Thank you for all the lovely comments on Wednesdays post. Following on from that I was really having a week of implementing plans, taking steps towards goals and making the most of opportunities that came my way. It made for a huge week!
Where to even begin!? I will start with chicks. On Tuesday morning I collected the eggs before I headed off to see Wendy in town. I heard "cheep cheep" cheeping... and realised that a bantam who has been sitting on eggs had some hatch. I took a peek and saw egg shells and noted that as soon as I get home later I would need to move the hen and chickens into a safe house as she had made her nest deep inside a box and there was no room for feed or water for tiny chicks in there. So I went about my day (which was big!) and when I got home I gathered a box, picked a nice little coop and had feed and water bowls etc ready to go. When I went to lift up the hen to see the chicks I realised she was dead! I was quite shocked! So I removed her and there were six live chicks and one dead chick... and four eggs. The eggs were all stone cold so there would be no more hatching... and the chicks were quiet and one was looking very weak. I put them all into the pockets of my warm cardi and came back to the house. I have a chick warmer which I grabbed and plugged in... but this takes over an hour to really reach temperature. I had a box which I lined with an old towel and I grabbed a hot pack and microwaved it until it was really warm but not too hot. I wrapped this in a semi circle and put the chicks in the middle. The box was right next to the fire. They really didn't look good. I thought for sure a couple were dying. They snuggled up to the hot pack and I got feed and water and dipped their beaks into the water. Well, they warmed up and began to improve. Within a couple of hours they were chirping and moving and the hot plate was properly warm and they went in under that. By bed time they were eating and active. I truly think I found them just in time and the heat pack is what saved them.

I cover the box with a towel at night as then they "go to bed" and shut up... and today they got promoted to a bigger box because they were close to jumping out of the first one. They are busy all day pecking away.
There is no obvious reason why the hen died, no signs and she was not an old hen. Also the timing... had she died one day sooner the eggs would not have hatched. I am amazed by the whole thing.
I was given a box of absolutely beautiful old sheets and fabrics by a friend who knows me well! They are all covered in tiny rose buds, faded shabby chic style florals, crystal tiny plates, patten books... I was just so thrilled! One of the fabrics is pictured below along with little dishes from the thrift store that day.
I won't even try to guess how many metres of lovely cotton fabrics this gives me but it is such a lot. Thank you so much L.
At the thrift store I also was thrilled to find an oil lamp and it came with a bottle of paraffin oil.
Also there was a beautiful cook book in my box of fabrics and I found another in the thrift store. I love them!
I made a big batch of scones and finished three more wash cloths.
I was given loads of lemons and a few oranges...
Gumnut no 4 was finished... just in time! I used a tiny remnant of floral cotton and a velvet leaf and flower from my stash.
On Market place I found a cupboard... which turned out to be huge and took both Andy and our friend and two trailers to get... but it had my name written all over it. In fact, in comments Rick had guessed it will have carving etc... so you were right Rick!
It is going to become part of my pantry storage. I am just not sure what part yet!
In the garden I have heaps more volunteer tomato seedlings coming up. Actually now that I am thinking about it I might pot up a heap and grow them up as single tomato plants for the swap table and gifts... because there are literally hundreds.
The chooks are now laying eight eggs a day.
I worked more on my cupboards and organisation. The last two dreaded zones were the medical cabinet and bathroom supplies. I am still going... but the complete chaos of the bathroom cabinet now is on the way to being organised!
I still need labels but it's progress. The medical cupboard looks similar but I have a lot longer way to go on that!
While organising I have found some great items... I got magnetic shelves, hanging rails and organisers that are now on my washing machine, fridge and tumble drier. The drier is up high and now it has hanging rails on the side! (Kmart.)
My cook up for the week was Chicken Mondiali pasta. Chloe had a trip to the city and got home in the afternoon. I took a ready to eat hot meal over at dinner time. We will get two dinners from it as well.
My stack planters are on the way so when I was in town I got potting soil and fertiliser. I have our own compost to mix in. I can't wait for them to arrive!
Because my pumpkins were a failure the last two years I have been thinking what to try next. Space is not an issue... and we have a rabbit proof fence around two large areas. I did a walk around and looked with fresh eyes. There are places to plant down near the fruit trees and even irrigation to plant close to. And there is a big old water tank that always has damp soil next to it... I think I will try these places. And I will hedge my bets by trying multiple spots. It is probably only a month or so before I can begin planting.
We had some rain and more is expected over night. This is really good!
So it was a wonderful and full week, I hope it was for you too. How did you build up your nest? Do you have plans with the change of seasons coming? We love to hear! xxx
Hi! Your baskets in the closet are a wonderful idea. I was looking in my medicine pantry and sighing…it is a jumble…and a few of the shelves are quite high, so if I put items in a basket and label it, that will solve my problem ;). I moved to this new place in May and while I did a big clean out before I moved, it is time now to review what I moved and get rid of more items and then organize what is left. Thank you. It is amazing how helpful a small idea (your baskets) can be! Hilogene in Az.
ReplyDeleteDear Hilogene, If you label the baskets (I will be mine but its not done yet) they just act as drawers. I know I need to be able to find things fast in the case of a medical emergency so I am over due doing this! I am glad this will help your cupboard too! With love
DeleteWhat a lovely box of treasures. The yellow striped fabric is a Laura Ashley print if my memory is correct. My daughter had a doona cover in that pattern about twenty years ago, but those Ashley patterns are timeless. Destitute Gourmet cookbooks are wonderful. I wish we had a swap table as it is a marvellous way to share things you have plenty of and hopefully find something you need. Barb
ReplyDeleteDear Barb, Well I am thrilled to know its Laura Ashely. It is stunning quality. I am studying the cookbooks they are both really good. Yes a swap table is amazing. My Aunt has a garden club and now and then they meet and all bring things and set up a trading table at her house. So it can be done with a group of friends/gardeners/at a morning tea/church.... I think such a good idea. I love it! With love
DeleteI love the idea of a swap table! I am preparing to teach a women’s Bible study on finance and I think adding a table to swap things each week would be a great idea. Thank you for the idea.
DeleteAdding a swap table would be brilliant. I would expand it to include cooking, fabrics, anything! It will also teach the women the value of trading and skills!xxx
DeleteI had to go out to California to visit and check on family, and pick up my cousin to come back to Wisconsin with me for a visit. We were sick of restaurant food on the road (4 days) by the time we reached home, despite bringing food with us too. So, Cousin is enjoying home-cooked meals now. Weeds have quickly grown in the garden and a small harvest was waiting when I arrived. I was able to dehydrate a dehydrator full of zucchini. Resting and enjoying time with family has been the main focus with my family here right now though. My garden was a bit dismal this year. My planting time was off due to a death in the family, so I am happy and grateful to just have any harvest and not be overrun with weeds.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your visit! Great job on the zucchini. I am very sorry about the death in your family. Yes having any harvest is still good! xxx
DeleteWhat is Chicken Mondiali pasta? Couldn't find it when I checked for a recipe but would love to have your recipe for it. Blessings . . .
ReplyDeleteDear Vickie, Fry up a couple of pounds of chicken that is chopped into bite sized bits. Sprinkle with black pepper, a little garlic powered and onion powder. When it looks good pour in a can (or two) of condensed tomato soup and put lid on and let this simmer for at least an hour. Add a block of cream cheese and let that melt down until smooth through the mix. I add a handful of grated cheese too. Towards the end add some cream. Taste... it should be delicious! You can adjust the garlic and onion if you want me. Serve over whatever pasta you like. I like making a big lot... it is even better the next day! Love
DeleteA wonderful week for you!! The cupboard is beautiful!! Hubby and I have been canning this week. Pickled okra is a favorite of my husbands and were getting an abundance of tomatoes so spaghetti sauce is on the ticket for today. Wondering about Laine? Hoping she is doing better and if we will hear from her soon? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Laine is doing pretty well! I will ask if maybe she will write something. Spaghetti sauce sounds so good and it is so useful! I am making pizzas tonight so some tomato sauce will be used up. Have a lovely weekend! With love
DeleteHi Annabel, That cupboard is really something! It’s so great that you have a space for it! You will enjoy just looking at it plus it’s in such good condition! Maybe a little artificial bouquet in the center shelf to brighten it! Of all my plants and hanging pots, a sprig of fake pansies got the most comment! I do have some lovely zinnias just coming, even with temps at 95F every afternoon! Constant warning to stay indoors! Our little patches of grass are so tall, we’re not sure if we want to mow or bale? Ha!
ReplyDeleteThat fabric is so beautiful whether or not you make it into anything! I think you get so much because you actually DO something with it!!
We’re leaving next week to go to see Donna for a few days! We’ll be working on her “How we did things and saved in my Youth” story. I’m wondering if anyone saved their ironing by spritzing it with water, rolling it up and sticking it in the freeze till you had time to iron it like my Mom?! Also I thought that sprinkler head you’d put on a soda bottle for your ironing was really neat!! No spray bottle for everything then!!
And those “chooks!” Amazing! We had a smaller border collie as kids. One winter she had puppies but one was out of the box and so cool but living. How many times I put that one back to return later and find it out again. When it died, my Dad said that the dog sensed something was wrong and did what nature dictated. I was so sad and frustrated!
You sound like: “Annabel - Medicine Woman”
Glad to hear you sometimes have a plant you just can’t grow! Maybe we try too hard! We had a desert rose plant go to seed - big milkweed puffy pods! Surprise ! I took a few seeds and threw them in a flower pot saucer, scattered some composty old dry soil lightly, watered a bit and said:” There you go!” Have 5 - 2” seedlings! Who knew!!
Keep well Bluebirds and Annabel, you just keep on amazing us! Hats off to your long suffering husband, too! LOL
Blessings and Love to all, Rick from Florida and M/L Donna from Indiana
Dear Rick, Haha I vote for bale! Yes... the cupboard is going to be very brightened up, give me a couple of weeks on that. That is so interesting and sad about the puppy. I wonder if she rejected it and hence it died or knew it had something wrong... ?
DeleteVery funny about my long suffering husband. haha. Our friend who helps us so often is also long suffering but I reward him with home cooking.
My Nana had the sprinkle head on the bottle... that brings back memories. Also thinking of it I can remember the smell of the scent and the steam. I am really looking forward to Donna's stories. I especially want to know how they got through hard times and what she can remember of the war and depression years. Your flower garden is sounding lovely! I know how hard it is to keep up with watering when it is so hot. We have had 118 and it is TERRIBLE. This makes me dread summer! With much love,
I have a sprinkler top like this: I bought it at Lehman's--the hardware and home goods store that serves the Amish in Kidron, Ohio. We had a top like this stuck into a pop bottle when I was growing up in the 1940s-60s. I don't use it much because I don't iron much, but I also have a retro pop bottle (Nesbitt's fave). If you put the dampened clothes inside a plastic bag, they will keep a long time in the refrigerator without mildewing. An old Windex spray bottle filled with water did the job when I had to iron something in the morning to wear to high school.
Hello Annabel and everyone,
ReplyDeleteYour chicks are looking so good, Annabel! Well done! The fabric and little dishes are beautiful. I love anything with roses on it! Love the Gumnut girls and your washcloths, and you did a lot of organizing, too. That hutch is just gorgeous, I love it!
We had lots of appointments outside the home (my annual doctor visit, my old lady housecat needed a tooth removed, oncology visit for my husband) and inside the home (final measurements for the replacement bay window) this week. My husband is on a 2-week chemo vacation while we wait for his next scan to be scheduled; they may switch his type of chemo depending on what the scan shows. I had a small baking day (bread, muffins, peach cobbler cake, and grilled a large flank steak for future meals); a grocery trip for fresh produce and dairy; potted up some more herb cuttings and gave some basil to my dad; harvested yellow squash; and regular laundry and housecleaning. Tomorrow I have a date to pick up a beautiful cherry wood hutch from a lady in a neighboring town - I am so excited to have more storage! I rearranged the living room and entryway a bit to have everything ready to set it up tomorrow. Crafts-wise, I made some progress on a summer-y cross-stitch and put some stitches in a pair of socks. I'm at the heel flap of sock #2, so the end is in sight!
This week I ordered a second GreenStalk planter for my backyard. It will have to wait to be set up until the patio extension is poured, but I saved a chunk of money ordering during the sale. Jane gave me wonderful tips about container gardening that really improved my success rate, and this type of stacking planter has been working so well that I think it would be very beneficial to have two to plant up. The native soil here does fine for some types of flowers - and I love flowers and plant lots - but it has been a struggle for any kind of edible plants. Containers to the rescue! We've been picking lettuce, squash, and green onions, and have zucchini nearly ready, peppers and tomatoes doing well, and cucumbers growing like mad.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Dear Kathy, Anything with roses on it and Im in love! You had a very busy week! I hope you will share a photo of the hutch on Tuesday! It sounds fantastic! We are on the same path with our extra storage! Your first GreenStalk was such a success I can see why you ordered another. It is so nice that Jane helped you out... how good is friendship like this from all over the world! For me container gardening has made everything much easier and much more successful as far as growth and productivity. Game changer!
DeleteGreat job on the socks and stitching. And on the herb cuttings! You achieved a lot! A couple weeks off chemo will be good for your husband to build up and rest up. Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabelxxx
The cupboard is beautiful and so unique!
ReplyDeleteLast weekend Hubby took the garbage to the dump and the lady unloading next to him asked if he wanted three boxes of canning jars! Yes please! There were all sizes and types in those boxes.
We are at our house at the lake for two weeks. We just had our oldest son's family here for three days and enjoyed our three oldest grandchildren. Oh my goodness but those teenagers can eat! They are on their way home and now we will get a big rest for the next 8 days. We are, as always, so thankful for this place.
Have a great weekend!
Dear Lana, This is amazing about the jars! What timing! I know that teenagers can just inhale food. haha Enjoy your restful time! With love
DeleteHow wonderful the chicks perked up and are doing well!
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for old floral sheets but so far I've had no luck. I can only find solid, neutral colors which I already have! Lol. I hope I have some luck at an upcoming church rummage sale. I was blessed to find some vintage lacey and embroidered tablecloths a few years ago. I love them!
I love that cupboard. We have our desktop computer in a large cupboard though we call it a computer cabinet. I have plans for it when the computer finally dies and we just use our laptops. But my husband has managed to keep repairing it and so my plans are on hold! Lol. I have no room for additional large furniture so I have to wait!
Dear Margaret, Thank you! My cupboard that I have full of egg cartons and gardening stuff on the veranda, that was my past computer cabinet. Now I only have lap top and iPad. It turned into such Andy storage. I hope the church sale will have some good finds for you. I watch for old laces too! And embroidery... I love a rummage sale!
DeleteHave a lovely weekend! With love
Annabelle are you going to paint the hutch cream like your dining room chairs?
ReplyDeleteYes, I will. Some people freak out about painting wood... but I just dont have dark colours in my house I love everything to be light and airy. It will change the look of it and the details will stand out much more. I am so excited but I think it is going to be a couple of weeks before I get it all done! xxx
DeleteI can’t wait to see the painted hutch! You always do such a lovely job transforming furniture with paint. So inspiring! Take care Annabel and all Bluebirds!
DeleteThanks so much Teresa! xxx
DeleteThat really was a huge week Annabel! I’m sorry the hen died, well done saving the chicks. They are cute! The cupboard looks amazing, great job Andy and helper. That Destitute Gourmet cookbook is really good, I have it borrowed from the library. Another lovely gumnut!!
ReplyDeleteI started an online course this week, first time studying in a looong time. I’ve made good progress so far, not loving the content though. I’m hoping I’ll enjoy it more the further I get into it. I need to work out a good way to structure my day around studying, I guess that will take a bit of trial and error.
Very unexpectedly I have have been offered two days of work a week for the next six weeks. This will be nice for a bit of extra money, but also to test the waters to see how that goes in terms of me returning to work at some stage.
I’ll be trying to prepare some meals and baking over the weekend so it all goes smoothly next week (hopefully lol).
Have a great weekend
Jen (NZ)
Dear Jen, Thank you! I think two days a week will be good and give you that extra money but you will still manage everything else at home although you sure will be busy! I am thinking that with the baking you do you save soo much there that I bet you can save more in a. day this way than you can make in a day elsewhere. A part time job would allow you to continue with such amazing savings you make at home and also find some of the great deals you find and all the other things that make up a busy family life. Even better if the days could be flexible in case any of the kids are sick. Although that might be harder to find! Good job on the study! Yes it will take a bit of time to figure out a routine. Remember slow and steady will get you there!
DeleteHave a good weekend! You are probably baking right now! With love
Annabel will you keep the new cupboard as it is or give it one of your makeovers with paint? It looks to be an incredible size.
ReplyDeleteYour Destitute Gourmet book is from one of my favourite New Zealand authors, Sophie Gray. I have many of her cookbooks and they are wonderful. The one you shared here is one I would like to get.
We have had a very cold week here, with snow down to see level on Thursday. Fortunately it didn't settle and melted as soon as it hit the ground. I like snow as long as long as it stays in the mountains. It has been a very wet winter here, the wettest on record and sadly my winter vegetables have not grown to well. I will see what I can salvage though.
As we get into the last week's of winter we are looking forward to spring. For
I am loving your save like Nana series.
Stay safe and well everyone.
Dear Mandy, Oh it is getting a make over. Im daunted to start and have sworn to finish my organising projects first!
DeleteI know of Sophie Gray so I was really pleased to get this book! Some of your winter veggies still might take off in Spring and produce. I have had this happen where they just sat there too cold to do anything! Our winter has been wet too but this is amazing for the farm. Like you Spring plans are kicking in!
Thank you so much re the Nana series! Have a lovely Sunday! With love
Hi Annabel. Yes you did have an amazingly busy week. I am glad the chickies are doing well. I'm with Mandy and am waiting to see what sort of a painted makeover is going to happen with your new cupboard. Perhaps the rose fabric will end up where the mirrors are now? I'm looking forward to seeing it becoming an Annabel cupboard.
ReplyDeleteMy week was spent looking after the little Grandsons, travelling to visit my Mum for her 80th Birthday, making sure she had a wonderful day, and getting quilts finished for an upcoming exhibition. The week passed so very quickly.
This weekend will be spent getting my house sorted out and finishing off my quilts. Both need binding. I also have a seascape wall hanging that is half done. This is also going in the exhibition. The exhibition is a fund raiser for our local Hospice.
Life is busy good.
Dear Jane, Yes that was an epic week. I know your Mum had a really special birthday so well done on that. I cant wait to see the quilts and wall hanging finished. I hope the exhibition is a great success for the hospice.
DeleteI am having a think and plan for the new week! As you know I was wiped out yesterday! Today is quieter which is a good time to enjoy some time with Mum . Have a good Sunday! With love
Oh Annabel that new cupboard looks like it would make a lovely apothecary cupboard for all your medical lotions and potions.
ReplyDeleteEspecially with the drawers.
I could imagine little bottles of oils and boxes of lavender etc in them.
Janine Colac Victoria
Dear Janine, It would be and with also drawers it gives some interesting options. As I finish up my organising projects I will be thinking! I cant wait to get it into use. Have a beautiful Sunday! With love,
DeleteGumnut no4 is adorable! I also think your oil lamp find was a good one (looks pretty too). It has been pretty wet with us and we are now in late summer. It has an Autumn feel to it now though where I live and I am noticing leaves changing colour (and beginning to fall) on a few of our trees. I don't mind as Autumn is my favourite season. It does feel as if our Summer was over quickly this year though.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a blessed week ahead.
Much love , Heidi xx
Dear Heidi, I also love Autumn it is my absolute favourite season. Thank you re Gumnut! I have a few more cut out and am enjoying them. Have a lovely Sunday as we plan our new weeks! With much love
DeleteCongratulations on saving the chicks! That was God timed. Your cupboard is amazing. My husband would love one like that but would forbid me from painting it.🥴
ReplyDeleteI had a good week full of frugal accomplishments. We sell our eggs and a woman stopped by to buy some. Now she has become a bartering friend. She gifted my family with a bunch of cereals, pasta, and frozen chicken. In turn she received eggs, melons, and tomatoes. She also gave me 5 hens who needed a new home as their elderly owner was moving. Wow!
Thanks for your kind words, Annabel. Our adoption is going slow, but we have a new caseworker. We will finish our home study soon. Pursuing a new home as well. Whew!
Blessings to you all,
Leslie in Ohio
Dear Leslie, You will have to show your husband before and after photos of my cupboard. I will probably give him nightmares lol
DeleteI love the sound of your new friend and trading partner!! Wow! Five bonus hens is fantastic! Also good they now have a nice new home. The food items traded were just great. I hope she becomes a regular now.
I am glad you have the new case worker. I am hoping the right home comes up and is beyond your hopes and dreams! With love
Leslie, I didn't realize you were in the adoption process. Both of our children were adopted. They are now 45 and soon to be 47. They have been the joys of our lives and still are. I can't even begin to imagine our lives without them! I am happy for you.
DeleteThank you for the encouragement, Annabel and Maxine. We are so excited!
DeleteDear Leslie, having a child is a gift from God, no matter the way.
DeleteWe, too, have adopted our boy, who will be 18 years old in November. Because we both had to do some fertility treatments in order to have children we refused to do that, instead we adopted a child who was already born and needed a family. Cristian, our son was 3 and a half back then,
he was the only child we have seen and the moment we met he said Daddy and went in my husband*s arms. He knows everything about the adoption and he is more our son than if I would give birth. Only thing I can say about that is God is great and has his plans!
Wishing you all the best and praying for you from far away,
Laura_s_world from Romania
Thank you so much, Laura. I really treasure your testimony. I actually visited Bucharest in 1995. I worked with Children To Love which partnered with casa de copiis and American churches. The churches provided food and supplies for the children and staff of each casa. Some children were even adopted. I love your country and the warm-hearted people! I even tried to stay. Some day I hope to return.
DeleteMuch love, Leslie
Oh, Leslie, such warm words - thank you. And thank you for what you have done back in 1995 in my country. Casele de copii (Children*s houses) were in a deplorable state after the revolution and terrible tragedies had happened there during the communism era.
DeleteIn 1995 I was starting the first year at the University. In 2008 our son came to us at 3,5 years old. Life is wonderful.
If it is possible to come again in Romania (which indeed is a very beautiful country) do come up north in Maramures. It is a magical place whatever the seasons, and full of ancient traditions and rituals. And I will wait for you.
Lots of love, Laura
I'm so sorry to hear about the hen's sudden death, but great job saving the chicks! Our chickens have just started laying a week ago. We are so excited! This is our first time raising chickens, so it's nice to know we're doing something right.
ReplyDeleteYour linens and new plates are so pretty. I keep thinking of how much your grandchildren must love seeing those pretty roses every time they visit.
School started back this week. Combined with our busy afternoon schedule, I have entirely ignored my garden. This happens every year once I go back to the classroom. In mid-July I planted some yellow squash in big pots near my front door, and those are now producing some beautiful squash with zero effort since we've had a lot of rain. So when I come in from work I can easily grab whatever is ready there. I need to plan ahead next year and do a bigger second garden in the front yard.
Target had glue bottles on sale for 25 cents each, so I bought 40 bottles for my classroom. That should last at least through December. Two parents sent in donated supplies, so I also bought 7 pencil boxes to set out these supplies for the students to use if needed. Each year I am seeing more and more children come in without their own supplies. They are depending on the schools to provide them. The problem is the students don't return what they "borrow", so I am constantly trying to replenish what they take. I have 101 students right now, so it gets really expensive when I am buying supplies for so many of them. I understand it is expensive for parents too, but that's part of parenting!
While at Target they had a sale on Bandaids so I bought a bunch to keep in various places -- the sports bags my son uses, in the car, and our medicine cabinet.
My husband wanted to go out to lunch today but I reminded him that we have a bunch of one-person leftovers that need eating in our fridge. We had one serving of several meals hanging around from this week (burritos, tortellini soup, roast beef and carrots, enchiladas, beef and broccoli). I promised him that if we clean out the fridge without wasting these meals, I will take him to his favorite restaurant for lunch tomorrow after church. Ha! He was satisfied with that, but I will still need to freeze a couple of those meals so as not to waste them. I've also been feeding a bunch of scraps to the chickens. I gave them the leftovers of baked spaghetti, pizza crust, and Mexican street corn this week, as well as some fruit that was nearing its freshness window. I appreciate that they will finish these off for us. My family is not great about eating leftovers, and I am the only one who worries about the waste.
I was talking with some friends at work about the expense of hair appointments. They were saying that it costs more and more each time they get their hair colored. I encouraged them to do it themselves. They were surprised that I do mine myself and wanted to know more. I have been coloring my own hair for years, partly because of expense but also I can't spend 2-3 hours in the salon chair every 6 weeks. Doing it at home is so much easier and convenient. My friends said they spend anywhere from $90-125 a time. My box of color costs $30, but if I can catch it on sale it is around $22 a box. I could go with a cheaper brand, but this one works best for me so I stick with it. I have a friend who has decided to go gray, but I don't want to do that just yet.
Hope everyone has a great week.
Dear Dianna, I colour my hair and have most of my life. I think I have saved tens of thousands of dollars. One time I found my hair colour on sale in boxed sets for 99c each and I bought 50. Mostly I get it half price which is now about $14. It is ridiculously easy. I started early as my own colour was fine but my hair is very fine texture and colour gave it so much more body and shine. I just love that. I hope your friend will try it and put that money into her pantry and home. It is so great your chickens have started to lay! Your chickens will love all left overs. And give them as much green stuff as you can. The colour of the eggs is then so bright and beautiful. You will find they love scraps above anything else! Well done on the things you supply the students and the effort you put in to your class. Do you have over 100 students in your one class? That is incredible.... my classes were from a few students up to a dozen students my my daughters were around the 20 to 30 mark. You would have your hands extremely full.
DeleteI hope the new school week goes very well! With much love
...And if you have short hair, you can probably use half a bottle of hair color. In fact, with short hair like mine, a full bottle was waaaaay too messy! Short hair is also a good way to go gray in a hurry. (It's not as noticeable, and pretty soon it is gone). It only took a little over 3 months for me. I did this when I was 62 because hair dye doesn't "stick" well to gray hair.
DeleteI have 4 classes, each with 26-28 students. I teach 6th grade (Tennessee) and state law says 30 is the limit. In 7th and 8th grade, they can have up to 35 per class.
DeleteMikemax, I do have short hair and I only use about half the bottle. How do you save the rest? Is it still effective after you use/store it? I am intrigued, this would cut my cost in half!
Not knowing what brand you use and how it comes, I can't really tell you anything except what I did. Maybe it will give you some ideas. Mine came in two bottles that were mixed. I first measured the amounts in each container and then mixed half of each together. You will need a way to store the excess for the next dye job. If you can store it in the original container(s), that would be best (I work on the assumption that if they were meant to be pre-mixed, it would come that way, so it's probably better if you can save it as it comes rather than mixed together. If your color comes in one container, just use half. Since I stored mine unmixed, I didn't have any trouble when I used the second half.
DeleteHi Annabel, thank you for a lovely post, as usual.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading Dianna’s comment about the left overs. Maybe we can introduce Dianna to Patsy’s Pot Pie pastry? Every time I make it I send up a blessing to Patsy and to you too. Saved me sooo many times I. Just a short while since I found the post.
Every time I have a leftover portion after dinner, I put it into a dish, and
cover with foil and slipped inside a ziplock bag. When I have enough bits and pieces in the dish I add a serve of frozen peas beans or whatever I have in the freezer,to make it enough for two people, pour over the pastry and bake it. Serve with home made garlic bread and a microwave baked potato each and dinner is served. Nothing wasted and very tasty. Blessings to you all. Chris
I will try this, Chris! Thanks for the tip. I have done this before with roast beef leftovers, basically a beef pot pie, but haven't tried with other meals.
DeleteOver this summer I have found so many needed items at our local thrift store. Various clothing items for the Littles and myself. Many consumable coloring and activity books for them. DVDs for them. Books for me. School & office supplies. Frames for photographs. Autumn decor for my office desk at work. Several cookbooks. A set of 4 vacuum sealer containers. And thinking of you Annabelle, a book full of flowers for card making. I need to go back this week and look for flannel sheets to make into hankies for winter colds.