Feather your Next Friday, 18th November, 2022.

The week saw us have epic rain and storms and there are more coming.   We worked outside most of today as it was actually fine but now it is growing dark again.   We are very very lucky.   For us the rain has been good and we haven't had any serious damage.  Much of Australia has had terrible floods, power outages and mind boggling damage to roads, bridges... homes...   Even rail has been out with floods in some states and a massive train derailment between Melbourne and Adelaide.   In our capital schools were closed and homes without power for several days.    To add to this there is now talk of a massive disruption of our ports due to industrial action.  If this goes ahead all Australian ports will be brought to a standstill.   It has been described as holding Australia to ransom.   I have been trying to follow this and note when I look up the news they mention nothing.   If you imagine ports being out and rail being out then you know that being ahead in supplies and a well stocked pantry are very good things to have. 

Some of the ways I built up our home and got ahead this week were:

The best deal I could find was on 5 kilos of carrots.  So I got a bag and freeze dried some.  

I filled jars then mylar bags for long term storage.

My freeze drier mainly had a rest as I needed to take a trip to the city to go to the dentist.   You can imagine how much fun that was.  BUT I am not going to drive that far without making it worth it in many ways!   One was was I delivered my last two puppies to their new owners.   The puppies were so good in the car.  It is a there hour journey and they were so wonderful.    Both of their new owners were beautiful and so excited.  They have sent me updates, photos and videos!

This was one of my goodbye photos.  I know they will be spoiled rotten so I am happy as this was the completion of quite an undertaking!

I went to an op shop (thrift store) and found lovely latte coloured cotton waffle weave fabric for my kitchen towel sewing.   Miles of fabric for $4.

Also... I took the opportunity to go to Aldi.  I did this last thing as I left the city and stocked up on many items plus some extra Christmas wrap, tags etc. 

Before I came home Andy messaged me that I had a chicken in the incubator making a lot of noise.   It was a Guinea Fowl hatching a day early.  He was going to be ok until I got home and by then there was another one just hatching.  I got a grand total of two.  I am officially giving up on trying to hatch them but now I do have five all up. (Because of the three that hatched last time.)

Mum came over on Sunday and I made her scones.

I got a tiny bit of sewing done and completed two kitchen towels for myself.  I love this print! 

Today we covered the big fruit trees with netting.   This is quite a job.  There are hundreds of little pears and now hundreds of baby apples.

It is so exciting!  Now the trees are well covered I hope with all the extra rain we get an absolute truckload of fruit!

Also today...  some of my veggies were finished producing and I pulled them out.  A whole big load went to the chickens who were so happy as I think they will get a whole weekend of fun and feasting out of them.   And now I have some space to plant new things!

I can pick lettuce as I need it from my two stack planters and another container I have going.  I can make up my own bags of mixed lettuce.

Today I gave a friend a dozen eggs and a variety of lettuce leaves that were bagged up washed and ready.  They looked beautiful I have to say! 

Everyone is noticing the price of food.  Add to that the price of electricity, fuel... mortgages...    I asked Andy to do some printing for me in order to have printed copies of recipes by our friend Mimi who passed away recently.    We met originally on a forum where frugal living tips were exchanged.   Mimi shared so many amazing recipes and also menu plans.   To this day I use her method to cook rice (and also chicken) using very little electricity.  These recipes alone are worth getting your hands on.   Perfect fluffy rice every time.  Easy friend rice.  Ways to stretch meat.  Inexpensive, simple and nutritious things anyone can make.  I already had volumes 1, 2 and 3 but discovered there are six!    These are available to freely download or print if you go to "Mimi's Tray of Bliss... living life beautiful for less" on FB  where you then go to files.  You will see Mimi's Memorable Munchies... volume 1 - 6.    If you are trying to feed a hungry family you will find the tips and tricks so valuable.  Like all things on the internet you never know how long they will be there which is why I asked Andy to print them for me.  It is a huge volume of work!  Now I am going to make them up into six folders to keep forever and to review... and learn from in the cases of Volumes 4, 5 and 6.  

You will also find a lot of help from Cath on The Cheapskates Club.  Her free newsletter, You Tube channel and her endless list of things you can stop buying.   There are so many MOO recipes which means "Make Our Own."   As a result I have so many things I just never buy.  Mayonnaise. Laundry powder.  Condensed milk.  Brown sugar.  Pancake mix.  Soup mixes.   There are so many things that really add up over the course of a year that you just do not have to buy because they are ridiculously cheap and easy to make.  Cath is also very good at fortifying you with determination that you do not have to comply with other people's ridiculous financial expectations.  I love that!   Many years ago I loved this about Laine.   I remember she had very little money and she needed a nice gift for a friend.   This was back in the days of Laine's letters so thirty years ago!  I think the amount she had was three dollars.  And her letter detailed how she did it.  But the point was she said it was her priority to stay within budget,  that came first.   This stayed with me all these years.  It is ok to have a budget, it is ok to say no, it is ok to say something is not in your budget.  It is ok!   Jane on Frugal Queen in France... she also gives a good dose of reality.  It is just fine to NOT be able to commit to some expensive restaurant family dinner if it is not going to fit into your budget.   It is double fine not to feel you have to come up with the money for an overseas "destination wedding".  🙄  

We can make a really big difference each week as little things truly do add up.  Feathering our nests,  filling our shelves, planting our garden or pots, preserving our harvest,  crafting some presents,  baking for the lunch boxes, inventing dinner from what is left in the fridge...  it is all important work.  More important than ever.xxx


  1. Annabel I didn’t know Mimi had passed away, I wondered where she had got too I had followed her blog for years such a sad thing to read today...I can’t believe it. Sharlene

    1. Dear Sharlene, So sorry, I shared this a couple of weeks ago but you must have missed that so this would have shocked you. I was shocked too. Her fb group is still there and continuing on I believe. You will find more details there as her daughter posted. With much love Annabel.xxx

  2. Beautifully written and very inspiring ,thankyou

  3. Sounds like a lovely week. The pup is so cute!!!!!! I did not know there were volumes of recipes on Mimi's site. I will check those out. Thanks for the heads up.

    1. Dear Cheryl, I think you will like Mimis recipes and tips. Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  4. I found Cath's blog a long time ago, and read it because of the hilarious name, Debt Free, Cashed Up and Laughing. I wanted to be all three of those things. With a name like that, I just had to go see what it was about. So much encouraging information in all your blogs. Aldi is a big deal around here. I have an Aldi cooler I put in the car just for those special days. It's a 40 mile drive one way from my house but so worth it. Thank you for another great post.

    1. Dear Maria, I keep the cooler bags in my car too. The meat and cold stuff all gets packed into those. If I go anywhere with an Aldi I do this. Next week I am going south and will have another chance to go (to a different Aldi store) and I will be doing the same. Cath is great and now with her you tube channel she is addressing a lot of current issues, I think a lot of new people are there because of having trouble making the food budget stretch. Thank you so much! With love Annabel.xxx

  5. I'm in the States and when I found Mimi's Tray of Bliss on FB I did not see a Files tab. Is it because of where I am located? Is there another way to access her volumes?

    1. Hi, look along the top of the page... you see the title, then members... then a line that says features, media, files... like a header before the activity of the page. If you have trouble still post a comment in the group and ask there how can you access these volumes. Everyone is friendly and we will help you get them. xxx

    2. Dear Friend, I just found there are more than one sites for Mimi... follow the name I posted exactly... the whole name not just Mimis tray of bliss. xxx

    3. I cannot seem to find the facebook page either- would anyone be able to share a link directly?

    4. Here it is https://www.facebook.com/groups/903182896466017

  6. Great blog today, I had heard Mimi had passed, but didn’t know about her six volumes of information on Facebook. I am glad the storms didn’t hurt your home. The news about the flooding was very alarming. Hadn’t heard about the potential port strike. Thank you again! Hilogene in Az

    1. Dear Hilogene, Thank you so much! Mimi was an extensive writer and the contents are so valuable. I was happy to find more than I knew about! Have a great Sunday and new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  7. Dear Annabel,

    What a beautiful post. I always love to come here each week and get a motivational push to keep on for another week! :)

    Right now we have a couple of sick people in our house, and I was so thankful to already have supplies of medicines as the stores are clean out, this being flu season. Also, very thankful for old stewing birds that make the best broth for bad colds. You really do have to just get things when you see them on sale or know that you will need them, because you just can't seem to rely on the shelf being stocked when the need actually arises! I don't overstock, but just make sure I have enough on hand to get through, say, a bout of the flu with all family members down. Then after it's over, I start the hunt for replacements for the next time, so I'm prepared when/if it happens!

    We have a few snowflakes swirling around today, so it's starting to feel like the Christmas season is coming. After the weekly big clean today (which is almost done), I plan to bake a spice cake and some gingerbread (cake) and then sit down with a hot cup of tea and do some embroidery. Home is such a great place to be!

    Sure wish I could have gotten one of those puppies! :) xx Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen, Chicken broth is the best thing for colds. And so good you had the supplies needed. Well done on having the medical things you need, it is concerning that those things now are hit and miss in the store. Here they are limiting things ie two packets of pain relief max. I have put away everything needed and I add extra in the varying kids ages paracetamol etc. in case the girls find they cant get something.
      Spice cake and gingerbread sound beautiful! You have given me an idea to make honey gingerbread! Snow would be so pretty! I hope everyone feels better soon! With love Annabel.xxx

  8. Hi Annabel and everyone,

    Annabel, your fruit trees look amazing and I love the fabric you used for your kitchen towels. It's beautiful!

    It has been so busy around here with doctor's and infusion visits that sometimes it is all I can do to keep doing the "usual" things - laundry, floors, soft furnishings, regular cooking - but this week I was able to add some frozen chicken, veggies, and pasta to my pantry. We also had our final estate planning visit and signed everything to set up a trust for our home and assets, medical powers of attorney, and advance directives about our medical wishes - we never expected to do this so early in life, but I would encourage this to protect your loved ones. The attorney is a friend of ours and gave us a $1000 discount on her fee, which was such a kind gift.

    Some more things I have learned about loved ones going through chemotherapy, and want to share in case it helps someone else - sour and tangy things can be good when other foods don't sound good. Lemonade, cranberry juice and blends, pineapple and tart fruits, salads with vinaigrette dressings, and yogurt with fresh fruit in it have kept my husband eating some days when he really didn't feel like it. He had some challenges with needing a treatment delay last week, but this week (prayers answered!) all of his labwork was dramatically improved and he was able to add in the immune therapy drug, too. This gives him a better chance of response. Thank you to everyone who is praying for him - it helps!!

    I've tried to take a little time each day - just 10 minutes or so - to stitch a little or knit a little. Bit by bit I'm finishing a few ornaments for Xmas and getting a small space to breathe.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    1. Kathy, Carol here from Australia, have you heard of Miracle berries, just look it up on google, it has been found to help people having chemo because it makes things taste much better. I don’t know where you live but here in Australia you can buy them on the internet. They are manufactured in America I believe, there is quite a bit of info on you tube, I do hope this is of some help, warm wishes for his recovery. Carol xx

    2. Dear Kathy, It is such good news that your husband is having the immune therapy drug. I have heard such good things about this! I think with the medical appointments you are doing well just to keep on top of the normal meals and things at home. It is a lot. You dont need to try to do extra at this time. However it was awesome you were able to add to the pantry and take care of legal matters. This is a good investment. It takes a lot of burden too off everyone when each persons wishes are known. So you had a big week.
      Thank you Carol for telling Kathy about the Miracle Berries! With much love Annabel.xxx

    3. Hi Carol,

      Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful suggestion. I had not heard of miracle berries, but I am definitely going to get some for my husband now that I know about them. We live in the US, so they should be easy to find. It is heartening to have something new to try that might help. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and good wishes for him! Thank you.


  9. The kitchen towels are just wonderful! That print would make me smile every time I used them! Oh how I hate dental work. I always just feel sick on the way but am fine once I am there nd in the chair!

    Sales at the grocery have returned here but it seem to be that they need to clear out stock because the on sale items are short dated. Many items have only a few weeks until they expire so we really have to watch that and just leave some items at the store. Hopefully retailers will see that the high prices are causing a lot of waste and do what they can to help by lowering prices so that items be purchased in a timely manner. It is hard to know what to believe anymore when it comes to the supply chain. I pray that things are resolved there soon. So many seem to be afraid which is not the answer to the problem. We just need to get to work and take care of ourselves!

    1. Dear Lana, I hate dental work too but I hate dental pain more so I face up in hope to prevent it. But :( I a glad you are getting some sales. Good to keep you're eyes on the shelf life as you say. You are right, getting to work to take care of our needs is the wisest thing, worrying about it does no good. I am an action person and so when I see a shortage is likely I get ahead. So far this has worked. Have a lovely Sunday and new week! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. Good advice (and a really beautiful pup!) I am another person who will miss Mimi. I didn't know that she had a Facebook page. I am off now to take a look. Thanks for the info.

    1. Dear Tracy, Thank you! People are having trouble finding the page so here is a link for you https://www.facebook.com/groups/903182896466017 xx

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about all the people affected by the bad weather in Australia. I do hope things improve soon for all. Your week sounds lovely, especially regarding the sweet pups. That's wonderful that they have good homes. I do have a question: I went to Mimi's Tray of Bliss, both the FB page and the website, and I searched both sites but am unable to locate the "Mimi's Memorable Munchies" 6 vol. set you referred to. Could you provide a link when you get a chance? Thank you! And thank you for the inspiring post, too, Annabel! I really look forward to the posts from you and the other members. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Dear Jill, Here is the link... look across the top for files. They are in the files.
      https://www.facebook.com/groups/903182896466017 There are so many money saving things in these recipes and menu plans. Thank you for your kind words Jill! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Dear Annabel, Been so busy preparing for winter so I've just been reading again. It's 31 F here and it going to get colder soon. I've got my outdoor animal shelters up for the homeless kitties which was top priority. Love that you helped the little puppies
    That bird and butterfly fabric is beautiful. I'm also trying to pull things from Mimi's blog and will check out the Facebook files.
    Thank you for another lovely and useful post. Blessings, Laura

    1. Dear Laura, One of the things I like most on Mimis blog is the Pesto recipe which I continually use. Also the recipes in four sentences. It sounds like the cold is really setting in! Thank you for your very kind words! With love Annabel.xxx

  13. Sorry to hear about the massive storms and flooding! My Australia is taking a hit. We are praying for your country (along with Ukraine).
    So glad to hear you were able to find homes for the pups. Lots of work caring for them, but you are gifted in that way. :) You accomplish so much! Thanks for being such an inspiration!

    In the states there are many homeless animals and no shelters or charities to take them. With rising costs and a large family we wanted to re-home a blind kitten we took in. We were told that all the animal shelters were maxed out. At times they wouldn't even answer the phone! Thankfully, we were able to crate train him so he wouldn't wander around at night making messes.
    Our family is settling down to a long winter here in Ohio. We have had 3 snowfalls in the last 2 weeks. Dustings, but it is just November.
    So thankful to pay 67 cents per pound for a turkey! Didn't think I would get a good deal this season, but I discovered it at my local Ruler Foods (Kroger owned).
    My oldest daughter will be home from culinary school to help with the cooking and baking next week. So much fun. Our second son will be home from the U.S. Navy on Thanksgiving day. So there will be lots of visiting, board games, and a hike.
    I am so blessed!
    Happy Thanksgiving to U.S. Bluebirds!
    Blessings to all

    1. Dear Leslie,
      I am so glad you found a solution for the kitten. A very good solution. For anyone reading this...if you have room for an animal that needs a home then please take one. This is how most of our animals have come to us.
      You got a great deal on Turkey! You are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your daughter and son home! And I know you will get a beautiful meal and then broth from that turkey too! Enjoy! With love Annabel.xxx

  14. Hello Annabel! I have just managed to get back into Facebook and I cannot find where Mimi’s recipe files are! It’s probably me, no doubt, not seeing the right spot to look, so if you are able to, could you please show us a link? I bet you’re missing those cuties, they are looking so healthy and happy!🖤🐾🖤🐾🖤

    1. This is the link to the group... then look across under the title and see a row of options... one is files..
      I think the problem is there are several groups similar! I hope this helps! xxx

  15. A few weeks ago, I changed out the mattress pad on my bed for the season and found the one that we washed had begun to disintegrate in the fitted section. The pad itself was just fine though, so I ripped off the fitted section and now have a nice large pad I can use in a quilt or in hot pads etc. I thought of you and your fabric hunting without going to the fabric store when I was doing this task.
    We are about to face changes here at home. I've been asked by family not to share on my blog, and I'll say little here except that we will have two more in the household for at least a month or two. This was very unexpected and quite a shock to us both. I realized that the week leading into our holiday was about to become a very difficult one. Due to other events in our life, I haven't had time for a real proper grocery shop in the longest time. I'd let running in to take advantage of sales suffice but I am happy to have been able to go today. It wasn't sales based and it was mostly produce/dairy related and not a pantry restocks but now I feel I can face guests invited and otherwise for this holiday week and the first part of this coming month. Tomorrow we will be clearing the guest room and turning it into a proper bedroom which means no sewing/crafts/storage. It's a fruit basket situation and we shall be making many treks to the shed tomorrow to shift things about and shove more things in. I'm going to try and pull my Christmas stuff forward so I can get to it more easily.
    At the grocery (Aldi) we found a name brand turkey 'on sale' for $1.07 but in the end we bought a more expensive per pound but better suited to the budget we had turkey breast. I will try to buy at least one turkey if not two next month when they should still be on sale. These will keep in the freezer up to a year so would be suitable for Thanksgiving next year if we choose.
    I decided in light of all the stressors in our lives today that flowers were a necessity not a luxury and having said so to my husband, he drove me right away to a higher end grocery with a lovely floral department and sent me in to choose my flowers. Sometimes we just need to make the budget work to feed our souls as well as our body.

    1. Dear Terri,
      I am all for recycling fabric. This week I have been completely shocked at the price of new cotton fabrics. Because I have been sewing from my stash I had lost track of new prices. I saw some fabric I would have loved but it was almost $40 A METER. So I looked around and everything was $24 upwards. This would make any project expensive!
      You are taking on a lot! I am going to assume this means there has been a crisis of some kind and you are part of the rescue package. As you get organised and adjusted for this I know you will have everything ready and lovely.
      I hope you can get the extra turkeys. I absolutely love turkey and so many melas come from one plus then the broth/soup. Turkey only appears here at Christmas and any sales are Ofer Christmas and New Year. I watch closely! I am glad you got some flowers. Flowers do the same for me. You deserve them. With much love Annabel.xxx

    2. Terri, best wishes as you open your home to others. From what I've seen in your posts, I am not surprised that they reached out to you to help...because they know you will do whatever it takes. I hope it ends well, and soon...both for you and for them.

      I would like to check out your blog. Would you please post a link?


  16. Hi Annabel

    Well as I sit here with a storm trying its hardest (but not happening) with temps in the mid 30's and high humidity and I read about what is happening in other areas, the devastation that the floods have caused and the power outages it is just heartbreaking. We recently had our generator serviced and installed a switch to make it easier for me to use as we feel that we may need it more than ever due to the harsh and more frequent storms we have been having.

    I remember all the advice that I have taken from Mimi over the years and still use some of her recipes from that time. I have looked but could not find the recipes that you were talking about but did manage to find some under A Tray full of Bliss Nannas recipes and Celebrations

    Most of my Christmas shopping is done for presents with the exception of a few gift cards. Mum's quilt has been started and one advent calendar is completed. Today I have DD12 home sick so instead of doing heaps after a difficult night I have started on my Christmas cards and a few letters, so little more done towards Christmas.

    Love your planters
    Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead

    Take Care
    Aly xxx

    1. Dear Aly, I am so happy you have a generator and made it easy for you to use. Very good idea. This is the link to the fb page... go to files...
      https://www.facebook.com/groups/903182896466017 On the blog the recipes in four sentences and the Pesto recipe are so good, easy and in constant use here!
      I hope DD is all better. It was a great plan to sit and do cards the way you did. When I am tired, havent slept or whatever I change to easier work. I call it sitting down work! Then something else gets completed. I really want to see your advent calendar and then your Mums quilt, if you get time! You have Coe so far with your sewing. It is just fantastic! With much love Annabel.xxx


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