Feather your Nest Friday, 9th Feb., 2024.

Thank you to everyone who has held me up in prayer and kindness.   The week was made of lists.  I have always loved Elizabeth Elliot's "do the next thing" and it has helped me so many times in the past.   The last two and a bit weeks I have lived by this unless I can't in which case I go to bed.  Also I have worked out what day of the week it is, what needs doing tomorrow... written that down and then written down jobs I did.   Last Friday was a particularly difficult day.  I made an aim to do one hundred things but I got to sixty and realised maybe I had over shot a little goal wise.   In my Friday post I had ended that a fire had broken out, near by, I could smell and see it...   Mum had messaged me in the evening.    I was in my nightie and I got in the car as I was and drove up our hill.  So there I was in my nightie,  crying my eyes out looking at a giant fire,  knowing Andy was not here to save the day with the sprinklers and generator overhead fire system he installed for such times.  

Soon after I returned to the house I grabbed a dressing gown as two neighbour farmer good friends came by.   They realised my current predicament and everyone was either on the way to the fire or there already.  Six air plane water bombers also came.   We were so blessed it was not windy.   They got it contained and the next day there was a little smoke in the air but they conquered it.  I was watched over in more ways than one.   

Since this... I have learned how to turn on the over head sprinkler system while the power is on.  Next week I will learn how to do it via the generator if the power goes out... which is usually the first thing that happens if a fire gets close.  We have been through that before.

Like in every major life crisis you have a refresher course in who stands with you and who doesn't.     There are some people made of gold in my circle which is a big blessing since we have only been here five years.  I haven't been the only one needing support,  my Mum and Chloe (being so pregnant with two little kids) ...  there is shock and grief and some have been lovely to them and helpful and others you would expect have not.   I have always thought it is a good thing to know the truth.  However crappy the truth sometimes is I would rather know it.   I hope that I can grow in wisdom and follow Andy's lead as he was studying the Bible much harder than me and flat out seeking knowledge and doing wise things for the future benefit of others,  me mainly... and he really had gone ahead and done things, made decisions.... to the extent he must have known physically or spiritually or both.

Some "normal" things I did...   

It was Scarlett's birthday.   Mum and I made it our goal to go on the day trip to visit Lucy and her family and celebrate.    School was just going back so I made Honey Gingerbread biscuits to take with us.

While I was baking I decided to use the two bananas that needed using up and made Chloe and the boys a Banana cake. 

I needed to deliver the cake and it was still warm so I made a lemon icing in a seperate bowl and delivered that as well so Chloe could slap that over the top when the cake cooled.  Tom said "Nana that cake smells really good!"  Apparently it was demolished.

Chloe had been working on a gift for Scarlett.

The gift included a cook book.   Scarlett loved it.

At Christmas Andy had insisted on buying Sidney a pretty extravagant gift...  the electric tractor.  Sidney has got the hang of it well,  adores it  (as Andy adored him)  and his parents just turned it from slow to faster.  Sidney has insisted the tinsel stayed on. 

His absolute joy (and learning to do burn outs) plus great hugs from him... I just thought how much Andy would love this.

We went past the swap tables,  I had gone with goods to leave and came home with jars and three lovely succulents.

I then accompanied Chloe on an over night trip to the city for her baby appointment.  She has less than a month to go to her due date.    The night before we left, with the help of my lists...   I planned and made a turkey roast using a turkey roll Mum gave me and a tray of stuffing I had left over from Christmas.   I put on a heap of veggies.   I served myself dinner which was a refreshing change from toasted sandwiches...  I plated up a meal to leave in Chloe's fridge so on our return from Adelaide she had a meal she could just put in the oven.  I made a little meal for me so I could do the same.   

The trip is three hours each way.  For the boys we break it up with a stop and run around and some lunch at a play ground.

They were very good,  I got lots of love and kisses and know I helped Chloe.

I was anxious that when I got home I would find it terrible to come into an empty house.  However it was't like that at all.  I felt so relieved and better to be home and it did not feel empty at all,  it felt like our home.  It felt comforting.   I was also greeted by three over excited dogs and licked to death.  

In the mornings I have dogs to let out,  chickens to feed,  cows to check,  cockatoos and birds to feed,  goats to attend to...   they all need looking after and they all give back so much.   Andy showered the dogs in affection so I can't let them down.  I was sitting crying out on the deck and Molly had her head in my hands making crying noises as well.

I can already see the trap that people who live alone fall into re meals.   I can counteract that by cooking for family and setting some aside for myself.   I am also cleaning out freezers one at a time.... so today I took out two trays of ground beef,  some frozen onion,  a bag of shredded zucchini,  a jar of homemade pasta sauce...    Tonight I will make a big pot of spaghetti sauce.  I can freeze some for "baby week" and some small batches for myself.   All while making progress on the freezer.

I had a few plums so I made a small batch of jam.

I came home from Adelaide with a bucket of Bergonia's (with root systems.)

As Chloe does the driving I took two project bags with me.   This was my first crochet as I haven't felt I could sit and concentrate.  

So that is my week of doing the next thing. 

Andy's very good friend is getting baptised on Sunday at least in part due to Andy.  Andy knew of this decision before he died.  He was so happy about it.  So I am attending on Sunday as both support and for Andy as well.

How did you build up your home, pantry or garden this week?   I love to hear and I will try my best to reply again.xxx


  1. Dear Annabel, oh my goodness what a meaningful and loving post. Your words speak of the enormous love that you have for Andy. I am so inspired by his dedication to Scripture and by his preparedness and his wise decisions that he made for your future. The thought of you and Molly together in sadness…dogs grieve too, that’s for sure. Their love is so deep too. I was so glad that you walked in and it felt like your home. And the way you were ok with that fire. Andy did so much to prepare. I love how you were with the grandchildren. And I think that’s a good idea re meals, as I imagine it’s hard to cook for one. I’m afraid I haven’t achieved much this week. I worked a couple of casual school hour days and the rest was groceries and housework. I’m trying to get ahead and save for a car. A friend asked if we would like her husband’s clothes (he updates regularly), we said yes please. So this is great. I’m looking forward to sitting down with a cuppa and doing some writing next week, will send it soon. Lots of love Lily

    1. Dear Lily, The hours of work, the gifted clothes and saving for the car are all good things! Thank you for your very kind words. I surprised myself with how small things add up! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. I am so grateful to read this. You are doing so much through such a difficult time. There are so many good lessons on homemaking and family throughout your words. Thank you! God bless you!

    1. Thank you so much Mrs White. I appreciate your kind encouragement.xxx

  3. Annabel you really are an amazing inspiration. You are still doing such wonderful things for your family and taking care of your animals and property beautifully. I’m so happy you were able to celebrate Scarlett’s birthday. Her apron is lovely!!

    I know what you mean about finding who will stand with you in hard times. And like you, I prefer to know.

    Everyone is now back at school. I’m at work part time, and so far so good. Although the housework could do with some attention. But we’ve eaten well, got the washing done and everyone has been in the right place at the right time so I’m calling that a win! Im sure we’ll all get used to it and figure out a schedule that works for us.

    I’ve added some stitches to a cross stitch I’m making for my girls. It’s huge and my additions have been small, but it’s progress and a chance for me to relax.

    Please keep feeding yourself nice meals! And taking it easy. Even doing your minimum jobs every day is a lot, if that’s all you can manage some days that’s plenty. I really love the way you write about Andy, you cherished him. It’s beautiful reading your story, and my heart breaks for you as you go through this. Take care xx

    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen, Thank you. Getting back to school, a new routine, the part time work... it is all a lot to schedule and adjust to. I know you will do it and still get your baking done somewhere in there! Even your cross stitch! Have a lovely weekend. We have nice weather which to me makes life so much easier and nicer! With much love Annabel.xxx

  4. Annabel, I too have been thinking and praying for you and your family often. You are blessed with a wonderful community and family, and I know that undoubtedly you are a blessing to them also, and to many bluebirds! I have no doubt that the past weeks have been overwhelming to say the least, but I knew you would be guided by the “do the next thing” principal, and look at what you have achieved! I love the way that you tell how it is Annabel with regard to your grief journey, as it gives others permission to also be honest with their feelings. I am so thankful that home felt like a good place to be Annabel when you arrived home. There are so many little things that we take for granted until we find ourselves in a situation such as this. I will also be praying for Chloe and her family as she gets closer to the arrival of her baby. May The Lord continue to be with you and comfort you dear Annabel. From Robyn S.A.

    1. Dear Robyn, Thank you so much. We certainly do take things for granted. What a lesson in life I am learning. Thank you for your encouraging words and kindness, with love Annabel.xxx

  5. Annabelle,I'm always in awe of all you accomplish.
    I learn so much from you.
    You create so much beauty and joy
    In your life. You care for so many.
    I'm glad your home gives you peace and comfort. It's what Andy would have been wanted for you.

    1. Thank you Savannah for such a very kind comment. xxx

  6. Annabel you have done so much this week, I feel lazy reading all you have achieved 7days. The spaghetti sauce looks so good, I will have to make it next week. You are amazing lady. Look after yourself Denise

    1. Dear Denise,
      Thank you so much. Spaghetti sauce seems to go a long way and be very versatile and lots of veggies in there! Have a good weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  7. Annabel, Oh my! What an accomplished week you have had. All of your food preps and traveling. So happy you were there to celebrate Scarlett's Birthday and there for Chloe with her doctor appointments. All of the boys look so happy. It is wonderful you feel so much love when you returned home, there is a comfort in returning home always.

    I traveled all week, hours on the road, though I am co-pilot watching traffic also for husband as driving the Thruway across New York tends to dangerous at times. Each trip took 5 1/2 hours.
    I stayed in hotel the first day, met up with an ex family, talked with front desk clerk and did a little crocheting, learning a new stitch.

    I was blessed a little at thrift stores, finding glassware to match what I own and replace broken pieces. I also found some gifts in a jar cookbooks and a foodsaver canister set.
    I came home with goodies from the hotel. 5 little cinnamon coffee cakes, 6 small quiches, 2 yogurt,( Going to use in my quick bread recipe). 3 oranges( I need the peels for making elderberry elixir).
    Also from the room itself I came home with 8 paper coffee cups, (I am saving those for my Spring seedlings to start). 7 wrapped plastic plastic cups, (I save these for my sick room medical closet.) 8 individual coffees, 8 sweetener packets with sugar, stirrers and napkins. 4 small bars of soap, (That eventually with be grated into making large bars of soap).
    So though I am not home I am trying to add to my pantries. It was a good week way from home and happy I have a week at home before travel again.
    The week prior I was able to come home with chopped dried apricots and pumpkin seeds, the lady in charge of the breakfast buffet filled coffee cups for me with the goodies and a bag of pears to bring home. All I can say is it pay to be friendly when traveling. My pantry has benefited from me just being friendly.

    1. Dear Rosanne, Thank you! I am officially adopting your term co pilot as that is what a second watchful person really is!
      Travel is tiring and it is good to be home but it is good to make the most of the opportunities of the trip which you did! And I also agree being kind, chatty and lovely helps in every situation. With much love Annabel.xxx

  8. This whole process is such a learning curve. We all have to learn new things, new ways, and hold tight all the old as well. I hate you are going through this. Each day will get easier to get through, but your love will never fail. HUGS

    1. Dear Cheryl, Thank you. I know you also lost your husband very suddenly and I think at home. So I know you really do know. Thank you for your kindness. With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Dear Annabel - please give yourself a great deal of credit as you are doing an amazing job, especially considering what you have been through - Andy would be proud. It's good to have a routine and to be so involved with others but also give yourself a break now and again to just be quiet and to grieve - you deserve that time.

    It is very true that you find out who your real friends are during a crisis - but it sounds as though you are lucky to have many and that is wonderful. Yes, it is very easy to slip into that "toast & tea" mindset but you do need to take care of yourself and your plan to put small meals aside for yourself as you cook for others is brilliant.

    The friend who is being baptized this weekend will no doubt be delighted that you are there to support him and to honour Andy in such a special way. Take care.

    1. Dear Margie,
      Thank you very much. Yes tomorrow the baptism is a big deal for us all and I will be there. I am going to try and do some cooking to share a couple of times a week and that should cover most of my needs as well. Helping with a new baby is a good excuse to make a lot of meals. Many thanks Margie, with love Annabel.xxx

  10. Debby in Kansas USA9 February 2024 at 05:49

    My goodness, all the eye candy in this post. My mouth was watering at the food and my eyes were WOWing with the handwork. Scarlett's apron is so beautiful! And I always love your embroidered towels. They remind me of Grandma.

    I often think of 'Do the next thing' when I'm feeling overwhelmed. And I think about Laine's 'Busy as a Backwards Bee' too. I just keep doing the next thing and find that if I make an accomplishment list, I've done pretty well! And it sounds like exactly what you're doing. I'm glad you're feeling the love and support around you and it's always good to know who has your back.

    Still praying for you and yours.

    1. Dear Debby, Thank you so much. Yes I must go and re read Laine's Busy as a Backwards Bee. She has continued this through worry and illness. Thank you for your prayers, with love Annabel.xxx

  11. Dear Annabel,
    You are admirable in your quest to keep moving forward. Andy would be so proud of you.
    Your pictures are always beautiful. The zucchini in pasta sauce clicked with me and I will do that when I make pasta sauce next time. We have quite a few frozen packages of garden zucchini.
    I made two large crock pots full of turkey bone broth on Wednesday and will do two more today. I have been out of bone broth for awhile. Next week, I will do beef bone broth.
    I am putzing around doing many small jobs in the house. Ever since I had Covid, over Christmas, my energy is extremely low.
    Sending much love,

    1. Dear Glenda,
      Turkey bone broth is beautiful. Full of goodness. Small jobs add up and the crock pot is a great worker! I am finding I can use so much zucchini this way and the kids just gobble it down. Many thanks Glenda, with love Annabel.xxx

  12. Happy birthday, Beautiful Scarlet!

    Dear Annabel, allow me to say I did cry while reading this. I am glad you feel good at home, you have so many good people around you and a beautiful family. Those kids are so precious and beautiful, each and every one! Fire so close to your home must have been really scary, I was thinking of you after your ending of the last post. It is a good thing you have all the animals that need you each day, I think it is a reason to get up in the morning and feed them and to come home and be greeted with love. (This is what I miss the most about my Athos, I think...) So I was crying when you told us about Molly - they love and grieve deeply......

    Take care of you, and write/reply only when you have time and strength to do that. We are all here for you. Sending hugs and good wishes from far away. Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Dear Laura, Thank you so much. Well I had not said so or told you until now but I have always concern for your family given your location... which you would understand. We probably all do! I know it was in the first day since Andy died that I thought here we are in a safe place so far from war as you can probably get and my husband died on the front lawn. So when it is time it is time and we somehow must be ready for this wherever we are located. I hope you will understand and not think that is a weird thought. I hope another larger dog comes to you as I think they are good as you say for greetings, company also security. With much love Annabel.xxx

  13. I continue to pray for you. I am so glad all ended well with the fire! Here when some one is in a crisis we commonly say, 'Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.' I found out when my husband was in a coma for ten days seven years ago that it means nothing to many. They just say it. I had wonderful helpers come and put away our Christmas decorations and clean my house and clear holiday food that had gone bad out of my refrigerator. But, others that I asked for help never responded or made many excuses. I learned that if I was going to say that I had better mean it and be willing to help.

    Will Chloe have to travel three hours in labor? I think she must be made of stronger stuff than me!

    I love seeing your grandchildren and what they are up to. They are such a blessing!

    No need to respond to me. Take all the time you need to heal. We will all be right here.

    1. Dear Lana, Thank you and I agree. We soon find out who means to help and who has hollow words.
      Chloe is scheduled to go to Adelaide two weeks before her due date. So we hope she does not go earlier! I really appreciate your prayers, With love Annabel.xxx

  14. My heart goes out to you, Annabel. By God's grace you are "doing the next thing." Thank you for sharing your journey with us. My family and I are praying for you! My husband and children treasure what an influence you have had on me. Because of ladies like you, I have learned to run my home well!
    So thankful that your trip with Chloe and the boys went so well. When our children were young, we traveled once a year to St.Louis, Missouri. We always stopped at a park to have a picnic lunch so the kids could "get out the wiggles". 😊
    My week has gone well. I worked at cleaning windows and washing curtains. Also catching up on sewing and small projects. Of course, everything is right in the world if I can accomplish some baking. Which I did!
    I am thankful that my gut health is improving as I am concentrating on being at peace. Peri menopause has really been hard! I had no idea that anxiety was a symptom. But someone is praying for me.
    Praying for all the Bluebirds!
    Leslie in Ohio

    1. Dear Leslie, Thank you! Well anxiety is terrible and I have been really bad with it. If you are not on other medication St. Johns Wort really is very good so is magnesium. So are some essential oils like clary sage and lavender... you have to find what has the right effect on you. Lots of probiotics and raw food... you sound on the right track for sure.
      I am glad you got your baking done. Some baking always makes things better in the household! With love Annabel.xxx

  15. Thank you for such a lovely post. I need to adopt the goal of "do the next thing". And as I often only have myself to cook for (my husband travels for work) I'm going to start cooking meals for others and hold a bit back for myself. What a brilliant idea!

    1. Dear Margaret, Even a cook up for the freezer... there seems more point to it and we get a decent meal. But in my opinion the gift of a ready meal is one way I can really help my daughter especially when a new baby is born. Usually everyone is tired by evening and things go pear shaped... so a dinner ready to pop into the oven is a true help. Also for anyone else who lives alone or anyone elderly a delivered meal is just such a blessing! With love Annabel.xxx

  16. Dear Annabel,
    Thank you for the beautiful, encouraging post! I have been keeping you especially in my prayers throughout this difficult time. It's wonderful to hear that the Lord has strengthened and helped you and that you have been comforted and helped by faithful family, friends and animals.
    There hasn't been much feathering of the nest going on here since I am recovering from knee replacement surgery, but we are enjoying eating and using things from the freezers and pantries that were prepared for this time. Family and friends have also blessed us with such things as healing soup.
    Sending love, prayers and hugs from your friend in Arizona, USA,

    1. Dear Elaine, I hope your recovery is going well. It is great your prepared ahead and also friends helped with soup. Thank you so much for your prayers. With love Annabel.xxx

  17. It is heartening and eye-opening when help comes from unexpected quarters. I am so glad you got help in your hour of need and that Andy took steps to protect yourself and your property. 18 months ago our family was hit with 2 bereavements within 6 weeks, leaving myself and my husband with 2 estates to settle, in different parts of the country, whilst caring for our disabled son. We had lists of lists and, looking back, I don't know how we coped with all of that on top of our grief. I just kept repeating the saying about eating an elephant one bite at a time. Look after yourself. xx

    1. Dear Tracy, That would have been a terrible time. What a lot to deal with. Yes one step at a time. With love Annabel.xxx

  18. Hello Annabel and everyone,

    Annabel, it is so good to read that you are safe and that friends came to help. I am with you and would rather know who will be there when it is really needed. Your cooking, crochet, and plants look wonderful, and the photos of the kids brought a smile to my heart today. Keeping you and your family in my prayers and sending so much love to you.

    It is going to be the first of my busy times at work soon. So, this week I did a lot of cooking (fruits to use up, a big batch of spaghetti sauce), stashed some of the muffins, banana bread, and lemon bars in the freezer, made some lemon vinegar for cleaning, and knitted and stitched as I was able. I did finish a small spring cross-stitch. A trip to Aldi yielded lots of veggies for the big freezer and some eggs and dairy for my husband. The thing that built up my home the most was finding a pretty, solid wood, matching console table and coffee table on Marketplace for $50 each! (This was after I nearly expired from shock at the price of these items new.) The husband of the couple I bought them from insisted on loading the items for me and putting down some cleaning towels in between so nothing got scratched. Such kindness from a stranger. My husband loves the new coffee table and put it to good use about 30 seconds after I had it in its place - this made me so happy.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    1. Dear Kathy, You achieved so much and the tables were such a good buy! All your baking ahead will certainly help your busy week ahead! With much love Annabel.xxx

  19. You’re the best. I gain such inspiration from you. So good to hear you’re being cared for by special friends.Thank you for allowing us to share your grief and also those positive moments.
    Blessing Gail.

    1. Thank you Gail, what a kind comment.xxx

  20. Annabel you are doing so well during these difficult days. Your cooking and baking blesses the family and its so good you are all supporting each other. Dogs are a great comfort aren't they.. After my father died I would cuddle up to our Labrador and sob and he sat quietly like a big gentle Teddy and let me cry on his shoulder.
    My decluttering and organising continues and is unexpectedly fruitful. There were several items I was thinking of buying and I came across exactly what I wanted stashed away - another stock of candles for powercuts, a bag of keyrings, breadmix and pretty mug coasters for the gift box. I have been meaning to order bigger photos of our daughters wedding to display and came across exactly what I wanted, I'd ordered them already and forgotten!
    I found several new photo frames in different sizes and have sorted out some child friendly craft materials to give to some young friends. I'm thrilled to have found wanted items, it goes to show how much stuff is stashed away in this house!
    PennyP in the UK

    1. Dear Penny, Thank you. You saved a lot by organising and finding things! I love this! Putting things to good use is my motto.
      Putting up the wedding photos will be lovely! Good work! With love Annabel.xxx

  21. Dear Annabel

    You are amazing, you are putting one foot in front of the other and Andy would be so proud of you. Yes Andy left things in place for you but you are stepping up and yes at times you will fall apart which is understandable. The love you shared with each other was so beautiful. Your posts have been so beautifully written an so real sharing your feelings, your tears and your fears, something not many people are able to do. Your wear your heart on your sleeve and I want to say "thank you" for being so raw and real with your feelings at such a difficult and emotional time.

    I am so glad that you were safe and being looked after with the fire. This would be so daunting. Your community seems to have some wonderful helpers looking out for you. Generators are a wonderful tool to have and I am sure that you will grasp this with both hands. I have instructions typed out on how to use and a refresher when cyclones are close by.

    What a beautiful gift that Chloe and her family gifted to Scarlet who seemed very delighted wearing the apron so proudly. I am secretly hoping that Chloe has a girl but either way I am sure she will be happy with a beautiful healthy baby. Happy Belated Birthday to Scarlett

    After the sudden passing of our beautiful 7 year old cat last month we have been taking care of our old neighbour's dogs who come for visits when they are away and we have had them for 4 days now and drive over to feed the cats which I think has helped DD13 as she has really been struggling.

    Sunday will be a big day for you but a beautiful one, supporting Andy's friend, what a wonderful caring natured person you are.

    Take Care
    Aly xxx

    1. Dear Aly, Thank you so much. I am so sorry DD is struggling. Other animals to care for is a good thing. Because of rising costs etc there are probably a lot of puppies and kittens in need of homes, when you are ready. That is a win win to me, an animal needing a home and a home needing animals. Thank you for commenting on Chloes embroidery! With much love Annabel.xxx

  22. Terri from BlueHouseJournal here. I am having trouble with Google not letting me sign in to comment on blog posts. I just wanted to say that it when my husband was working away from home full time, he was often gone for 12 hours several days in a row or 24 hours at a time. It was a difficult schedule but I learned to cook for myself much as you did this past week. Make up a batch of something you like or enjoy like spaghetti sauce and then have a portion for my meal and freeze the rest. I learned to eventually just make all my meals and stop eating poorly. I felt better and got more done when I'd eaten a proper meal. I learned too to set the table and sit down at it, perhaps with a book or to eat outdoors at a table and really enjoy my meal instead of hanging over the sink eating too quickly. prayers continue to go up for you my dear friend.

    1. Dear Terri, Thank you. I agree with you. I did something easy tonight, mostly from the garden and it will give me another meal tomorrow night. Thank you for persisting when it has been difficult to comment! With love Annabel.xxx

  23. Dear Annabel
    I glad to see you’re feeling up to replying now. It’s a very big thing pushing and pulling oneself back into the public eye.
    Be careful to rest when you need to, you will be busy enough when baby arrives and you’ve had the most enormous shock to recover from emotionally and physically. Do take care and be gentle on yourself. Some days busyness may have to wait until after morning tea or an ornamental session in the flower garden.
    Much love
    Kate xxx

  24. I am so sorry for your big loss. May Andy RIP. Such a huge shock for you and your family and I can’t imagine how hard it is, especially when living remotely.
    It must have been so frightening when you seen that fire approaching shortly afterwards too.
    You are a very strong and resilient woman. Please allow yourself time to grieve this enormous loss. My sincere condolences.
    Your kindness and valuable practical support to your family is amazing and I hope that your hard work in helping others will help you get through this very sad time.


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