We had a very big week! The big news is a new Grandson born on Monday! Chloe and Luke had a baby boy and little brother for Thomas. He is beautiful and his name is Chase. It is hard waiting for a baby to be born. It was lucky he arrived just after 3 pm as I had cleaned and polished just about everything in the house by then. When I am anxious I cook and clean!

I went to see my youngest daughter and her family. It was Sidney's second birthday. He has grown so much. I break this trip up with a stop at a little op shop on the way and a small supermarket on the way home. A couple of times a year I pass a tree on the roadside covered in pink Protea's. This trip is was covered. I slow up every time to have good look! I picked a heap that I could reach. I just happened to have my gardening scissors and baskets in the car. š Further along I stopped at a Rosemary bush that I had my eye on. It was wild and sprawled across the ground. I lifted up some of the branches at the bottom and they had root systems into the ground. I carefully pulled up lots of branches with roots and cut them off. I filled a basket with them. At home I planted eight good sized Rosemary plants directly into my garden. Smaller bits I potted up to grow for gifts/trading/the trading table.
My greenhouse is really filling up!
This trip also took me past the trading tables so I had big bunches of celery with me to trade with. I didn't get anything at the first table but the second table had boxes of freshly dug up herbs. There were Thyme bushes with a complete root ball in soil, Comfrey, Oregano and Mint plants. I selected one of these boxes. Oh my goodness it contained so many plants! It took me the best part of the next day to plant everything out, including the Rosemary. That day was sunny too so it was a beautiful day.
I had gaps in some of my containers which I filled with herbs.
I planted some things into my kitchen garden and the Mint into a big pot. This trip added so much to my garden!
On Monday, while I was waiting for Chase to be born, I was working in the kitchen and I could hear a chicken chirping. Then I thought mmm that chicken is inside! I went and looked in the incubator and there was a chicken making a lot of noise! I looked in my diary... he arrived two whole days early. I don't know how. Three more hatched on Wednesday. I still have eggs incubating that are due next week. Four seems to be my new magic number.
Recently my Uncle died. My Aunt and other Uncle had the job of packing up his unit. They approached charities to offer them furniture and household goods. No one wanted to take them despite it all being good stuff and beautifully kept. Mum was telling me about this and I said well I will take it.
On the property we have a house that is empty and this house is in ok condition. (Not like the cabin which was a complete wreck.) Back in the day farms were set up with an owners house, a workers house and maybe a jackaroos quarters or single mans cottage. These days most of these buildings are empty. All along I have known these houses are a huge asset and my plan was to eventually paint this house and furnish it. So just like that a household of basically everything came my way. I now have a spare washing machine and drier, lounge and dining suite, beds, wardrobes and everything down to cutlery. Plus... tools, garden tools, jars, casserole dishes, (including a Pyrex Lasagne dish!) and even pots and plants. It has been a big job unpacking it all but amazing. There is even a bird bath for the garden.

A couple of the pots are big enough to add to my veggie container garden. One was full of a huge over grown Aloe Vera. I divided it up and planted Aloe into my kitchen garden and dotted around the front garden. The smaller ones I am potting up for more plants for gifting and trading. MORE plants!
There were some lovely little succulents as well. I re potted some of those into a beautiful pot for next to the back door and they look lovely.
There were blood pressure monitors, medical scales, industrial size stainless steel mixing bowls. The list goes on.
I think my Aunt felt better that someone wanted my Uncles things and would put them to good use. So how amazing. I have been blessed with a furnished house.
I made some of the Proteas up into bunches. I knew of someone who would really love the surprise of a bouquet. With some paper and ribbon they looked very pretty. Andy is modelling them here...
Each time a baby is born I cook the dinners when they come home. Patsy encouraged me to share about this. I told her surely this is just normal but she said I would be surprised what people don't do. So here goes. The first week home from hospital I run a hot meal delivery service. This was possible when we lived in Adelaide as so did Kato and Lucy. It was only about a five minute drive from our house to theirs. So I was able to do this when Harper and Scarlett were born. I would heat the dishes and serve dinner piping hot into them, cover with foil or a lid them wrap in a thick towel. Like uber haha. It would be very hot still for them to serve.
When Sidney was born I stayed at their house and was able to do some meals this way and then made meals and delivered when we would go visit. That was harder as it is a two hour drive.
When Thomas was born that was easy and Chloe and Luke are a five minute drive from here. So I went back to the hot deliver system. And now for baby number five, Chase, here we go again.
Night one was Thursday night. (They arrived home Thursday afternoon.) The first meal was Spaghetti and Meatballs... (Tom likes meatballs) I just plan it and cook enough for us all. It is no harder to cook a bigger meal than a smaller one.
Desert was Lemon Butter, whipped cream and meringues in jars.
That was desert because during the week I used eggs and lemons I had on hand to make a big batch of Lemon Butter.
Mum (Great Nana) went to visit and see Chase for the first time today. She made tonight and tomorrow nights dinner for them. So I am back on duty Sunday night.
To me the first six weeks home with a new baby are a settling in period and very important. You are getting into a routine, getting to know your baby, getting into feeding. Lacking sleep. Late afternoon seems to be a time of tiredness, less milk, tired kids and the flurry to do baths and dinner. To me not having to make dinner is a huge help. Also a good nourishing dinner is good for everyone. So I guess from my own experience I decided this was a good way to help. But really the gift of a delicious and nourishing meal is a perfect gift for someone sick, someone overrun or run down, someone injured, someone struggling. It combines help, love and nutrition. Nan used to say an ounce of help is better than a pound of sympathy. I think that is true. In a couple of weeks I will change over to some easy to heat up meals but for now I will do the hot ready to eat delivery service. If this contributes to a good settling in period and things going smoothly then it is a very good investment. We talk a lot about good foundations. Good routines. These things help so much. That is my thinking.
Here is baby Chase... wrapped in a blanket Mum made.
He is so tiny and beautiful. I feel very lucky to have five Grandchildren.
That all added up to a pretty big week! A week of increase in so many ways!
I hope it was a good week for you too. How did you build up your home, pantry or garden? How are you managing all the price rises? I think it is pretty well everywhere... food, fuel, gas, electricity, everything going up at once. We need to think ahead, be inventive and be very very busy! But we can do it!xxx
Welcome Baby Chase! What a beautiful baby - so glad he arrived safely :) So many of us have been waiting in anticipation :)
ReplyDeleteI love the Proteas. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your Uncle Annabel.
Much love, Heidi xx
Dear Heidi, Thank you so much! Have a lovely weekend! Love Annabel.xxx
DeleteBabies are such a blessing. Congratulations to all. Annabelle you are a blessing too to your family. The meals are the best gift you could give to your daughter better than any baby clothes or toys.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sharyn.xxx
DeleteCongratulations on the birth of your beautiful grandson. Chase is a beautiful boy! He is so lucky to have been born into your family, and have Chloe for his Mum. He also has a wonderful big brother to play with and his cousins too. I loved your story f how you help in the first 6 weeks. I think this is just the best thing that anyone could do, and you're right it isn't just for newborn times. When a family member/friend makes you a meal it really does nourish the soul. I love what your Nan used to say, it really is true. I think it is wonderful that you are setting up a great foundation by doing this. I have learnt a lot about foundations from you for which I am so thankful :) Well done on getting all those plants planted. What a great asset for the garden. I was given some jeans and some school uniforms this week, this is a great help. I was able to make a birthday cake- your banana cake with passionfruit icing and I made some soup and gave some to my Mum and Dad. My son and I went and got some cuttings from the roadside where a lady had notified me I could get some and we came back and planted them- we have both been watering them. Fingers crossed, they take! We went bike riding today and it is a great form of exercise. Lots of love, Lily
ReplyDeleteDear Lily, I am so happy you also were able to get plants from the road side. Also bike riding is lovely! I have been thinking about good foundations a lot. I just had to re start a crochet blanket and even doing that it all depends on the good foundation rows!
DeleteIt is great you were given jeans and school uniforms, both are expensive!
Passionfruit icing would suit that cake beautifully! Your Mum and Dad would have appreciated the soup too. You had a very good week! With love Annabel.xxx
Oh, he is just beautiful! There is nothing like a newborn. It changes the whole house, in a good wonderful way. I know your meals are a blessing to the whole family. Those flowers are beautiful also.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much MamaHen! xxx
DeleteOh Annabel, congratulations on the newest addition to the clan! Although I don't get much time to comment, I'm always here, having a look. Chase is beautiful and you are absolutely amazing with what you manage to achieve - a true inspiration we all can benefit from. God bless your (not so) little tribe, love from South Africa
ReplyDeleteDear CJ, Im so happy having a South African Bluebird thank you for commenting. Thanks so much! Love Annabel.xxx
DeleteCongratulations on the arrival of baby Chase! He is beautiful. Grandbabies are such a blessing.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks! xxx
Deletewhat a precious baby - he is adorable. Congrats to all.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Cherylxxx
DeleteCongratulations, Annabel. Baby Chase is a beautiful-beautiful baby boy. You must be proud of all 5 grandchildren - you have a wonderful family and I think this is the biggest wealth in life. Wishing you and your family blessings, good health and lots of love from Romania , Laura_s_world
ReplyDeleteThank you Laura!xxx
DeleteAnnabel he is beautiful. One of our families at work welcomed a new baby and he is gorgeous to.
ReplyDeleteThis weekend I plan on having a cooking and cleaning weekend. If tomorrow is warm enough I really need to get into the garden along our driveway fence. It is narrow but long and takes a deceptive amount of time to do.
I plan to make pumpkin soup, lemon curd and a fruit loaf. The pumpkin will be frozen in double serving sizes. I won't to have it there if we become unwell again. My partner is the main cook here.
How wonderful to inherit your Uncle's household goods. I am sure he would be thrilled to know you have them.
I am not sure if I mentioned but last month I joined a survey rewards site. My plan is to use them to cover birthdays and Christmas gifts. I have already covered a birthday and now I am on to Christmas. We only exchange gifts with my partners brother and his partner. The rest of my family decided to stop some years back. We do make a fuss of each other on our birthdays though. The surveys are easy to do and I often do them when on a break at work.
This is one way of keeping money in our pocket. The other thing I have done is to change our internet provider. With this we have decided to no longer have a landline phone as very few people call us on it. This will save us $45 a month. Along with a small pay rise and the surveys we will saving around $3000 over the year. I am very happy with that.
The proteas are stunning. I hate to think how much your beautiful bunch would cost from a florist.
The trading table is wonderful and I am amazed at what you pick from the side of the road.
Have a happy and safe week everyone.
Dear Mandy, You have made a lot of changes and added the surveys and it is all adding up to a lot! You have shown some great examples of areas we can re assess to improve the budget. I think the surveys are great especially as you can do them in small chunks of time. Also you have the goal now to cover Christmas so it will be kind of fun to do!
DeleteIn the case of the proteas and rosemary at one time that site had a factory. Now it is all deserted and grown over. Outside of the fence on the road side the remnants of its existence are the tree, the rosemary and various other bushes that were once planted. It takes a lot of restraint not to jump the fence as on the other side is a huge bush of another kind of protea or banksia that are yellow. I wish I could see someone to ask if I could pick those. Going up and down this road over time I have found about 8 apple trees. Dad said they would have started when someone threw an apple core out of the car. I love those apples trees! Now and then I browse a florist shop and see the prices! I get some ideas though. Things like a wreath might be $300!
Your weekend cooking sounds beautiful and it will be very helpful to have soup in the freezer. It is so cold here I hope it is warmer there! With love Annabel.xxx
Congratuations on the safe arrival of Chase. Very sorry to hear about your uncle. I am so glad that you were able to take all his stuff and male good use of it all. Will you show us some pictures when you get the house set up please?
ReplyDeleteThe protea's are beautiful, one of my favourite flowers but so expensive here in the UK,.
Dear Kim, Yes I will I think when we get it all painted. I have a way to go!
DeleteYou would love to see this protea tree when it is flowering it has hundreds of flowers and the ones I pick at at the bottom because I can reach them! It would be like having a money tree to a florist! Many thanks! Love Annabel.xxx
congratulations from France ,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Lucette!xxx
DeleteBeautiful grandson! And a beautifully hearted grandma to be so thoughtful!
ReplyDeleteI love what you did with those flowers! I would be happy to receive them!
Thank you Debby.xxx
DeleteBeautiful baby boy! Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you Laurie! xxx
DeleteThe hardest day ever is one when a daughter is in labor and giving birth! You are such a huge blessing to bring those meals to your family. Our church did them when we had our babies and I remember how much it meant. That little guy is just beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI am amazed at your bounty of getting all your Uncle's things. I would have so much fun going through everything and setting up another house!
We had kind of a slow week but we did get some food into the canner and on the shelves and homegrown peppers chopped and frozen for future meals. There were some good deals for Amazon Prime Day that helped to restock some pantry areas. Every little bit is progress.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy those baby snuggles!
Dear Lana, Yes to me it was amazing to go through the boxes and see what arrived. There is something useful in there for every member of the family. You did well with the Peppers and adding to your shelves. As you say it all adds up. With love Annabel.xxx
DeleteOnce again, an inspiring and feel good post. Being well organized is a big asset in managing your household and family life. A well planned trip resulted in benefit for many. I wish we had wild rosemary in our climate; it is one of my favorite herbs. Must come into the house for the winter though. Congratulations on your beautiful new grandson.
ReplyDeleteDear Rita, I think we are lucky that things slow down in winter but survive ok. Next time I go past I am going back to that Rosemary for some more. Because it is wet now it is a good time to pull up the rooted parts they just lift up perfectly. When I cook lamb a bunch of Rosemary goes underneath and it smells so beautiful! Many thanks! With love Annabelxxx
DeleteWhat a wonderful farm God has blessed you with! It is great that you have the energy to make meals for your daughter. Congratulations on the new baby. He is precious! The flowers are beautiful. Lucky you to find thongs to add to your garden!........Nancy
ReplyDeleteDear Nancy, There are times when I dont have energy but when that happens I have something in the freezer ready from when I did have more energy. By the end of the week I am often very tired. Im thrilled with how much I added to the garden this week! Thank you so much! Love Annabel.xxx
DeleteYour posts ALWAYS give me a lift at the end of the week. Very appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThe flowers are gorgeous. I've seen them on your blog in previous years and think what beautiful pink flowers.
The baby is precious. Congratulations! Such a blessing. The blanket your Mum made is perfect. Love the color.
Good to hear you were able to put to use all your Uncle's household goods and extras. Your service to your family with meals is wonderful! That spaghetti looks scruptious! Motivation for our new week in reading your blog. Thank you. :-)
Dear Anon, Thank you so much! I have put lots more things of my Uncles into use including some Pyrex dishes. And a big jar I filled with biscuits. Have a lovely new week! With love Annabel.xxx
DeleteCongratulations on the new baby! How wonderful! He is precious. My sympathy on the loss of your Uncle. I'm sure he would be pleased that his household items are going to be used and appreciated. A fully furnished cabin, how neat! Will you rent it out like your other one? Your chicks are so cute, too. Yes, your idea of helping out families with meals is a great one. I remember when my son was born 26 years ago. I was 37 and had a problem delivery, and my mom came from OH and stayed with us 7 weeks. (It was before she moved to WI) It was such a blessing to have someone else fix meals and clean when I couldn't! I'm so glad you're able to be with all your family and help out as much as you do. My best wishes to you all!! Hugs, Jill
ReplyDeleteDear Jill,
DeleteI am not sure how this house will be used I just felt to look after it and furnish it. The cabin has pretty regular use and I get the boxes of veggies in return so I love it. It was so lovely your Mum came and helped you when you had your son. What a good start to have with him! Many thanks Jill, with love Annabel.xxx
Congratulations to the whole family! He's a beautiful baby.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Annabel, for sharing about the meals. Yes, a cooked dinner is all I ever asked for when I had each of my babies. Your flowers are gorgeous, too!
Well, it is midsummer and gardeners are beginning to share their bounty. I have already received some zucchini and yellow-necked squash. So good cooked up in garlic and butter. Yum! To help with rising gas prices ($5 per gallon, USD) I have been selling eggs. Yes, here in town. Several of my neighbors have already purchased from me. Nice way to get to know neighbors better!
Everything is rising in cost. Not a good time to have a major plumbing bill and our large freezer go out. We scrimped, saved and borrowed to pay the plumber. And I was able to rescue meat from the dying freezer. Some food went bad, but it was some leftovers and veg. So it has become chicken food. Which is saving on chicken pellets. ;) God is providing...my husband is getting a bonus which will help with a newer freezer. We did enjoy a minor- league baseball game last night, courtesy of my husband's employer. Such fun!
Blessings to all the Bluebirds!
Dear Lesley,
DeleteI think selling eggs is just great and yes you will get to know new people! I am sorry about your freezer and plumbing bill! Im so glad you could save some meat. So sorry this happened. I hope you can get a new freezer soon! Having a night out to enjoy was just lovely! I hope this week is an easier one! with love Annabel.xxx
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Chloe, Luke, and Thomas...and to all of you! Chase is absolutely adorable. Thank you so much for writing about the "hot meal delivery service". Sometimes it's the details (or lack of them...as in, how do I actually pull this off?) that keep us from acting on an idea!
Those flowers are really gorgeous. I don't think we have those here! What a beautiful bouquet...I bet the recipient was just thrilled.
That is so wonderful that you were able to put your uncle's belongings to good use. It's amazing that all of those perfectly good items would be wanted by no one!
It's berry season in full force right now...raspberries, red and black currants, and I'm picking, picking, picking! We're not suffering from lack of vitamin C at the moment, I can tell you! Ha, ha.
Oh, P.S. What a gorgeous idea for a dessert! My mouth is watering!
Lots of kisses for sweet smelling baby heads from Nova Scotia!
xx Jen
Dear Jen, I am so happy you have so many berries coming in. That is. fantastic. They are basically little vitamin pills!
DeleteWhen you have a church gathering or picnic... desert in jars is a super sweet thing to do. Or for a delivered meal. I am wanting to do trifles ... I better actually plan this so it happens though! Have a fantastic new week! With love Annabel.xxx
What a blessing is little Chase. Congratulations. Another little one to enjoy your farm as he grows. When we lived on the land it was such fun to have our niece and nephews come for their school holidays. They are adults themselves now, but still count those days on the farm as their best growing up. Itās cold up here again today but we plan on doing yard work this weekend, and maybe a picnic after church tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you.
Dear Anon, I think farm life and animals are just great for kids. That is how we spent our holidays too. I hope you had a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx
DeleteWelcome baby Chase! Oh my goodness what a blessing for your family ! You have been so busy Annabel what great finds in plants to add to your garden. So sorry to hear about your uncles passing š so glad you were able to use his things I think he would be happy about that. Enjoy your new grandson and family. Sending blessings and hugs Gaila in the NW
ReplyDeleteDear Gaila, Thank you! I have added so much to the garden lately! And we had more rain to help it all get going! Have a great new week! With love Annabel.xxx
DeleteAnnabelle, congratulations on your sweet grandson. Your family is growing. All your good news was refreshing to me. I love how you make the best use of "found" plants and objects and I know your uncle would be happy to have his things appreciated and put to good use again. We will be anxious to hear about your progress on that new project. It is still so hot and dry here and except for a few tomato plants that are hanging on, plus my okra plot, I'm tossing in the towel on my gardens this year. I can't complain when I think of the plight of the ranchers in our area who are forced to sell their cattle. With the way costs have gone up, when there is no grass, it doesn't make sense to keep buying feed and hay. My friend who works at the auction barn says they are working long hours trying to keep up with the increased sales. Here we will just carry on and hope for a better season next year. Love to all and a fun, productive weekend!
ReplyDeleteDear Pam, Last week I saw footage someone took of all the vehicles taking animals in to sell at a market. The person posting said they have never seen anything like it. This is so very sad to me, I would be heartbroken to have to sell my cows. I hope people are realising what this means for next year and the next few. I hope you will get a better season next year! With love Annabel.xxx
DeleteAnnabel, congratulations on the birth of your grandson! He looks so peaceful wrapped in that homemade blanket. Your meal delivery service is wonderfulāwhat a beautiful way of living out your nan's saying about giving help.
ReplyDeleteWith love from,
Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)
Dear Kelly,
DeleteThanks so much! Have a good new week! with love Annabel.xxx
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby in a wonderful blanket.
ReplyDeleteYou are such an inspiration! The meal service is so loving and I know your kids are blessed by it.
As I watch you continue to build your family farm, I am amazed with all that God has provided. You are so good at listening!
I wonder what He is preparing you for?
So magical to know that He knows what you will need in 5 or 10 years and you are just collecting the goods as He directs.
Thank you for another inspiring post. They always make my week brighter.
Forgot my name, lol that was Patti from California
DeleteDear Patti, In Australia we are experiencing the same things coming as you, diesel and engine oil shortages, massive price rises in fuel, electric and gas, plus food. Then fertiliser shortages. The direction of this is not good. I am hoping everyone is preparing. Thank you very much! With love Annabel.xxx
DeleteYoung Master Chase is just perfect. Congratulations all round on the arrival of this precious package.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Jane! xxx
DeleteHi. Congratulations on baby Chase. I love his name! We are at the stage of life where the Great Grandchildren are arriving thick and fast. Five to date but it's always exciting to have a new baby in the family, isn't it.
ReplyDeleteDear Helen, How wonderful to have Great grandchildren! Mum also has five Great Grandchildren so far. Thank you so much, Love Annabel.xxx
DeleteCongratulations on your new grandchild. Not something that's ever going to happen for me, but I am ok with that.
ReplyDeleteI cannot credit that no one wanted your uncle's stuff! It never ceases to amaze me that people will complain that they have nothing and will then turn down perfectly good things! Anyway, their loss, your gain.
I was given a sewing machine this week! It's a newer, and lighter, version of the one I bought in 1982. I haven't tried it out yet, but I am hopeful.
I also found greengage bushes positively groaning under the weight of fruit! They're not ripe yet but I am keeping my eye on them. They're on scrub land so no one will mind me picking them. I foresee plenty of jam in my future!
I continue to pick strawberries, raspberries and redcurrants from my little garden on a daily basis.
Other than that fairly quiet here. How are your quail doing Annabel? I am dying to know!
Have a good week everyone.
Dear Su, It is fantastic to have a new sewing machine! I hope it works well for you.
DeleteI would be closely watching the fruit, how exciting! All the berries coming in are just beautiful! The Quail are fantastic. They are so tame and happy. I will try and get some photos! With love Annabel.xxx
What a precious new grandson! Congratulations to you and your sweet family! Oh my goodness, what a generous and wonderful gift of hot meals for the new parents. You and your Mom are such good examples of how to help the parents when a new little one arrives. Also, my sympathies to you and your family for the loss of your Uncle. What a blessing that his things are being used again, Iām sure he is smiling from heaven knowing you are putting them to good use. Your rosemary and other herbs are wonderful! The trading is such a neighborly practice. I just love it. We have an informal system here in the USA in some areas, including my neighborhood, where sometimes neighbors leave things we donāt need anymore next to the street with a āfreeā sign taped to them. Weāve picked up things such as excess garden produce, plants, two huge elegant planters, a side table, and a nice clothes dryer that only needed a new cord, which my husband installed. We share things with our neighbors and donate often to charities too. We (two neighbors, my dh, ds and his family) had the most fun yesterday at a huge rummage sale a local church held. I purchased a huge brand new silk plant, Victoria magazines, 2 like new baskets, books, audio books, and other miscellaneous items. My d-i-l purchased clothes and so much yarn for her crochet projects, mostly cotton yarn in bright colors. This particular church hosts its sale once per year and we always look forward to it with great anticipation. Annabel, I hope you and all Bluebirds have a beautiful week! Love, Teresa
ReplyDeleteDear Teresa,
DeleteI just love Victoria magazines! I would have been excited with those alone!
Your DIL finding yarn was fantastic also! That sounds like a lot of fun, my idea of a great day!
In the city they have this curbside set up too and I have found some amazing things. I love it!
Thank you for your kind wishes and comment. Our little Chase is doing well! Have a lovely Sunday and new week! With love Annabel.xxx
Dear Teresa,
DeleteI just love VICTORIA magazine as well. I hope you enjoy them immensely! I have the entire collection from the premier way back in 1987 through the most current. I even buy the Victoria Classic Specials. It's my only magazine I have continued to get all of these years. They are a wonderful "escape". They rank in my "comforts" like chocolate. Blessings, Laura
I have talked to my kids about what they would want of ours. Especially my daughter and daughter-in-law. By doing so, I knew I should go ahead and give my wedding china to charity because no one wanted it. My daughter said tastes have changed since the 1970s! I guess so because I see a lot of Noritake china at the thrift stores and Goodwill. My daughter reminded me that I had three granddaughters (now four) who would be interested by the time I go Home. I love how God provides, a whole house of furniture for an empty house. That is amazing!
ReplyDeleteDear Brenda,
DeleteYes I am still amazed. I really have been learning to ask, say yes and take opportunities! Also clearing things that are really not useful or loved makes room for practical things like food storage or other things that are much wiser for that space. This has transformed my storage spaces! Many thanks, Love Annabel.xxx
gently laughing over the 'just happen to have' comment ... Rosemary is a great one for rooting from branch to soil (heavy rock and you'll soon have roots) but will also root on windowsill in water. You do root hem a little differently than other water propagated plants though. You want to have at least 2 inches or so of rosemary leaves UNDER water. I tried and tried to root on my windowsill and finally stumbled upon a gardening blog that shared that secret. Now I have success each time I try to root rosemary. I have two smaller bushes and one that is HUGE about four feet across and was over five feet tall at the beginning of the spring. I trimmed it back a bit and daughter in law took some of the thick heavy stems home and shoved in soil in her garden so she has three or four growing now, too. Fun fact, Rosemary is said to grow best for households where the woman is strong. Of course, I don't buy that, but it's fun to share anyway.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on that new little boy! And please accept my sympathy for the loss of your uncle. How awesome to take the household items and furnish the other cottage.
No it's not as common as you might think for new mums to have food delivered. My youngest and I devised a plan where she'd tell me what meals she wanted once she was home several weeks before her due date. I'd make and freeze entrees and when she was due planned to carry them to her. Well, it happened that when first child was born, I ended up hospitalized with a life threatening ailment a day after. Those meals came in very handy for OUR household, but when I was better, I put up several meals which helped her through first teething. When her second child was born, I again did the frozen entrees and delivered them to her during last week of pregnancy and put in her freezer. She could choose what she wanted each day, thaw and heat and that worked well. I did same for son and daughter in law when they had their last child, even though son is the chief cook in the household it was still a help.
Last week I bought something off Amazon Prime. I buy my coffee k-cups from Amazon and recently noted that the price had jumped up by about 10c per k-cup. On Prime day however, they cost what they formerly had. I ordered them and cancelled this month's subscription on them. That saved me about $30 right there.
I've been working on doing a pantry/freezer challenge to use up some older and less often reached for items. I'm buying groceries right on but only the fresh produce will be used right now. The other items are going into freezer and pantry to be used later.
I purchased a lovely pot of four types of coleus in late spring. This is an incredibly easy to root plant and I'm constantly pinching back stems, rooting new plants, then potting up elsewhere. The parent plant then gets pinched again and I start all over! So far, I've added seven or so pots of plants to my porches and yard. This will keep going on all through fall until frost.
I cut eyes from potatoes that sprouted and intend to get them planted this week to see if they might produce. I harvested chives, oregano, basil and peppermint from my herbs. I found basil seeds I'd harvested last year and went ahead and sowed them. M y son mentioned he'd had a hard time growing basil this year. I told him I'd plant more so he can get all he'd want.
We've been doing all the yardwork at the townhouse. Each week when i come home from there I bring some item I can use here at home that isn't wanted, like bricks. Bricks make great borders for flower beds in my opinion. I'm now starting a new flower bed!
Dear Terri, Thanks for the tips of Rosemary. I plan to get more next trip. Your sounds amazing to have reached that size!
DeleteYou have a lot in your garden! That is fantastic to have so much to preserve. I think your story is a testimony to having ready meals in the freezer full stop. They are the gift of help to others but they can also get us through an illness or other hard time at home. Using up things from the pantry is good too. It keeps the rotation going. Have a lovely Sunday and very good new week! With love, Annabel.xxx
An online friend who had no family nearby made and froze 25-40 meals before each of her children were born. She did this in the two months before each arrival. When ground beef was on sale, she made a bunch of ground beef dishes; a chicken sale produced chicken dishes; pork, etc. Some dishes were fully cooked, others were prepped and ready to go into the oven or Crockpot. I'm sure she would have been thrilled to have her mom cook for her, but her mother lived 800 miles away. As I mentioned in my post below, even 7 meals were a Godsend when I was sick for about 4 weeks with less than a two-week break in between. Thank heavens I cooked double several times in those two weeks!
DeleteWelcome, Chase! You have been blessed with a wonderful family and your family has been blessed with wonderful you!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I have both been sick with Covid for a little over a week. Fortunately, not TOO sick...we were expecting much worse. I also had a bad cold about 4 weeks ago. Bluebird friends, we would be up the creek if I had not followed Annabel's advice about making and freezing 7 ready meals. Fortunately, I topped them up again after I got over the cold. They have been a true blessing!
Dear Maxine, I hope you are both feeling much better! I am so glad you have good food for these times! I know it does help so much. Also when sick is the time we need to be eating good home cooked food. I did a big cook up yesterday and Tuesday and added some freezer meals to keep them topped up also! With love Annabel.xxx
DeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteI wasn't able to comment on Friday because my laptop crashed completely last Saturday and I have been waiting for a new one. I've had it since 2008-9 I think, and it had Window 7 so I guess it was time for it to go. Congratulations to Chloe and Luke on their new little boy, Chase. He is a sweetheart for sure. I'll bet Thomas is excited and Lucy's girls will be over the moon with a new cousin to dote on. I'm so sorry about your uncle, but wow on all the beautiful things to furnish you other cottage with. Your chicks are so cute. Blessings, Laura
Dear Laura,
DeleteI hope you are up and running with your new computer! Thank you so much! It was a week of many blessings! With love Annabel.xxx
Hi Annabel
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Chloe and Luke on the birth of their beautiful son Chase
How exciting for you Annabel another Grandchild to dote on.
I agree that people are different these days and don't deliver pre made meals. I did not have this when DD12 was born but had been given the idea off another friend to pre make my meals and freeze which I was so grateful for cause as you say the lack of sleep gets to you.
Your Chicks are just so delightful to see
Over the weekend DD12 and I stayed home and watched some movies but it was high time that her lego was sorted through so we have made a massive start on the sorting and will do some more again shortly. Can't believe she has so much. We are going to sort through some of her millions of books and games as well.
Hope everyone is having a productive week
Time to head to the sewing room for a bit.
Take Care
Aly xxx
Dear Aly,
DeleteIt is great that your DD loves lego. It is a "fun" job sorting it out though! We used to love a sort out, do wardrobes, clothes, toys and re arrange things. It made everything seem new and fresh. I loved that! With much love Annabel.xxx