Feather your Nest Friday, 16th, Feb., 2024.

I have a mixture to report.  My Friday reports have always made me feel better,  helped me see our progress and the good things of the week.  I am hoping this week works this way too.

After Christmas I had decided it was time to get a much bigger dining room table.  I always kept my Nana's table but with a growing family it was time to face up that it was no longer enough.   Andy thought Christmas Day was just wonderful as we had Lucy's family here and he gave Sidney the special tractor.   It was a very,  very happy day.   Anyway when I told him about the table Andy must of thought about it and he came back into the room and said that he would like to buy it for me.   I said how that would be so nice!    Well,  this week my present arrived.

As two blokes lifted it in I held my breath because it was ordered from a picture only and I am more of an estimator than an actual measurer.    It fit perfectly and is BEAUTIFUL.  It seats 8 but it could seat ten and a couple of kids in high chairs...

I already had a vase of flowers ready.  Each bunch of sympathy flowers that came I saved a little bit of the dried flowers, some had little fake berries and other things that would keep.   I added these to the vase.

It looks beautiful and I thank Andy for it every time I walk by.   He would be so happy with how it looks and how much I love it.

On Tuesday I went to town and I picked up Andy's ashes.  I could have waited until the death certificate was there apparently.  I thought,  no,  he would want to be home.   I did not know what to expect.   I had asked for a lock of his hair.   I now have a lock of his hair from 1964 which his Mum saved and 2024.   To my surprise from picking up his ashes I felt more peaceful.   I thought I did what he would want me to do.  Now and then we get black cockatoos here.   They seem to turn up at very random times and we did not see them for many months.   That evening the blacks cockatoos turned up.  

Wednesday is going to sound silly but I was highly aware it was Valentines Day.  We always celebrated it.    So the night before I knew in advance it would be a hurdle for me.   I prayed that God or Andy would send me something for Valentines.   I prayed again in the morning.   As I went about the day I thought I might find flowers or a black cockatoo feather or something special.

I checked the cows and drove around the paddocks.

Loui looked non plussed just wanting an apple.

Doris was more enthusiastic.

I drove up the hill to where Andy wants his ashes.   There was a huge Hawke sitting on the fence post right there.  

Lastly,  I went to feed my sad four remaining chickens in the hen house (since the fox incident).  As I spread around the grain I heard "cheep cheep cheep" and there on the ground was a tiny newly hatched chicken.  One.  To my amazement.  I did not know I had a broody chicken.  I cannot see where the nest was.   The coop is not safe for tiny chicks as there is no low enough water yet there is deep enough water to drown chicks.  I found a low dish to put out water it could reach.   I thought what do I do as it's chances of survival in there are slim.   I stood there still thinking ...  then I was startled by movement and it was a rat!  The chick came and stood next to my foot and that decided it.   

Now if you have been around here long and know me very well what would be a more perfect present than a chick?  I had my Valentines Day present.  Give me a chicken any day.    So now my warming pad and a box is set up and this chicken just wants to follow me around. 


I took part the remainder of my flowers that would dry/keep and filled another vase.

I harvested a heap of Parsley seed...

Andy had a lot of legendary hats, belts, pocket knives, guitars, drums and stuff that are all treasures I will keep forever.   He also had a huge wardrobe of stuff that he absolutely never wore.   The lady in a small op shop I go to sometimes once told me how they are always desperate for mens clothes as farmers wear stuff until it falls off them and so not much is donated.   I decided to donate all the non worn and non sentimental clothes.   I did a little at a time and had these bags sitting waiting for when I thought I could do it.    Today was beautiful,  mild and sunny.   I decided to take the drive which is about 40 minutes.   Firstly,  they were so grateful for decent mens clothes.    There was a new lady in there I had not met but she figured out what was going on.  She was so nice and chatted to me.   

I found some wonderful things as well.

Absolutely heaps of 100% pure wool.   A dozen cotton damask napkins,  thick cord fabric for heat packs...

As I looked the lady asked me what else was I looking for?  I said I watch for pencils,  small items because I use them to go in the Samaritans Purse children's shoe boxes.   She said that oh my gosh she has a whole box of that stuff at home.  Then she told me to mind the store and and will pop home and get it.   So I am left minding a store haha for someone I just met and off she goes.... 

When she came back she had a box of stuff which I have been going through tonight and so far have....

So now she was donating to the shoe boxes.   My heart was truly blessed.  How great is God?   How great is the goodness of God. 

I have kept the fruit trees watered,  largely due to the irrigation system Andy put in.   But I have only glanced at the fruit.  Today I looked properly and found that ALL the pears need picking and some of the apples.   I picked two baskets.

The trees are covered.  This is going to be a big job.

I did cook up a big batch of Chicken Mondialia... (chicken,  creamy tomato sauce...). This gave me two meals and a big meal to Chloe's family.   Chloe is feeling a bit like the fruit trees....  almost due!

Mum gave me some Feta cheese.... I baked it with various tomatoes and a capsicum from the garden ...

I served it over pasta,  it gave me a couple of meals and was really good.

Our friend was baptised in the sea on Sunday and I attended for him and for Andy.  It was very emotional but Andy would have been overjoyed.  I also was greeted by several Christian friends,  one I had not seen in more than 20 years but it was as though no time had passed at all.

As you know Andy had told me where he wanted his ashes to go.  It is at the top of a hill on the property they looks out a long was with a 360 degree view.  It was also where he did a lot of work on the pipelines and irrigation of the property.  He never asked for any kind of stone or marker,  he only mentioned location.   He had spent a lot of time moving huge rocks with the tractor into the garden,  along the driveway and near the front gate to kind of frame the entrance to the property.   We have some amazing rocks here.   Andy LOVED it here so much.     My son in law told me about two huge Granite stones which we did not know about.   So we went out for a drive to check them out.

A huge rock was laying on this rock... which was cut granite.   As soon as I saw it I knew Andy would like it.  Our tractor could not touch the weight of these rocks.  Luke went home to get his much bigger tractor.  Then he got it down near the house and upright.  

It weighs around a ton.   We will clean it up with a pressure cleaner.   A large cross will be added with some scripture and wording I have not decided on yet.   On top of the hill it will have a huge presence.  Andy would love it.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed, written, sent cards, gifts... prayed.  Most of all prayed.   I have been doing fairly well in the days but doing badly in the evenings.  I am doing better in the mornings.  For the first two weeks when I woke up I was confused about what was real and what was a dream.  Now being down to mainly evenings being terrible is still an improvement. 

I can see the week was full of significant, important things and many blessings.  I hope yours was too.  xxx


  1. Dear Annabel
    The heart never buries its dead.
    You are going through the toughest test in life. Be gentle on yourself.
    Much love
    Kate xxx

  2. It has been a huge week for you Annabel. I was mindful that Valentine’s Day would be difficult for you. What a blessing to come across the eagle and the new chick - just as you had asked for signs of God’s faithfulness. I’m so happy for you that that your new table was just perfect, and that you have located granite rocks for a tribute to Andy. Bless the dear lady in the op shop. How faithful is the goodness of God. You are doing incredibly well Annabel. Please be gentle on yourself.with love and prayers from Robyn S.A.

    1. Thanks so much Robyn, I can see the week was full of goodness and miracles. I have been really taken aback by peoples kindness each day. Today is glorious, I hope in your location too and I intend on having a slower day. Have a lovely weekend. With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Dear Annabel, I love the place where Andy will be and rest, and his rock. I love your chick and what a lovely Valentines Day gift. The best of all. Even with so much going on you still have achieved so many things. I am sorry that evenings have been the worst, it might be the quiet and the stillness that brings the loss to the fore. I will continue to pray.
    Andy won’t ever be forgotten. Please keep writing about him if it helps and you want to. It shows such a depth of love that is remarkable.
    I made some cornflake biscuits and a chocolate slice, some meals with little meat and went to the op shop and found a uniform shirt, flippers and a kids dress up costume, all for a few dollars each. I’m having to be discerning there too, some of their prices have risen.
    I loved how you andAndy helped others by giving away the non- worn/ sentimental clothes. I love how that lady through you helped others.
    Love Lily
    Continuing prayers

    1. Dear Lily, Cornflake biscuits are the best! Chocolate slice sounds beautiful too. The op shop finds were really good. Yes they are sneaking up prices but we can still do well. Thank you so much for your prayers. With love Annabel.xxx

  4. I imagine your wore out at night and can't keep that busy, so all those thoughts come rushing towards you. Your in my prayers. Praying for your strength to carry you through. Andy will love his final resting place.
    Baptisted at sea, how wonderful. I'm so glad you went.
    Thinking of you.

    1. Thank you so much Vickie especially for your prayers!xxx

  5. It is so good to read what you have been up to this past week Annabel. You are a very brave girl. Losing someone you love so much is gut wrenching and so hard to come to terms with. Their death changes just about everything in your life at a time when you are at your weakest. Please know you are loved by so many and we all support you.
    Your plans for Andy’s memorial are beautiful and you know he would be so proud of you, putting his wishes into fruition.
    Like you, I have done lots of little things so that my beautiful husband will always be remembered.
    They may be gone from our lives but they live in our hearts forever.
    Much love, Marilyn xx

    1. Dear Marilyn, Thank you. I know you understand. Thank you for your kindness, with love Annabel.xxx

  6. Well done my good and faithful servant. On his headstone

    1. That is a great suggestion! Thank you! xxx

  7. What a glorious week in many ways! Baptized in the sea is a beautiful image of how our Savior washes away the old man…. You have great courage and love to continue making your days a form of worship to our faithful Father and the life you and Andy created. ❤️

    1. Thank you so much, what an uplifting thing to say.xxx

  8. I can walk you through predator proofing your coop and raising chicks inside. You can also join lots of groups on facebook to do this. You can do it! The stone is absolutely beautiful and I think it is wonderful you had a love and life with Andy and he helped you prepare your property and your and your family for the future. May The Creator heal you and guide you as you move on to this next season. May you be comforted as well. From a longtime reader who appreciates all you have written.

    1. Thank you so much. The coop was fox proof... until some water was laying and some wire began to rust. This was our downfall. Thank you for your very kind words and encouragement.xxxx

  9. Dear Annabel, your post was truly an answer to my prayers. has she received her table? Hope she loves it! How did Valentine s day go? Having lost loved ones,mi know how these types of events can be , lots of emotion, so glad you prayed and saw the works of God! Another - meeting g the lady at the op shop, woozers ! I look forward to your posts and will keep you in my prayers.

    1. Thank you for your prayers. Yes many of mine were answered in quite astounding ways. I have seen God in so much, each day. Thank you so much.xxx

  10. Dear Annabel,

    I have been thinking about and praying for you constantly. I can't imagine how tough it is right now. It's so wonderful that you keep track of your week and still post, as there are so many lovely things in the midst of your incredible loss, and it's such a testament to your faith that you can still appreciate these things, even through your sorrow. Your chick is so sweet--what a gift. And the table is beautiful. Andy's stone is perfect. Keeping you close to my heart this weekend.

    Love, Jen in NS

    1. Thank you so much for praying Jen. That is the best thing. I know I had many blessings for the week. xxx


  11. Dear Annabel,

    The dried flowers are so pretty and a wonderful idea. Your table is beautiful and a beautiful gift from Andy. He will be there with you all each time you gather. I have tears in my eyes reading about the cockatoos, the hawk, and your sweet Valentine's chick. What a gift and a blessing. That is the most lovely piece of granite and I love it and the spot on your farm that Andy picked. Praying for you and your family every day. It is so wonderful that you attended the baptism, and how special to have it in the sea. It was so generous and thoughtful to take Andy's unworn clothing where it will help others. What good finds you had! And to have the sweet lady working there donate items is beautiful. You achieved a lot this week! Please be good to yourself, too.

    Chemo week, so just a baking day, a grocery stock up, and a little crafting (I repainted a small tea chest soft pink and added a little cross-stitch to it.) We were blessed in many ways - I hope that is ok to share. The car broke down a half mile from home the night before chemo. This would have been a disaster if it happened while we were in the city. My dad took my husband to his appointments - his car only has two seats so I couldn't go with them. They had a huge breakfast together beforehand and I think the male company was great for both of them. I took our car to the dealer for service. It was a sensor, which they replaced, gave my car a good wash and vacuum, and sent me on my way, saying I owed them nothing! Everything went fine with my husband - he has gained more weight! Real weight gain, from eating well. Finally, I've been worrying about the economy and prices. This week we received three amazing windfalls in the mail - a refund from our health insurance since they made an error, a refund from property taxes since I overpaid, and a refund from my husband's inpatient stay since we were overcharged. So unexpected, so thankful, and I hear that message loud and clear - do what I can, be prepared, trust, and do not worry!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    1. Dear Kathy,
      I am so glad you shared these things. How amazing to have all those refunds come in. And they were so kind about the car... and your Dad taking your husband to the appointment and them having breakfast together. Also your husband gaining some weight! Just all so lovely to hear.
      I have heard back from several people how donated items have helped and also some of the things Andy did have touched and influenced people. God is good. With much love, Annabel.xxx

  12. Annabel, I'm new to your blog. Today's was so very beautiful in every way. Thank you. You and your family are in my prayers. --Elise

    1. Dear Elise, Welcome! I am so glad to have you here and thankful for your prayers, Love Annabel.xxx

  13. Annabel there is so much beauty in this post. The table looks beautiful, and what an amazing gift from Andy. You will make so many joyous memories around the table and you will think of him at everyone one.

    The chick! Chickens are certainly your love language lol. That really was amazing.

    That was so thoughtful of you to donate Andy’s clothes. I love that the lady got you to mind the shop, what a kind person. The brand new wool is great, it’s become so expensive now.

    I’m so pleased that picking up Andy’s ashes felt peaceful. It’s lovely to think that you will mark the spot with granite from the farm. That’s really special.

    Good luck with all that fruit! Chloe’s freezer will be well stocked with purée. I hope she’s feeling well and the last few weeks go smoothly for her.

    Sending so much love Annabel

    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen,
      I know you would understand the joy of finding pure wool. I wish I was near to share fruit with you. I hope you are managing ok with the job and the routine, I know it will be hectic! But you will get a new routine! With much love Annabel.xxx

  14. Dearest Annabel - In the depths of your grief, God is there. In answer to prayer, He is there. In the sunrise He is there...and in the evenings, He sits beside you, never leaving, but holding you through the night until His dawn arrives once again. May His great comfort wash over you every evening, my precious friend, and His healing and hope be like your pantry - continually growing in your sorrowful heart. Love you. xxxx

    1. Dear Jenny, Thank you. I love your words. Who knew what I would face in the first month of 2024. Not me. Thank you for your support and prayers. With love Annabel.xxx

  15. What a lovely post. God does meet our every need. I can understand how quiet and lonely the evenings are. Would playing some music help? That is a lovely table and glad it fit just right. Love the baby chick. Praying for you too........Nancy

    1. Thank you Nancy for your kind words. Music sets me off and I cant stop crying at all. Andy was a musician and big music lover so now I am hopeless if I hear music. I hope I can again sometime. Thank you so much for your prayers, with love Annabel.xxx

  16. Still holding you close in prayer.

    It will be as though Andy is there with you at every family dinner when you gather around that beautiful table.

  17. Dear Annabel ...though my eyes are all watering I did smile through your post. So special & so lovely. That little chicken - Oh My! Gifts & blessings from God dear Annabel. I am sure you will create the most special resting place for Andy. Much love & prayers to you Annabel - you are doing amazing. x0x

  18. You are an amazing lady Annabel I love reading your posts ❤️

  19. This post had me both laughing and almost crying. What a week 🥹❤️🙏 Love from Cheryl 🐣

  20. Annabel you are such a testimony to a life well lived. My heart aches for your loss of beloved Andy. I am so glad you have your precious family and sweet animal friends to take your mind off your sorrow. You have been a great encouragement to us. I pray that each day it gets easier not to forget Andy but that the pain wouldn’t be so acute. I wish I could share a cup of tea with you but I live a very long way away. God Bless you and keep you ❤️

  21. Dear Annabel, thankyou for writing about your week. You are doing so well and being so brave as someone else commented above. I LOVE the table Andy bought for you. The granite stone is an amazing find and will look magnificent. I am so pleased you got a little miracle chick, it is very cute. My daughters very old bunny died this week. I put a mumma hen and four unexpected chicks in the pen next to her Guinea pig to keep him company. They seem to "talk". You are in my prayers, love Clare

  22. Continuing to pray for you. It was a wonderful thing, to donate his clothes. That can help so many others. And to receive items for the boxes. How very kind of the shop clerk to help and also to allow you to mind the store. It sounds as if it all came together perfectly!
    The table is wonderful, and the flowers are so pretty. The stone is magnificent, and seems to have been waiting until the right time to come forth. I can't imagine how wonderful being in the sea was for your friend for his baptism.
    I hope in the loneliest of times that the Lord will comfort you Himself. And just like that sweet little chick, that you can find rest under His wings. Ann Austin - annie

  23. God is good ALL the time 🙏🏻
    You are blessed x

  24. You are loved. 🙋🏼‍♀️

  25. Your comment about the hawk appearing is absolutely something that can happen. My brother passed away in the midst of Covid and because I was immunocompromised I could not attend the small memorial gathering that my family had for him. Everyone wore medieval fantasy faire type costumes as that is what he loved. The morning of the gathering three baby owl triplets appeared on the tree above the spot where his ashes were to be placed. My sister has since created a beautiful serene flower garden around them.

  26. Dearest Annabel this post is just lovely. How nice to honor Andy on the land he loved and how wonderful to have that stone to use as a headstone. Great big hugs to you as you continue on this new journey. What a wonderful thing to get such a good box of things to use for the shoeboxes and to find the little chick. Prayers continue for you here. Terri/Blue House Journal

  27. Dear Annabel,

    Even as you are grieving, you are still inspiring us all. Your new table is beautiful, such a wonderful gift from your loving husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Jennie🖤🖤

  28. Dear Annabel, your love story goes on! Beautiful gifts from Andy, he will always be there and I am sure his rest will be peaceful in the middle of your beloved farm. I love the little surprise chicken! Andy knows you well! I keep you in my mind and in my prayers everyday, you are amazing helping other people. God loves you and watches over you. Sending much love from far away Laura_s_world from Romania

  29. Dear Annabel your new table is just beautiful adorned with the vase of lovely dried flowers and I am sure you will have many lovely family occasions around it. How lovely your Valentine's Day present was a totally unexpected little chick that is adorable. How lovely you were able to donate some of Andy's unworn, unsentimental clothing to a charity that needed it. The wool and fabric you got from the op shop is wonderful and I am sure you will make some beautiful things with them. The granite stone will be a lovely tribute to Andy and I am sure he would love it too.
    This week was all about doing a few things in the garden and continuing with deep cleaning in the home.
    In the gardens DH used our hedge trimmer to trim a out of control lilac shrub we have growing up and arbor. As DH started trimming I was holding back the shrubbery as it was all intertwined together go he could complete the front. Once all that was raked up I put as much as I could fit in the wheelie bin to be collected. We are on round 2 of filling up the bin with more lilac trimmings.
    In the home we are currently deep cleaning the whole home from ceiling to floors and we are in the kitchen at the moment. What started it all was I bought shelf liners for the tops of the kitchen cupboards to make them easier to clean. We are now half way around the kitchen having washed all the walls, some of the ceilings and cleaned out some cupboards. This week I emptied out our plastic storage container cupboard and cleaned all of that inside and out and restacked everything neatly in there and then vacuumed the very top and wiped it over and put the liner on and restacked everything up there. Then on to the appliances, bowls and cooking spatulas two cupboards where I emptied everything out, cleaned it inside and out, wiped everything down and lined the two drawers with shelf liner and put everything back in. Then I worked on the top of the next two cupboards took everything off vacuumed them, washed them over, lined them and put everything back up again.
    Still feeling a little energetic throughout the week I washed down 6 panels of the kitchen ceiling that DH had gone over once with warm soapy water and an extendable sponge mop and got them nice and white again and did two more ceiling panels. About half of the kitchen ceilings are now cleaned so I will continue this week.
    I will need to order some more shelf liners for the pots and pans cupboards which are up next to be cleaned and lined.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers.


  30. Hugs, prayers, and kisses. That is all I want to give you. Thank for your great courage in sharing with us.
    God is in all of this. He answered my prayer for you on Valentine's Day. I will be praying especially in the evenings for you, Annabel.
    My husband has wanted some changes in our finances. God answered our prayers. Of course He did! But this week, we saw how. He provided a large scholarship for our college -bound daughter and we are receiving a large tax return. My husband is intent on paying down the mortgage. We owned our previous (self-built) house. We are nearing that with this house. We continue to concentrate on living below our means in order to meet this goal. We tried to move earlier this year but God put a stop to that. Now, we will finish our adoption after our daughter, Eden moves to college.
    Another blessing is that our 12 year old son is apprenticing to a welder/mechanic. Just in time too! We have a metal bed and a trailer hitch that need welding. Connor will gain the skills and we can pay his teacher for the welding. How God provides! His timing is always perfect! So glad He says, "No".
    Lord bless all the Bluebirds,
    Leslie in Ohio
    Praying for Kathy and for Donna in Indiana

    1. Dear Leslie,

      Thank you so much for your prayers. It means a lot to me.


  31. Hello Dearie,
    I'm sending you a hug and a prayer to
    God for you.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


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