Feather your Nest, Saturday 7th May, 2022.

I am late to post this week.  Already I had many messages to check if I am ok, thank you so much!   This week I took a trip with Mum as my Uncle died last week and we went to the city for his funeral.    So we are tired but my Uncle had a beautiful funeral and service by a Priest that he went to school with.   It was really special.  We had full confidence when we prayed to give him into God's care.   This was also a special time with Mum and family.  My Uncle Jim was a wonderful Uncle, when we were kids he really went all out for us.  He was the fun Uncle!   All his life he was a dedicated brother to both his sisters. 

We had rain.  It has already made a big difference and everything is becoming beautiful and green.   And it is cold!   Suddenly we need our fire.   Andy brought the first wood up to the house.

We stack wood in the big shed up behind our house and try to be a year ahead.  This year the tractor is a big help for these jobs.

I worked through more apples making puree to use and freeze.

I met my friend Wendy and she gave me six more beautiful big Fowlers jars.   I filled them all already! 

Thank you Wendy!  The local hardware store had the rings and clips...  my supplies were low (although I have plenty of lids) so I stocked up.

While in town I went to two op shops.  I had the best luck!  I found two Country Road girls jackets in new condition and two more to put away for the boys.  Just beautiful. 

My present cupboard had a lot of additions.   I really enjoyed making these key rings and they feel so soft and nice! 


In the garden I planted out heaps of succulents and basil that grew roots in my windowsill set up.

Twenty eggs went into the incubator!  I feel like a nesting hen checking my eggs many times a day! 

I made a heap of roast turkey and veggie meals.   Then the turkey bones went into my largest slow cooker to make a big batch of soup.  

In the store I found a great deal on liquid hand soap so I did a big stock up. 

When I got home I had enthusiastic greetings, even the cows all came up to the fence to see me.   These two are the friendliest.   They are so big now they could scare a person to death that didn't know they were just wanting biscuits! 

It is hard to describe how nice cows are.   They are just beautiful. 

It is so good to be home!

I hope you had a week of lots of opportunities to build your nest,  love your family,  add to your pantry or garden.    Happy Mothers Day to all the Mums! xxx


  1. Welcome back! You give me so much inspiration to continue to strive to be the best steward I can be

    1. Thank you! That is the nicest thing I could hear you say! xxx

  2. Glad all is well in your neck of the woods Annabel xx

    1. Thanks so much Robyne.xxx

  3. Dear Annabel
    Iā€™m sorry to hear about your Uncle Jim. Time is passing way too fast and claiming too many of our loved ones now we are all gaining in years.
    You have beautiful memories so Uncle Jimā€™s life was very well lived. Thatā€™s a true legacy.
    Love Kate

    1. Dear Kate, Thank you. Yes the losses are really reminding me of our gaining years and time being very precious. Love Annabel.xxx

  4. Glad you're ok, I was beginning to think all sorts of things! Sorry about your uncle though, but a good service and fond remembrances are all dear.

    This week we had rain too! That shouldn't be notable in north west England, but I don't think we had any in April. So, all my houseplants and I have a lot, got put outside to be rained on, they do seem to appreciate it.
    I stocked up on cous cous, vanilla, tea and wholemeal pitta breads, which seem to be an endangered species.

    I have long wanted to try rug making, well I have discovered locker hug rug making and I love it. I love a nice repetitive craft and this fits the bill nicely. I have very nearly finished a rug for the side of my bed and whilst it's not perfect I like it a lot. More rugs are on the horizon!
    I bought a small hydroponic grow light set up, which I only intend using during winter, but I found it at a good price and it's small enough to suit my needs, so home it came.
    I also got a beautiful vintage linen pillowcase that's beautifully embroidered and finished with crocheted lace. I very nearly didn't buy it as it was badly stained and no one wants a stained pillowcase, but I reasoned that I could use the lace and the embroidery and they were worth the 50p asking price. When I got it home I stuck it in oxi bleach overnight and it's come up like new! So that was a good learning experience for me, not all stains are permanent.
    So that and possibly the world's worst training session, which I was forced to endure at work were my week.

    Take care everyone and have a good week.

    1. Dear Su, As I read your comment about the stained pillowcase I was already thinking I bet you could soak that and get the stain out! Oxi soakers are amazing. I have stood and watched stains disappear before my eyes. That is fantastic it worked on this gorgeous lace and embroidery!
      Rain is the best thing in the world for houseplants. I do the same thing! They are so fresh (also dusted) and thrive on this.
      I need to look up this kind of rug making. Rug making interests me too. My Great Aunt used to make bath mats from pantyhose. Back in the day when everyone wore pantyhose there were plenty supplies of discarded ones... she cut them into long strips and crocheted them. They turned into thick spongy absorbent mats.
      I am sorry about the terrible training session! Oh boy! But your week still sounds very good and much better than last week which I am glad to hear! With love Annabel.xxx

  5. Happy Motherā€™s Day to you too! Sorry about your uncle šŸ˜¢

    1. Thanks so much Kathy.xxx

  6. You sure accomplished a lot with being out of town for a couple days. Hugs to the family.

    1. Thanks so much Cheryl.xxx

  7. It is spring here in Minnesota finally!! It went from 30ā€™s and snow to 70ā€™s in one week. And next week they are forecasting mid 80ā€™s. But that doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t have a frost yet this spring.

    I bought my annual flower sets at an Amish greenhouse for half of regular nurseries. They are potted up. Hubby tilled the garden, onions and potatoes are planted. Seeds will go in next week and tomato and pepper plants around Memorial Day.

    Gas has started to rise again- it is over $4/gallon. We will be spending time at home this summer. We have a fishing trip planned and paid for but other than that home sweet home. Iā€™m ok with that we have a list of many projects we would like to complete.

    So sorry to hear of your loss, however it is easier when you know they are in the arms of Jesus. I am always in awe of what you get completed in a week. Since I retired I always think, I can do that tomorrow and sometimes tomorrow is the next day or the next! I have a list and I am trying to do 4 things a day off the list.

    Have a great week!

    1. It is lovely it is Spring and you are off and running with the garden! I would love to visit an Amish Greenhouse!
      I work from a list too. I make certain goals for the week. Lists help me a lot. Have a great week to you also!xxx

  8. Oops for got to sign the post from Minnesota-Julie T from Minnesota

  9. A fun Uncle is a wonderful gift! My condolences to your family.

    1. I agree with Lana--a fun uncle is a wonderful gift! I'm so glad you had one, and sorry that he has left this earth. Memories are forever, though.

    2. Thank you so much Lana and Maxine.xxx

  10. Dear Annabel,
    I'm glad you are alright. I did wonder why there was no post. I'm so sorry about your uncle, but knowing he is in heaven makes things so much easier.
    Wishing you, Lucy, and Chloe a wonderful Mother's Day. Blessings, Laura (U.S., Ohio)

  11. Sounds like a very productive week. So sorry about the loss of your dear Uncle, but I'm so glad you have lovely memories and a surety of his place in Heaven. My best to you and your family.

  12. I am glad you are ok. I was cheking every hour your blog for the new post - thinking of you from the other part of the world. I am sorry for your uncle, we say in my country "God rest his soul" and keep talking about him - only when no one remembers you, you die. My big news is I got my dehydrator. So big plans and fun days ahead. A big thank you for you and the bluebirds for this - I was reading and learning from you. Big hugs from laura_s_world in Romania

    1. I am so glad about your dehydrator! Because of your garden you will have so much that you can preserve this way. You will love it! I am thinking of you and praying. With love Annabel.xxx

  13. I inherited a love of cows from my father. It is a running joke (kind of because I am serious) that when I get to Heaven, I will finally get a few cows as pets!

    1. Dear Brenda, I wish you could come here and pat my cows. My Dad loved them too. I am hopeful for some more calves. It has been a crazy busy week here. Many thanks, Love Annabel.xxx

  14. Hi Annabel and good to hear you are okay and sorry about the loss of your fun uncle and pass my condolences to the rest of your family from me.

    You have been able to stock up in many ways being your fowlers rings and clips, lots of lovely good priced hand wash and lovely jackets for the grandchildren :) . You got lots done in the making your apple puree and lots of lovely soups and meals. Lovely you have had lots of rain as we have here and everything is lovely and green. So much easier to bring the firewood up to the shed with the tractor and that is why we purchased a large ride on lawnmower dump cart to do the same thing. It beats carting firewood in a wheelbarrow.

    In the kitchen -
    - Cooked 4 loaves of wholemeal white bread in the bread making machines saving $13.96 over buying them locally.
    - Cooked all meals from scratch.
    - Blanch and froze the silverbeet and beans we picked from the gardens into meal sized portions for the freezer.

    Tidying and re-organising -
    - We finished cleaning and tidying up the tool shed and found a few more things we won't use to sell being a 1T cable puller, a wood chipper that was not good from the start so we shall sell it for the motor, a boogie board and a carousel wooden CD holder and also we will sell the 1940's electric water pump we have in the shed that is working but will replace with a newer model.

    Purchases -
    - Saved $37.13 or 48.72% on usual grocery prices by buying my toothpaste on half price sale, using a $20 off voucher I got from a previous promotion, $10 off rewards cards point dollars and using our 4% RACQ ww e-gift card to do a mini grocery stock up for this month.

    In the gardens -
    - Harvested 1kg of green beans and 5 bunches of silverbeet from the gardens saving $34.40 over buying them in the supermarkets.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead :) .


    1. Dear Lorna, Andy has a trailer for the ride on mower... it is so handy. These things have made me realise how much help the right tools etc are for a job.
      Selling things that you wont use is great as I know you will quickly re invest or add to your emergency fund.
      What a fantastic harvest of beans and silverbeet! So much goodness. The prices of fresh produce have become pretty staggering. I harvested some broccoli and that has been $8 a kilo at least. And it is so beautiful and fresh. I worked out I can later harvest all the stems on the plants and use those in soup. The more we can grow the better.
      We have had more rain over night. Not great amounts but enough to keep things going so its very good! With much love Annabel.xxx

  15. Evening Annabel,
    Condolences for the loss of your Uncle. What wonderful memories you have of your time with him.
    Your tractor is certainly making light work of moving the wood.
    I would love to explore your pantry, it must look amazing with all your jars filled with supplies.
    Great buying at the op shop again.
    I made a carrot cake and cheese scones to take to mum and dad's for afternoon tea today.
    It has been a productive weekend for me. Yesterday after the grocery shop, a visit to the Vegeland for fresh produce and fruit for the fortnight I got stuck in to weeding the garden. I finished weeding the vegetable garden and the raspberry canes. I also trimmed the grapevine and swept up leaves. I took a bag of plant matter that had rotted down to soil in a bag and spread it's richness across part of the vege garden. Today after icing the cake and making the scones I popped down to our local garden centre. My partner's brother and his partner gave me a voucher for my birthday last November. I brought the book Yates 50 Edible Plants, new gardening gloves and mustard seed for the winter garden. All I had to pay was $10 for the seed. I got that sorted when we got home from mum and dad's today.
    I am hoping to do some op shooing soon for some new work clothes.
    Have a great week everyone.
    Mandy (NZ)

    1. Dear Mandy, I see such good clothes in op shops, I hope you have good luck and success. I have a lot of pantry cupboards in addition to my actual walk in pantry. When we first saw this house the first thing was it had a great pantry. My Dad was quick to point out it also have a great chicken coop!
      Your weekend sounded so lovely. Very productive. You made such good use of the voucher! Very nice! Carrot cake and scones would have been beautiful for Mothers Day. If you had enough long bits of the grapevine you could twist them into simple wreaths... I love grapevine for this! You do so much to make life lovely, what a good week! With love Annabel.xxx

  16. Hello Annabel, So sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Uncle. My heart goes out to you and your family. Thank you for posting here even amidst your loss. What a busy seek you had, with a lot of getting ahead. I love the beautiful key rings! Such pretty and useful gifts! You always amaze me with your creativity, so inspiring! My news is that I purchased a food dehydrator, and I will be trying it out just as soon as I return home from a family trip. We normally have a huge grape harvest from just a few vines in the fall, and I plan to be well-practiced by the time September rolls around. Blessing to all Bluebirds, Teresa

    1. Thank you Teresa. I am son pleased about your dehydrator! Truly once I got into the swing of mine it has worked so hard. I hope you had (or are having) a wonderful trip. A big grape harvest would be beautiful. With love Annabel.xxx

  17. Dear Annabel, I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle. I have been thinking and praying for you and your family. Having had only Uncles- I am quite partial to them! You are lucky when you have a great Uncle. I will keep your Mum in my prayers. I am glad that you had some good finds at the op shops and what great gifts Wendy gave you. You have filled those jars beautifully. I love your keyrings, they are so lovely. Your cows look so healthy and happy! I like how they come for biscuits. I had some finds at the op shops too. I bought some children's books for 20c and some children's clothes for $1 a piece. I made your beautiful banana cake today, it will help so much with lunches. Love, Lily

    1. Dear Lily,
      You did well at the op shops! It is amazing what you can find. Good clothing for $1 is fantastic. The jackets I got the girls were $2. They easily would have been $80 in the store. Books too are very expensive so 20c is amazing. I hope you enjoyed the cake! I freeze that cake often too. Harper especially loves that cake! Thank you for your kind words re my uncle. With love Annabel.xxx

  18. Hi Annabel (and everyone),

    I'm so sorry for your loss, Annabel. Your uncle sounds like a wonderful man.


  19. So sorry for your loss, Annabel. Glad to hear you have a beautiful service and sweet memories to comfort you. Your Mum and family are in my prayers.
    What an amazing week you had. Love your keychains. What kind of beads are those? You said they were soft.
    My week was full of jelly making, drying and juicing. I have harvested the wild violets growing in our yard to make lovely jellies. My daughters picked dandelion flowers and greens. The flowers are going into syrup and hand salves. I dry the leaves for medicinal teas. My husband came home with some free oranges. I juiced them as they were too sour to eat. Lovely juice! I scrubbed them well and popped the rinds in the freezer for zest.
    For Mother's Day, I asked for all hands on deck to help clean up my raised beds. ;) All the kids were so kind to help. Now I have more of my garden in! Of course, potatoes have been in for some time.
    Have a blessed week!
    Hope all you Bluebirds had a lovely Mother's Day!

    1. Dear Leslie, The beads are silicone beads. They feel soft and velvety. This is what got me in, the feel of them. They are used also in chew chains for babies.
      Violet jelly would be so beautiful! Dandelion also is beautiful! You are making the most of everything! The oranges were a bonus too! I love your idea for Mothers Day! What a help! A wonderful week and very industrious! With love Annabel.xxx

  20. Dear Annabel, thank you for sharing your memories of your uncle. I am sending lots of caring thoughts your way.

    Your new jars are beautiful and will be so useful. They must look so bright and cheerful in your pantry.

    Last week I cleaned every pair of shoes in my home. It took a whole afternoon but it was satisfying work. They came out looking like new!

    With love from,
    Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)

    1. Dear Mrs Kiwi,
      Full jars do look beautiful. I stop and admire them! It amazes me how good shoes look after cleaning. The girls were here and in the evening I cleaned their leather boots. These are their farm boots. They looked new! Also looking after leather they come up so beautifully. I wear leather boots most of the time. Some of mine need a good clean and treatment! I can imagine that being very satisfying! With love Annabel.xxx


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