I am going to start at the beginning.
Last Friday I went to pick the girls up to come for a holiday.
On Saturday it was my Mum's birthday. She made a beautiful cake and set the table covered in yellow balloons.
Tom loves a birthday, even if it isn't his he is fully into it! We had a nice family gathering and it was a beautiful day. Mum had a happy birthday!
As usual I had many crafts planned for the girls! They were so excited! I spent a few days beforehand lining and setting things up as to try and enjoy the time with them and not be doing those things when they are here.
These paintings were paint by numbers. We decided there were WAY too many numbers and tiny sections and that we would just use the lines as a guide. Once we did that things went well. They were good! They worked on them a bit at a time for several days.
In the end they were so proud! By the last day they were over the moon about them!
Another thing we did was "mining" for gemstones. Andy brought up a wheel barrow full of sand and gravel and I mixed in a few treasures. They were using kitchen sieves to go through it all and hunt for goodies!
Then we made car diffusers and lanyard necklaces.
The idea was to make presents for Mummy as her birthday was Monday. Then to restock their present boxes under the bed.
We also made Valentines Day hearts. Their Dad's favourite lollies are Bananas. We bought two bags of Bananas and divided them up into cellophane bags. And then realised we could say ...
Monday was the girls last day here. I always send them home with freshly washed hair so the plan was to visit Aunty Chloe then come home and play running under the sprinklers on the lawn for an hour or so then get them in the bath.
We ate lunch, Andy came in and had lunch too and was messing around with the girls. We headed to Chloe's at 2 30 as Chase and Tom have a nap and this is when I know they will be back up.
The kids all played and Harper was cleaning up Tom's cubby house!
At 2 45 Andy rang and said where are you guys? I said we are just at Chloe's and will be back soon. He either forgot we were going or I forgot to say! He said he had just put on the sprinklers for the girls.
We headed back at about 3 30. As we came in the door I went to the stove to get Butter Chicken started and told the girls they could run around then we would get their bathers on.
A minute later they both came running into the kitchen. They said "Nana Bel Andy is asleep on the grass next to the mower!"
Last year a good friend of ours died suddenly and his body was found next to the ride on lawn mower. When the girls said this I knew. I dropped whatever was in my hand and said girls please go to your bedroom I will go see what is wrong with Andy. I ran to the front and opened the door, the mower was running and I could see it but I could not see Andy. There is a little retaining wall and I ran towards that and looked down. For a second I hoped he was laying on the grass trying to fix something but Andy was there laying on his back and he was dead.
By the Grace of God... I went into the girls room and I told them I needed to call an ambulance for Andy and could they stay in their room and I got them my iPad and put on a kids movie. They got into bed together. I ran back to the front deck and called 000. They asked me to put down the phone can go close and examine Andy further which I did and this was horrific.
The emergency line said help was coming and I could use the phone to call other help. I called Luke. Chloe is hugely pregnant and with Tom and Chase... but Luke was home. I told him and please come.
He flew around and went straight down to the mower and Andy and he said what I already knew. He turned off the mower and he covered Andy.
I am prone to panic attacks and have an emergency tablet I can take. That was the first thing I really did. I am amazed I remembered to do that but I was thinking I cannot have a panic attack while the girls are here. And I didn't.
I went back into the girls room and said "hey guys an ambulance is coming and I am going to go to the hospital with Andy so lets go to Aunty Chloe's " and they were just fine with that. Luke took them in my car with the car seats and I said I will see you a bit later on. They knew something was wrong with Andy but they really had no idea. I spoke to them calmly and there were not too alarmed. It is absolutely amazing to me I did this.
I called Lucy and told her and asked Kato to come and get the girls. Then I went about packing up their stuff, their crafts, their paintings and lined it all up in the kitchen. I actually can't believe I did this all calmly and logically. Seriously... by the Grace of God.
Then the ambulance and police arrived. Over the next hours they were very good and very kind. We all concluded Andy had died very instantly. I had to recount the day and time line and Luke helped me and he identified Andy and did some paperwork for me. Luke called Mum to tell her.
The rest is a blur. Andy was taken away and there has to be a coroners report. I am told I will be informed on Tuesday.
Andy and I met when were were 15. We dated when we were sixteen. Our family moved away from the area and we both married other people. Strangely four days before Andy got married he rang me up.
More than 30 years later I was single and my girls were grown. Lucy had just tried to drag me into social media and made me a Facebook page. At that time Andy had a secretary who was tired of Andy talking about his first girlfriend Annabel... so she searched on FB and found me! She showed him my photo and he said yes that is her! Without him knowing she messaged me and said Andy has always talked about me and would I be interested in hearing from him? I said yes.
The next day I had a long letter from Andy which was like a "this is what happened in the last 30 years" report.
We wrote to each other every day for a full month. After that we agreed to meet. And the rest is history.
We did not have the perfect fairly tale... we had good times and not so good times. Andy collaborated with me on all my crazy plans and made them happen. He LOVED it here. He loved the farm. He loved his tractor, ride on mower, digger... he adored the three dogs who adored him back. He worked tirelessly on water checks and fixing leaks (as mentioned last week) and he gave endless rides on the mower and digger to Tom.
The grandchild he saw less of was Sidney who he adored. This is purely due to distance. (Two hours south of us.)
Andy died between 2 45 and 3 30. At 6pm Sidney said "mummy mummy Andy is here!" His face lit up and he was so excited to see Andy. Lucy looked to where Sidney was pointing. When she told me this I thought yes, he went to stay good-bye to Sidney.
Tom was his little mate and he is going to be looking for Andy and keeps asking for him.
Lucy told the girls that next day that Andy had gone to heaven. Harper is old enough to message me and she sent me a message and asked if I was ok and about Andy dying. I said yes I am ok and Andy went to heaven. It is ok as he wanted to go to heaven. And this is the truth. Andy was always a Christian but in the last couple of years he really dived deep into Bible study and it was a case of he became less part of the world and more focused on God. In recent discussions he said he needed to pitch his tent in the opposite way to what people in the world do. He had a good friend on the same journey and they both were talking about there is no use agreeing with the world and accepting evil as good and good as evil.
Each day he had his Bible open on verses for the day and each evening he did Bible study for several hours. Then he wanted to talk about what he learned and we had many discussions... he also was talking with Mum about Israel and the Bible around the Middle East, studying maps... continuously seeking.
Before Christmas I felt strongly to FULLY enjoy and embrace every goodness and every moment. We had two celebrations and Christmas Day here which he absolutely loved. He bought Sidney a John Deere electric tractor. Oh the delight around this! I know he absolutely loved that day.

We then had Mum's birthday and Tom came over and Andy built a race track with him. On my birthday we went out for lunch and that was a beautiful day as well. Mum said yes, Andy was really happy. I say this because now I am cross examining myself on everything I ever said or did and wondering if I was a good wife and sorry I did not get to say goodbye. He said I love you every night and I said I love you too.
At Christmas he gave me a stunning card with heartfelt words, also for my birthday. He always told me I am beautiful (even when definitely not) and was always full of praise. He put up with all my projects and continual animals I bought home.
I am looking for him and he isn't there. We were married 13 years and together a year before that. And a year when we were young.
I love you Andy.
Andy died suddenly at home like Dad did. He didn't suffer. He might have known something as he did a will before Christmas and had the girls sign it on Christmas Day... which was a bit weird but he was insistent. He left me passwords and things where I have easily found them dated November 2023. He also told me what he wanted when he died re arrangements, this was before Christmas also.
I have been in shock. My family have been wonderful and I've had so many messages from you all via The Tuesdays Afternoon club, emails, The Proverbs Women group. I haven't been up to replies. In my mind I planned to write what happened here and give Andy a tribute and rather than repeat what happened a hundred times just write it here. Andy read my blog and he would be happy with seeing this.
I am not very good at talking. You can write and cry and it doesn't matter. Comments and replies etc have gone by the wayside until I find my feet.

Thank you for listening and being my friends.xxx
Dearest Annabel we all love you and are here for you and praying for you .
ReplyDeleteAnnabel this is a beautiful tribute to Andy and your relationship. I am struck by your composure with the girls but I am not surprised.
ReplyDeleteHold onto the love you both shared and let it help you as you navigate this very difficult time. As I said recently to a family member who has experienced unimaginable loss over this past year with three deaths of the most important men in her life, including her husband, lean into your family and friends who love you most. They want to support you as much as they can.
I know how important your faith is and know you will hold this close to you.
One moment,one breath at a time.
We are all thinking of you and send our love and prayers to you and your family.
Replies to posts don't matter right now. You and your family do.
Mandy (NZ)
Oh Annabel! I am so sorry for your loss and so glad that you had 14 years with your Andy. This was indeed a lovely tribute to him. You will be in my prayers. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, I have no words for what happened to you this week and have had a cry for you and your loss. All I can say is that Andy is in heaven and be assured that God has his arms wrapped around you and He will give you grace and peace. Love Magda
ReplyDeleteI am sending you all my love from the distance. You became part of my tribe, providing a lifeline and friendship through your blog, when I became a widow 8 years ago. I know there is not much I can say to assuage your grief at this time, but know that I am praying for you and your family during this very difficult time.
ReplyDeleteMuch grace,
So beautifully written, Annabel <3
ReplyDeleteOh Annabel, I am so sorry.
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, I don't know you personally, but like many others on your social media platforms, I feel like I know you and your family very well. To say I was shocked to learn of Andy's death is an understatement. I was floored. It really cut deep in a way I struggle to comprehend. Upon hearing the news I immediately went to the quiet corner of our bedroom, where I have a wingback chair, a vintage oil lamp on a small table and a cross hanging on the wall. I am a struggling christian, someone who wants to believe so wholly, but who's faith is flimsy and weak. I dropped to my knees and I prayed so hard that God's love would surround you and the light of Jesus would comfort you, and somewhat selfishly I prayed for God to ease my anguish in that moment. Suddenly a 'voice' popped into my head and it said Proverbs 3. I got my bible and I looked up what was written in this verse, and at some point in time in the past I had circled the verse "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding" and in that moment I knew it was a message for you (and perhaps for me too) and I really wanted to tell you that, but I didn't know how I could or would, and I don't even know if it's relevant or helpful or necessary, but I felt urged to share, and so I am. Thank you for sharing this post. I could write pages to you about it, but I know others on this platform will say better what I feel but cannot express.
ReplyDeleteWith Love from Cheryl
Dear Cheryl, I want you to know that God is with you, he never leaves us , is our eternal friend and loves us no matter what ! I also find it hard sometimes to remain strong but I guess that's what faith is. My favourite Psalm talks about no matter where we go god is always with us ! Psalm 139. We may not feel it but he is ! Read and meditate on this Psalm ! We will continue to pray for Annabel. Love your fellow bluebird, Sonia
DeleteDearest Annabel, my heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your greatest love, may your faith lift you up & keep you at this very difficult time. How blessed you were to have this man in your life & may you forever cherish the beautiful memories you've made together. xxxx Susan
ReplyDeleteLove you my friend. Prayers always. May those large and loving arms of the Father wrap around you tightly yet gently, and carry you for as long as you need.
ReplyDeleteI was so sad for you and your family Annabelle when I read about Andy my thoughts go out to you all ❤️
ReplyDeleteSo many of us have been thinking of you, praying for you and your family since e heard your sad news. Thank you for sharing your story this post, the good and the very sad. Heartfelt condolences xxx
ReplyDeleteJulie Davies
Sorry again annabel
ReplyDeleteAnnabel - my heart breaks for you. I always loved the story of how you and Andy got together again. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words now
ReplyDeleteRebecca T (New Zealand)
beautiful words and beautiful photos. I am so sorry for your loss.xx
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry to learn of your loss. You wrote an amazing tribute full of love. Such beautiful words.
ReplyDeleteI pray God gives you peace and comfort at this difficult time and leads you going forward. Sending love and prayers to you and your families. 💕🙏🌷
Heartfelt hugs to you Annabel. You are blessed to have a very strong family and network to help you through this deepest sadness.
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you
Kate xxx
Oh Annabel, my heart goes out to you. I am 62 and my first husband died after 7 years of marriage, but God has been very gracious to me since that time. You too, have such a wonderful story to tell. I’m so pleased that you met up again, both older and wiser. Andy didn’t forget his first love, being You 💕, and how wonderful that you were destined to come into each other’s lives again. I have no doubt you made each other happy and complete. You shared the same faith, and Andy had married his Proverbs 31 woman! As you are well aware, managing your home and caring for your family are our first ministry. You excel in this virtue, and Andy would have been truly Blessed, beyond any shadow of doubt. Andy walked and talked so closely to his Lord. How wonderful to know he is with Him now! Please know that we care for you Annabel and honour you! You are such an encouraging person, and help each one of us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. We are here for you Annabel. I pray that our Lord will continue to comfort and be with you in a very real way. Over so many years you have sown into your family. How wonderful to know that you have them close and will be surrounded by their love, laughter and care. Remember the words in Song of Solomon 6:3 “I am my beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine”.With thoughts and prayers to you and your family Annabel, from Robyn South Australia 🙏🌈💘
ReplyDeleteSending much love to you Annabel and to your family❤️
ReplyDeleteI have had to read this several times to actually take in your news. Annabel I am so very sorry. Take comfort in your family and your faith. Your tribute to Andy is a triumph, may he rest in peace. Barb K
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, I am so sorry for your loss. This post is a beautiful tribute to your life together. May God comfort and bless you and your family through this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteMaria x
How brave you are. A beautiful tribute. I'm so very touched. You're an amazing woman. Xx
ReplyDeleteThe 50c Army family love you Annabel, and felt like Andy was part of our family too. Take care in the days, weeks and months to come, surround yourself with lots of love, gentle hugs and precious memories x
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, My heart breaks for you as others do, I am so sorry for the loss of Andy. Your tribute to him has him smiling, such beautiful words about your life with him. Always here for you dear. With Love.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, i have not commented for a couple of years now but have to do a short comment now. Your so terribly sad news above just makes me want to hug you and your family in this and let you know how much you all mean to us who read your blog knowing there are good people in this world.
ReplyDeleteour prayers are with you now and in the coming weeks, your tribute to Andy was beautiful. Bevo xx
Dearest Annabel. Your love and respect for Andy, and he for you, has always been evident through your blog. May you draw strength from your faith and may comfort surround you xxx
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, so sad to hear this news. My heart and prayers go out to you. My DH passed away a bit more than a year ago. When I am feeling sad that my life took this turn, I work to remember that I had years with my husband and I am fortunate, since many people never find love at all. Healing sparkles to you and thank you for writing such a lovely post to highlight a good man. Hilogene in Az.
ReplyDeleteMy dear friend Annabel.
ReplyDeleteI have no words but I thank you for sharing your words - so beautifully and respectfully. I have say in prayer for you this week stitching, thinking and wondering how would walk the journey you are walking. I have nothing to give you except my love and Gods grace. Thank you and God bless 😘
I am so sorry. Prayers for God's Grace to continue to uphold you. I appreciate your writing this because we might all go through this. You will continue to be the best grandma/parent ever and Andy was too. andrea
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration to your readers, even during your darkest and most challenging moments.
Holding you and yours high in my heart right now. May you in time be comforted by your treasured memories of the love and life you’ve shared with Andy.
Ann 💐
Dear Annabel, such a sad time for you. Praying for strength as you face the coming weeks and months. What a beautiful life you and Andy had and this you can treasure always. Much love 🙏xx
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, it is so common to question ourselves. Andy thought you were his love and he showed you that. It sounds like a lovely life lived. I am so very sorry you have to go through this. May the Lord give you the strength, courage and peace you need to go forward. I am so sorry for this loss. God bless you and your family.
ReplyDeletePlease remember grief has zero rules. You have some awesome memories for the rough days. What a gift that he prepared and discussed his wishes. I encourage everyone to do that as a kindness to their loved ones. I’m sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteSheila - Michigan USA
Dearest Annabel, your composure during such a shock , is testament to your faith , Your love and strength.
ReplyDeleteBless you , may yhe lord keep you safe and comforted.Jane T
much love my dear. hugs and prayers
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to read this Annabelle and will pray for you and your family. You have given Andy such a wonderful tribute here and have made him so real to all of us who only knew him online. Please look after yourself.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry and deeply saddened to hear about your loss of Andy. Your tribute him was beautiful. Our prayers are with you and your family. With much love, Cookie
My dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteWords cannot express how sorry I am to read of Andy's passing. You have a beautiful story and testimony together. I pray that God would wrap you in his comforting arms and bless you with his peace.
With so much love,
Dear Annabel, what a shock! Andy was one of the good ones. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself sweetie. Veronica xx
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, a TIGHT HUG! Prayers for you. Esther
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. It sounds like he was taking such loving care of you to prepare in December. I remember thinking the same about your dad and his plan to have everyone set up on the farm together before he left this life. Thank you for telling us a little more about Andy and your remarkable life together.
ReplyDeleteAnnabelle, I look forward to reading your blog every week.
ReplyDeleteI have a cup of tea every Friday morning and read about your week.
This morning as I read about
Andy I felt my heart break for you.
I've been sitting here crying for you since. I'm sorry for your loss.
I wish I could do something to ease your suffering but I cannot.
All I can do is pray for you and your family. May God hold you up during the coming days.
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog for many years. Your loss is our loss too. While you may have typed the words and taken the photos, I know Andy has always been in background cheering you on. This community has been a ministry...both of yours. I cry for your loss. Take all the time you need to rest and heal, friend. Thank you for sharing your life and for sharing Andy with us.
Lord bless you,
Leslie in Ohio
(((((Annabel))))) Sending much love and prayers to you. Please accept my deepest sympathies on the loss of your beloved Andy. I know you will miss him dearly.
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautifully written. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
ReplyDeleteGod bless and comfort you and your family!
Dearest Annabel, my heart goes out to you. There is nothing worse than losing the love of your life. Everything changes and you just want your old life back. It was such a terrible shock too but thankfully Andy didn’t suffer.
ReplyDeleteWhen my husband died you sent me the most heartfelt letter that meant so much to me and helped me heal.
Look after yourself dear friend. Take all the love and support you are offered from family and friends. But most of all take care of yourself. Your darling Andy would want you to be brave and carry on but that is easy to say and so hard to do.
All your Bluebirds love you and care so much for you. Love Marilyn xx
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your beautiful family with us. Words cannot express how sorry I am. Praying that our Heavenly Father comforts you and your family during this difficult time. I hope you can feel our prayers. ❤️
I am so very sorry Annabel, and send you my deepest sympathy and my love.
ReplyDeleteLesley in the UK
Annabelle, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your memories bring you comfort during this time.
ReplyDeleteAmy in Phx.
This was beautifully written Annabelle. So thankful for men like Andy who loved their God and their families and are such an example to other men around them.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute to Andy. Our prayers are with you and your family. My hugs and love to you. LaurieS
ReplyDeleteOh Annabel, what a beautiful tribute to Andy! Thank you for sharing such precious photos and memories. We may live on other sides of the world and have never met, but as others have expressed, I feel as though you are a dear friend. I was so saddened to hear of your loss and my heart aches for you. Words always seem to fall short at times like this but I hope you know that there are people around the world who love you and are continuing to lift you up in prayer. I hope you are comforted by the knowledge that the Lord is close to the broken hearted. He loves you and cares for you, especially during your time of need. May you feel His presence and rest in His peace. Please take time to care for yourself- the cyber-world can wait. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, your post is a beautiful tribute to Andy. I am so glad that you were able to meet up again and be together. Two halves of a whole. That’s how I view you and Andy and that is the relationship I have with my husband as well. We had both been married before (my husband and I) but we complete each other. We were involved in a head on car collision in 2019 when a truck crossed the center line into our lane. I thought my husband was gone on that day after he managed to get out of our car and then passed out on the side of the road. Thankfully he did not die so my fairy tale still lives on and I am blessed beyond measure and I know that. My heart aches for your loss. Know that we all love you and grieve with you and that God has wrapped his loving arms around you.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss of Andy. I will be praying for you and your family.
With love and prayers, Kim
Praying for you and your family Annabel. May God's strength, grace, and comfort embrace you throughout the day and night.
ReplyDeleteDeepest sympathy to you and your family. This is a lovely tribute to your dear husband. So. Very. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteJust this, dear girl: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteAnnabel we've been thinking of you every day in the Proverbs 31 group. We are heartbroken with you. Praying grace & peace in the days & nights ahead.
ReplyDeleteMany condolences to you, your family, and all who loved Andy. Your tribute is beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending cyber hugs your way.
Thank you, Annabel, for sharing your life story with Andy. Praying for you and your family. So thankful that "underneath are the everlasting arms." How amazing all the thoughts and plans he made just a few months ago. . .
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you shared the details of your love and life together. This is very sad. But it shows such a beautiful love story of your life together. I am so sorry for you loss of your spouse and help mate and I know the entire family is in loss. Praying each day will get a little easier and that God is their for you at all times helping you through this season of life
ReplyDeleteMy condolences as you grasp grief of Andy's death. You've written an amazing tribute to your life, his life and your life together as a family. May you find moments of comfort in the love you share with Andy. There is no more important time to focus on yourself, your needs and self-care as you traverse today and the coming months/years. Hugs from the USA.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel and family. My heart breaks for your loss. Andy was well loved and knew it. Those who survive always wish we’d had one more I love you, or one more goodbye, but he knows. Please take good care of yourselves and surround yourselves with the love of your family, friends and of course our Lord. God bless you as you travel through these sad days. Love, Donna xxx
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, I was so sad to read of the loss of your beloved husband Andy, prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Hugs Xx
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is clear that Andy was central to your family life and enjoyed the grandchildren so much. The way he is smiling at your mother in one of the photos speaks volumes too. Your calmness with the girls was admirable when you knew something was seriously wrong.
Love and happy memories can never be taken away from us. The lovely community you have created here will wrap around you in the days ahead and you, Andy and the family will be in our prayers.
Much love
Oh Annabel, I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless you and keep you during this time.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteI feel you are my friend even though we have never met and I have never commented. I read your blog faithfully, mostly because you are a fellow follower of Christ. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your dear Andy.
I have just sat and read your news with tears down my face as I know others have as well. I pray the Lords peace to you as He is the only place peace can be found in this world.
With love and prayers, Sheila from Alabama in the states
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed your blog for a while now, but have never commented. I just had to reach out and tell you how sorry I am about your beloved husband, Andy. He sure sounds like he was such a good Christian man. I am so, so sorry. I am praying for you. Thank you for all you do to share with us. Sincerely, Sue Johnson in Coats, NC
Oh Annabel, I was so very sorry to hear about Andy's passing. Thank you for sharing your sweet story and beautiful pictures with us all. I'm marveling at the many ways God touched both your lives - you reconnecting after so many years, the blessings of family life, building up the ranch together, even down to the moments of Andy's instant passing and the feeling of calm clarity you felt taking care of the girls while getting help. God is with you, Annabel, and He will continue to be in the hard days to come. Lean on Him and your dear family. Just take life one step, one day at a time. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you, too.
ReplyDeleteOur love and prayers, Annabel. Even though we are thousands and thousands of miles apart from you all in Australia we’ve come to know you and your family through your blog. This pulls on our hearts and we grieve with you. We will be thinking of you. A beautiful tribute to Andy. ❤️
ReplyDeleteDear Annabelle, what a beautiful tribute you have shared. I admire your ability in handling everything. As so often with social media, we never meet; but, we feel like we know people! Thank you for sharing with us all this personal experience and as I often say after reading your posts about cooking, crafting, animals, thrifting, etc…you motivate me so much! My Mum used to tell me, and she s right…the Lord works in mysterious ways. Your experience is such a motivation Social media has allowed us to know , share, love others, and learn from each other. I send you big tight hugs! We all love you
ReplyDeleteDearest Annabel,
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you; I am so sorry to hear of Andy's passing. I am so happy to hear that he didn't suffer, and that he was at home. And it was so thoughtful of you to write to tell us all about him. What a wonderful man for you to have had in your life. May God keep you in a hedge of protection throughout the coming days. I am horrible at expressing myself in words in times like these, but I am giving you a big virtual bear hug.
"Almighty God, Father of all mercies and giver of all comfort; Deal graciously, we pray thee, with those who mourn, that casting every care on thee, they may know the consolation of thy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
All my love, Jen in NS
I'm so very sorry for your sad loss, your tribute is beautiful, take care Sandra Shropshire UK
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteMay the God of all comfort fill you with His peace that surpasses all understanding. I'm praying for you dear sister in Christ.
Roberta in SoCal
I am so sorry for your loss, Annabel! May God be with you and ease your grief.
dear girl, you dont know me but i have followed your blog for years. i know exactly where you are because in 2010 i found my beloved of 31 years dead in the back yard. my world crashed, even if you are a christian it is still a hard road to walk. you need to do whatever you need to do to continue on. God is with you and what helped me the most at that time was to realize that we were not completely separated. when 2 hearts become one, then a part of you is in Heaven and a part of him is still with you. my prayers are with you. Jesus is holding you.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story with your readers and for sharing your loving tribute to your husband, even through your pain. You did so well to stay calm and organised with your granddaughters. I wish you comfort and peace. I have enjoyed reading your blog for years. I don’t share your religious beliefs but I very much value your words and stories of being a homemaker, wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and all you are to those in your life. I have been a stay-at-home homemaker and mother since my 1st daughter was born 36 years ago. This daughter is profoundly disabled and I am her carer. It is difficult to find women who are content in their roles as homemakers and so I read your blog for connection and encouragement and inspiration. I admire how hard you work to care for and provide for your family, that you make time for your family and create beautiful and bonding experiences with your family members. I, sadly, don’t have any grandchildren and, the way things are going, may never have the opportunity to be a grandmother, but I love reading about your adventures with your grandchildren and the effort you put into preparing activities for them when they visit you. I believe that love, time and energy are the greatest gifts we can give, and you give those in abundance to your loved ones. Thank you for allowing me to share your life through your blog and for enabling me to feel a kinship with other women around the world who share the value and enjoyment of being a homemaker. I will be thinking of you and sharing a tiny smidgeon of the pain of your loss. My wishes for you are that you will be able to put one foot in front of the other and so get through each day one step at a time, that you will be enveloped by the love your family and friends have for you, that your faith will bring you peace and comfort and that you are able to make a future for yourself in which you can continue to do what is important to you. Debbie Fodor.
ReplyDeletePrayers for you and your family as you go through this devastating time. You wrote a beautiful tribute to your dear husband. May he RIP.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteI haven't commented in many months but had been reading as life got in the way, but I just wanted to tell you how very sorry I am for your loss. I did not know Andy and your love story, but that is so beautiful that you found each other again after all those years. May the Lord give you comfort and peace and may your heart remember all the cherished memories of your beloved Andy. <3 Blessings, Laura USA
I see Gods hand everywhere in your tribute to your beloved Andy. From when you met to days after you lost him. It’s my sincere prayer for you that you will be keenly aware and comforted by all the moments going forward where you see and feel Gods presence in your grief. Losses like these can help us long for heaven in a way we may not have before. A favorite quote I’d like to share with you:
ReplyDelete“Sometimes life is so hard you can only do the next thing. Whatever that is, just do the next thing. God will meet you there” - Elisabeth Elliot
And a favorite verse for a grieving heart…
Psalm 61:2-3
I am incredibly sorry for your loss of Andy here on earth. Praying for you from oceans away. Xoxo Jessica
I always read but never comment. I was shocked to hear your sad news today and am so sorry. I can’t imagine how hard this must be. I will pray for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, I learned of Andy's passing on the Tuesday Afternoon Club site. I was shocked and saddened, and I still am. Death comes to us all, and we don't know when. Andy did a wonderful job over the past few months helping to prepare you for this difficult eventuality. I am surprised--and NOT SURPRISED--by your composure at this difficult time in your life. You two had a wonderful life together despite its ups and downs. I love it that he went along with your "crazy plans"! I know that grief takes a long time and that we all grieve in different ways. Please take the time you need and know that others care. With all best wishes, Maxine (aka mikemax).
ReplyDeleteBeautiful tribute to Andy & beautiful photos sending love dear Annabel to you and your family
ReplyDeleteI’m shocked, saddened and so unbelievably sorry to hear about your sweet husband. I also lost my husband unexpectedly two years ago. I am so thankful you had strong evidence of Andy’s faith in the Lord Jesus. We will see them again someday! I am praying for you and will continue praying as so many have done for me.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel your love for Andy shines through every word in this post.. we are all here for you. Denise.
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, I am so so saddened to hear of the loss of your beloved Andy. This post is such a beautiful tribute to his life and all the lives he touched so deeply. Please take care of yourself. I prayed and I will surely continue to pray for you, in Jesus’ name.
ReplyDeleteAnnabell ,I willlbe keeping you in my prayers!! Glenda S
ReplyDeleteAnnabell I will be keeping you in my prayers!!
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, I am so sorry for your loss. Please take care.
ReplyDeleteLorraine - Utah USA
I am so sorry to hear of Andy's passing. You are in our prayers. Judy W,
ReplyDeleteDear Annabelle, you have been in my thoughts and prayers these last few days. May you be comforted in knowing he is with the Lord in Heaven..I have been praying for you..
ReplyDeleteSo so sorry to hear about Andy. I don’t know what to say other than he died at home surrounded by nature and knowing he was truly loved and blessed by his family. He may be gone now but he will live forever in your hearts and minds.
ReplyDeleteIve just read this through three times Annabel. I am so very deeply sorry for your loss - words seem inadequate but what a beautiful tribute to a dearly loved man. I can feel his love for you through your words here & yours in return. Sending love & prayers to you Annabel. x0x
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel and Family, so shocked and saddened about your dear Andy. Your tribute was so touching and loving. I hope your memories together provide a blessing as you move through the days ahead. --Elle W (Canada)
ReplyDeleteVery touching tribute, Andy will be missed. pattiCinCO
ReplyDeleteOh I am so so sorry for your loss. You have many wonderful memories. Nancy in Vancouver WA
ReplyDeleteI can’t believe we have never met. I feel like I have known you for a long time. I always remember you talking about the beautiful things Andy did for the nursing home ladies. I knew he was very special from those stories and other times he was included in the blog. I’ve never commented but always look forward to Fridays and reading your post.
My heart hurts for your loss. Please know that I, your sister in Christ, will keep you faithfully in my prayers, asking for peace, comfort, and that Jesus would hold you and your family in His arms as you go through this grief. Your Andy is a Christian witness in his passing also, as you shared how he prepared for those left behind. Love and hugs, Pam
Dear Annabel, my deepest sympathies to you. Your tribute to Andy was just beautiful. And I can see the love in the faces of the kids. Bless you for protecting their gentle hearts while you must've been on the brink of tears. I firmly believe that the good Lord carried you through that. Please lean on Him and the love of your family and friends to get you through the hardest parts. I will continue praying for you as I have all week.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless you with some peace. 🕊️
You are in my prayers. I weep with you. I'm so thankful that you know you will see him again. I pray that you will feel the arms of our great Comforter soon. Much love to you and your family.
Dear Annabel and family, Andy was a true gentleman, in life and in death. A friend of ours passed away and it took his wife about 12 months just to locate and find access to everything! Although you will miss him greatly, he clearly loved and cared for you and prepared for this time for you. May the God of Israel bless you and keep you. May you be comforted as you mourn his loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers, and i will particularly be praying for people locally to step up and help with farm things as needed…. Wish i was closer so we could attack that fence! Missy
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to Andy and your life together. I am praying for you and your family. God bless you. With love and prayers, Cindy in Texas
ReplyDeleteHeartfelt sympathy to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteDearest Annabel, I have followed you for so long that I feel you are a friend. There are no words to tell how sorry I am for Andy’s loss. Please know you are and will be on my prayer list as you face the weeks and months ahead. I just know he loved you and also know that he knows you loved him! Many prayers and much love for Tennessee, Kim Creasy
ReplyDeleteAnnabel I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Andy and there is sadly no words I can say that will make that better. Know this that you are loved and thought of and in our prayers by myself and many around the world as well as God.
ReplyDeleteMay God embrace you with his warm love and strengthen you and lift your hands that are low at this time.
Your inner strength shines and amazes me in this beautiful tribute to Andy and the beautiful life you have shared together.
If you need someone to talk to please feel free to email me.
Love Lorna.
What a beautiful tribute to Andy! Those pictures of him and the grandchildren are just precious. When a man is loved by children and dogs, it shows what kind of man he is.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for your loss Annabel. Praying for your comfort and peace.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful tribute to Andy. Heartfelt and perfect. You also showed the girls maybe without realizing it how to handle a crisis. You have my deepest sympathy my friend and much love!
What a lovely and loving tribute to your husband, Annabel. I am sorry for your loss and the loss to your family. We, my husband and I are at a stage of life where we often speak of what we want/hope the other will do if one of us is left behind. I made up my mind this year that I'd laugh more often at the silliest of his jokes and love him as well as I might every single day. There was never a time that your love for Andy didn't come right through your writings and I guess we all thought he was pretty special just because you made him seem so.
ReplyDeleteGreat hugs and lots of love as you find your way through this season...
last comment was from Terri at Blue House Journal. Hugs...
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, I was so very sad to read of the loss of your beloved Andy. Your tribute to him is simply beautiful. I know your faith will be of great comfort to you, and you will be wrapped in the love and strength of your family. Thank you for making the time to share your story with us.
ReplyDeleteLinda in NZ
Annabel, I am so very sorry for your loss. May his memory bring you comfort.
ReplyDeleteI'm a long time reader but this is my first comment.
Annabel what a touching tribute to Andy! I have been blessed by this beautiful blog. Your love and encouragement have boosted all of us who follow from all around the world. Even in your deepest grief you have drawn us together with your faith and love. I have cried and prayed for you. I will continue to pray for you and your loved ones that you may have strength and peace. May our Father hold you in his arms and carry you when loneliness and grief engulf you. Andy lives! Your love connects you to him, and I believe he will continue to watch over you and your beautiful family. With much love, Deanna in Michigan
ReplyDeleteAnnabel we have never met but I look upon you as my friend a friend who I meet up with every week for a get together. I was so saddened today to read of Andy's death and am still a bit teary as I write this.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and all the family and know that you will be in my prayers. Love Shirley from Perth, W.A.
Dearest Annabel, my heart is aching for you right now. Although you and Andy will be together again one day and then it will be forever together it is still so sad for you right now. Take your time to grieve your true love. We will be waiting here for your return. May you feel the Lord close beside you holding you in your grief.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless you, Gail.
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteThis is the saddest news, shocking for you and all those you love and who love Andy. Loss changes us. May God's love and grace sustain you; may you feel His ever present embrace: "Underneath are the Everlasting arms". So glad you have a loving family to support you at this time.
Love in the Lamb,
I am sending you love and prayers at this very difficult time, all of us over the world are hugging you and keeping you and your family in our prayers. Sue in UK xx
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, words cannot express how sad I am to hear that Andy has died. I have been praying every day. Your words about Andy are beautiful and full of love. You have always shown such love, respect and dedication to Andy and he has to you. I have always loved reading about your days together. And it is so sad that you have to go through this without Andy by your side. You have helped each and every one of us get through hard things, encourage us, support us and helped us to become better women. You have lifted us all up, we are here now for you too. Day and night. As little or as much, we are here. I will pray every day. I am so sorry. Annabel, you were an exemplary wife and Andy was a wonderful husband. Huge hugs and all my love, Lily P.S. I hope my letter arrives.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, What a beautiful tribute to Andy. I have been praying for you and your family that you will feel God's comfort. Hugs, Julie in Idaho.
ReplyDeleteOh my sympathies and prayers are with you all !!!
ReplyDeleteSuch a Beautiful tribute.
It is evident that your faith and trust are truly in the Lord.
He will continue to comfort you.
Love Lori
Annabel, I am so sorry for your loss. May the good memories and your loving family sustain you.
ReplyDeleteDearest Annabel, I saw the post on Facebook and my first thought was that you had mentioned that your granddaughters were staying with you this week. God is so good for helping you keep calm and not making it a traumatic moment for them, even though your heart and and mind must have been in utter turmoil. You and your family are in my daily prayers. What a beautiful post and photos of Andy. He sounds like such a kind, loving man. Your words of his Christian walk are inspiring. Thank you for sharing him through your blog. May you have peace and comfort in this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteLove, Dianna in Tennessee
Annabelle, I am so sorry for your loss. This is a wonderful tribute to Andy.
ReplyDeleteDearest Annabelle, sending lots of love, hugs and prayers for you and your family. Dee in North Carolina,USA.
ReplyDeleteI am so deeply sorry and offer my sincere condolences. May Creator comfort and heal you. What a wonderful love story you both wrote together.
ReplyDeleteDear Annabelle, I am so sorry for the loss of your darling Andy. I am so glad you were able to get back together and have a wonderful life. Thinking of you and your family at this time. xx Sapphire
ReplyDeleteDear Annabelle, I have followed your blog for many years and loved every aspect of it especially your Christian love and dedication. May God bless and comfort you and your family through this heartbreaking time. It is a very beautiful, heartfelt tribute to Andy. Praying for you all, Joanne
ReplyDeleteAnnaBelle, please accept my condolences on the passing of your dear Andy. You will have many difficult days ahead but try to focus on the lovely life you had together and the effort Andy put into getting his affairs and last wishes in order which will make upcoming tasks easier for you. It was a gesture of love to you. Your tribute to Andy and your life together was beautiful. You are in my prayers. Georgette in Idaho
ReplyDeleteOh Annabel. I have just read this. I am so sad this has happened but it seems as if Andy had an inkling which people often do. Praise God you will see him again. Big hugs 🤗 Chel
ReplyDeleteI’m so sorry for your loss. May the love of God comfort you and bring you peace. This was a beautiful tribute . Deneen
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, I keep you in my prayers and thinking of you every day. Thank you for posting such a beautiful tribute to Andy. Your love story is wonderful and Andy was a good man. Since my brother in law died last year from a sudden heart attack everybody was saying good people have sudden death without suferings as God love them so much and take them to his Kingdom. I am glad you have a nice family around you to love you and protect you and when the world will feel empty please know, many many Bluebirds are here for you to hug you. I love you, Laura_s_world from Romania
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, I have been following you since Simple Savers. I am so sorry to read about the loss of Andy, he was obviously your best friend as well as husband. You will miss him in more ways than are immediately obvious. many thanks for letting us "know" Andy through your posts here and on simple savers.
ReplyDeleteVery sorry for your loss. What has struck me over the years reading your blog is your strength and belief in God. May he wrap loving arms around you and guide you through these difficult times
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Please be gentle with yourself. I think maybe your second guessing yourself is your anxiety talking, not reality. Losing people we love is difficult, to say the least. I think we show our love in so many more ways than the simple words. God bless.
ReplyDeleteLo siento mucho Anabel,me he enterado hoy .gracias por escribir,y tus sentimientos y recuerdos .Andy está con Dios .Oro que Dios traiga consuelo atu vida y llene los vacíos de tu esposo , Dios te bendiga.besos.
ReplyDeleteI am so, so sorry for your loss and praying for you and your family. May you feel the arms of Jesus wrapped around you. Sally in KY, USA
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel, I am so very sorry.. "Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. May his soul ,and all the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen." A Rosary has been prayed. Michele
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to you Annabel. To know and share true love is a joy and I am so glad that both of you got to experience it. - Savitha
ReplyDeleteDearest Annabel, I was so shocked to read your post today. Sending you love and praying for you as you come to terms with the loss of your Andy may he rest in peace. Much love from me to you, Clare
ReplyDeleteDeeply moved and saddened for you all. We are praying for you and your family. From Tanya (K-town) NT
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you, Annabell. Unexpected loss is difficult on those left to mourn. You are in my prayers for comfort and healing, and Andy as well, for the repose of his soul.
ReplyDeleteI just saw this and am heartbroken for you and the entire family. How lucky you two were in finding each other and creating all these wonderful memories.Truly that was meant to be.
ReplyDeleteThere really are no adequate words during times such as these but do remember his love and memories resides in your hear forever. Offering peace, love and strength to you and family
I am so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry. Ive followed your blog a long time and know how much Andy meant to you and how wonderful he was. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteOh, Annabelle, I haven’t been online much in months and looked up your blog because it always is so inspirational to me. I’m sending you hugs, dear! God knows best, but know you have many around you supporting you through this difficult time! Thank you for continuing on. During a bad period, your blog and example really helped me. I pray for you daily.
ReplyDeleteDear Friend, I have no words that have not already been said by so many. But tonight I am crying for and with you and praising God that your Andy is in Heaven with Him. We love you and are praying for peace and comfort over the next days, weeks, months. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been caught up on blogs, but just saw this, and am so very sorry about your loss. Sending you lots of good thoughts & peace as you adjust to your new normal.