Back to Basics. Chicken (or Turkey) pies.

Yesterday I filled the slow cooker with chicken and veggies.   Often I would serve this on day one with some mashed potato or even some rice.    It's makes a lovely meal.    This time I saved it all to make pies and refrigerated it over night so I could have a baking day today.

I am pretty sure everyone has their own recipe.  After making mine up I realised today I left out an ingredient!  Oh well it still turned out!  

My basic recipe is to chop a few onions and throw chunks of chicken into the slow cooker.

I don't bother to chop the chicken as later on it will easily break up.   I sprinkle it with black pepper.

Then I add a big heap of chopped celery and carrots.   Normally a drained can of corn or a couple of cups of frozen corn .... but it was corn that I forgot.


Overall I have about twice (or more) as many veggies as I do chicken.

Then I pour over a tin of cream of chicken soup and stir.   (No water.)

That is it.  Through the day I give it a stir and break up the chicken.   Veggies cook down and your pie filling looks more meaty.

The main thing is that the chicken is nice and tender.  I tasted this and thought mmm its ok but it could be better so I added a spoon of chicken stock powder.   THEN it was perfect!   

Today I made up eight gluten free pies.   One is for dinner.... seven will be frozen.  So I add a weeks worth of dinners to my freezer.

I made four regular pastry small pies... two are gifts.  

I made Chloe's family a huge pie which should serve six.... but if you did my Mum's trick of serving mashed potatoes or a side you would get eight.

And finally a smaller pie suitable for two people.

I think you get a lot more serves when you make pies about the right size for people.   A good way to make child sized ones is to line muffin pans with non stick paper then pastry.  

You can vary the veggies to your liking.  Leek and mushroom is really good!    You can use turkey.  You can use cooked meat left over from a roast... you just will not need to cook the filling so long.   You could top your pie with mashed potatoes.   

Another is to forget the chicken soup and pour a jar of cranberry sauce in with your chicken or turkey.   Or save meat left over from a roast, gravy and some roast veggies.  These are already cooked so just chop, blend and fill your pies.

I have heard people say someone won't eat left overs.    When these come out months after the original meal how on earth do they know?  

Once again this will give you freezer meals.   It will stretch or use up your meat.  It will pack a lot of veggies into your families diet.   It will hide a lot of veggies, if that is a trick you are needing.  😊

If you have a variation, or another recipe that would use up left over chicken or turkey,  please do share it.   Thank you to everyone who is helping us build up more and more basic recipes and ways to save! xxx


  1. Beautiful! I love how you throw your meat and veg. into the crockpot. What a time saver! Thanks.
    As far as leftover chicken or turkey, I use the leftover meat for stir fry or over pasta.
    Leslie in Ohio

  2. I like to make rice bowls with leftover chicken or steak or pork chops, just cut the meat in very small bites, add small diced zucchini, onion, carrots, peppers, spinach, and cook it in a bit of sesame oil or teriyaki sauce and add into brown rice or jasmine rice or whatever you have. I serve it in a bowl, add sesame seeds, and it is quite good.


  3. That looks absolutely delicious, Annabelle! I love pot pies and now will make some to keep on hand. Thank you!

  4. What a fabulous, fuss free recipe! I love it. I’ll file that in my brain for future reference. Thanks Annabel.

  5. Your pot pies look delicious, Annabel. Do you make your own gluten free pastry crust or have you found a gluten free crust retail? I am unable to find such items here in the stores.
    I have always loved what we call Shepherds Pie. It is the meat, veggies and cream soup filling with mashed potatoes as the topping.

    1. Dear Glenda, Our stores all have gluten free pastry. Usually you have far wider choices than us. Try looking online to find which brands make it and where it is available. Ours are really good and have improved over the years and they re so handy! With love

  6. Dear Annabel, Thankyou for sharing this recipe. I need these easy step by step ones. I love how you used a chicken cookie cutter to put on the top of the pies - makes it elegant and if put in the freezer - you will remember what it is. Thankyou, Clare

  7. Some curry powder or other spices could provide some variation for a portion of your mixture.

  8. I love this! How did you get the edges of your small pies to be so pretty? I'm tackling the filling today. My guys will be super happy! Thank you again Annabel!
    Stacy in Virginia

    1. I was wondering the same thing. :)

    2. Hi Stacy the small pies were made in a pie maker.. they make a nice edge. Most stores like Target have pie makers really inexpensive and a fast way to make

  9. My mom used to use ham in a pot pie when she had leftovers. She always added sliced boiled egg to it and topped the crust with cheese. It was absolutely delicious. I think Chicken Pot Pie is one of my most favorite foods. I think they are such a comforting meal.

    One frozen food company offers a variety of chicken pies: Traditional such as you've made here, broccoli and cheese sauce based, and then a mushroom and onion one. I haven't tried the mushroom and onion but I did enjoy the broccoli and cheese.

    I laugh every time anyone says they do not eat leftovers, but I've known many people who literally would throw out their leftover foods and not even put them out for the dogs and cats to eat. This always horrified me as I felt it was poor stewardship of what they'd been given.

    You might guess those would be the same people who complained longest and loudest about how they couldn't afford to eat at home that it was cheaper to eat restaurant and take out, too.

    I have ALWAYS tried to make what food I had count. When my children were at home, there was always the 'big' meal once a week of roasted chicken, pot roast, meatloaf, or ham. Then the rest of the week was a series of meals that were 'creative' uses of leftovers. Pot pies were part of that.

    Funny story. When my youngest son was 9 he asked what was for supper. I told him it was Pot Roast. "Ah geee! Mama can't we just skip the pot roast and go right to the beef hash?" lol I still laugh over that even though he turned 40 this year.

  10. Thank you for sharing this Annabelle. I made your meat pasties a couple of weeks ago & they were delicious, even though mine looked a bit "organic" 😉 I am going to give this a try tomorrow in my slow cooker - I bought some pastry today. Thank you for all that you share. xx


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