Feather your Nest Friday, 7th June, 2024.

Another week bites the dust!  It has been a busy one! 

Last Friday I had a box of veggies but had not even unpacked it yet.   Saturday morning that was my first task.  I went through it all, began washing things up and deciding what to use and what to preserve.   Whatever is fresh that comes in I try to use as much as possible in my meals.  Fresh is best.   I shared some with Chloe ie there was a beautiful pineapple and the boys love fruit.   Then I got the freeze drier going and did four trays of celery.   Celery is so useful to throw into soups. 

The next day I did cabbage.  Some was used fresh but most was shredded then freeze dried.  So I added quite a bit of goodness to my shelves.

We had more bonfires.  This one was lit Monday and it is still burning tonight.   Tim topped it up Tuesday but it's the five day fire so far.

People have started to comment how cleaned up things are looking! 

Weeks ago I ordered security screen doors for the house and the top house.  They have all been installed and they are fantastic.  I consider this an investment.

Chloe's household was struck down by covid.  I did a contactless meal run.   It was something I could do that would help them all without,  hopefully,  getting it myself.

One night I did roast turkey roll and veggies,  another night was sausages, mashed potato and steamed veggies...  tonight pizza...

Lily is three months old.   She has really grown.  I saw her briefly today and I could see in a week she is bigger!  She gave me a big beaming smile.  😊

On Tuesday I went to Keith to see Wendy... it was the most gorgeous day.   I don't even know where to start on the goodness of that day!   Ian had been to a clearing sale and got me boxes of Fowlers canning jars.  Also a box of rings and lids.   These days the bigger jars are $10 each.   This is what he got me...

The whole car load was $20!  What a sleuth!  This is a giant bonus of having good friends!  But also... I always say to tell people what you are looking for!  Put it out there!  Ask!   Many eyes and ears are better than just our own!  I was so excited and thankful!

THEN I went to two thrift shops.   These days I seem to know a heap of people in town.  As I went into the first thrift store the couple I have become friendly with said they were so glad I came as "LOOK what is here!" 

Inside a very worn velvet box was the most beautiful and very large Bible.   I fell in love with it immediately and could not believe it!

Then, as if that wasn't enough so far, another lady I was talking to me told me about a big shed of furniture which is part of the thrift store but it only opens one day a month.  But it has Agee jars with screw top lids... which I collect.   She offered to go open the store especially for me.  So off we went. I followed her car.   I needed up with ten blue/green gorgeous old jars for my pantry.  And I discovered a treasure trove that I can visit going forward. 

It seemed the whole day was golden.  Black cockatoos flew alongside my car,  Rosellas covered the front lawn,  I found a cotton rose print quilt cover and pillowcase...  It was the best day in a long time!

We did not get rain this week so we badly need some or we will lose the grass that started to come up.   Knowing this I ordered hay and it arrived. 

Tim fed out the first bale.  I wondered if the cows would like it after the lovely Lucerne they had first.

They soon came running and got stuck into it.

I picked pink peppercorns from a tree on the way home from Church.   They smell so peppery and good.

So it was a full and good week.   I hope the same for you.   How did you build up your home/feather your nest?  We love to hear.   💗 xxx



  1. Annabel, what a blessed week you have had, so happy for you. I am smiling seeing the cows all happy to have the bale of hay.
    So wonderful of Wendy's husband getting you all the jars and the Lady at the thrift store saving the bible for you and taking you to the other building.

    We had a week of more now summer cleaning. As I am going room by room, closet by closet. I am now in my walk in closet, I'm very close to finishing it. It has taken 2 trips to the thrift store with donations so far.
    Husband has been working on house repairs, which means all my time keeps getting interrupted to help him. He did little things like making a pull chain on a ceiling fan longer to reach easier, to adding chain to the hanging baskets on front porch to lower them some, they look better.
    He is replacing the wax ring on our one toilet, one bolt was rusted, frozen. So it took most of the day to get it off. He has been going around the house fixing and mending anything he sees in need.

    I have been cooking and baking more, with the cost of food rising so much we are both working on making our meals last longer, meat is extended to 3 meals each time. I restarted crocheting, making dish clothes and pot holders to give as gifts this year. Trying to use what I have. Our shopping trips were minimal this week as sale ads were bad and prices were up even 50% on some items.

    May all have a blessed week.

    1. Dear Rosanne, You had a very busy week too! I am glad you are back to crochet and baking. The food prices are the same way here and the specials catalogues are less than thrilling! We have a long weekend for the Kings birthday. We had a little bit of rain... plus some is forecast for this week... which I hope we get! Have a beautiful Sunday, with love Annabel.xxx

  2. I have been making sure that we avoid wasting any of the things we have been blessed with. To that end, I made small batch sour cherry jam that is kept in freezer to use up 2 cups of sour cherries I got from our tree. We had 3 PBJ sandwiches and enough jam leftover to use as topping (instead of syrup) on a dozen pancakes I made that we ate during the week. At another time, I might have thought that the cherries weren’t enough to bother with! But not now! I canned 8 half pints of strawberry jalapeño jam to use up some of our strawberries from the garden.
    I always keep an eye on Flashfood which is a regional online app for discounted groceries at 2 of our local chains. I found a large package of beef stew chunks reduced from $12.70 to $2.35!! It worked out to $1.33/pound which is remarkable!
    I bought six #10 cans of freeze dried strawberries from our Church Home Storage Center which cost about half what Thrive or Auguson Farms or any of the other commercial freeze dried companies charge.
    We continue to eat from our pantry and freezer and I love seeing jars get emptied and space becoming available in the freezers because that means we are not just looking at food stored here at home but that we are rotating and enjoying eating foods at their lowest cost!
    More fruits coming on as well as veg in our garden! Weather has been incredible with a nice rain every couple days (usually overnight or early morning) which saves me the time from watering garden myself!
    We have been abundantly blessed.

    Gardenpat in Ohio

    1. Dear Gardenpat, I see cherry juice which I think includes sour cherry... as a treatment for gout/arthritis and also to help with sleep. It is very expensive! So I am thinking for the nutrition alone the sour cherries would be very good.
      I love some of what you get on Flashfood. What a great system.
      Freeze dried strawberries are beautiful. Your church centre would be a much better price. Plus you have the very long shelf life.
      The rain sounds ideal! I know you will be filling jars back up! Right now I am blessed with jars to fill! Have a lovely Sunday! With love, Annabel.xxx

  3. Dear Annabel,

    What a fabulous week (well, apart from Chloe's household being sick). I love the cover of that Bible...what a find. Do peppercorns grow on a tree? And do they just grow wild where you are? That sounds so amazing...we don't have the climate for that here, I don't think.

    This has been a very busy week working on getting in the garden. I'm getting there...if I don't wear out first! Ha, ha. So far I have in the salad stuff, swiss chard, turnips, onions, potatoes, fennel, peas, beans, corn...I'm sure there's more, but I forget. I've been working hard while the weather is good, as I don't want to end up without a garden, like last year! It looks like it will be cloudy the next few days, so I'm hoping to get in my coles and tomatoes...they're transplants, so I don't want to put them out in direct sunlight. I keep thinking I'm getting almost done, and then when I count up the beds left to do, it's still a lot, so I just keep truckin' along! :) I've also done some heavy duty cleaning and the usual baking/making for lunches, etc. It's been busy, but very rewarding. Looking forward to a restful Sunday!!!

    Love the photos of the kids! They are adorable.

    Love, Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen, I think there are several types of pepper ... this is a beautiful tree that droops like a weeping willow... I dont think they are native. We have had them wherever we have lived and a favourite tree.
      Well done on getting so much planted. I know that is hard work but yes you want to get it all going! I hope it will be a fantastic season for produce! I hope the cloud cover stuck around so you could plant out the transplants. Have a great new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  4. I just inherited my great grandmother's large Bible that was presented to her by her mother in 1883. The front is written full of family history. It is a true family treasure.

    1. That is an absolute treasure! Family history and very special. I have one that was my Great Grandmothers and in it is a letter from a friend that GGM received when GGFather died. It is so beautifully written. This is one of my most precious items. I must get it out and read that letter. xxx

  5. Annabel, thank you for inicluding us in your daily life! The cows will love the hay! What a blessing to hve live near your daughter , especially with an I’ll ess. And that grand baby is adorable, I can s
    Almost smell her soft baby skin! I imagine her and her brother will be great pals in years to come. Speaking of blessing what a great friend to find all those jars at such a great price. I love canning, they are so beautiful when filled. What a Bible! Great find! Isn’t it nice to get to know people and you can share places to shop for bargains.
    Have a nice week, and again thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you so much! Yes shopping and watching out for deals and wished for items is a team sport! Thank you for your very kind comment, with love Annabel.xxx

  6. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry to hear about the covid outbreak ! I had my fifth vaccine a few weeks ago for study reasons, and have never had it and never want it due to my asthma !
    You are very blessed to get that new bible and canning goods ! A wonderful investment the security screens ! I spent $4000 on security screens welded into the frame and knife proof and able to resist anything. It was a lot of money , but with teen burglars in my area, and drug addicts I feel it a great investment. ! I have been asking God to give me a new place for several years now. I am in govt housing in NSW. I know I am lucky to have a place at all, lots of people here are homeless or living in cars. So, I continue to pray. Being thankful for what I do have. Warmth , my own space etc. we have had the opposite so much rain ! I will pray you get rain Annabel. Love Sonia, Sydney NSW

    1. Dear Sonia, I know the housing situation is very dire. It sounds like security screens are a very good idea for you. Even now in the regional areas housing and rentals are crazy. Thank you for your prayers on rain! We had a little overnight... I am praying it keeps coming! Have a great new week! With love, Annabel.xxx

  7. What an amazing week you had, Annabel. So sorry to hear that Chloe and Luke's family have been unwell.
    Praying for full healing. So glad you could save the day by providing meals. 😊
    My household has benefitted from bartering food, a gift of beef, and the garden producing. So nice to catch up on drying herbs last night. Gave my husband a haircut and caught up on mending.
    We have been enjoying a low cost membership to the YMCA. Using their pool alone saves us $$$. We also enjoyed a trip to our county museum.

    With school out for the summer, I have been cleaning and reorganizing cabinets and drawers throughout the house. My 13 yr old son thanked me for organizing one drawer in particular.
    Also we had a delightful surprise... a hen hatched one of the 2 eggs she was setting on! Hope the other hatches soon.

    Blessings to all,
    Leslie in Ohio

    1. Dear Leslie, Oh getting beef and doing some bartering is great! Also the cleaning out after the school term. I have so many times had one or two chicks. I am pleased to get any though. Then one time I had a bantam hen hatch 14 and I was over the moon only to lose some to a fox. But I kept going and now sometimes get more. A hen here now costs between $25 and $35 each. Special breeds are more!
      Your kitchen would smell lovely with the herbs drying! Have a lovely new week! With love Annabelxxxx

  8. Sounds like a very productive week. Hope everyone gets better soon-you are such a great grandma! Have a great next week.

    1. Thanks so much Vickie, the kids are all better, Chloe is overtired but I hope this week she will pick up.xxx

  9. So sorry to hear Chloe and her family have covid, I hope they recover quickly.

    Those Fowler jars are such a fantastic blessing!

    I think it was very wise for you to get more feed for the animals, we can’t know what’s in store weather wise (can’t even trust the forecasters anymore)

    My week started off very productive, on Saturday morning I drove to my nearby green grocer and came home with a 20kg bag of potatoes. They were on sale for 75c/kg! That is a rock bottom price, so I set about preserving them in all the ways I know how. Pressure canned, frozen as chips and wedges and dried!

    Then I picked a dozen or so mandarins off my tree and made marmalade. 7 number 20 Fowler jars and one number 14! The tree still has lots of fruit, we will eat some fresh, but I see more marmalade in my immediate future!

    Then I got an email from another local green grocer, their weekly special was onions for 99c/kg. I have seen them cheaper at times, but not often, so I grabbed 8kg! They are patiently waiting for me to turn them into onion jam! Just in time too as I have just run out, and we love it so much at our house.

    But…by Thursday hubby and I both came down with a viral illness, not covid, but just as nasty. I came home from work halfway through my shift on Thursday as I was quite unwell, just as I left work hubby texts me, he had a sore throat! I guess it’s the season for it!

    I did have enough energy yesterday to cut out a heap of fabric from old sheets to sew up as cleaning cloths when im feeling better, so my sick days were a little bit productive 😊

    Have a lovely week Annabel and Bluebirds 🐦🪹 From Cheryl

    1. Dear Cheryl, What a price on potatoes!! And the onions too! With a virus I say French onion soup would be a very good germ busting soup. Onion jam is absolutely beautiful and there are just so many things to do with potatoes.
      Cleaning cloths sound like a great project. I need to make pot holders. Mine are in a terrible state from constant use. I also hope to sew this week! I hope you are feeling much better! With love, Annabel.xxx

  10. Dear Annabel, Lily is adorable and so is her big brother, Tom! What lovely friends to find you all those jars. You will fill them with lovely things. It is lovely that you helped out Chloe’s family, I hope that they are feeling better. It’s a beautiful day here and the washing is on the line. This week I dehydrated banana and made a big batch of pumpkin soup. It was so good. I’ve got to keep my eyes peeled for any deals. Especially with food! Dh found a second hand bike for DS he is currently working on it. So that’s a big saving too. Lots of love, Bridget

  11. The baby is so precious! Family is such a blessing! God bless you!

  12. Dear Annabel, first I want to say to Chole and her family good health wishes and quick recovery! I can not believe Beautiful Lilly is 3 months old already! How time flies?!?! We are already half the year and June makes my garden magical - God's willing we may have a very good harvest of tomatoes, grapes, rosehipps, sorecherries, apples, lettuce, different herbes for the kitchen, (the other side of the coin is slugs have decimated the corn, onions, sunflowers, parsley, garlic, etc, where harvest will be modest to none). I have already picked a few kilos of strawberry, blackcurrants and cherries and made 3 batches of jam. On the chicken report both good and bad news - the second hen decided she doesn't care to stay on the eggs after the first hen, Pinky, had her 5 little chicks, although she would have maybe ten more days. One of the little chicks was taken away by a tom cat (not mine) in a second, so now I have four well contain inside their cage 4 healthy fluffy and cheerful chicks. They will be a month old on 12th. My son had his highschool graduation festivities and we were so happy and proud. I managed to stay outside of the shops using up produces from the pantry and cellar, baking bread, cooking from scratch and bartering food. My work coleagues bring me food for the chickens and I received homemade pasta and sauerkraut, I give them cut flowers bouquet and help them with knitting questions. Also, selling eggs is a constant every week. Today is voting day in Romania for local mair and for European Parlament. I hope many votes will go to our european future because Russia, unfortunately, has a strategy in all countries against that and the russian opression is terrible - we had a VERY hard time for 45 years. Sending much love to you all (thank you for your kindness, some Bluebirds have noticed my absence, I have felt stressed out/overwhelmed about all but I have read all the posts) God bless you all and Chloe's family with good health , sunny days and good rain. Laura's world from Romania

    1. I'm so glad to see you posting, Laura. You have been on my mind. Sending you much love.

    2. I am so glad to read your post. I do worry when I don't see a reply. I haven't seen much on the Ukraine war. It's mostly news about the Middle East. And I will admit that I try to avoid the news as much as I can.
      It was interesting to find out that you have a slug problem there also. My sons battle them with a product called Sluggo. My older son won with a lovely pumpkin harvest last fall. He and his family have to go back to Germany for at least a year. We are sad but have hopes they will return when they can.
      It was just good to hear that you are doing well with your garden, chickens and of course, family. Congratulations to your son! Judy in Maine USA

    3. Thank you, Patricia. Big virtual hug to you!

    4. Dear Laura, It was great to get five chicks... for your first round of chicks you did much better than me! Terrible about the cat though! Now I hope you. get a couple of hens. Some of mine are now big enough I am starting to guess who is a hen and who is a rooster. They are all so beautiful. And it is great you are selling eggs and so good your work colleagues bring food! It sounds like you almost have a little knitting club and they would love the flowers too. This is so good! I hope the election gives a good result for Romania and your local area. It is wonderful about your son graduating and celebrating!
      Your garden sounds so good! Several kilos of berries is a big success! I hope everything else you have growing will give you great harvests too. I know you will make the most of everything!
      Yes everyone asks after you and looks for you! As do I if you dont post... well as you know then I worry and need to check. From here we feel the tension. It gets to me from this far away. So I only imagine your stress but also I understand that I DONT UNDERSTAND the history and years of war and stress already endured and how that would be. The closest I have is how my Grandparents and Great Grandparents had brothers away overseas during the wars and how they got through the Great Depression. It isn't really a comparison to your story. I pray for you everyday and please look after yourself as you. are working day and night. With much love Annabel.xxx

  13. Thank you, Judy, thank you, Annabel, and all the Bluebirds. You made me blush! But also, you made me feel loved here! Sending love from a far away world, Laura


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