Last weekend Chloe, Luke and the boys brought baby Lily home! I was so excited to see her and them all. And I began the "hot dinner meal delivery service." 😊
We had several really hot days... days we didn't get in summer but they decided to show up in Autumn. Also they came with wind. The worst fire conditions! There was a big mess of leaves and branches down but no fire and no serious damage. It was just a matter of getting through it and I had to remind myself it was still probably 5 or 6 degrees "cooler" than what we can get and it was three days and not ten!
I was given a huge bag of Passionfruit. This has been shared around and is just delicious with my morning yoghurt. A new person to trade with has emerged! I sent her venison, she sent me Passionfruit, I offered apples...
After the heat I was able to pick up four trays of seedlings. My veggie garden has been a wreck. Each day I have done something even if it is a small something. I pulled out everything that had finished producing. Then I planted two pots with Parsley seed, six Spinach, six Chard, six Celery and six Basil plants. I watered everything in and already the garden looks more promising.
The next day it rained! And it rained steadily all morning! So this was a very good thing for the farm, the garden and my seedlings.
Mum gave me a ham from her freezer. I cooked this and made two really big salads (during the hot days) which were rice salad...
And potato salad.

So the ham gave us all meals for a couple of days then a whole pile of rolls and sandwiches.
Cooking for someone else has been good as I am forced to set aside meals for myself and freezer meals as well. I never could see the point in cooking small amounts.
Some of the meals were...
A big pot of spaghetti meat sauce with added zucchini.
Then from some of this a very large Lasagne.... Chloe froze half so she got two nights out of it.
Chicken, rice and veggies.
Chicken schnitzels and veggies.
Steak, mashed potatoes and veg.
Last night I used purchased little tart cases which I filled with sliced banana, I boiled two cans of condensed milk in the slow cooker... added whipped cream on top...
Apparently these went down well...
Today was busy. My Valentines Day chicken is now a teenager. She needed to go into a small coop in the real world.
I just picked her (or maybe him?) up and carried her as she is completely tame.
It was also a big apple picking day. Last week I picked a couple of basketfuls. Today it was about another six.
Now for Lily! She is feeding well and looks like a doll. 💗💗💗
In this photo Nana Pat made her blanket and I made her bear.
We are all very blessed.
Chase is getting in on the act and understanding much more now.
My theory is the first weeks home are a very important settling in time. If this goes well it is a huge advantage. This is why a meal run is something I think I can do because also late afternoon you are tired, the kids are tired, it is bath time, dinner time and bedtime, one on top of the other. A hot meal coming in the door right then makes a difference. So yes, that's my theory.
All week I continued to organise, move things, rearrange, clean... so much has been donated. I looked at the bathroom Andy used with fresh eyes. He always took showers where I always take baths. I think I have found a way to make over this bathroom in a beautiful way without actually renovating it.
I had a beautiful package arrive in the mail from my dear friend.
Bluebirds!! Sooo beautiful!! 💗
Also cards, letters and prayers. Thank you to everyone. I don't think I am going to be able to reply to all of them so please know that each day these have really made a difference to me.
I have been able to think more clearly and look at the big picture a bit better. Andy always believed in God but it was the last two years that he really seriously got stuck into Bible study and research and he prepared himself spiritually and had his affairs in order... and I did not realise what was about to happen.
I always believed in God too. I thought everyone did until I was four when told me there were people who do not believe in God. At church I could feel the presence of God and I also thought everyone else did too. Over the years I've done various Bible studies and attended several difference churches, taught Sunday school and when it was available I went to church every morning back when the girls were at school. I also have been through long periods of "going it alone" although my faith remained.
The last two years Andy overtook me. He for sure over took me in dedicated prayer time, Bible study and desire to learn more.
This week I decided to honour him by following in his footsteps and dedicating myself to Bible study as he did. Also to start a gratitude journal again or at least somewhere write down my blessings for the day. My Friday posts do already record my blessings as everything above has been an ocean of blessings this week.
I consider Andy has gone ahead of me. He got organised and prepared and was gone in a second.
Everything I have written about, especially our little Lily are the hugest blessings. Knowing Andy loved God and not needing to wonder if he is ok. Mum is fit and well. I had help with someone who took over the accounting from Andy and I do not have to worry about this. Andy had left everything up to date and in perfect order. I have an automatic lawn system going in to make it manageable for next summer. I have help in so many ways. I am very blessed. Sometimes we can be so blessed and take it for granted. If we take things for granted we forget to be thankful!
How did you build up your home, pantry or garden this week? What are you tankful for? I love to hear, we are on an important
Lily is so beautiful! Grandchildren are such a blessing!
ReplyDeleteThank you I agree! xxx
DeleteSo happy for your extended family Annabel. Lily is like a beautiful little doll and you and your Mum are blessings to your girls and their families.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you have help with the accounting and are looking at how the future will be managed. Andy set such a good example of thinking things through.
My husband has been working hard in the greenhouses and garden getting ready for the busy growing season. I have been getting us ready for a short holiday. I will take homemade brownies with us which can double as pudding with some berries and also bolognese sauce which can be the first evening meal. We share a holiday cottage with friends and everyone takes homecooked meals to share and plenty of food for eating at home. The owner of the farm cottages offered us an upgrade to a bigger cottage at no cost to us so we happily agreed.
A big thing we achieved this week was having our kitchen range overhauled and serviced. It wasn't cheap but increased efficiency will save us money in oil long term and we can stop using the electric oven and cook on the range which is hot anyway.He adjusted it so we are not heating excess hot water which 2 people don't need. The workman taught us some tips we didn't know and urged us not to get rid of the range in the future as they're invaluable during power outages which are becoming more common with increased weather events. ( We knew that).Also not to convert it to electricity if we dont have solar panels , he worked out the running costs to show us the difference.He was a mine of information which I regard as treasure to store up to make life smoother.
I am also thinking through some changes I can make in my routines, cooking etc to help energy levels.
Thinking and action are equally helpful.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Penny in the UK.
Der Penny, Your workman was a goldmine of info. I ask a lot of questions if I have any kind of tradesman. They know stuff!
DeleteYour holiday sounds beautiful! Have a wonderful time! Great progress with the greenhouse and garden also! With love
What a beautiful, happy baby! Her brothers seem so happy with her.
ReplyDeleteYour meals look amazing. So glad you have others to look after as you grieve. God is good.
My week has been busy. I have been reorganizing my kitchen and pantry in between school and chauffeuring. My husband purchased me a beautiful china cupboard at Habitat for Humanity's Restore. The wall-mounted cupboard I used before got relocated to above the kitchen sink. We are all so happy with this change. I put in some peel and stick tile as backsplash. I will be wallpapering the kitchen this weekend. The last phase of our kitchen makeover is replacing doors then painting the existing cabinets. We have lived in this house 5 years. It has taken me that long to convince my husband of the needed changes.😊 But we are saving allot of money by not replacing the cabinets. I believe he is surprised by the impact of a what $300 can make.
Of course, I got some baking done. We are now getting plenty of eggs. We enjoyed Scotch Eggs last night for dinner. They were amazing!
Continued prayers for you, Annabel. And prayers for Kathy, Laura, and Donna.
Leslie in Ohio
Dear Leslie, If cupboards are good I wouldn't replace theme either! I kept the 60 year old kitchen here and just repainted it. Even my stove is about 55. It still had the manual! Your china cupboard sounds like it will fit right in.
DeleteI am so glad about the eggs! I am working on getting new chickens since I only have 5 hens... since the fox disaster.
Thank you so much for prayers for the other ladies and myself. With love
Dear Leslie,
DeleteThank you so much for your prayers. It means a lot to us.
Dear Annabel, a beautiful family is a huge blessing and your family is very beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAll the grandchildren and Lily are gorgeous! Your week was very full and I know it is better for you to be so active, with hot meals delivery and gardening/animals - also apple season can be tiresome. I am glad you have planted so many new plants in the vegetable garden but it is so strange to me - we plant only in spring, autumn is short and chilli and then the big cold winter and snow don*t give a chance to any plants here...
Your Valentines Chicken looks pretty! My chickens are in full production almost every day - and it is really reassuring to know you have food if in need (I admit I have a food insecurity).
God Bless You for teaching me how to raise chickens, what, how and why to stock for a smooth transition in a crisis situation. For example, today I found out our salary, which was due to be paid today, will be somewhere next week, without any precision. It is upsetting, but manageable somehow because I have my pantry, food for animals, a small emergency fund in cash and all the basics needed.
We do honest work, I took up every knitting orders and my husband is working every overtime hours, and weekends, we are frugal and pragmatic and life is still hard! But God is always with us and He has helped us every time, the power of a prayer is immeasurable.
A question for chicken friends: if the eggs are fertile, abundant, Philip my rooster is magnificent and very active and all his ladies look happy and content, can I do something to help a hen go broody? I would like some of my own new baby chicks but I was afraid to leave eggs in the nest box to not create other problems. I thought better ask my Bluebirds friends.
Thank you - sending love from far away, Laura_s_world from Romania
Dear Laura, That was not good for people about the pay! And a big mysterious too... I think we all have food insecurity some people just are not aware. Even if we ignored all other issues and just looked at the Red Sea and Suez Canal... that is a big issue.
DeleteWith the chooks... you can take say 6 or 7 eggs and place them in a nice nest... on the ground or close to the ground. See if a hen will begin to lay in that nest. The eggs need to be as fresh as possible. When she has a dozen or so she probably will go broody or at least one hen will. You need to be able to then section that area off... because what can happen is if she gets off the nest for a drink another hen will go in and lay and egg... and you can end up with 25 eggs and none have any chance of hatching. I stick to ten to twelve max. Once you have a broody hen write in your diary day 1. Set it up that tiny chicks will be safe from the rooster and get on the ground... have a very low dish of water and chick starter mix/chick food ready which I set up and put in there about day 20... If you have a deep water bowl chicks cant reach in and can drown. You need something very shallow for new chicks. Also a hen can just go broody and only have a couple of eggs are refuse to get off! If so add some of your freshest eggs under her as soon as you notice she is sitting! I also have had hens hatch chicks in a high off the ground box... in which case I wait until I think they re done hatching. Then transfer them all to a seperate little coop... all set up for chicks. But you have to be pretty watchful for day 21 and patient to see if they are done hatching. If you are not sure pick each egg up... listen... you can hear if one is still working on getting out of there and give some more time. It is certainly worth trying! You will get half meat birds and half new laying birds (round abouts!) and I think both eggs and chickens are a really valuable thing. I hope that helps and I havent made it sound confusing because really it is so much fun! With love,
Dear Laura
DeleteIf I am working with Broody hens with other hens about the place I wait until there are enough eggs in the nest and take a dark coloured pencil out and put a big cross or similar on those ones, so I can pick up the fresh eggs until someone gets clucky and goes broody .
Good luck!
Thank you very kindly. I will try these tricks🥰. Laura
DeleteDear Annabel, thank you so much for sharing your life and your blessings. You are such an inspiration to me. I think we may be about the same age (not sure, though). You have encouraged my heart this morning, especially with your comments about God. Women have so many things to think about. It’s hard for me to not get distracted and not spend enough time with God. Congratulations on your new granddaughter, Lily! I know you will enjoy her. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteSue in N.C., USA
Dear Sue,
DeleteI am sixty one. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. With love
Baby Lily is just beautiful! You are a blessing to Chloe and her family. God has been so good to time it all so that you have a new baby to love just when you needed her most. Much love dear friend, We continue to pray for you here.
ReplyDeleteDear Lana, Thank you and thank you especially for the prayers. I think Lily is a little character already. Chloe took some nice photos to share on Friday. Hoping you are having a good week. With love
DeleteDear Annabel (and everyone),
ReplyDeleteAll of your food looks delicious. Meal service for a new baby is such a kind gift of help. The photos of the kids are beautiful - Lily is so sweet! That is a great lot of apples and a new friend to trade with is wonderful. I used to keep a gratitude journal and it has fallen by the wayside in recent years - it was of great help, sometimes even just reading through it on a "low" day was wonderful, and I thank you for the reminder, I am going to start it up again. It is amazing how many blessings there are when we stop and really look at them. Sending up prayers for you every day.
This was the week of gardening adventures. I put together a greenhouse kit over the weekend - we had great lashing winds on Wednesday which blew all of the trays off the shelves - so Wednesday night I moved the greenhouse where it has more protection from the wind but still gets sun. I was blessed that the potted seedlings were all ok and the greenhouse wasn't damaged. Last night I replanted my seed trays. There is still time for everything to get started well before our last frost date in about a month. I also met two of my neighbors (one just down the street), very kind ladies who love gardening, and have been swapping seeds and cuttings. Usually I am hesitant about approaching people, but leaving a note for a neighbor asking about some of her flowers that I admired has brought me a new friend - and we can help each other!
Inside the house, I had a couple of baking days (challah buns, cookies, roast dinner, some treats) and worked on a new knitted shawl and cross-stitch pattern as I had time. To the pantry I added rice, canned tomatoes, and lots of frozen veggies. A stop at a thrift shop on the way home yielded a big bag of spools of ribbon for $4. It's chemo week - my husband is pretty tired and has low magnesium, so trying to get electrolytes into him, and trying not to worry.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Dear Kathy, I think a gratitude journal or even a list is a huge help. You are going through a lot and have to think of your own health and well being as well. I saw in Tues club what happened next...
DeleteThe greenhouse will be great. As it fills up the weight helps in the wind.
Having neighbours you know and being able to help each other is really good. Getting to know and trust people is wonderful. Also watching out... if anyone sees any iffy activity on the street you let each other know, this kind of thing. It is all good.
All the ribbon was an amazing find. I totally love the shawl so far!
Now I hope the rest of the week will be ok and all is well. With love
Baby Lily is so beautiful! Love the photo of Chase with her. Your food always looks so good. You are a very nurturing mom/daughter/grandmom! I have made pies like those. So good! andrea
ReplyDeleteThank you Andrea! xxx
DeleteOh my gosh Annabel, you really have an inspirational effect on me. I find this post one of your most inspiring, given the circumstances you are living through. Firstly - that little Lily, how gorgeous and amazing that she is smiling at days old. Your meals - such Good and noble work for you to do this week, amazing. I believe you are right and all the support will have far reaching effects on Lily and everyone else. I love the photo of your chicken. I guess if he crows he is Valentine and if she doesn't she can be Val. I coincidentally put my Mumma chook and four teenagers into the main pen this week too. I have a ramp for them to walk up into the main house. Poor little Mumma was going up and down it, clucking, trying to teach them to follow her, two would, then they would fly off etc and she would try again. I waited till dusk and then helped shoo them along until they finally got it. It was fun to watch them learn. I ordered the book and video after reading your last post. The rest of my week remained busy with helping to entertain relatives and post wedding things. The bluebird cup, saucer and sugar bowl are really beautiful and a thoughtful gift for someone to send you. They will be so nice for you to look at. I am so glad you are feeling loved by everyone - you give all of us so much, you share your life with us and inspire everyone reading to try that little bit harder. Where I live, we have had some terribly hot days as well so I have been busy watering too. Yesterday we drove to our capital city for a second surgeon's opinion on my daughter's jaw. It was disheartening as it was the same opinion. It seems we must accept and manage as best we can. Much love to you, Clare
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, Lily really does look like a beautiful doll! I love the pink and white blanket that your Mum made. Is it knitted or crocheted? The little bear is beautifully embroidered and I can see the love that you have both poured into your work. Delivering a hot meal to a new mama is the most wonderful and considerate gift. Those first few weeks with a newborn are magical and yet so tiring, it is so good of you to keep them nourished and loved whilst Chloe regains her strength. I am having surgery on Monday to have some BCCs removed from the end of my nose and near my eye will be having another skin graft so I’ll be off work for a month. Hopefully, once I start to heal, I’ll be able to try and sort my house out. Much love to you all, Jennie🖤🖤
DeleteDear Clare, Thank you so much! I have been through the same thing with a hen, chicks and a ramp. The chicks would go one side or the other of the ramp and end up alone down the bottom. The first night I realised or the chicks would have died. So each night until they got the hang of it there I was in the coop crawling down to reach the chicks and lift them in.
DeleteI look forward to talking to you about the movie and book! Since these I needed something to move on to... searching for more. I have found the answer there which I will share on my Friday post. This is SO encouraging to me.
Getting a second opinion is always a very good idea. I think you were wise to do that. Even though it isn't a different alternative at least you know the doctors agree and you are doing the right things that can be done. This does not mean there may not be something come to light that helps with pain or pain management or something... and we will pray that is so.
We had those hot days too. I am so glad they are behind us now! With much love
Dear Jennie, The blanket is crochet and lovely and soft. In wool. I hope your surgery went well. You are probably feeling pretty out of sorts right now but hopefully you will heal and feel better. And yes then you can use this time! It is awful with something on your face (Mum has had a lot of skin cancers removed and a skin graft also) so I know it is a difficult time. With much love
DeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteThat picture of Tom’s appreciation of your cooking is priceless!
You have been keeping a gratitude journal for years and you post it for us to share. Your gratitude shines brightly through in all your posts.
Andy was an absolute treasure for you and to be such a conscientious man and leave all the work and accounts etc as up to date as could be is a total blessing. Not to have to worry about anything extra while you are grieving is true kindness in the worst of times.
And now dearest Lily to add to your tribe, you are a very very good mother to save the day each afternoon with lovingly cooked dinners. I think there are billions of mothers out there who would have loved that extra practical help, generosity and kindness.
Thankyou for sharing it all, it’s a very gentle read in these difficult times.
Much love
Thanks so much Kate. Tom sees me coming with the evening meal and he says hello Nana Bel and runs and sits up at the table. Then he asks if there is desert. haha
DeleteThis week is almost over already and has been so busy. But
Dear Annabel, oh I am swooning over little Lily. She is a real little dolly. I love her outfit, bonnet and she looks like such a happy contented baby. What a gift. Her big bothers look smitten too. I love how you do the meal delivery service. This is the best gift for anyone and I think food is my favourite gift lol what a beautiful thing to do. I love all your apples and how you got planting. I need to clear out cupboards, order seeds and cook. I received a parcel of children’s clothes, so that was helpful. I also bought some children’s books for cheap. I am continuing to pray, Annabel. Lots of love, Bridget
ReplyDeleteDear Bridge, I hope lots of the clothes were suitable and good for your boys. The books sound good too. New stories are always a good thing.
DeleteYes Lily is a little character already! I think you have an extensive growing season up there... which is good! All we can grow and produce is a good thing! With love,
That Lily baby is so adorableI Could I just caution that when the baby starts playing with your toy a button may come off and get stuck in her throat. Your new China is so pretty. I love blue. Your apples look so delicious and I know you are thankful to have them. Your gardens will be lovely!......Nancy
ReplyDeleteDear Nancy, Thank you so much! There are no buttons on the bear. I have always loved "bluebirds of happiness" so this was a perfect gift! The garden is going to take me a while but rain and better weather will help! With love
DeleteCongratulations on that dimpled baby! What a sweet smile and how nice to see her brothers are already fond of her. This week I can finally share that we are expecting a baby in our family this September. It will be our 13th grandchild! It is good news among some less nice news. We feel very blessed.
ReplyDeleteI found some decent prices on meats this week and stocked up. I divided and now have about 15 extra meals for us in the freezer. I made bread, waffles, muffins. I made most of our meals here at home. We enjoyed a meal out using a gift card that we were given at Christmas. We combined errands. I mended jeans and a comforter. It was all just routine but worthwhile as days at home so often are.
How wonderful to have another Grandchild on the way! That is beautiful news. Getting the meat was very good and your baking sounds lovely. A gift card to eat out was handy! A night off is very nice. Mending is very worthwhile. I have some mending waiting for me! With love
DeleteWhat a true joy! Baby Lilly is so adorable! She is one very lucky little girl to have been born into your family.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much
DeleteAndy was truly a man to be admired and emulated. He prepared so well for your future on the farm and for his own future as God's child. There are many lessons to be learned from Andy and my intention is to get started. I hope you see this as honoring Andy.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. He would be thrilled. I posted some more info in my next post on Monday... I learned that we can catch up, redeem time... Andy did. He had a time that was no good for him then he turned to God and he crammed so much learning into a space of time to be where he was when he died. It is never too late and we can do so much even in one day! He would be so happy to hear this as am I! xxx
DeleteWhat a gorgeous post Annabel! Lily is lovely and the photo with Chase is too cute! I can 100% confirm that your theory about delivery a hot meal is correct. Particularly if it comes with dessert as well lol. What an enormous help to Chloe, I’m sure she really appreciates it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lot of Passionfruit! Have you ever made Passionfruit curd? It’s basically lemon curd with Passionfruit added and it is amazing.
My freezer and fridge/freezer need thawing so we’ve been eating our way through the contents. Once they are done I’ll transfer food from the other fridge/freezer and thaw and clean that one as well.
I mended two pairs of pants and a shirt today. They’ve been sitting on my floor for weeks. They took 20 minutes to fix. Always the way!
It’s getting noticeably colder now and I’m loving it. The days are still hot but the mornings and nights are chilly. Soup is on the menu this week.
I find your posts so inspiring, even while grieving so deeply you find such joy in caring for your family. It’s lovely to read about your week, and wonderful of you to keep sharing it with us all. I’m so pleased you have people so willing to help as you learn about the things that Andy took care of.
Have an enjoyable week with lots of cuddles!
Jen (NZ)
Dear Jen, I think now I will freeze some passionfruit until I end up with lemons and my egg supply is back on board. (I got six new chickens today). I would like to try this.
DeleteGood job on the mending! Last night we went down to 2 degrees! But today is lovely. So it sounds similar here.
You sound like you are doing well with the work/home routine/balance! With love,
Lily is such a beautiful baby. She looks so alert to be a newborn. Her big brothers will definitely be watching out for her. All of your food looks delicious, I love the little caramel pies. You accomplish so much. Take care. ….Vicky in Ky.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I’ve been wondering if I missed any news about Rick in FL & his MIL, Donna. I have t seen a comment from him in a few months it seems. I hope they are all ok.
Dear Vicky, Thank you so much. Donna has passed away, at a great age. She did so well. Rick and his wife were so good to her. Now you are right... I will email Rick... Thank you for alerting me as I am not quite on the ball. With much love