Feather your Nest Friday, 31 May, 2024.

It feels like a year since last Friday!  It is the last day of May too.   The most exciting thing for us is yesterday it rained.   It started out very gently and I was worried thinking "this can't be it!"  but it got going and added up to a soaking!  I just felt like celebrating!  We have been desperate.  The whole state has.   I searched and bought more hay fearing running out of feed for the cows.    

Today I went into town and on the way home I could see very dark clouds over our way.   The closer I got the darker it was.  Then I was on the last road before home and it was raining.   First I go into Chloe's and help her unload her grocery order... it was gently raining but we did not complain!   Then I headed the last 7 ks home and as I came over the hill it was bucketing down!  It was pouring!  I sang!  Thank you Lord!  The front lawn was awash with a torrent running down the hill.    After I had the car unloaded and the cold stuff put away I jumped back in the car to go for a drive and look at the rain and the paddocks.  

Dry dusty paddocks were now soaked.

There were actual puddles.   In all the years I remember Mum and Dad going through droughts and worrying about animals... I never felt it this way now I have my own land and animals.   It is absolutely sickening when there is no feed.   It is depressing beyond belief.    So... if nothing else happened the whole week I would just be happy with the rain!   I will be out there every day inspecting growth.  You would think that is like watching paint dry but no it is completely exciting at this stage!

Because it rained I baked and sewed!  It was lovely!  I made two huge fruit cakes.  One is a gift.   The other is to feed my helpers morning tea.

I made myself two skirts.  I had the material for a couple of years!  I had chosen it as it is a nice weight jersey and in colours I live in.   I copied my favourite skirt style wise.

Having a cutting out table makes sewing a lot easier.  Also, like anything,  once I made the first one the second was so quick!   My town uniform is pretty much a skirt,  a jersey top,  a long line cardigan and boots.

Then I cut out some bibs for Lily.   Finally I tried out my sewing machines scallop stitch!   Yay!  I love it!

These are two layers of a thick flannel.  I will make a dozen then make some in a bit bigger size for later.

Lily is 11 weeks now!

She is wearing a little winter dress I got her.  Notice the hand of comfort..  šŸ˜Š

I have a couple of boys (when I say boys that is 20s something year olds!) staying in the cabin.  They turned up with beautiful winter veggies for me.  I haven't even unpacked these yet so they are in a cool room overnight.  

I harvested Parsley and freeze dried it.  I TRY to put things to good use and harvest things in time.  In this case I was one day too late to get it all as a goat got out and ate half!   So lesson learned, do not delay! 

My cook up was pasties.  I made 19... each is a full meal.   Pasties will be my back to basics post on Monday.  These are another meat stretching meal.  They can also be a meat free meal.  They are filling, full of veggies and freeze perfectly!

I am working on a blanket... it is all wool... some I was given and the rest from thrift stores.   It is five ply cream throughout then the stripes are 2 and 3 ply pastels (which I would never use on their own as they are so fine.)  But I love 8 ply for a blanket and so I am making own this way by crocheting them together.

I find stripes motivating as I always want to get to the next colour but also this way I can use up a lot of bits. 

The fire is going.  Everything has been watered.  I am stocked up.   I have cooking planned.   But first... I need a collapse and sleep in.     

I have to add... how the prices on food today was even more shocking than usual and everything has shrunk!   If you are feeding a family I am here supporting you as it is a big job and takes a lot of cooking and planning to do it affordably.   It is NOT easy.   

How did you build up your home, pantry or garden this week?  We love to hear! xxx


  1. Annabel,
    Oh my what a full week you have had. So very happy you received some rain, prayers you receive more.
    Lily is so adorable, her smile could melt anyone's heart.
    I am happy to hear you have some men staying at the cabin and brought you some lovely vegetables.

    This week has flown by here. I have been running errands and deep cleaning.
    I am going room by room, cabinet by cabinet, closet by closet and cleaning and reorganizing.
    I have had the little voice tell me to get my house in order, very loudly, so I am listening. I have been able to do 2 bathrooms, laundry room and a bedroom so far. This is helping me know what I have and what I need. It is also getting things in order and surprisingly making room.
    My yesterday was sorting jars, bottles, plastics, all now have their own drawer, so much easier to go to one drawer to find things than all of them wondering where i put it.
    I will continue this project, next is my bedroom dressers and closet, it will probably take a week. But it will be cleaned, organized and give me a better idea what is needed.

    I baked shortcakes and cut strawberries and whipped cream to have strawberry shortcakes, husband loved them. I made my Mom's jello mold, I usually make it for a holiday but I wanted to make it for myself, I was missing Mom. It's filled with pineapple, walnuts, celery, maraschino cherries, whip cream and cream cheese.

    Prayers all bluebirds are able to continue to fill their pantries, prices here in the US are climbing daily. I know it is the same in AU.

    1. Dear Rosanne, As you know when I unpacked the veggies it was a really great selection! You have done really well with your deep cleaning and organisation!
      Strawberry shortcakes sound amazing!
      There is just a tinge of green now... we need more rain or it will die off. Please pray for rain! Yes it is the same here. Some prices make you gasp! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. I am so thankful you had rain! I am looking forward to Monday's post!

    Last week at the grocery store I picked up a box of graham crackers and it was so light that I looked at the weight and it had gone from 16 to 12 ounces. Not to mention the price increase. I put it right back in disgust. We find ourselves going to many stores buying the sales just to keep the pantry stocked but it is exhausting.

    1. A lot of people would not have noticed that weight difference but that is a lot! It is a LOT more expensive but cleverly disguised!
      Going to several stores can be really worth it for the good deals. It has become necessary! I am shopping tomorrow and am checking out all the catalogues before I go. With much love Annabel.xxx

  3. Hi Annabel
    Precious rain ! I'm so glad the land had a good soaking. Every time I find myself moaning about the amount of rain we have I try to remember you and other online friends in different parts of the world who pray for rain.
    Your skirts look lovely, sewing is such a good skill to have. The scalloped edge around the bib is so pretty as is Lily!
    Two more brand new tea towels found in a charity shop this week have gone into the gift box. I've baked banana and chocolate chip loaf cake with squishy bananas and a pan of brownies to take to my sewing group. We planted out sweetcorn and pumpkins. I mended a pair of leggings.
    As part of our preparedness using the govt list I bought more bottled water. There are a few more things to work on over the coming weeks.
    I agree the price of groceries is still going up. As part of the preparatory work before meeting with our financial adviser I checked over the monthly accounts I keep and compared the last twelve months. The grocery column has steadily crept up despite my best efforts. I pointed it out to my husband and said that I haven't been buying lots of steak or salmon but the usual everyday things we buy keep going up. There are shortages of some goods due to drought/ flooding etc so orange juice for instance is in short supply and getting increasingly expensive. Might need to persuade my husband not to drink it!
    Penny in the UK.

    1. Dear Penny, Great find on the brand new tea towels! I took time to read your gov website and lists. Water is something we all just take so for granted but even to cook we need it. It's more than we ever imagine.
      Your sewing group and the brownies to take with you sounds lovely, I wish I could come! Weirdly orange juice is also really expensive here too! I hope it's been a good week as it is almost over already! With love Annabel.xxx

  4. So pleased about rain. Praying that you get good follow up rain, and celebrating with youā€¦. We know what it like to nurse animals through a droughtā€¦ keeping a hay shed topped up is much the same as a pantry! Missy.

    1. Thank you Missy! We are at the point of needing the follow up now.. Good point... the hay shed is really the animal pantry! I got some more bales this week so it is looking a little better! With love Annabel.xxx

  5. Dear Annabel, that is wonderful that you got rain! I would dance in the rain too. I am so happy to see those puddles. Lily is a sweet little doll and I think she looks like a very happy and contented baby. I love that blanket you are making, itā€™s beautiful. I worked some school hours this week, which didnā€™t leave for much. However I did make apple muffins, and sorted out a shelf in my pantry. I couldnā€™t believe the prices at the grocery store. We need to stretch things further. I did turn a casserole into a pie, these sort of stretches will be needed even more I think. I got my old car fixed, Iā€™m so happy I donā€™t need a new one yet. Itā€™s 20 years old next year! I hope to walk and crochet today in between sports activities for the DC. I pack food, so no need for the canteen, as now just to watch your children you need to pay a fee at the gate. Lots of love, Bridget

    1. DearBridge,
      Thank you! The extra work would keep you so busy but the extra money will be handy too. Great about your car! It is a bit rich they charge you to watch your own kids play sport! But packing lunch is a great idea. And I used to crochet while waiting at the school or watching sport too! A pie is a great meal. Monday I am going to post how I make chicken pies and this is a good meat stretcher too! With much love Annabel.xxx

  6. Hello Annabel and Bluebirds. Praise God for the rain. What a blessing. He must have heard all our prayers for you šŸ™ā¤ļø

    I canā€™t report to much preparedness progress this past week, as I wasnā€™t feeling very well. The basics were done, and I guess some weeks are just like that. Iā€™m feeling better now, so Iā€™m planning a more productive week this week.

    I look forward to the pastie post on Monday. I really want to start making those for the freezer. In a moment I am about to go and make homemade crumpets for breakfast. I saw it on Our Small Footprint on YouTube and thought why havenā€™t I tried that! They looked delicious and cost just pennies! I will get back to you on the success or not of those haha

    Have a lovely week everyone. Love from Cheryl šŸ¦

    1. Dear Cheryl, Sorry for my slow reply! Please report on Friday how the crumpets went! They would be amazing! Also I know you can freeze crumpets. Crumpets can be a sweet ie with honey or a savoury ie with an egg... I love them. Also I hope the pasties are something that you like too. I hope you have continued to feel much better. Yes some weeks... just staying afloat is good!
      Thank you for the prayers for rain. Now we need follow up to keep it going but green is coming through! With much love Annabel.xxx

  7. Hi Annabel, Iā€™m a relatively new reader. Iā€™m a 30 year old mother of two littles (ages 2 and 4) here in Canberra. I wanted to tell you that I am finding so much comfort in your posts. I am trying to find ways to stretch our grocery budget and make things a little easier for ourselves but it is becoming harder and harder (and Canberra is an incredibly expensive city). Iā€™m trying to learn from lovely people like yourself, you are so very encouraging (as are the lovely people in the Facebook group). Iā€™m so glad you got rain, we had some yesterday too which was so welcome, itā€™s so dry here. Anyway just a shout out to say THANK YOU! for the work you do, and inspiring me to keep going and keep learning xo

    1. Welcome and thank you so much for commenting! Prices at the supermarkets have gone up so much and continue to. On Friday I stopped in my tracks several times looking at either the shrimp size of things or the cost or both! Feeding a family is not easy. I think making your own dough/bread/pizza bases/scrolls etc fills out the menu a lot. Another is making pancakes or pikelets every week. And soup, I know Canberra is cold! Keep at it, you are doing a good job and we keep learning and adapting. Our Nanas did it and so can we! With love Annabel.xxx

  8. They say life is about learning to dance in the rain, and by the looks of it, you're doing a fine job! My deck rail planters are in, with spinach, romaine, and buttercrunch lettuces on the inside and delphinium on the visible from the street side. I also have planters with 3 kinds of tomatoes, green and red pepper, and habanero pepper plants. My pot of chives came back and I've already made one cutting. Yesterday, I made the trek to my hometown area and bought a flat of strawberries -- at about double the price I paid 2 years ago. Today, I made 2 batches of strawberry jam, some of which will go to a fundraiser for a not-for-profit organization I support, and I also made a batch of strawberry lemonade concentrate for the summer months. I still have a little more than 2 quarts left, so I need to figure out what to do with them tomorrow.

    1. Dear Lori, All you planted sounds fantastic! Strawberry jam sounds just beautiful too. The lemonade concentrate sounds amazing! It sounds so summery while here we are in winter! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Lily is so lovely! Her smile lights things up!

    This week I went into a regular grocery and bought produce and the loss leaders. Loss leaders were blueberries, eggs and milk. I always stock up with enough to last until next time they are on sale, though the blueberries are local and in season at the moment. They won't be for much longer. I too was shocked at prices and realized on my way home that I am ONLY managing my budget at all because I am relying more and more heavily on marked down clearance items and homemade from scratch things. And this keeps me at the grocery budget that once was ample enough to restock pantry, buy top quality local beef and little luxuries. There are no little luxuries any longer attached to that sum. As Lana noted, the shrinking packages shock me. I noted a few weeks ago that one jar that had always been 32 ounces was now 30 ounces and another item that was 64 ounces had gone down to 52. A meat product that was 16 ounces and then 14 ounces is now 12 ounces. That's one whole serving of meat gone! Canned foods from 16 ounces to 14.
    This past week my mom celebrated her 87th birthday. I bought lunch at her favorite takeaway spot. With no drinks it was $30 and the portions of food had shrunk considerably. In the past I'd have paid $10 less for the two of us and I'd have brought home half a plate of food for John. Not this time. I barely got enough to feed myself.

    This week I made all of our meals at home, (except for Mama's birthday lunch), bread, yogurt, salsa.

    I worked in the yard and dug up two clematis that weren't happy where they were. I hope transplanting them will work. This next week, I plan to cut several plants that I have and start new ones: Coleus, Portulaca, geranium, hydrangea, rosemary, basil and mint. I have a new fern, ivy, and roses growing from cuttings this spring already that are now ready to pot up individually.

    Today I was happy to find several items that I've had on my 'want' list for the house, all at wonderful prices and came in under budgeted amount of money. I was so pleased! I have waited and looked and watched prices and finally went into a store that had good items for prices I felt were decent.

    Although I've plenty of cat and dog food on hand, I was reasoning the other night that putting out food scraps just now is not serving the purpose it ought with them. Now that it's getting hot they often barely finish their portions of regular food, so I've reduced it slightly. Now when I have food scraps from plates, I put them into a freezer. I figured there are occasions when I don't have pet food and might not be able to leave home to pick it up or get an order in as quickly as I'd like, so I'll have a small supply of backup food scraps to feed them. If I find I'm accumulating more than I'll need, I'll start subbing one of their bowls of food with food scraps.

    I need to check our wild blackberries and see how they are faring. I noted a woman in town stopped on the side of the road and when I peered at her I realized she was picking blackberries. Ours ought to be ready as well. Unfortunately it will be Sunday before I can get out to look for them. This year we've had enough rain in the winter/spring months that they ought to make nicely.

    Hugs to you Annabel!

    However, we manage and I am grateful.

    1. Happy Birthday to your dear Mum, Terri! The loss leaders are the way to go. Yes it is taking more effort, more time, more planning and using everything up etc just to keep up. One of the things I saw yesterday was the cooked chickens... they were the same price but so small! The worlds smallest
      chickens. Also cucumbers they were $2.90 each but they also were the worlds smallest. It was like someone was playing a prank! Your garden is sounding lovely! Plus garden work is good exercise and sunshine.
      Re the prices and packages... we have a thing now where it will say the weight of the product ie 1 kilo and there is a little E after it. Often on meat... well the E means estimate and it is perfectly possible to pay for a kilo and get quite a bit less. Same with things like a bag of tomatoes or potatoes... for the same price one can be more product than the other. And then price per unit... a cabbage or cauliflower might be $8.... (yes!) but some are small and some are large. So I am standing there looking for the largest. Another lady was looking for the smallest! Go figure!
      Thank you for your great comment, have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Geez, Terrj, I thought you were going to tell us she was picking YOUR wild blackberries!

  10. We are the opposite here in SE Qld, finally sunny weather although 12ml overnight and another 14ml for fast for later today. Muggy as well. So much rain for a long period this year. The first of June and I am wearing a summer dress with the house open to the fresh air. Bring on winter!

    1. I dont know if it cooled down any this week for you! I am not a fan of humidity! It is exhausting! xxx

  11. Cath Armstrong1 June 2024 at 04:56

    Thrilled you have rain! Hope those paddocks green up and stay green. I am so glad you tried the decorative stitches on your sewing machine (I was told off for calling them embroidery stitches). I use them all the time to make pretty hems and borders. Good sharp scissors with a point make the trimming easy. And the flannel for the bib is gorgesous, just perfect for Lily. xxx

    1. Dear Cath,
      It is thanks to you thatI even know about the scallop edging! Now I am getting into the swing of it.
      I have a function that will do initials... so I better try that next! Flannel is so nice and soft and absorbent! Thank you Cath! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. That is great news that you had a lot of rain Annabel, I hope there is more to come this week.

    Your blanket looks beautiful!! Itā€™s a lovely pattern and the colours look so nice together. I hope baking the fruit cakes gave you fond memories of baking for Andy, I think I remember you saying it was his favourite? Your skirts are gorgeous! Your town outfit sound very stylish!

    We have a long weekend this weekend and Iā€™m grateful for it. I bought bananas for $1/kg this week. They were bringing out more boxes and so I asked for more. The guy said you ā€˜you can take a whole box if you wantā€™ so I did! It was $15, such a good price. I also got some good deals at a one-day sale at the supermarket. At the op shop I bought a merino cardigan for $2 and amazing near-new sports shoes for my son for $3. I also found a lovely brand new beach towel for my daughter for Christmas.

    I started the crochet blanket with the many balls of wool lol, When I picked up the order I realised it was an absurd amount, but at $2.60 per 50g ball Iā€™m really happy to have it.

    I hope you enjoy your Sunday and get some more sewing or crocheting done. I think Iā€™ll bake some banana cakes lol.

    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen,
      Yes Andy loved my fruit cakes. I sure thought of this when baking them.
      I am so glad about your deal on bananas! I think the merino cardigan might be the best find of all!
      Sorry for such a late reply. The week has been as busy as last week! With much love Annabel.xxx

  13. I love your skirts, great colours and great patterns. The colours of the blanket are very soft and I bet it is a lovely squishy and soft one.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you so much Jackie! xxx

  14. Congratulations on the rain! I grew up very close to a desert...I remember praying for rain.
    Miss Lilly is looking adorable as usual. Love big brothers' hands nearby.
    Your skirts look so comfy and your crochet is gorgeous. Nice meat pies. They remind me of calzones.

    Our week was full of celebration. We had 2 birthdays, then attended a graduation party. I went out to dinner with one friend Friday night and invited over to a new friend's house tonight. Such a blessing to have friends and family!
    I saved by fixing the food for the birthdays myself. And eating out of the pantry. Of course, we have lots of eggs. Such a blessing! I was able to tackle some mending. And a friend blessed us with gently used clothing for the family.
    God is so kind to me.
    Blessings to all of you!
    Leslie in Ohio

    1. Dear Leslie, Thank you! I must make calzones! I know they are delicious!
      You did have a big week! Im so glad you have plenty of eggs. There is so much goodness in them. And versatility.
      Well done on the mending also. I hope God blessed you in lots of ways this week too! With love Annabel.xxx

  15. What a blessing that you had rain!!! Praise the Lord! Your sewing is lovely, as is Lily!
    My big win for the week came in the form of a vintage sewing machine and a stack of books at the community yard sale. I'm excited to make it sew well! The books are for my husband, and they were $1 each for hardbacks. We felt like we saved so much with those two types of items!
    In the kitchen, I've been using less meat than before, so our meat is stretching. We've been eating at home and I've been making our baked goods. I keep thinking about your blog post about soft rationing. Honestly, it's making a difference in the grocery budget. Thank you for all you do!
    Stacy in Virginia

    1. Dear Stacy,
      Thank you! How beautiful to get a vintage sewing machine. I learned to sew on Nanas treadle machine. I loved it. Great deal on the books also!
      Yes little cut backs and modifications can make such a difference. I often try to use one less ingredient and save it for another day. Or get one more serve or an extra little cake... things like this. Making your won baked goods is a huge dollar stretcher but also everyone feels so well fed and happy!
      On Monday my basics posts will be chicken pies... it is another meat stretcher. Also I get a few extra made and freeze those for a lunch or dinner down the track. As we sneak things away we are getting ahead! Thank you for your encouragement! With love Annabel.xxx

  16. Hi Annabel

    So pleasing to hear of the rain down your way and to be soaking rain even better outcome. We still have had little rain this year but we are thankful for some showers passing through but in saying that we have had enough to keep the green showing through, unlike your barren paddocks. Last night was our first real cold night as we got down to 7 and I felt it this morning getting up but once moving about warmed up quickly. The day has turned out beautiful. The slow cooker is on as I had a few bits of veggies needing to be used up an I will do some meal prep for the week ahead.

    This year is going by really fast and now as I type this it is already June. Last night I purchased a few items in the sales for Christmas gifts due to them being on special at 60% off.

    I need to get in and do some sewing but time has not been with me this year. Your blanket colours are so beautiful and look so soft and snuggly.

    Lilly is certainly growing and such a happy bub. Love the hand of comfort.

    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead

    Take Care
    Aly xxx

    1. Dear Aly, I agree with you about the speed of the year. I completely lost time as I remember almost nothing of Feb and March.
      Well done on getting in on Christmas presents to put away. That is the time to buy them!
      I hope you do get some time to sew as your sewing is beautiful. But I understand being busy too! Sorry for my slow reply. This week has been as busy as the last! With much love Annabel.xxx


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