Feather your Nest Friday, 5th April, 2024.

This week flew by.   There was progress on quite a few fronts.

School holidays are coming up and the girls will be coming to stay.   I did some counting and realised if I put eggs in the incubator they would hatch while the girls are here.   Because of rebuilding my flock I did not have enough fertile eggs so I asked some friends.   Soon I had twenty eggs ready to go.  When I got home I found that two had a soft green shade and one was very pale blue.  Bonus!

I did a couple of hot dinners for Chloe.  One was chicken kebabs,  rice and veggies.

Yesterday I made a heap of Pasties.   I made enough to get some into the meals freezer.

I made four with gluten free flour,  a dozen man sized and two kid sized.  😊

My new girls are laying.   They are a bit shy but at least now I am collecting eggs again.

The last time the girls (human, not chicken) were here we made key rings, car diffusers and pedants.   I went through the beads and supplies I had left.   I was able to make eleven items for my present cupboard.

Work on "the top house" - I chose flooring for the part of the floors that is wrecked... laundry and an annex area.   And ordered blinds for where there had been putrid curtains.   A screen door for the front and back doors were also ordered.   This is pretty good for one week!

Other work...   Andrew used the digger to make a trench alongside the grass area of the chicken coop.  Then fencing wire went in... now there is a double layer of wire and hopefully it is fox proof.   If you are old enough to remember Road Runner cartoons and how the Coyote spent its life figuring out new ways to get the road runner... it's like that.   

A few weeks ago I shared how Chloe helped me to connect my lap top to the printer... as previously Andy printed out all the bills etc.  In testing what was connected to what Chloe printed out Andy's most recent email... which was on the subject of how to get through a time of brokenness.   Well, that was amazing as there I was...

Yesterday I had the bright idea to look on Andy's computer to see if in October/November he had been searching medical stuff.  (Because he certainly sprung into action on his Will and arrangements etc in November)  It was a dumb idea and I didn't get anywhere as I don't understand his computer and I realise even if I found something it is not going to help.   He definitely knew something or felt something.  It could have been that God told him,  how he felt or both.   I did find this though which was saved on his tool bar across the bottom of the screen.  It was this, tilted "In the blink of an eye."

So how amazing is that?   Andy was gone in the blink of an eye.   But yes he was ready.

Today I had a beautiful day meeting a long time friend, for the first time, in person!  You would never have known we just met!   I think it would be more than ten years that we have talked online.   Well,  it was the best day!   Also the weather was glorious.   A perfect end to the week. 

In my efforts to make progress I have struggled with my weakest point... mornings.   CS Lewis said something about mornings would have been better if they were later in the day.  I feel that way.   I am going well on my end of the day gratitude and prayers.   I do better when I write things down.  But mornings...  I struggle to think straight.  This week I discovered that I can use you tube and follow along with morning prayers of my choice.  There are also apps!  It is a matter of finding a source you are happy with that you like.   So now I pray along with someone and fill in the silent part with my own intentions and have that guidance.  This has helped heaps!   There are so many things to help us!  Don't ask me why I didn't know this.   

With the farm projects and stuff that just needs doing it seems the list grows.   A big tree fell on a fence.  Several branches fell down.  As flooring came up on the top house a hole where mice could get in needed to be covered up.   I remembered someone saying "the hurrier you go the behinder you get." haha     But all progress is good.   Things add up.   Be encouraged to keep at it!  

How did you build up your home, pantry or garden this week?    
I am committing to some serious pantry organisation ... and I have Quinces, Apples, Pears and Bananas that need using!  But first, the weekend...  we need some rest too.xxx


  1. It's so inspiring to see you making your way through all the emotions following the death of a loved one and reaching your own routines and solutions. The meals you cook look great.
    It's been a busy week of cooking for family staying here at Easter and I don't feel I built up the nest much. However I stripped the leftover meat from the turkey and made a pie and froze the rest of the meat.
    I bought a couple of things to keep in the first aid kit and am thinking out how to use the beautiful charity shop material I found. I am slowly going to replace some of our ropey coffee mugs and found a beauty today in the charity shop. I'll choose one to get rid of.
    We had a carpenter here to do some work in our kitchen and we're very pleased with the result.
    Take care Annabel.

    1. Cooking for the family over Easter is a fine way to build up your nest! The turkey pie would be beautiful too.
      Adding to the first aid supplies is good. Having fabric to work with is lovely. Having a carpenter get the kitchen work done was wonderful! Sometimes now it is hard to get tradespeople when you want them. A good week! xxx

  2. Dear Annabel, your post is wonderful. Thank you. Thank you for uplifting us all. It really is amazing what you found on Andy's computer and then what happened. I love how you have got eggs ready to hatch for the girls, what a treat. I think that it is wonderful that you will have them stay over the holidays. They will have the best time. I love your hot meal deliveries. It is so thoughtful. I am trying to 'cast my net out wider' and am trying to look at lots of Asian supermarkets for products such as rice etc that we use. We visited one today and then also went to the shop by the dump to see what we could buy back. Interesting school holiday excursions! But they are having fun and so am I. I must explore YouTube further. Thank you for that tip. Lots of love, B

    1. Dear B, (Bridget I think). Going to the dump or the dump shop is the best! Yes good fun in the school holidays. I think looking further fried and in shops and also online is a good idea. Also if you have any stores that sell imperfect fruit and veggies and other goods like Not Quite Right in some states... these can be amazing.
      I am having success also with Apps. I cant believe the goodness I am finding. Now I am able to listen to various Bible studies and prayers while Im driving. I can use this time to learn. Andy as doing that on his grocery pick up trips. So we learn something new. This week is already almost over! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. I went to a local greenhouse that opens for two weeks every year. I got some yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber, tomato, peppers, and flower starts. I will do more, but as soon as this last frost is over I will have a good start to my garden.
    * I cooked two hams at Easter and diced the leftovers and got 18 bags put up for beans, scalloped potatoes, pasta dishes, omelets, etc.
    * We are having a yardsale this Saturday so I've been going through and organizing closets and cleaning out.
    * My freezers have been so full it is hard to even see what there is. I've been eating from my pantry and freezer since the first of the year, finding older items that needed to be used and trying to incorporate items that are not as well liked and end up sitting. I have my vegetable freezer about 1/3 empty, and as I continue to eat from it I should be ready to put up vegetables as they come in.

    1. I love the sound of that nursery! Also all that ham will be so handy. Ham is really good in fried rice too. I hope your yard sale was a big success! I need to do the same with my freezers. If I can get one cleaned out then I will have a decent re arrange... and see what I have! You are ahead of me! xxx

  4. That Roadrunner cartoon was my Dad's favorite. We would call him to come when it came on the TV and he would sit with us and laugh along. I can still hear him doing the meep-meep. I hope the chickens are indeed safe now!

    1. Dear Lana, Anytime I see the Acme ? brand I think of road runner. I feel dedicated to spoiling the coyotes (foxes) plans! I think now we should be safe for a while. I have some new chickens coming soon too. Enjoy a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  5. Dear Annabel (and everyone),

    Annabel, your week looks wonderful. I am excited for your new chickens to hatch! Wonderful to have help fox-proofing the coop, and getting items picked out for the top house, too. Your food looks so good - might I ask how you get those perfectly sliced carrot coins every time?

    The find on Andy's computer is good food for thought. It is great that you are finding things that work for you to help tackle those harder times of day. It never occurred to me to use Youtube in this way - thank you for mentioning it! Continuing prayers for you and your family, and sending lots of love.

    It was a week of many doctor's appointments, so getting any normal things done felt like achievements. The bathrooms got deep-cleaned in anticipation of some work being done this weekend. The front and side lawns were mowed. I did a little cooking. To our medical pantry I added OTC medications and some accessibility items for my husband - he doesn't need them just yet, but that seemed a good time to purchase and put them away (and there was a sale!). After work today I will pick up our second rain barrel - so excited about this! It has gotten very warm, lots of flowers on the blackberry canes and my greenhouse plants are huge - I moved the kits for the 2 new raised beds out to the patio where hopefully I can work on putting them together this weekend.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

    1. Dear Kathy, Thank you! For the carrots... I have a slicer-dicer.. which I think is the same as a mandolin. It has everything cut in no time. I used it constantly.
      Getting normal things done WAS a huge achievement for you with so many appointments and things to navigate. You might have your new raised beds put together by this time! It sounds like Spring has really kicked in! I do hope this week will be easier and that the weekend is also a bit of a rest. With much love Annabel.xxx

  6. You do so much Annabelle - but it is good to be busy - I think it keeps us sharp as we age and makes us use those muscles when we might be tempted to just sit in an armchair for much of the day.
    Last week was taken up with office work for Holy Week but I have had some time this week to get back to my tiny kitchen and pantry.
    .Moved up a few canned items that need to be used up from the pantry to the kitchen.
    .reorganized my freezer compartment
    .combined a few items from the freezer to make up a large cottage pie which I was able to share with a friend who injured her knee.
    .cleaned out the fridge
    .made a large batch of cous cous with frozen veg
    .chopped and froze half of a large bag of onions
    ,the other half of that bag is now caramelizing on the stove
    .there are chickpeas soaking and they will be cooked later today
    .made up a batch of chopped ham with pickles & mayo for sandwiches
    .a green salad is next on the list and I hope to get to some baking tomorrow.

    Have a peaceful week.

    1. Dear Margie, Thankyou! I cant imagine having time or wanting to sit in an armchair.
      The cottage pie to share was a great idea. You achieved a lot in the kitchen! It all sounds so good! I have things I need to get on to in my kitchen too.
      Have a beautiful weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  7. Annabel,
    You are doing so well with making gifts, cooking and putting food away for the future, learning new skills to manage the property. It is still very early days for you since Andy's passing so be gentle with yourself and your expectations. I can see how much having a plan, your faith and routines are supporting you through this. What a wonderful way to honour your and Andy's love of each other.
    Your new granddaughter is just gorgeous and I love the photos of her with her big brothers. You are right, she is like a wee doll.
    I love reading each week what everyone achieves and really enjoy the Tuesday group.
    This year is a big year for my DP and I with our earthquake repairs and renovations. Hopefully we will have a start date in the next few weeks and I can organise someone to live for the five to six months we are out of our home.

    Mandy (NZ)

    1. Dear Mandy, I hope the earthquake repairs begin soon. It is huge to need to move out for months. I am hoping insurance covers this all. You will be glad when this is all complete and behind you. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you had a restful weekend! With much love Annabel.xxx

  8. Hi Annabel, I had suggested this a few weeks ago but will mention it again. A free series, Bible in a year podcast, with Father Schmitz. He is a catholic priest who reads the Bible then does explanations, each podcast lasts 20-25 minutes. I have never been able to read the Bible, and now I have done 45 days on this system, so it works very well for me. Just Google Bible in a year podcast and you will find it. It is free. I am not a Catholic so this series works for all Christian type folks.

    I wonder if my husband knew how close he was towards the end, I have wondered that. I think, knowing him, he knew but didn’t want to freak me out. All the best, Hilogene in Az

    1. Dear Hilogene, Thank you! I follow him so I will do this! I am so glad you are doing it and enjoying it too! We are lucky we have so many sources to help us! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Annabel you have done so much this week. I love that your new chickens are laying and you are having the chicken pen fixed to stop the foxes getting in. Your baking as usual looks delicious and I am sure Chloe appreciates all the wonderful meal deliveries. Great you have got a good start on the top home and ordered the flooring, blinds and screen doors too and I am sure when it is finished it will have that extra special Annabel decorator touch to it. I am glad you are finding YouTube morning prayers to help you as well as personal prayer time. There are so many apt scripture verses that we can relate to our everyday lives.

    In the gardens Dh cut up some kindling into smaller pieces and cut all the larger logs in half for us to put through the log splitter. I cleaned up all the stray bark by raking it and picking it up and getting it into the bin to tidy the area some more. We also put the smaller logs that can be hand split into a pile ready to go.

    In the home we continued with cleaning the kitchen ceilings with warm soapy water and a mop and glad to say we are now finished the ceiling in there apart from a few streaky areas. I cleaned off the kitchen table, damp dusted it, and cleaned the top and put on a new fresh bird tablecloth that makes the kitchen look lovely and cheery. I also cleaned out our outhouse so that is nice and clean and tidy again too. DH went through the gardening tool shed and cleaned that up and put everything away so that is also looking clean and organised too.

    In the kitchen we cooked all meals and bread from scratch. I gave the front of the fridges and freezers and good clean so they now look better too. I am pleased we have been under budget in our groceries for a number of months so I have added that amount to saving for our new car.

    Have a wonderful week ahead everyone.


    1. Dear Lorna, Thank you. I am thinking that while I have the means to fix things I should. While I can stock up I should etc.
      Well done on all the cleaning and damp dusting... I am trying to follow on that. Cleaning seems never ending... wiping out my pantry shelves has been number one this week so far.
      Coming in under food budget is really an achievement with current prices! So well done and the car fund will benefit.
      I do love the sound of your bird tablecloth! I hope you are having a good new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. What an amazing week you had! Love that you received all those eggs for your incubator. Your hen looks so healthy and the food looks delicious. Would love your chicken kabob recipe. Also would love to know where you got those soft beads for the keychains and diffusers.

    Our home has received several upgrades in the last few weeks. My wallpapering adventure is complete. My husband was delighted to put new hardwood trim around the doorways in that room. He also found a large leather-topped desk for $28 at our Habitat for Humanity Restore. This replaced a "desk" made from a door and 2 short filing cabinets. Not that we needed anything fancy, but the desk is the first thing guests see when they walk in. My son took advantage of timing and requested a new bedroom door. My husband plans to install it tonight.
    Despite the amazing Spring weather, I got allot of indoor tasks completed. Sewing and mending done. Laundry soap and baking powder made, plants repotted, eggs washed and in the fridge. Also a low-cost birthday meal of homemade sub sandwiches, roasted potatoes and cake for my husband.

    I went on a fun outing with a friend. "Painting, Devos, and Delights." We were treated to several charcuterie boards, a painting class, and a lovely devotional. And now I can paint beach scenes. :)
    Blessings to all,
    Leslie in Ohio

    1. Dear Lorna, your new wall papered room with the desk sounds fabulous! What a great way to make a desk and so practical too. I love the sound of your DH’s birthday and the outing with your friend sounds lovely. Love Bridget

  11. Hi Annabel and Bluebirds! It sounds like an excellent week for your productiveness and thrift! I love the pasties, even though I have yet to try my hand to make them for my family! I also love the key chains from various pretty beads!
    As for building my house, I spent most of my week spring cleaning and decluttering. I worked on each room in the common areas one by one, top to bottom! I did a serious clean out of my clothing closet and took a little time to wardrobe plan. I found a new to me consignment shop to take my extras and hopefully find the few items I have on my wish list. I would prefer to shop at a thrift shop, but ours are not as nice here. I plan to top off my laundry powder this week and see if I can finish spring cleaning! It's nice to have it decluttered and sparkling clean!
    Wishing you well and continuing to pray!
    Stacy in Virginia

    1. Dear Stacy, You did heaps! It feels really good especially doing room by room as you have. While you Spring clean I autumn clean. Finding new outfits to wear for the new season is lovely too.
      Pasties are really good as they are full of veggies and not much meat. They re filling too. This week has flown by... I am still re arraign and sorting, mainly in the pantry. With love Annabel.xxx


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