty!  This filled so many spaces!  

All the books I bought from the thrift store really paid off.  Scarlett took to two of them and read over 300 pages in two days!  I am sure this would be a record for her.  By the time she left she was on to book two.  The both took home an extra book for next week of the holidays.  The rest have gone into my little kids library here.   I will keep watching out and collecting.

The house is a bomb,  my legs are aching but it was a great week.  Count every moment and every goodness!  There is a song..  CeCe Winans... The Goodness of God.   If you haven't listened to that... do.  If you are going to look it up you might as well look for the one with Roman Collins at American Idol finale... it is just BEAUTIFUL.    I know the world is on fire.   I am still stocking, preserving, growing and doing but we have to soak in every goodness too.    I hope you had a wonderful week.   We would love to hear! xxx


  1. I love seeing photos of your grand children and you giving us the context in such a loving way.

    1. Thank you so much Von! xxx

  2. Dear Annabel,
    What a lovely and fun filled week you’ve all had! Thankyou for sharing all the precious moments.
    Sunshine in this crazy world.
    We can live our lives fully in our own homes and care about those not so fortunate but we must remember to be the light and oasis. If we forget to create precious memories we are depriving the young ones of good things to look back on. You are a wonderful example to us all on this.

    1. Thanks Kate. You are exactly right. These are wise words! I hope you have a beautiful week, it looks like a mix of rain and sunshine which would be lovely! xxx

  3. Dear Annabel, this post was the most beautiful post I have ever read! Filled with beautiful children, their smiles, happiness, anniversaries, prayers, books and rainbows. Thank you for posting, I will re-re-read it many times. Family is everything, I needed such good/positive words! I am very happy you all had a wonderful time - and look how much sport you did!
    Happy birthday for the boys! All your grandchildren are beautiful!
    We have terrible hot weather for a week now and it is forecast to continue for another one. I water the plants everyday (still with water from the rain barrel I have saved), take extra care of all the animals (the chickens are still laying everyday, some days in full production, and I still have eggs to sale every week), I dehydrate green beans and tomatoes outside in the sun with great results, saving pennies from electricity. Fresh green beans went into the freezer. too.
    Also, to profit from the extra hot weather I picked and dried (and will continue to) stinging nettles for the chickens - in the winter they love them dried or powdered and it is filled with vitamines. I picked and dried mint for winter, calendula flowers for calendula oil. It has to stay for 6 months or more before using it but I use my calendula oil from last year on many occasions. It is a pleasure, smells divine. I made summer cucumber pickles and cooked from scratch as usual.
    This week I finally took home from the framer my Mother*s last knitting work. She was knitting a jumper for my (then) 8 years old son and left it unfinished on the hospital bed. I kept it as it was, embroidered her hard working hands on a very old fabric of hers (the fabric is around 100 years old) and framed it to keep it as a treasure for us. I think she would have loved it. (Posts on Insta).
    Today I miss my family I had and I wish to have a bigger family, to love, to live, to cherish.
    Lots of love from far away, Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Dear Laura, Your Mums knitting was beautiful and now I see where you get your ability from! You did a wonderful job of embroidering her hands! It is brilliant!
      I am sorry about the heat... I know how it is on the garden, the animals and his we feel. But it is fantastic the hens are still laying! This will be because of all the goodness you feed them. Also if they are under a tree as shade which I bet they are it helps. What you do with the nettles is brilliant!
      Your Calendula oil looks amazing too! What a colour!
      I hope ahead you get a lot of Grandchildren Laura! With only two daughters I am very Blessed to have six Grandkids so far. I lost Dad and then Andy. They are obviously not replaceable but in that time Tom, Chase and Lily were born. This kept me going. Also sometimes God sends us family members in different ways. I can see you LOVE to take care of people and also animals... I have a feeling more to take care of will come! With lots of love, Annabel.xxx

  4. Hi - I follow your blog and enjoy it very much and by the way there is NEVER too many pictures of the little ones :) I see that you said you are on instagram. I am new to instagram and not sure how I would find you on there. If you could let me know your "name" on it, I would appreciate it Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much! I keep thinking oh too many photos! On instagram I have the name Thebluebirdsarenesting you will see the little bluebird. xxx

  5. You are a wonderful grandmother to your grandchildren! I think it is lovely that you put so much effort into preparing activities for your grandchildren when they visit and into teaching them new skills. They must adore visiting you. Lily looks to be a happy baby and I don’t get sick of seeing photos of your grandchildren. You are creating memories and building family relationships, which is so very important.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes Lily is all smiles! xxx

  6. What a lovely time you all had together.
    I was at a work event today and one of our doctors told us how in Birmingham England people are so cash strapped that they can’t afford heating or cooling and so there is talk that the winter holidays will be longer and that they will open up the public halls and school halls for people to go and warm up. There are even stories of pensioners travelling on the free buses just to stay warm or cool.
    It is terrible to think about. Made me lucky to be in Australia but even here the food share organisations are getting hit hard as rents and utilities rise in cost. Let us all pray for peace and harmony in the world. And for enough to feed the world.
    Janine Colac Victoria Australia

    1. Dear Janine, That Dr is right! It is so dire and scary! We have several UK Bluebirds too like Denise in Bedfordshire who reports. World wide this is happening... they have made electricity a luxury which of course kills people. Especially the young and old. They have paid farmers to leave their farms or to grow flower or trees instead of FOOD. In Australia the gov is against farmers and many cant make it. And as you touch on many food growing areas are now war zones. There is a lot of evil because governments jobs are to LOOK AFTER THIER OWN PEOPLE and now the people come last. It is utterly criminal. It will affect our shelves... eggs are under threat and they are the protein people turn to when meat is too expensive. We all need to be mindful of what we are seeing and happening around us. I agree with you it is absolutely terrible. In Europe a lot of greens are grown in green houses. These are now mostly gone and replaced with high rise appartments as green houses in that climate need some heating in winter. And electricity costs... so they are GONE. None of this is accidental. The UN and WEF etc openly say depopulation is their goal.
      So here I am trying to encourage everyone to stock up, grow, preserve etc and not get too political but you can see what I am trying to do. With much love Annabel.xxx

    2. Annabel I am living not far from the Victorian area that has been hit with Bird Flu and so eggs are scarce in the supermarkets. Things are being rationed and so many shelves are still empty.
      It is so dry here so I can see food production being reduced in the next few months.

  7. Hello Annabel and everyone,

    There is such a lot of joy in these photos of your grandchildren, I love seeing them. You had a busy week and are doing valuable teaching! My grandmother did this kind of thing for me and she has thus helped me so much throughout my adult life.

    Aside from work and estate things, this week I learned how to do some things around the house (and thanked God for a dear friend's husband. With big storms there was water coming in my front room and I asked her about a good handyman since they'd had work done - her husband asked if he could come over, and arrived at my house with his truck and a shovel and inspected everything for me. A huge blessing! I sent him home with homemade chocolate chocolate chip muffins.) I learned how to use the electric edger & edged the lawn; how to trim the big juniper in front of my house & got it in some semblance of order; and how to extract a broken light bulb from the high fixture in my living room. The HVAC filters were changed and the garden gave some nice tomatoes. I planted basil seeds and starts, and cut zinnias and marigolds for bouquets for my dad and me. I rearranged the living room furniture to give the room a little lift & had 1 baking/cooking afternoon. Meals for one are something I struggle with, but I try to cook things that will freeze or share well. My dad and I have dinner once a week and that is good - he's getting lots of garden veggies!

    Thank you all for your kindness, prayers, and friendship. It is helping lift me up, and means a lot to me.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    1. Dear Kathy, You are doing so well! It was wonderful how your friends husband helped out. I still cook as I did and set aside a meal for in a couple of days and freeze meals. So really I only need to cook about two or three times a week. And like you I have baking that I can share and gift as thanks which I think people really appreciate. Also this is great for your Dad and you too, I know your Dad would look forward to dinner and you send him home with cooking!
      The garden is sounding so good and I truly have found the more I am in the garden and outside the better I feel. And the better I sleep.
      We all are here encouraging you! With much love Annabel.xxx

  8. Annabel this is truly a beautiful post filled with so much joy. I absolutely love the pics of the girls teaching somersaults! The flying fox sounds great, your house will be the place to be!! Happy birthday to the boys, two stunning cakes. The memories you create with your your grandchildren will be them for life. How very lucky they are to have you!!

    We have enjoyed a lovely first week of holidays with seeing some friends, a couple of adventures and lots of relaxing at home. So much baking!! I haven’t quite managed to freeze any yet but that is my goal for next week. I love how you put it last week - outlook the kids lol.

    I’ve been working on a cross stitch for my son and it’s nearly finished. I’ll send you a picture when it’s done. I’ve concentrated really hard on only using my phone for necessary things during the holidays and that’s been great. I finished a book, have been crocheting and crafting and weeding the garden.

    I’m so pleased you had rain and the rainbow picture is lovely.

    Enjoy a restful weekend after your adventurous week!!

    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen, I thought of you being in school holidays too. It reminds me of what it was like keeping up with hungry kids! So yes it is a challenge to out-cook them when they are around!
      Your week sounded lovely and I hope you have had more of the same. Now you will be trying to get ahead for school going back. My best way of doing that was to have baking the kids activity and have them decorating cakes and so on. I have been reminded to make honey crackles and they are something once the hot part is mixed kids can do most of. I saw honey crackles are back in fashion in the cafes etc here! This week is speeding by! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. This was the most beautiful post, Annabel, filled with joy, HOPE, answered prayer, and the goodness of GOD. I love that song too...it's in my head most nights and I sing it through the day. Bless you my very dear and precious sister in Christ. xxxxx

    1. Jenny we are like sisters sometimes. That song comes to mind and I can hear it playing in my head all the time! It is like medicine! Thank you so much! xxx

  10. I look forward to your Friday posting and especially enjoy it when you have pictures and activities with your grandchildren. I remember the days when my two granddaughters would spend summer weeks with me and I always had art and sewing activates planned for them. Your pictures and descriptions bring back so many treasured memories of similar days gone with my granddaughters who are now 38 and 41 years old!! You never forget those lovely times!!

    1. That is beautiful thank you! I remember so many of these times with my Nana and miss them and I am sixty! Kids know when you love to spend time with them and talk with them. They soak it up as I soaked it up with Nan. They do stick with us always! xxx

  11. A double rainbow - what a blessing!
    Your grandchildren are adorable and I so enjoy seeing their pictures. They are growing up so fast, as they all do. You are truly a wonderful grandmother, Annabel.
    With love,

    1. Dear Glenda, Thank you! Yes they do grow so fast. I am glad to have Harper and Lily almost a decade apart so this period of time will last as long as possible! I have loved each stage. Thank you for your kind words! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Good morning Annabel and Bluebirds,

    What an amazing week you have had. The photos of your grandchildren are wonderful to see. It's exciting watching them grow up from afar.

    Oh my a flying fox. What a great investment for a lot of fun.

    I laughed at the cows breaking out to get the hay. They must have been eyeing it up from the moment they took sight of it.

    Little Lilly certainly looks as delighted as her cousins. What a happy little girl she is.


    1. Thank you Mandy! In the end the hay went into the cows paddock as they just saw it as a buffet on my side of the fence. So we will set up another kind of landing! I hope you are ok in your accomodation and things are going well on the house! XXX

  13. I, for one, will Never tire of seeing photos of your Grandkids!! They are precious and adorable and I really enjoy seeing and hearing about all the fun activities you do with them! You are making wonderful memories and teaching them new skills to boot! Little Lily looks like such a happy baby! And she is So So Cute!! We had thought of putting up a zip line in our backyard years ago when our kids were young, but never did. We have Douglas fir, Hemlock, and cedar trees, so they don’t have the big sturdy branches that other kinds have. You sure got your exercise in with the girls! I got tired just reading about all the running back and forth!! What a fun week you had with them! Loved the photos of the double rainbow! I love that you shared about the first rainbow with the girls!
    My 6-1/2 yr old grandson is coming over this afternoon to splash in the wading pool. I’m hoping he’ll help pull up the garlic and maybe pick blueberries, too!
    I look forward to your posts every week!
    Take care and God Bless!
    Laura C (aka Nana C)

    1. Thank you so much Laura. A wading pool will be a big success with your Grandson. Im betting he will help with the berries and garlic.
      I would LOVE to have cedar trees! This week had zoomed by! xxx

  14. Dear Annabel, i laughed til tears came! I can just imagine the cows being eager to eat the landing pad, and the girls trying to stop them! Roflol. And what a cake!! Im so glad you had a wonderful week - how precious the time was for you and the kids!! Missy

    1. Thank you Missy! We did have some funny moments! The cows ended up getting that bale, they just stood at the fence wanting it. So we will develop a non delicious landing platform. Thanks so much! xxx

  15. Dear Annabel, such a beautiful post. What a happy and fun week. I love all the photos. The double rainbow is amazing and I would be enlarging and framing the one of your three granddaughters, joy is shining out of all three faces, beautiful. You are such an amazing grandmother, very inspiring. I felt quite calm this week and that lead to me being very productive on the cleaning and sorting front in my house. It's funny isn't it that sometimes you push and push and not much gets done and then suddenly this or that cupboard takes you 5 min and you can let go of things easily. That is what has happened to me this week, I have quickly and easily sorted through most cupboards including pantries. My daughter saw a Cardiologist yesterday in a town an hour away. Good news on that front, she has a good strong heart. Now just to sort out other parts. Love Clare

    1. Dear Clare, Firstly I am so strong about the great report from the cardiologist! And so good on feeling calmer and progress on your cleaning and cupboards. Yes we can do so much better and when we tackle something and it is done quite quickly I think we gain momentum too!
      Thank you, you are right there are a few photos that would be very good printed and framed and they would be lovely for me to have but also as gifts.
      This week has flown by! Mostly catching up for me! With love, Annabel.xxx

  16. When I see pictures of your animals and your grandkids, it makes me smile and happy for you, so please continue to post photos. This week I have been canning/bottling homemade juice from berries in my garden. Black currant, raspberry, and mulberries are the berries I'm currently harvesting and juicing. I'm dehydrating herbs from the garden also with the dehydrator and by hanging up bunches of herbs to dry. My zuchini are blooming but no squash yet but I'm anticipating something soon. I made my own dishwasher detergent using a Martha Stewart recipe I found online, it's working fine so far and I am very happy to not pay the store detergent price. And I made Toad in a Hole for the first time today, it was delicious and easy to make. I cut the sausages up into smaller pieces so I could have more toads. Julie V

    1. Dear Julie,
      Thank you so much. All the berries you have sound wonderful! You are putting everything to good use! I am going to look up this Martha Stewart recipe! That is great! You really had a productive week and cooking the sausages that way was great! You added a lot to your pantry too! With love Annabel.xxx

  17. I am always so thankful to see your posts, the pictures of the children are so heart warming. They bring me joy. Lily is so beautiful.
    I think my little grands would love the jump line! I'm going to check on that for them.
    You know I love that song by Ce Ce, I like the longer live studio version best that has " You said and I believe" tacked on it. It's about 8 minutes total and I have sung along with it dozens of times. It does speak truth and hope to us. I watch it on you tube.
    Just tonight, my Sissy gifted me with fresh cucumbers, yellow squash, and zucchini from their garden. It was an unexpected blessing to me. My BIL has been watering their garden twice a day. She's making pickles in a lime bath, and is going to can them tomorrow. She will give me at least 2 jars when I want them, as well as fresh honey from his hives.
    So many times I am gifted in unexpected ways. I do not deserve it, but the Lord has been good to me and He uses so many people to do that.
    Thank you for sharing your life and goodness. We all surely do need all the good we can attain right now.
    Ann Austin

    1. Dear Annie, I will check out the version of the song you mention, thank you! The beautiful produce you were given plus honey too, how lovely! Yes we need all the goodness we can get and to appreciate it all! With love Annabel.xxx

  18. Such a lovely post! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much!xxx
      Thank you so much!

  19. Oh Annabel, I adored your post. So hilarious. Better than the cherry tree farm books. Oh thank you. Thank you, thank you. I'm still wiping tears of laughter from my eyes.

    1. Thank you! Thats a nice compliment! xxx

  20. What a wonderful week, you've had! Lucky grandkids. They are so cute and baby Lily is the cutest of all. That's what life is all about..new life! Beautiful cakes, and bible lesson. andrea

    1. Thanks so much Andrea! xxx

  21. I love the pictures of your grandchildren! CeCe Woman's song is one I play often. I played it for my Mom the night before she died.

    1. Dear Lana, That is very special you played this song for your dead Mum. Thank you so much! With love, Annabel.xxx

    2. Dear Lana I apologise that was the worst typo it should read your dear Mum. So sorry.xxx

  22. Lace Faerie aka Karen L.14 July 2024 at 01:07

    Your grandchildren are a joy to many way beyond your own yard! My grdaughters are 7, 6, & 3. 2 Grsons, both 3 & another bundle of joy arriving October. We have 2 grdaughters everyday of the work week and Cousin Day on Thursday - we have a full house now that summer school break is upon us. Like Daddy used to say, “If I’d known how much fun grandkids are, I’d have had them first!” Hahaha

    1. Dear Karen, Wow you have a busy week and huge Thursdays but that is so wonderful! The cousins getting to all be together is very good for them. Just beautiful to hear! With love Annabel.xxx

  23. Wow what a fabulous week! So much love and fun, the best mix, really uplifting to read xx
    Laura in France

    1. Thanks so much Laura! xxx

  24. Hi Annabel

    How could we be sick of the photos of the Grandkids....they are entertaining, funny, seeing them learn and seeing them grow up is always such a delight. As you said you can't believe that A is 14 an you have seen her grow from around 6 months old. I nearly fell off the chair when I saw Sidney is 4 already
    What fun the girls looked like they were having so many different activities to keep them busy an such a great investment in the flying fox, hours of fun.

    This week is set to be lots cooler up here with overnight temps tumbling down and daytime temps cooler in these parts for all this week. I think our coolest day will be 18 or 19 so I may need a jacket which is unusual for me as I live in jeans and T-shirts in winter with only a jacket if we venture out in the evening.

    We have all started the week with sniffles and even DP says he is feeling under the whether as he has been working night shifts and the nights are much colder where he works and was down to 2 the night before last.

    This week will be some cleaning and hopefully some sewing
    Have a fantastic week

    Take Care

    1. Dear Aly, Thank you! We were thinking how much has happened in our lives and the world since Sidney was born. Mindblowing.
      2 would be very cold for any of us not just QLD! I hope your sniffles didnt come to anything worse. Today it is blowing a gale and cold. I am feeling it! The week has flown by too. With much love Annabel.xxx

  25. Thank you for sharing all the photos of your beautiful life! You are such an encouragement to me.
    My week was so productive! I'm still working on my organizing/decluttering challenge. All drawers in the house are tidy. I have a portion of a closet and an area in my pantry to tend to.
    My kids have enjoyed the YMCA pool for the summer. My 2 middle daughters returned from a 9 day mission trip. They lended their help in cleaning up the buildings for a youth camp. They even got to interact with the first batch of campers! Cleaning= ministry. Who knew?
    Love to you all,
    Leslie in Ohio
    P.S. Please pray for my husband to find full time employment. We have hit 3 months that he's been out of work.

    1. Dear Leslie.... I am praying about your husband. You did a lot! Well done to your daughters on their hard work! Acts of service are ministry for sure! With love Annabel.xxx ps I saw your second comment first hence commenting on both!

  26. Thank you for sharing from your beautiful life!
    Love to all Bluebirds,
    Leslie in Ohio

    1. Dear Leslie, Thank you so much! With love Annabel.xxx


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