Feather your Nest Friday, 7th April, 2023.

Wow what a week!   Firstly, I want to say I feel bad about not posting Monday and Tuesday.    I like to be faithful with my commitments but days have just not been long enough as you will see...

Yesterday I was driving home from Chloe's and saw the hugest black clouds to the north of us.  They looked quite spectacular and like a giant mushroom ... and coming our way.   I came in the driveway at about 3 30 and things were getting very dark.   I quickly fed the dogs and the chickens before coming inside.   Soon the thunder  and lightening started and then pouring rain.   It was incredible.   I think it was the biggest electrical storm I have experienced - ever!  Some of the lightening close to us sounded like a bomb going off.   It was still going late last night when I finally gave up to go to sleep.   This morning the outside world looked like it has been pelted with heavy rain,  we had over an inch!  Soon the farm will be green again!

Where to begin...  I finished packing up cards and note books to put away into my present cupboard.

I love adding to the present cupboard!

Two or three times a day we check the cows (because they are calving) and now we also check the calves! The first calf born is just mischief.   He got through the fence within one day of being born!  He is always running around with his tail in the air and never stays still.    Laffie's calf is also a boy.   Cows are known for parking their calf in the grass somewhere and going off to graze and have a good time.   We had four days we did not see this calf and we really began to worry.   We both drove up and down paddocks looking for him.   The thing is Laffie was not worried.   She seemed completely relaxed.... and if something had happened to her calf she wouldn't be,  she would be agitated and bellowing.  But still no sign of the calf ...     After days of this I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to try something different.   Right on dark I drove out into the paddock (very slowly and carefully watching the ground in front of me) to try and find both Laffie and her calf.    I am out there in my nightie and slippers haha with the headlights on... I was just about to give up and as I turned the car to come home the lights moved across a cow!   Yes, it was Laffie AND right next to her was her calf!   Incredibly she was not at all frightened about the whole night time driving and headlights and came to the window for a biscuit!   

I need night vision googles!  Everything seemed ok with the calf.   What a relief!   I came home and was so excited to tell Andy I found our little vanishing act calf.

On Tuesday I went into town to meet my friend Wendy.  We did our usual trading.   I took Wendy pears and eggs and she brought me celery and a fantastic big basket!   I put that basket into use right away and have been using it ever since.  It has a flat bottom so it is good for carrying cooking.   Thank you Wendy! 
As I headed out that day I saw a cow had come away from the mob and was standing under a tree on her own.  I thought mmm I bet she is having her calf today. 

In town I did a grocery stock up,  especially meat.   In the op shop I found two huge old Fowler jars.   I already have lids and clips that will fit these.

I also found a heap of beautiful childrens clothes.  Two items are too big so they have been washed and added to my chest of drawers that I keep things for the Grandchildren.   The rest mostly will fit Chase.   Several were Ralph Lauren tops and then Country Road shorts.  Chloe was most pleased!    It was a great day and as I drove back into the driveway I saw that cow was still standing (where she had been earlier)  so I opened the gate and headed over to her.  Standing next to her was the tiniest calf!   It had just been born!   So now we have three! 

Each day I have worked on fruit.    We are eating our own tomatoes and cucumbers and today I picked a basket of Basil and made a double batch of Pesto.

Tomorrow I am taking some to Lucy and the rest I will make into meals over the next week.

Chloe asked me if I would like to come and pick figs.   In the city I saw figs were $1.50 EACH!   Little Tom helped and I came home with two full baskets.

With this lot (there will be more next week) I made six jars of jam...

The rest (3 kilos) I simmered in syrup... now they are drying in the dehydrator... next they are dipped in chocolate.  My friend once gave us these candied figs in chocolate and they were amazing!   She gave me the recipe to try.   The fig is chewy.   I hope this works out!

I visited Mum with warm scones.  She has been knitting little hats and this one was finished off with one of the roses I made last year.   

I thought the result was gorgeous!   Mum keeps knitting so I need to make some more flowers!

Mum also gave me some Agave plants that she had growing in a bowl of water.     

These will be added to my rock garden.    All the rocks are in place now!   We spent all of Wednesday on it then Andy finished it with the tractor on Thursday.  It was a huge job but it has transformed the garden and except for time and effort the cost was zero.    (Ok... there were fuel costs.)   But otherwise it was all our own rocks plus cuttings and things I was able to collect.

In Australia one of our main banks has decided some branches will no longer have any cash.   Their service and social policies are already terrible and they have gradually closed down country town branches and the ones that remain have limited hours.   Changing things is time consuming (and drains the life out of you) but I took the time to open a new bank account with a new bank that still has 1. A branch within 100 kms of me,  2. Service and 3.  Money.   

Tomorrow we are going to see Lucy and her family for Easter.  I made the kids each a tin of Honey Gingerbread. 

I stocked up on batteries in all sizes on a great deal.  

My lambs have one more week of bottles.   They roam (eating constantly) a big paddock but if I call they come running over the hill! 

I want to wish you all a very blessed Easter.  Friday afternoon and evening are very sombre and must have felt utterly devastating and hopeless to the family,  friends and followers of Jesus.   They must have felt completely defeated,  exhausted ....   but God was doing something and by Sunday morning EVERYTHING would have changed.   So there you go, when things seem grim the mighty power of God is working! 

How did you build up your nest, your pantry or garden?   Lets take an Easter break, rest and re evaluate ready to begin again next week! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel
    The calves are so exciting but you’ll be hard at it with the next crop of autumn orphan lambs soon too! Pace yourself and don’t get worn out.

    I’ll swap you a couple of buckets of quinces for a pile of those honey gingerbread 😉
    Your cards and jams look very carefully made. You obviously love being creative. Well done for your constant energy and inspiration.

    1. Dear Kate, I just realised you are exactly right.... lambing starts here in May. I could easily end up with lambs again! I will be ready!
      Creativity is great stress relief but so is the garden and so are the animals. I love having something to work on in evenings. Happy Easter to you and your family Kate! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. I am so jealous of the figs! And fig jam is my favourite. I really miss mum's fig tree. You had such a busy week, the calves are gorgeous. We have been waiting on the rain! We were expecting up to 50ml today and nothing, not a single drop. I had to race out and water. It seems the rain went right around us. I added tomato pasta sauce to the pantry, three big batches made and bottled this week. And lots of autumn cleaning, weeding, planting seeds for winter crops. Prices are still crazy, stock levels are absurd. We were talking and even the usual Easter abundance of chocolate doesn't seem to be in our local stores. The promise of this Easter weekend seems more relevant than ever right now, I hope and pray everyone stays safe and well.

    1. Happy Easter! I went to Aldi last week and they hardly had anything for Easter. I was so shocked! Not normal at all. Well done on your pasta sauce! Full of goodness! I hope you end up with some rain... we had over an inch and are very happy about that. Some more on the way we think...xxx

  3. Annabelle, I have 4 beautiful Xmas tins,plus others. Please contact me if you'd like them. Love reading your posts, especially the overseas letters. Chris

    1. Dear Chris, Thank you so much! I would love them but postage is terrible... are you in South Australia? Love Annabel.xxx

  4. You've had a busy week. Your cookies look delicious. Have a wonderful Easter!

    1. Wishing you a very Happy Easter too Vickie! Thank you! xxx

  5. Lovely blog today, love the photos of your animals…the lambs are wonderful! Happy Easter, hilogene in Az.

    1. Thanks so much Hilogene! Wishing you a very happy Easter too! xxx

  6. Debby in Kansas USA7 April 2023 at 05:20

    Loved your whole post!! Just what I needed after watching 5 minutes of the news for the weather report!! Great pics, too! Thanks for sharing the beautiful part of life with me this morning.

    1. Dear Debbie, Thank you! Happy Easter! With love, Annabel.xxx

  7. Dear Annabel, your world and your words are beautiful. They bring me so much joy when reading about, seeing the pictures and pay attention to what you are saying.
    I love the lambs and the little calves, and the hat your Mum has knitted. Glamorous with the crocheted rose! While admiring the great knitted work I got an idea!!! for a knitted project of my Mum .....thank you! I will post on Insta in a couple of weeks.....

    I am busy at the office and with the on line shop - everybody is buying ham and different meat for Easter and I*ve been talking with people all over the country. I am glad I will have some off days after these..

    Dreaming of good weather I put away some *cheated* potatoes in cartoon boxes and managed to pick some sweet violets before the snow covered everything in the garden - I They are now steeped in vinegar and have a beautiful purple colour. In about 4 weeks they will be ready to put in small jars and make nice gifts for special persons.

    I still collect eggs everyday. Such a nice feeling when found them in the nest box between the hay. I didn*t expected it to be so pleasant! I put away money in a special box the equivalent of every egg if bought at the farmers market to see how much it will be at the end of the year. Or I will use the money to buy some more chickens. I named that pot *-The chicken money*

    We will celebrate both holidays - the catholic Easter this Sunday and the orthodox Easter next Sunday. It is a joy to celebrate God*s love for us, His people.

    For the last days it has been grey weather and grey times. We had snow and red code of roads blocked because of snow, freezing temperatures at night and gloomy news. However, just as this can bring us down, so the freshness and green shoots can lift our mood and gaze. I can*t wait for Spring and warm weather.

    Have a blessed and beautiful Easter everyone! With much love, Laura_s_world from Romania

    I hope my message will get through, last week it did not.

    1. Dear Laura,

      This was lovely to read - I am enjoying hearing about your chickens and dreaming about having our own. The violets in vinegar sound so interesting and the color must be amazing. You always inspire me. Thank you for putting a smile on my face today. Happy Easter to you and your family (and all reading this).


    2. Dear Laura, Wishing you a very Happy Easter! I hope Spring breaks through a little bit more for you! I look forward to seeing what you are knitting! I love your chicken savings! Also I agree there is something beautiful at collecting fresh eggs from the nest. Eggs are also so useful... so many meal possibilities and then there is gifts and trading as well! I saw the violets on instagram and they are the most gorgeous colour!! So lovely! Have a great weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  8. Our bank here in the USA actually bought the big failed California bank. I still don't know how to feel about that. Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter.

    1. Happy Easter to you too Lana. I am not sure either re the banks. Maybe they are just moving the deck chairs on the titanic I cant tell! xxx

  9. Wondering why you use plastic wrap under your lids?

    1. I was wondering the same thing! Is this a product that you buy for jam-making, or do you just tear off pieces of plastic wrap? What does it do, and how?

      Happy Easter to all of the Bluebirds!

    2. Ok... explanation... in Australia... or the southern part at least I have never known anyone to can jam. Jam is made (without purchased pectin) by cooking down the fruit and sugar (I add juice of half a lemon) until it reaches set point. It is then poured into hot sterilised jars and covered... this used to be paraffin wax then later squares of cellophane and a rubber band. It then keeps for several years and this is what I do. However if I have a lid that fits I will add that on top. xxx

  10. Dear Annabel,

    What a week for you! I love all the photos...I bet your rock garden is beautiful, and those chocolate-dipped candied figs sound divine! I love the picture of little Tom in his boots!! Farms with animals means antics...love the story about the vanishing calf. So glad to hear all the calving is going so well.

    I cannot believe a bank with no cash!!!! (Or can I?) Yes, when things look grim, God is still in control, and all is working according to his plan.

    Wishing you and Andy and all your family a blessed, blessed Easter.

    Love, Jen in NS


    1. Dear Jen, Things are just crazy. I am opening a hotel with no alcohol! haha!
      I hope you had a lovely Easter too. It has turned so cold! With much love Annabel.xxx

  11. Hi Annabel and everyone,

    So glad you were safe with the storms! I love seeing the lambs, calves, and little Tom helping out with the figs. Those cards and notebooks are beautiful.

    Not as much has happened around home as I would like these past couple of weeks; everything appears to be ok now, but my husband had some bleeding issues requiring a couple of ER visits and ambulance transport to the regional medical center. They think one of his chemo drugs is affecting his ability to heal wounds, so are holding that one for now. Very thankful he is ok and keeping a close eye on him (and building back red blood cells with lots of protein and the supplements from the doctor). Prayers are always very appreciated.

    This week I just went to the price club for some produce and fresh dairy. There was a special shipment of plants, so I spent $30 and came away with two small lilac shrubs and eight tall garden phlox plants to add some perennial beauty to my garden. It has warmed up here a bit, and my blackberries have flowers and the lemon balm and mint are making a fragrant comeback! I spent a little time pulling spent plants from the yard and used the rain barrel to water my radish seedlings. Indoors I washed three more windows and have started doing baseboards and molding bit by bit - a little at a time seems to be working well. In the kitchen and office, I swapped out curtains for lighter spring sheers and valances (already in my linen cupboard). A local contractor came out to give a quote to replace an exterior door frame and hang a new door - it will be a bit expensive, but worth it to fix the leak around the old door - and replace the interior trim. One cooking/baking day produced a big pan of brownies for the freezer, apple crumble, chicken and veggie stir-fry, and a large grilled sirloin that will make multiple meals.

    Crafts-wise, I finished one small cross-stitch piece this week and one pair of worsted-weight socks. I spent a little time putting my thread bobbins in order, as the pile was a bit shocking, and now it will be easier to find the colors I need. Hoping to put some more stitches in over the weekend and maybe do a little jewelry-making to get ahead for holidays.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.

    1. Continued prayers for your husband, Kathy.
      Blessings, Leslie

    2. Dear Kathy,

      Your week was a hard week and still you managed to do so much! You are an inspiration for us / for me, for sure! Praying for you and your husband, may you have good health, strength and peace! Thinking of you from far away, Laura_s_world from Romania

    3. Thank you so much, Leslie. It means a lot to both of us.

    4. Dear Kathy, I am really sorry it sounds like a pretty rough couple of weeks. It would be very upsetting, stressful and tiring. You did so well still achieving so much! All the plants for your garden sound beautiful! Your baking day was fantastic too! Getting the door done will be good... maintenance seems like an endless thing but keeping on top of these jobs makes such a big difference.
      I cant wait to see your socks and stitching... which reminds me I should be posting over on the Tuesday club!! With much love and prayers, Annabel.xxx

    5. Dear Laura,
      Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers.

      Dear Annabel,
      Encouragement from a friend goes a long way. Thank you also for praying for him.

  12. So inspiring and those cows are so naughty!

  13. Dear Annabel, We had a big storm here last week and the tornado sirens went off at 1:45 AM and sounded almost constantly until 2:15 AM. An excursion to the basement with pets in the middle of the night is no fun. I'm so glad the little calf was found safe and sound. Laffie obviously knew he was safe where she had stashed him. How sweet that Tom loves to help. The hat is so pretty and the cookies are cute. Spring has finally arrived and the daffodils, tulips, and flowering trees are such a welcome sight. May you, your family, and all the Bluebirds have a very Joyous Easter as we celebrate Jesus' resurrection. Blessings, Laura

    1. Laura, I live in Lima, Ohio. We have had 2 tornado warning/watches in the past week. I think I slept through the one you may have encountered. I took pain meds due to a recent surgery. My phone was full of texts from concerned friends the next a.m. Maps showed that my house was right in the tornado's path! God is good!
      Glad you are safe, Leslie

  14. What a week Annabel! It’s all happening at your place!

    I probably should watch the news more, but I get so affected by it, I try and safe guard my sanity by watching it as little as possible. It’s for this reason I did not know about the bank going cashless at some branches, so I googled it…😡😡😡 Good on you for making the effort to leave!! I fear others won’t bother so in the end this will be a battle we lose, BUT you are clearly a woman of principle and I have to admire that.

    Have a lovely Easter. We are off to Tasmania next week for 9 days to see our daughter for her 21st birthday. I’m getting very excited about that, I can’t wait, and we are taking my mum with us, she has never travelled much in her life and she beside herself with excitement!

    1. Thank you. I know all cash will go in the end but yes I am going to go down fighting. Have a beautiful time away seeing your daughter and I hope your Mum enjoys every minute!xxx

  15. Dear Annabel and Bluebirds,
    I pray that everyone, who celebrates Easter, has a blessed Easter. This is the week that started Passover, so may blessings flow for those who celebrate Passover.
    We had a huge snowstorm earlier this week and broke a previous record. We had three feet on our deck.
    Now, it is back up in the 40's, so it is melting fast. The schools switched to virtual learning, so the teachers and students stayed home and had classes online.
    I did some cooking, baking and sewing while watching the beauty of the snow. Our sewing group is making Dresses for Africa. The snow days were a good time to cut several dresses out to sew for different age groups.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Love and hugs,

    1. Dear Glenda, We had a wonderful Easter. Three feet of snow is incredible!
      Dresses for Africa is a beautiful project. What a lovely thing to be part of. Just think of the little girls so thrilled to get a new dress! Sewing is such a nice thing to work on while outside work is just impossible! Have a good new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  16. Dear Annabel,
    All of your pictures are gorgeous, each telling their own story. Those chocolate covered figs sound so delicious. I love figs. We have had the craziest weather, high winds to 70 mph, rain and 80F and then plunging back to being cold and snow flurries. However, on the really warm days we spent the time out of doors and amended the container gardens with compost, ashes and egg shells. It's still too early to even think about planting. We have had a foot of snow as late as May in years past and lost everything. I will be patient and wait.
    Of all things the igniters on our stove burners shorted out and we had to unplug the stove and are now lighting it the old fashioned way with matches. I am without an oven so no volume baking until the repairman can get here which won't be until the 18th. I am grateful to have an airfryer oven and instant pot and microwave to take up the slack of not having my large oven. We've been garage cleaning and took items to the rescue mission. I made no roll crackers, mailed Easter cards, did some embroidery in the evenings. I also ordered and received Tamara Adler's latest book, "The Everlasting Meal Cookbook: Leftovers." It is amazing and over 500 pages filled with recipes to use it up. Wishing everyone a blessed Easter. Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie,
      Thank you so much! It is hard to wait but going by past years you are wise hanging off a little longer.
      It is great you have alternatives to the oven! I really like the sound of the book you got and I am going to check that out! With much love, Annabel.xxx

  17. Congratulations on all your calves and healthy mamas, Annabel! So blessed all around: calves, figs, helpers, grocery deals, ars, quality kids clothing, veg, and basil to share.
    I found a handsome counsel on the side of the road. Just was traveling home from the doctor. Picked up 3 of my kids to load the free find. I did not lift as I was following doctor's orders. A man drove up and we realized he wanted the piece too. ;) My husband picked up some free food from the thrift store. He got $54 worth! Including 2 chicken lasagnas and 6 loaves of French bread. We have been blessed with many eggs each day. Also we are slowly planting our spring garden.
    Have a blessed Resurrection Day, Leslie

    1. I found a console...a long low shelf that people use to sit their televisions on. Autocorrect! Humph! -Leslie

    2. lol on the autocorrect. I wondered why a counsel would be sitting on the side of the road. CONSOLE just wouldn't pop in my mind, so I kept picturing some poor man...lol

    3. Dear Leslie, This was funny as I thought it doesn't sound like Leslie to be picking up someone handsome on the side of the road haha! Well a console was a good find! The free food was a big bonus! Eggs coming in are fantastic too. I just dodged rain and collected 11 myself. I hope Spring is really kicking in for you and your seedlings do well! With much love, Annabel.xxx

  18. Annabel your tins on binny biccies are adorable. The little girls and Sidney are going to just love them. How fancy to have your own tin of delicious Nan Nan Bel biccies.
    Your new rock garden sounds just beautiful. With all that lovely rain the recently planted gardens are going to really settle in and thrive. What a spectacular garden it will be.
    Pat's knitting is just divine. I do love the flowers that you make as this team effort make these beanies next level special. Adding the hats, notebooks and cards to your gift cupboard would have it really starting to fill out beautifully.
    We have had small amounts of rain. It is still quite warm here and I have taken advantage of this and added another small crop of corn to the fenceline gardens. I plant these for the fluffy butt girls. I spread out a number of bags of alpaca poop on the potted orchard. The citrus trees have lots of fruit and buds on them and are loving a bit of attention.
    I am harvesting passionfruit, rosella, bak choy, silverbeet and tomatoes in good amount daily. The rosella and being bagged and frozen till I have enough for a good batch of jam. We are down to our last jar from 2021. Last year the rosella failed so no jam, cordial or syrup was added to the preserves cupboard. This year I will have enough for jam.
    The little girls arrive tomorrow and will be with us for a few days. I have made and frozen some sourdough pancakes. These can be pulled out and microwaved for a quick brekkie before we get out and about on our 'Granny's at the Beach' adventures.
    Have a wonderful Easter.

    1. Dear Jane,
      The kids do love their own tins. Now I know this I will keep doing it. Corn is a great fence line crop! Good thinking! You are making use of every space!
      You are bringing in so much from the garden. I am glad the Rosellas are producing this year. I love the colour of them! I know you are flat out with the girls now making memories! With much love Annabel.xxx

  19. Dear Annabel

    Cuteness with all these beautiful animals. I have to keep on going back and looking at the photos...

    On Good Friday we had 2 storms roll through and the second one saw us loose power for 4 hours as it was dark and DP is at work I did not bother to go out and put the generator on as the power box is at the front of the house, it became unbearable with heat in the end but we survived as we played some board games which was fun. We had the torch going and it has a radio built in and the batteries recharge on a docking station so I always make sure they are charged. These were constantly used at night when DD12 was younger instead of night lights and sometimes she still gets up at night and turns it on if she has had a bad dream.

    Today we spent making Easter biscuits with pink icing and sprinkles. For the first time it will be just DD12 and I for Easter but we are ok with that as there will still be chocolate.

    DP is working extra shifts this round and left on Monday night to start early on Tuesday morning and will be home on Wednesday night so DD12 and I have been finding something to do together each day and she has had friends come over for a visit and we have also been having a tidy up.

    I bet your Grandchildren loved the honey gingerbread biscuits. Your Mum's hat with your flower on is beautiful. She does lovely knitting.

    We went and did a shop on Monday and it was almost bare in the supermarkets up here in the cold and fridge sections, meat section was ok but little bits of most things and some staple items were also missing as well. Signs up saying "due to train derailment" could be possible but unaware of why as there was no rain up this way till last night and that is usually the cause for us

    Tomorrow I plan on taking some time out and I hope that others are doing the same.

    Happy Easter to everyone 🐰

    Take Care
    Aly xxx

    1. Dear Aly, There sure has been some wild weather around! You are well set up if the power goes out. I did not hear about this train derailment! Your week was full of challenges! I hope you had a lovely Easter with DD and are having a good new week! With much love Annabel.xxx

  20. Annabel, I am 10 mins. from Henley Beach. Chris. Phone 8 356 0215


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