Feather your Nest Friday, 28th June, 2024.

I have much more to report this week!   I didn't need to go to town which gave me a whole extra day to get stuff done and sew!   Also the weather is mainly really cold and wet (yay!) so it is indoor time except for the animal work. 

This week I moved up to a much larger size bib for Lily to put away for when she grows.  I went through my pretty cottons and used two layers of flannelette for the backs.   Over the years I have built up a huge collection of cotton thread.  They are sorted into boxes ie pinks/blues/yellow and orange/greens and so on.   Most of them have come from thrift stores.   If I see cotton for 50c a reel or under I get it.  Once on  Ebay I saw a man selling a box of over 400 reels of cotton for $80.   Then there was $20 postage.  That was still 25c each... and a lot of them were on old wooden spools.   That was such an exciting parcel!   In my mind cotton is like soap... it is small to store, very valuable in hard times...     Now with my scallop stitch addiction I can find a thread to work with just about any print.   It is actually really good fun picking them out!

I found some gorgeous cotton lawn so after bibs I am going to make hankies.  (Handkerchiefs.)

Today my helper worked on fixing the fence so that the cows stop getting onto the lawn.   Also because they think the sound of a tractor means they are getting hay.  If they hear a tractor (that is not even mine) they jump the fence if it doesn't arrive!  

The days work has made the worst part of the fence into the best part of the fence. 

There was also another spot, where a tree has grown on the fence line so that basically anyone could walk over.

So this is all fixed and the rain held off until now... and it is set to rain all night!   If this happens it would be the perfect end to the week.

During the week it was one of my son in laws birthdays.   I made a double chocolate brownie slice.

Chloe made her husband a cake.  Then she had a "moment" and asked Mum and me if we thought it was too juvenile?

We both said "No, he will love it!"   And he did!  šŸ˜Š

In the shed Andrew built steps which lead to power plugs and controls for the cold room.

This was timber milled from our own fallen tree.

Also I have several trees covered in gorgeous pink flowers about the size of golf balls.   They are so lovely!

My cook up was spaghetti sauce and lasagne.

The large one in the front would serve eight.   That went into the ready meals freezer.

I finished working on the lemons.   A few have been saved for other uses but most needed dealing with fast.   So in one day I juiced over 60.    I froze these in 9 lemons in a jar batches as if I make Lemon Butter/Curd that is the right amount.

The whole house smelled so nice!  

This was all timely as I have three lemon trees almost ripe!  AND it will be my first good harvest from trees we planted.

Today I filled the slow cooker with apples.   I did not get a basics post finished this week but on Monday I will post Baked Apples.   They are soo delicious hot or cold. 

My incubator chicks are now pretty big.   Soon they will be moved in with the other hens.

Last night I almost completed this blanket.  It is the right size to top a single bed.    I got to about a meter from the finish line and couldn't stay awake!   It was like running a marathon and giving up a few metres from the end.    But oh well!  Tonight it will be complete!   

The car load of Agave succulents (I came home with last week) are planted and rained in. They made a huge impact being so big!   I pretty much stuck one in every gap or hole and voila!  

So that was my week!  I am settled in with crochet,  listening to rain and completely content!   
How did you build up your home, pantry or garden?   We love to hear.  Some of you are in summer with amazing gardens and produce... others like me are close to the fire keeping warm!   But it doesn't matter.... we are doing the best we can, with what we have, where we are!xxx


  1. Those bibs are so cute! How wonderful that you have had so much rain - hope it means that you will not have to buy so much feed for the cows.
    Weather here is hot during the day but we have had rain overnight quite a bit which cools things down and keeps things nice and green.

    I had a few items in my Amazon cart while I thought about things and when I checked back a couple of days ago I found discount coupons for a couple of items that I wanted to add to my emergency supplies - $15 off a hand crank radio and $5 off fire blankets so I bought both and they arrived yesterday.

    I also spent some time earlier in the week going through a large closet to do a clear out and re-org and I found a bin full of first aid supplies - items that I had on my "to buy" list as I'd forgotten all about this bin! That certainly saves me some money.

    I also took the time to sort through my wrapping paper, gift bags, ribbons and such and moved everything into a couple of drawers of the new dresser I bought for the living room. All these things are now much more accessible and will hopefully keep me from buying unnecessary duplicates! Every little bit helps.

    1. Dear Margie, Thank you! I have three bales left and I think after that there will be enough grass to be able to leave them to it!
      That is a really good tip about your Amazon cart! Wow! Also the items you bought are fantastic!
      Also now you can put the first aid supplies into use... with first aid finding things fast and knowing how to use them are two considerations. First aid is so important.
      My wrapping papers are also in the living room in a drawer at the bottom of a dresser. It's a big drawer and I loving having this supply. I need to check that I have plenty of boys wrapping paper as I have three boys birthdays coming up! Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. Annabel, What a productive week you have had. Amazing progress with the farm and home. The lemons were work in themselves. So happy you were able to save them all.
    The bibs you are making are beautiful. I love the floral patterns. You did so well with purchasing the thread, amazing amount at a great price for all.

    I worked on my "butler pantry" as husband calls it, it holds service ware and pots and pans, it also has our wall oven in it and a beverage cooler. The cabinets go to the ceiling. I washed all the glasses, cabinets, etc... Everything sparkles now. I have more room and reorganizing all like items are together.
    I finished another dishcloth and baked a lemon blueberry bread. We purchased a few items for the pantry that were on sale as markdowns seemed to have disappeared.
    We had a good week of progress, we did have to call a plumber in to repair toilet, a big hit to the budget but at least it is repaired right with even a stainless steel flange so that it never rusts out again.
    Next week I start on the kitchen deep clean, the cabinets get a deep cleaning inside and out. Refilling needed items.

    Prayers for all bluebirds.

    1. Dear Rosanne,
      Everything sparkling would look so good! You had a great week! Your blueberry bread looked so delicious! The cotton dish cloths are just lovely.
      The kitchen to me is the biggest area to clean/redo. Well that is where I get into the biggest mess! I hope you can restock every gap and create new spaces! Have a great weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Dear Annabel, I am fascinated of your exotic (to me) world, the pictures were so beautiful. Congratulation to Chloe, for the cake and Happy Birthday for your son in law! You did many things this week, and I am very glad it is raining there! Also, the chicks are looking gorgeousā™„ļø Today is Friday and my holiday week is slowly ending but today my husband took a day off and he took me to the pool. Swiming is my happy place forever and this is the first time this year. He knows me so well! Still. I am teasing him I am easy to please. It was a full week of cleaning, some gardening, some shopping (good prices for toothpaste, tooth brush, shampoo and pasta), cooking and long walks with my little Charlie in the park. As I was not knitting, I started a baby blanket as a Christmas present ( the baby will be born in December) and I shortened two long skirts I received from the same nurse. I don't look good in long skirts, being a mignone. The big news is I got 3 poullette chickens, they are three months old, black and golden lace around the neck and 2 baby ducks! They are so funny, I put them in a separate place as a carantine and they are walking around with the kittens, a sort of game of theirs. I got ducks to help me with the slugs, I will not let the slugs win every year! I will keep you up with the news. Sending good wishes from far away, have a nice weekend, Bluebirds! Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Dear Laura, I am so glad about your week off! I love swimming too! Going to the pool with your husband was lovely! A blanket for a December baby is the perfect gift! Plus time to make it!
      The chickens and ducks added to your collection is very exciting! The chickens sound beautiful. Ducks and kittens... your place is becoming more and more full of goodness. These will all pay off I think... new babies, trades/sales and produce! The ducks will be amazing on the slugs. They will thrive... they dont tear apart the plants like chooks do but gobble up the snails and slugs instead. Well that was a very nice report! With much love Annabel.xxx

  4. Annabel,
    It sounds like you had a very productive and happy week! I love reading about all youā€™re doing. Itā€™s so inspiring! And I especially love your comment about being content. That is such a blessing. And I love the beautiful blanket you made! For me, I made plum jelly from trees on our property. I already had the jars and ingredients on hand, all except for the Sure-Jell, so Iā€™m pretty happy about that. I look forward to your posts each week. Weā€™re getting ready to celebrate Independence Day next week. We really need rain. Have a great weekend! Thank you so much for sharing. Sue J in NC, USA

  5. Dear Annabel (and everyone),

    Annabel, everything looks amazing, especially the blanket and those new stairs. I'm so glad you have a helper. It's a delight to see Tom's happiness with the brownie slice. You've done so well.

    Work and estate matters are taking most of my energy, but I've managed to keep up with the garden. Zucchini, silverbeet/chard, and tomatoes are all producing well, and the zinnias my husband loved to see are blooming now. I put mulch down around the rose, salvia, hydrangea garden I planted for our anniversary. Two neighbor friends gave me anise hyssop and coreopsis starts, and some fresh corn; I had lots of lemon balm starts and veggies to share with them. It really is a wonderful resource. My old range/oven needed replacing, so a new one is on its way tomorrow. The timing was good because there was a great appliance sale that ends this weekend. Once it's installed I'm hoping to do a little baking and cooking to get ahead for next week's work lunches and dinners.

    Friends, I hope it is ok to mention that my husband passed in May at age 43, after almost 2 years of fighting cancer. All of your prayers have meant the world to me. Goodness, kindness, and friendship make a difference.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

    1. ((( Kathy ))), I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's passing. Blessings to you!

    2. I am so sorry for your loss! I had been praying for you and your husband for a long time. Thank you for your perseverance. You have been a huge example to the rest of us.
      Love, Leslie in Ohio

    3. Kathy, thank you for sharing of your husbandā€™s passing. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Lots of us follow the regular commenters as much as the bloggers! You always seemed to do as much as you possibly could for him and for your household. I hope that you are taking care of yourself. Annabel has shared a wonderful example of how to work through the grief. You may be on that path, too ā€” one step at a time, one task at a time, one day at a time. Prayers for you!

    4. Dear Kathy, I am very sorry for your loss. I always admire you for your strength through the hard times, I can not imagine how hard it is for you. Take care of you, now, and remember your precious moments together will always live on in your heart. Sending prayers and hugs from far away, Laura, from Romania

    5. Sending you much love.

    6. Dear Kathy, You have done so well to keep on looking after everything. You really cared for your husband so well with so much devotion and love. You only ever spoke of him in glowing terms. You have been amazing. I am happy for all the good times you had together but so sorry for your loss. This is pretty fresh for me and so I can say really you have showed great faith and strength.
      There are many of us here (and in the Tues club) who are your friends!
      I am glad you are cooking and also about the new stove. Mid year is a great time to buy these things! Take ever care looking after yourself. With much love, Annabel.xxx

    7. Dear Kathy, sending love your way at this very difficult time. You are in my prayers. Clare

    8. Dear Annabel, I was happy to read about your productive inside week. I love your crocheted rug, it's beautiful. I had an amazing moment when I stumbled upon discounted pink wool in town yesterday. A family friend who will turn 21 next year had asked me a couple of months ago if I'd make her a pink crocheted rug. I had almost forgotten until I saw the pink wool in front of me. Now I have 12 months to get it done. I hope she forgets her request and gets a surprise. We were blessed with a few bargains in the supermarket this week which was very helpful. This included a health powder I take, still in date, marked down $10 from $70. At only 17 my daughter is proving to be a medical mystery. Her jaw joints (both sides) - disc and bone have developed osteoarthritis. A Dr we saw last week was visibly shocked and said he has never in his career seen anything like it and that her jaw is like an 90 year old lady. She is constant / varying degrees of pain. We are seeing a lot of different professionals at the same time trying to get to the bottom of it. I thankyou Annabel and also Leslie, Bridget and Laura for your comments under mine last Friday. I took/take a lot of comfort from your prayers and thoughts. Annabel you are really amazing, you have so much going on in your personal life and still you have created a beautiful caring community here. I hope all the Bluebirds have a good week ahead, love Clare

    9. Dear Kathy, you continue to be in my prayers. Lots of love, Bridget

    10. Kathy Iā€™m so sorry to hear of your husbandā€™s passing. Your care for him during his sickness was beautiful. Sending you love and comfort at this sad time.
      Jen (NZ)

    11. Kathy you were amazing in your devotion to your husbandā€™s needs. I am so sorry the outcome was not what you hoped for. Take it slowly and look after you now.

    12. Kathy, I'm sorry to hear of your husband's passing. Many prayers and much love to you.

    13. So sorry to hear of your husband's passing, Kathy. I am sending you love and prayers. (hugs)

    14. Dear Clare, A pink rung will be gorgeous and 12 months is a great time frame! I know appointments and worry are a terrible combination. Hang in there until they all decide and agree but the more opinions the better I think. I hope your week is going well as it has flown by! With much love, Annabel.xxx

    15. Dear all,

      Thank you for your prayers, love, and kindness. It means a lot to me during this sad and difficult time.

      With love,

  6. Dear Annabel,

    You had a wonderful week. I'm sorry I haven't commented in awhile...it's been go, go, go around here. Lots of big celebrations, some very sick close friends, LOTS of hard work in the garden and around the house, a hubby on holiday, and a new job offer for hubby to consider. So my mind and body have been all over the place, but not much on the computer! I loved Laura's On the Ground post from Romania. She is a treasure to have as a Bluebird!

    I still have just 2 rows left to plant in the garden, but the weather isn't exactly cooperating right now. In the meantime, the weeds are growing like crazy in amongst what is already planted, so that is my goal for today. Your blanket looks beautiful so far and Happy belated birthday to Luke! (Gorgeous cake by Chloe!!)

    xx Jen in NS

    1. Hey, thank you, JenšŸŒ¹šŸ™šŸ»

    2. Dear Jen,
      I am just happy hearing the garden is going well and know it would be taking up so much time! I am sorry about your sick friends and hope they are doing better. I am so happy you enjoyed Lauras report! I love that from around the world we can share info and ideas. You know what Im thinking about the job offer so expect an email from me!
      Like the last two rows of the garden the last two rows of the blanket were slow! But I got there! I hope the weather makes it a bit easier for you! With much love Annabel.xxx

  7. This sounds like such a lovely week Annabel!
    I hope Luke enjoyed his birthday. You are fast at crochet! I canā€™t believe youā€™re nearly finished the blanket already.

    I found some amazing grocery deals this week, and am really well stocked up on vegetables, meat, tinned tomatoes and crackers. One of the supermarkets had a one day sale and it included heaps of fresh food as well as the packaged food they normally sells those days.

    I was also given a box of apples that are quite floury, so Iā€™ll be stewing them today.

    I cleaned my pantry this week and it looks so much better. There is another cupboard I store food in as well that I canā€™t quite shut the door of, so thatā€™s next!

    I hope the rain continues to fall and you have a lovely weekend. Iā€™ll look forward to seeing the completed blanket. (Mine is still more a scarf size lol).

    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen, Great job on all the stocking up! It obviously pays to keep an eye on these deals like the one day sale! I hope the apples coop up just fine. I know you will put them to good use!
      Well done on all the pantry work! I understand the door not quite shutting situation!
      I started another blanket but this one was a third made already so I have a good start! It is the right weather our mornings have been -2 to about 0 so that is cold for us! With much love Annabel.xxx

  8. Hi Bluebirds. I look forward to the Friday letter and reading everyone's comments. We got a little gentle rain this morning but I picked a few yellow beans and got some walking exercise in the courtyard. Have a nice weekend............Nancy

    1. Thank you Nancy, it is lovely to be picking beans! xxx

  9. Summer has only just begun here in South Carolina. We are praying for rain. I love reading about your cold and rainy but cozy evenings. It makes me feel better. šŸ™‚.

    1. Dear Vicky, I have been hearing a lot about heatwaves! I hope that is not your area! I have the fire going as we have had frosts the last few mornings and everything has been white! I hope your week is good! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. Morning Annabel.
    It has been quite sometime since I commented.

    It's hard to believe we are halfway through the year.

    The bibs for Lily are just gorgeous.

    I can see young Tom enjoyed the chocolate brownie slice. It looks delicious.

    Love the cake Chloe made for Luke. She has many talents and a great eye like her mum.

    The lasagna looks so good as well.

    It has been a busy time for us. We moved out of our house four weeks ago as the earthquake repairs are finally underway.

    We spent 19 nights in a motel before the rental we are now in became available. It is very comfortable.Just around the corner from home and we are appreciating having more space and a proper kitchen.

    It has been an expensive month as we had to do shopping every few days when in the motel. There was only a small bar fridge so not a lot of room to store food.

    Having said that we still managed to have all our breakfast things and take lunch to work every day, without resorting to buying it. Toasted sandwiches have been utilised each day.

    Now we are in the rental property for 5/6 months we can return to our regular routines.

    We did an order on Amazon last night for new underwear for DP and a backpack pouch. I also ordered ice cream moulds to make our own ice-creams.

    These are expensive in the supermarket and I can do just as well at home. Hopefully they will work out well. I will let you know.

    Gosh animals are like people in being creatures of habit. They are so smart associating the sound of the tractor with hay.

    Your helpers on the property are certainly invaluable and would enjoy working for you I am sure. We know how much you look after them with wonderful morning/afternoon teas and lunches.

    It really does highlight how important it is for us all to have support, people we trust. None of us is an island.

    Have a happy and fulfilling week everyone.


    1. Dear Mandy, Thank you for your kind words and update. I am glad you are into the rental and its near by your home... and yes motels are more with less ways to cook! It will be great when all this work is done. I hope at Christmas you are back in your own home!
      Cows are surprisingly smart. They know people too and dont like some people. They are VERY nosey and have to know what you are doing.
      Yes a crisis sure lets us know how our support system is. It is something serious... like Wills. No one much wants to plan everything out (thankfully Andy did everything ahead and so well) but the hard decisions/hard questions/ all of that... now I think about it much more and plan more.
      I dont know if you can look at the time in the rental as a rest or if you go ack to your place and garden etc? Either way I hope you are comfy and so glad to hear your update! With love Annabel.xxx

  11. Youā€™ve had a very productive week again Annabel. I love the idea of storing cotton reels in clear containers in their colour pallet. I think I may have to borrow that idea, mine are mish mashed together!

    Iā€™m sure Luke was happy with that cake it was lovely! My husband would have loved it for sure!

    The blanket is beautiful. I wish I could knit or crochet, trust me I have tried to learnā€¦itā€™s just not my forte. Iā€™ll stick to sewing!

    My husband and I worked together to repair the ceiling in our kitchen/dining, it was damaged 2 years ago during heavy rains when our roof leaked, anyway the ceiling got wet and went mouldy, we replaced the gyprock a good while ago, but that was it, it stayed unfinished for a very long time! So then we got a plasterer in 2 weeks ago to set the joins and then hubby painted this week. It looks so good!! Iā€™m so happy itā€™s done and looks like a normal ceiling again.

    Again this week I did an extra shift at my work. The money is helpful for the multitude of projects we have on the go!

    Have a lovely week Annabel and bluebirds šŸ¦šŸŖ¹ From Cheryl

    1. Dear Cheryl, I am so pleased for you to get the ceiling all done. Well done on the extra shifts and getting ahead for other projects. It is lovely that you sew! I think any kind of needlework is just wonderful. With much love Annabel.xxx

  12. Dear Annabel, I love the bibs, the blanket, and those stairs- they are beautiful too. Chloe is so talented at making cakes- it is wonderful. What a lucky husband. I hope that you get more rain. I hope we see more sunshine here. But making the most of every day is really important, and Iā€™m feeling that immensely. Lots of love, Bridget

    1. Dear Bridget, I think you are right, we must make the absolute most of every day and appreciate everything. I try and get a couple of bonus things done every day too and they really make a difference. We have beautiful sunshine in the day and it is white everywhere in the morning with frost! With much love Annabel.xxx

  13. It was so nice to read everyone's updates. Annabel, I love the bibs and Chloe's cake. It was interesting to read how you stocked up on thread. I got a chance to do that at an estate sale this past Spring.
    My "nest" is slowly getting more organized and tidy. The garden is going well. I harvested my first 2 grape tomatoes Thursday night. The younger 3 kids and I have been swimming at the YMCA each afternoon. So some fun and exercise. Dried herbs and apples again. Enjoyed some baking to restock the bread box and snack bin (we have had some breaks from the heat with some thunderstorms).
    Another way I have been building up my home is by memorizing scriptures while I work. This has helped me to think on God more and have more grace towards others.
    Praying for all of you,
    Leslie in Ohio

    1. Dear Leslie, Getting thread at an estate sale is a great way to stock it up. All the swimming would be so good! And cooling!
      I love that you are memorising scriptures while you work. I have little notes everywhere so I see them and repeat them until I get them into my head! More and more scripture in our day is a great goal. I am best at memorising lots of shorter verses than I am at one long one though. But I will keep working on it with you! With love, Annabel.xxx

  14. I am listening to the most welcome sound of rain. It got very dry here, the grass parched and I was wondering if it would even be worthwhile to keep watering plants. The answer came in rain nearly every day this week in some part. This is our second shower today.

    I went to the discount grocery again and picked up marked down produce. I got a half dozen ripe avocados, nearly 1 dozen tomatoes, a packet of grape tomatoes, 4 large green bell peppers, 3 bunches of green onions all for $1 a packet. I also found 4-packs of chicken thighs in the clearance meat section for 70c a pound. I've decided it would be worthwhile to go over to the store once a week. I can preserve the vegetables (at least some of them) and the meat can go right in the freezer.

    The month ahead will be a little tight as there are some semi-annual fees coming due. I want to offset that in several ways, one of which is to lower the grocery budget by about 10% which will help. As will shopping more frequently at the discount store. I find that as with all things, favored stores can no longer be a good source of sales and so it pays to shop around and note where the savings are larger. In six months, this store may no longer be the place but for now it is.

    I put several items on hold in a shopping cart and then went back a week later to look at them. Alas no discounts offered, lol. I did determine however that I didn't care for any of the items, so no regrets in not spending those funds.

    I have tomato blossoms and a growing green bell pepper on plants I'd set out earlier this year. Glad to see them coming along.

    I am looking forward to starting July. I don't have any big plans but it will be far less busy than June and so I'll have more time to concentrate my efforts on my home. I always enjoy that!

    1. Dear Terri, I am glad you got rain! I know how you feel when that is a relief!!
      I agree we have to be willing to change stores and compare. And it changes! I like looking across catalogues but also get surprises just walking into a different store sometimes.
      Your garden sounds like it is coming along nicely with some produce ahead! With much love, Annabel.xxx

  15. Those bibs are just the prettiest things! I enjoyed the whole post. Like most Bluebirds, I look forward to seeing your posts!
    My week was good! I found marked down meat and produce. I stayed home and quilted during hot days. I cooked meals on the stove or in the slow cooker to keep from heating up the house. I hung clothes to dry for the same reason!
    I also regained some time for home and family by reassessing my commitments. I'll be able to clean and prepare more in the months before winter comes! As always, your preparation inspires me and others!
    Stacy in Virginia

    1. Dear Stacy, I love your week and how you were quietly sewing during the heat. Also yes our commitments certainly very easily fill up too much space. I am so glad you found some deals on meat and produce! I dont love the heat but one thing it is good for is to wash blankets, underlays, quilts and so on! They are fresh and dry in no time! I hope it is cooler for you now though! With love Annabel.xxx

  16. So happy you had rain, it reached us here on Saturday night and rained all day Sunday so we were "mudded in", no one going anywhere. Sun was out on Monday to dry the mud, that black soil is like glue, I was about 6" taller when I put my boots on. Lots of down time here so reading, crocheting and planning happening.

    1. That sounds just lovely to me!xxx

  17. So happy you had rain, it reached us here on Saturday night and rained all day Sunday so we were "mudded in", no one going anywhere. Sun was out on Monday to dry the mud, that black soil is like glue, I was about 6" taller when I put my boots on. Lots of down time here so reading, crocheting and planning happening.


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