Feather your Nest Friday, 4th Feb. 2022.

I am very happy with my week.  It was not bedlam and I enjoyed each day.  Our summer days were mild and beautiful.  Much easier than the heat.   

We started with a trip for Scarlett's fifth birthday.  All at once she was turning five and starting reception at school.  She was excited and proud.  Aunty Chloe took on the job of making the cake.   Scarlett requested a dog.  I was waiting to see what Chloe came up with and went and checked the day before to see how it was looking.  Yes a sneak peak!   She made three White Chocolate Mud cakes.  

This was loosely based on Chloe's dog Sully.  (A red Heeler.) 

Well, the cake was a hit!

Chloe also made Gluten Free little cakes.  Each was a different dog.  They were beautiful.  I went for the one with one black eye.  Patch. 

On the way home I checked every apple tree I know about.  Some were covered in apples but no where near ripe.  I know the trees well enough now to know if they will turn pink or red.  So in another couple of weeks I will check them again.    Two trees had potential.  Birds were eating the apples so in the case of these trees is was pick them or miss out.   I happened to have my fruit picking stick and ladder in the back of the ute.  šŸ˜Š

These will mostly be apple puree.  Later I will get better,  sweeter,  apples which I will dehydrate.   Then there are pies, muffins, cakes, baked apples, stewed apples... 

Our drive south is always very scenic.  We pass through vineyards then forests.  Dotted along the road side are these huge gum trees.  

It is always a lovely drive.  Always something to see.  Once we are in the Forrests there are always Emus and Kangaroos.

On the way home, after picking apples and checking trees,  I stopped at a little town to get a few groceries. They had some meat.  I grabbed some needed items.  The lady there told me the week before they had no meat at all.   By chatting to her I found out a few things, where their meat comes from which meant even local butchers had run out.   

Finally I stopped at the plant nursery.   I was tired by this time but stopping breaks up the drive too.  I took this chance... having the ute,  (Andys vehicle) and space,  I took the opportunity to get fruit trees and seedlings.  Normally if I go to town the car is full of the shopping and parcels and animal feed etc.  I just run out of space.  So this was my chance.   I bought five wonderful looking fruit trees.   I was glad to get a second Quince tree.   Then lots of seedlings, Eggplant, Broccoli, spinach and more.

When I got home it was 6 pm and I ran out of day!  But it was a wonderful  and set me up for a good week.

Monday I began planting.  I wanted to get the fruit trees in asap.  Andy dug the holes for me.  That helped so much.  Everything was in and watered in, including all the seedlings, by the end of Tuesday.   

My basil cuttings from when I made Pesto all had root systems so I added them to my newer stack planter. 

I fertilised all my citrus trees.  One of my Lemon Trees has really grown and taken off.  I was told to always plant a lemon tree behind a fence, wall or shed.  They don't like wind at all. This seems to have worked.

Thank you to everyone who helped me with when to pick the pears and what to do.   One side of one tree are mostly ready.  I pick all the ones that break off easily.    I am weighing each basket I bring in, just out of curiosity to see how many kilos I get! 

As I bring them in I lay them on a blanket on the spare room floor, I pulled the blind down to make the room dark.  Andy was wondering what on earth I have going on in that room?  

Today as I brought in pears, eggs and tomatoes I realised I need a trolley or maybe an old pram or something with wheels.   Each day I am bringing in so much!   It is quite exciting!  

The second pear tree has much larger and rounder pears but they are hanging on tight so maybe still not quite ready.   The apples are turning a beautiful pink so they are very close.  

I did a swap with my friend Wendy.  She gave me beautiful old Fowlers Canning jars and I gave her 6 dozen fresh eggs.

While in town I went to two op shops.  I found beautiful as new cook books and some vintage mixing bowls. 

A hen went broody.  As soon as I realised I did a fast switcheroo,  taking away six infertile eggs and adding 14 fertile eggs.   She is in a good nesting box and safe... maybe I will get more chicks!! 

I made Peanut Butter Biscuits.

In the evenings I finished some crochet hand towel and makeup remover pad sets.

I feel the happiest about planting so much more into my kitchen garden.  And all the produce.  And the broody hen.  Ok, I am happy about everything!

You know I always say make hay while the sun shines.  The sun was shining this week!   
How did you build up your home or add to your pantry?   I hope you had many opportunities! xxx


  1. Happy Birthday to Scarlett!! How exciting to turn 5. And what a fantastic job Chloe did with the cakes and cupcakes. I imagine it was a nervous drive transporting it!!

    Your garden is producing so well, you certainly are busy dealing with all the goodies youā€™re producing. What a great feeling to know you have food even when it may not be on the shop shelves.

    Most of the kids went back to school this week and you know what? Iā€™m exhausted. Go figure. I guess itā€™s taking time for me to settle back into a routine as well.

    I found some great deals on meat that needed to be used quickly at the supermarket. The kind of deals I havenā€™t seen in the last year. So I bought it and walked home with very sore shoulders because Iā€™d walked straight there after dropping the kids at school and had to fit it in two bags. . But I wasnā€™t about to miss out on those prices lol. We ate some that night and the rest went straight in the freezer.

    We have a long weekend here and some rain forecast, both are just what we need!

    Have a lovely weekend
    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen, Yes! I was terrified about getting the cake there as its a two hour trip and then safely in the house! When it was sitting on the table I was so relieved!
      Getting the kids organised, book covering, set up, cooking it is a lot. I STILL remember the first week back and how I would end up doing a deep clean and get back into the new routine. The main this is they went back happy and that you all had that holiday down time which is so needed.
      I am so pleased you found those meat deals! What a help. I would maybe go back another time at the same time, same day. I am bold enough to ask... if I see someone in the meat department.... when is the best time to come for the deals. Most of them are feeding families too and really will usually tip you off. Information is power!
      A long weekend will make easing back into school easier! Maybe some baking for the lunchboxes! With love Annabelxxx

  2. Happy Birthday to Scarlet and what a wonderful cake! I have a niece who is in high demand for her special cakes - she is very creative.
    Those gum trees are amazing - do they grow in any other countries? I've never seen one.
    What wonderful produce and yes, I think you do need a trolley - that basket looks heavy!
    I went halfs with a friend on her Costco membership so we went on Tuesday - it seemed to be well stocked - there were a lot of people for a Tuesday afternoon but everyone was stocking up for another Winter storm that was due on Wednesday night (it wasn't quite as bad here as in other parts of Canada & the US), plus gas prices are up again so she wanted to top up the gas tank as Costco tends to have the lowest prices (which seem to be rising daily)!
    I stopped into one other large grocery store this week and everything was well stocked there as well. I got chicken on sale and a good deal on frozen veg so the freezer is stuffed. I plan to do another batch cook on Sunday afternoon, including a pot of soup. We are deep in Winter here Minus 14C at the moment so it is hard to get excited about salad - but I do try. Soup will be much more welcome.

    1. Dear Margie,
      We have gums in so many colours. This time of year the landscape is dry and so this bright red stands out so much! I am not sure about where else they grow but some things we are very similar to South Africa.
      I am going to watch out for an old pram. Need good wheels so I dont get bogged. Today I found the apples come off in my hand so they are also ready, on the sunny side at least.
      The gas as in fuel for vehicles and gas as in heating for houses both seem to be. a world wide issue. I saw the poor UK families are paying so much more to keep warm. Costco is great I am glad you found some good deals on frozen veggies too. They are always going to come in handy. In the cold I love soup, to me soup is warming and comforting and nourishing. I have never experienced -14! I like that you have a friend to shop with also. I think that is great as two sets of eyes are better than one! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Happy birthday Scarlet! What a beautiful and original cake! Congratulations for Chloe!šŸ’ž loved the puppy cakes, too. Your week was very good, indeed. I am the happiest when able to plant in the garden and to plant trees means to have hope for the future. Ver, very good for the soul! Last spring I planted two more trees in the garden, a pear ( my fav fruit) and a yelllow plum tree. We still have lots and lots of snow, minus temperatures and cold days ahead with some new snow forecast but already planning the garden...Covid numbers are around 30.000 / 40.000 per day but schools are open and somehow is an easier variant, with some fever and some muscle aches. Fortunately my family haven't experienced any of it. Prices are very high but not shortages; I did a no spend January and use from the pantry. Still ok with it. The bad news I keep my eyes on is war. I live on the Romanian border with Ucrain, literally that country begins at the end of the street where I work. Fortunately the russian troups are gathering on the oposite side of Ucrain but already the americans are sending troups to Romania as a defense against Putin'Russia. This is mighty scary for me!!! We wait and watch pretty closely the news preparing for as normal life as possible. In the evenings I started a crochet blanket for a todler girl on a comission, with different sleeping animals aplique. Looking nice already and a pleasure to crochet it. I wiil post some pictures on instagram. I think pinning everybody's geographycal place in the comments is an excellent ideea. Greetings to all the bluebirds, big hug Annabel. Love, Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Dear Laura, Thank you for sharing your week. I am watching things unfold carefully as you are. As I do you have to factor in my location. If you look at a map to find South Australia... then very SE of South Australia I am pretty much at the bottom of the world. I know whatever happens in the world affects us all though. So I have to imagine living where you do and seeing and hearing of movement as you must be. I can only imagine how this must be for you.
      Your crochet and hand sleeping animal appliquƩ sound just lovely I will watch for this on Insta.
      The covid numbers you report and mind boggling! I hope you stay warm, cozy and well. With much love Annabel.xxx

  4. Happy birthday Scarlet! What a beautiful and original cake! Congratulations for Chloe!šŸ’ž loved the puppy cakes, too. Your week was very good, indeed. I am the happiest when able to plant in the garden and to plant trees means to have hope for the future. Ver, very good for the soul! Last spring I planted two more trees in the garden, a pear ( my fav fruit) and a yelllow plum tree. We still have lots and lots of snow, minus temperatures and cold days ahead with some new snow forecast but already planning the garden...Covid numbers are around 30.000 / 40.000 per day but schools are open and somehow is an easier variant, with some fever and some muscle aches. Fortunately my family haven't experienced any of it. Prices are very high but not shortages; I did a no spend January and use from the pantry. Still ok with it. The bad news I keep my eyes on is war. I live on the Romanian border with Ucrain, literally that country begins at the end of the street where I work. Fortunately the russian troups are gathering on the oposite side of Ucrain but already the americans are sending troups to Romania as a defense against Putin'Russia. This is mighty scary for me!!! We wait and watch pretty closely the news preparing for as normal life as possible. In the evenings I started a crochet blanket for a todler girl on a comission, with different sleeping animals aplique. Looking nice already and a pleasure to crochet it. I wiil post some pictures on instagram. I think pinning everybody's geographycal place in the comments is an excellent ideea. Greetings to all the bluebirds, big hug Annabel. Love, Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Laura,
      In glad you are able to use your stockpile with the high prices!
      How brave you are about the border situation. Iā€™m praying for your safety.

    2. Thank you, dear Patty. Have a very good weekšŸ’ž

    3. We are praying for you all, too, Laura.
      Mary in So Cal

  5. Happy birthday Scarlet! What a beautiful and original cake! Congratulations for Chloe!šŸ’ž loved the puppy cakes, too. Your week was very good, indeed. I am the happiest when able to plant in the garden and to plant trees means to have hope for the future. Ver, very good for the soul! Last spring I planted two more trees in the garden, a pear ( my fav fruit) and a yelllow plum tree. We still have lots and lots of snow, minus temperatures and cold days ahead with some new snow forecast but already planning the garden...Covid numbers are around 30.000 / 40.000 per day but schools are open and somehow is an easier variant, with some fever and some muscle aches. Fortunately my family haven't experienced any of it. Prices are very high but not shortages; I did a no spend January and use from the pantry. Still ok with it. The bad news I keep my eyes on is war. I live on the Romanian border with Ucrain, literally that country begins at the end of the street where I work. Fortunately the russian troups are gathering on the oposite side of Ucrain but already the americans are sending troups to Romania as a defense against Putin'Russia. This is mighty scary for me!!! We wait and watch pretty closely the news preparing for as normal life as possible. In the evenings I started a crochet blanket for a todler girl on a comission, with different sleeping animals aplique. Looking nice already and a pleasure to crochet it. I wiil post some pictures on instagram. I think pinning everybody's geographycal place in the comments is an excellent ideea. Greetings to all the bluebirds, big hug Annabel. Love, Laura_s_world from Romania

    1. Laura, I always enjoy your posts and marvel at your command of English! If I worked down the street from Ukraine, I'd be scared, too! Stay safe, friend.

    2. Thank you, dear MaxinešŸ’œ. I am speaking romanian, hungarian, english, french and italian. I learnt english all by myself from some old books as a teenager, at school we were taught french, latin and german and in the family we spoke hungarian and some ucrainian. Well, that is my love for languages.
      We are a frontier point between the two countries there is a bridge over Tisa river, the border you can cross by feet or by cars but no trains anymore. From my office window I have a view to ucrainian hills and houses. Nice people though. The russian troups are gathering at Crimea point from Ucrain so not in our area yet but there are some boys and men who are joining the army for exercises. A bit scary to see and hear and to remember what my grandmother told us about the russian army in her village in ww2. Thank you again. Have a nice day.

    3. Dear Laura,
      My reply to you was lost somehow I am sorry. It is very nice you have commission work to work on while it is still so cold and dark outside! I look forward to seeing your finished work on Instagram!
      Planting, gardening, harvesting are all so nice, as you say they give us hope for the future!
      I love to get your report from Romania! We are from all parts yet look how much we all have in common! With love Annabel.xxx

  6. Hi Annabel (and everyone),

    Happy Happy Birthday Scarlett! Those cupcakes and cake are so cute. I loved seeing your baking and harvesting, and have never seen a gum tree in bloom before - beautiful!

    This week I had a rummage around my kitchen cupboards, cleaned them out, and rearranged the one that holds our dishes and glasses - everything is much neater now and it makes me happy! I also organized all of the household bill paying and record keeping "stuff" - much nicer to look at now and much easier to find the important things when we need them. My husband did some puttering in the garage and hung up a new peg board for tools and so he is well pleased with that. Lots of cooking in the early part of the week (molasses cake, soup, pot roast and lots of veggies, muffins) since they were predicting a winter storm midweek - we did get one! About 4.5 inches of snow in my town, which is a lot for Oklahoma. Our power and heating has been fine, and we have been cozy and snug indoors. My dad dropped off some books for our "book swap" - his turn - and some conversation heart candies. I used my card stash (I think I should start calling that a pantry, too - haha!) to mail some birthday cards and valentine's cards to family and friends.

    We did not need anything so I didn't do any shopping - I did notice that gas was around $3/gallon (believe it or not, that is a little high for my part of Oklahoma, but I know that is not high for other places in the US and world). One small bit of news regarding healthcare - two of our hospital systems have military coming in to help with staffing shortages and patient volume as of this weekend. It is not in any of our media yet, but everyone at my workplace was notified that this was happening. A little scary but I'm also hopeful this will help folks who need care and also our health care workers who really could use some help.

    Lots of knitting this week - almost done with two pairs of socks - and very close to being done with a cross stitch for our bedroom. Super thankful for these calming and beautiful crafts!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. <3

    1. Dear Kathy,
      Your beautiful baking sounds very good in the snowy weather. That is very interesting about the Military. I saw before that the National Guard had gone to NY hospitals... and I was thinking that was so good... we do not have a national guard.
      You had a very nice week and as you say it is very nice to have cooking to do, projects to work on and crafts... we can be very content even in a storm! With love Annabel.xxx

  7. What a wonderful life and place you have. But you work hard and God has blessed. That dog cake is so cute. We have a great granddaughter who turns 5 in April. Yes, where did the time go! I was trying to plan how to plant my little courtyard in bed last night. Right now it is snow covered. My lettuces and celery are doing well on the windowsill from ends from store-bought. I have a little lettuce, Swiss Chard and kale growing under the gro lights. A little parsley and spinach has peaked through. Thankful my husband helps so much so I can use my energy to do these fun things. We are picking up an order from Aldis today. Rosie will go with us and have a little outing. She is 10 months old now. Are those pretty puffs you crochet used to put powder on with? Thank you for sharing your week with us. Nancy

    1. Dear Nancy, Our dogs all love going in the car! They take turns. They are just crazy on it.
      The puffs are for soap in the shower. I have make powder puffs for powder many times as I love powder. For those I used a very soft fur.
      Your windowsill garden sounds beautiful! It shows what we an do even with a little space out of the cold! Many thanks Nancy, with love Annabel.xxx

  8. Dear Annabel,
    Happy Birthday to Scarlett! It looks like she had a wonderful day. The cake and cupcakes Chloe made are adorable.
    Those gum trees are beautiful. Is that what eucalyptus comes from? Your garden is doing so well. I hopeyou get more baby chicks.
    I'm enjoying looking at the seed catalogs and going through my stash of seeds and gardening books. Here we have about eight inches of snow with some ice on the ground and are currently under a Level 3 snow emergency which means only emergency vehicles are allowed on the roads. I'm watching the birds flocking around the feeders and suet cakes
    Yesterday was a good shopping day. The organic OJ was back in stock as well as other things I wanted. Blessings, Laura (Ohio, US)

    1. Dear Laura,
      That you! I am not much of an expert on the trees but eucalyptus soil comes from a relative I think. The most common ones that I see are a pale yellow flower.
      The hen is sitting and it is now day 5. I would LOVE to have more chickens!
      Ice on the ground is scary to me. Much safer to stay off the roads and inside safe and sound. I can imagine the birds are hungry for any food to warm them up.
      Glad you got your orange juice. Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Happy Birthday to Scarlett, it sure doesn't seem like she should be 5 years old! Chloe has some real talent in the cake decorating area ... amazing creations!

    We're beefing up out gardening efforts this year as there are so many shortages and availability issues in our area. I started seeds for cabbage this week and they are now doing their thing in the greenhouse. I have a list of other seeds to get started as well. The goal is to grow as many of our plants as possible using the money we would normally spend on plants to offset the things we have to buy, that are increasing in price weekly. Hubby has talked to a couple of local merchants and small business owners this week and the outlook is not good for availability or cost.

    Your pictures are just beautiful. I really love the scrubbie, make-up circles and towel. What a lovely set, I must find the instructions and try my hand at them. What size do you crochet the towel?

    I hope your happy week continues!

    1. Dear Patsy, I cant figure out how Scarlett is already five either! She "graduated" kindy and is in reception.
      Your greenhouse is so good to have! It is very good that your husband spoke to business owners... they can tell us a lot. Same with truck drivers. I do the towels about 30cm wide and 60 long. I am just starting on a new one with a new pattern.
      I also worked a lot this week on ways to increase what I grow. I am doing everything I can think of! With much love Annabel.xxx

  10. Hi Annabel! Some information we picked up at IGA you will find interesting! I had at least 14 quart Jars empty so we decided to go and buy some slabs of beef and pork to raw pack can...our Supa IGA usually has a freezer full of bulk buy beef cuts that are much cheaper per kilo than the smaller versions on the other shelf, everything from porterhouse to blade roast and Chuck... All very cheap but the slabs are huge. Anyway we went there and the prices were all huge.... We asked the lady in the meat Dept where the cheap bulk prices had gone and she said all the igas had received an email from head office telling them to either take the slabs and cut them up into steaks if possible, and put them out as steaks, and if not then to raise the price of the bulk cuts to be in line with the steak price! I suppose that's one way to stop people cleaning out the meat during the shortage going on here, but still! Kim from Perth X x

    1. Dear Kim, So sorry on my slow reply. Thank you for this info. Just when you thought you had a way to make it more economical! I did leave you my email last week incase you didnt see it brinkzi21@hotmail.com We are hearing a lot of news WA wise... I dont know if the train is operating again.. Our store was lower again this week... now dairy especially cheese is very low. I hope you are staying ahead I think we have a way to go with this! With love Annabel.xxx

  11. Happy Birthday Scarlett! The birthday cake and cupcakes are so neat! Great Job! The years just fly by it seems.
    What great fruit finds..love it. We have a lot of snow so I can't wait for Spring and some kind of harvest here. I'm making use of the down time though and cleaning/organizing rooms and closets. Next week I'll wall paper. I never want to do any of this in the Spring when I can be outdoors and it keeps me from going stir crazy. Have a great week, Vickie

    1. Dear Vickie, Thank you! I am just waiting for Autumn as you are for Spring! Getting the indoors work done now is a good idea for when you will be so busy outside. Wall papering is a big job! It will be lovely when all done though! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Those cakes are darling! Chloe has a real gift! Annabel, I don't know where I read this, but I understand you can grow fig trees from cuttings. I don't like figs, so I'd never do it...but you might!

    1. Dear Maxine, From my daughters and sister in laws fig trees I have dug up branches that have taken root... and these have worked o give me several trees. I thought with the root systems this is a head start and glad to have new trees going. Figs in the stores here have been $2 EACH! They are like gold! Thank you for the tip! With love Annabel.xxx

  13. Dear Annabel and Beautiful Bluebirds!!

    This is beautiful to see - your beautiful industry and peacefulness together!!

    My Dad uses an old pram around the garden! It drives amazingly well!

    I love gum blossoms! That tree is amazing!!!!!

    Throughout the constant challenges, I find that my life is amazing! The people whom I meet and work for are so helpful! I give clients produce from my garden, and bring home produce and other things that they contribute! I have two different ladies waiting to give me wool spinning lessons!

    It is a choko year here! The vine is growing its way beyond its trellis and over the house roof!! I have begun sharing the chokos, and have received homegrown tomatoes, beans and limes in return!! Really, I find that people need friends and support. My clients are my little lost sheep!!

    Not long ago, I bought a restored spinning wheel! I used the money that I had saved from fixing a rechargeable drill myself with help from YouTube!! Last weekend, I went to a country market. People whom I knew were selling spinning wheels at great deals, so now I have three (one that I have help for restoring!). We all have our purposes in life!! Haha!! Well, one spinning wheel is more suited for travelling! Extra tools are for those around me! Haha!!

    As someone said, the Almightyā€™s people are being prepared and positioned for His work, and only His messages will be there to guide us!!

    Shalom and rest to you all!


    1. Dear Rachel,
      Mum used to grow Chokos. I have not seen one in a long time! Mum would start them on the windowsill. Well done on the spinning wheel! And having willing teachers is very good! I love that through work you are seeing nice people and building a little network of trading too. These are very good things! With love Annabel.xxx

  14. That cake is amazing! I'm a good baker but not the best at decorating. Although, I have dusting them with sprinkles down to an art form. ;) Sometimes when I am at the grocery store, I look at the products in the bakery section and I cannot believe how much they charge for decorated cakes.

    1. Dear Brenda, I am not good at decorating either! If Chloe inherited her talent it wasnt from me or else it skipped a generation!
      We used to live near a cake shop... that did stunning wedding cakes etc. It was nothing for a cake to be over a thousand dollars. I did love to see them because of the work and art in them! I am following you wonderful preparedness posts! With love Annabel.xxx

  15. Dear Annabel, thankyou for sharing your productive week. The dog cake Chloe made and the cupcakes are magnificent. I have been a bit one foot in front of the other this week. I have been very grateful to be able to fill my daughter's lunchbox with little tomato's (4 different varieties and colors - she was amused that her friends have never seen yellow tomatoes before), beans and the last of our plums from the garden. My other big achievement was thinking really. My MIL gave me a huge bag of lace curtains from her sisters house that were destined for the bin. I didn't really want them but thought I might wash them up and take them to an opp shop. On the way home I thought - well I could make some produce bags to buy loose vegetables in. I got home and was reading Strangers and Pilgrims blog and noticed Jes had a lace apron on and after inquiring, yes she had made it herself out of a curtain. Then I was looking at my fruit trees. I wish we had more netting I said to my husband. I woke up in the middle of the night. Why I already have some. So next season my fruit trees will be draped with very fancy netting. Of course if any family members would like them for their actual windows I will gladly pass them on. It reminded me to really think things through. Also I will be praying for Laura (above comment) in Romania. The positivity in her comment to you is inspiring despite the very real and present threat of war where she lives is amazing. I had a bit of a talk to myself after reading her comment, I really don't have anything to complain about. If you read this Laura I will be praying for you, your family and country, Love Clare

    1. Thank you very much, Clare. This means a lot to me! The Bluebirds family gathering around the beautiful good soul of Annabel is amazing. I feel like you are my all around the world friends. Thank you and God bless you. Laura_s_world from Romania

    2. Dear Clare,
      The lace curtains would make wonderful produce bags and also wonderful covers instead of netting.
      I agree with you on Laura's post. We are so far away... it is hard to imagine being so close o military build up like this. I dont think I can imagine... The beautiful little tomatoes are just perfect for lunch box snacks! And so healthy and good.
      Jes has so many beautiful projects and ideas. It is also a very uplifting blog to read. I hope this week has been good, it is almost over and I am still replying! With much love Annabel.xxx

  16. Looks like Scarlett had a wonderful birthday. Birthday wishes coming her way! :) Those cakes are amazing!! Chloe is so talented. Congratulations on all that you gleaned and added to your garden, Annabel. Lovely crochet...almost too pretty to use.
    My week has been busy. I got to get allot of heavy cleaning done: the oven inside and out; the chrome trash bin inside and out; small appliances and the kitchen sink. Wow, does it all sparkle! I was inspired by a youtuber, HoneyJubu. She is a Korean house wife that has lots of tips & tricks in cleaning and making her fresh foods last.
    Also I added to my pantry by making 8 quarts of kombucha, 3 1/2 quarts of Greek yogurt, loaves of bread and rolls, cookies, and beef broth is simmering in the slow cooker now.
    We had a big snow, so my usual grocery was closed. I shopped the high priced grocer my son works at. I was shocked to see most of the produce section empty! Many shelves had only product on the first 3 inches, the backs were empty! They use a different supplier than my grocery, and mine is never that empty..plus mine has better prices.
    My husband and I went on a little date today which included picking up a new phone that was free! Including a yearly service. It was a special offer to those with lower incomes (having a large family will put you in that bracket). ;) I was forced to get a new phone because the towers changed to 4G and my phone is a 3G. I saved a $100 on the phone alone plus $30 a month for the next 12! We also investigated buying new kitchen cabinets to install ourselves. It was a thrill to think we will be able to save in this area as well. Our house was built in 1920, but was a rental and cheap cabinets were installed. So hope to put in quality cabinets that will be easy to clean and offer the charm this old house deserves.
    God be with you all,

    1. Dear Leslie, Thank you so much!
      Well done on the oven cleaning. That is one of my least favourite jobs but it is beautiful to have a clean oven.
      I am going to check out that you tube channel. I love having something new to watch.
      You addd heaps to your pantry!! And the free phone is fantastic!
      I hope you are able to get your cabinets! That would be great. I hope you found the stores stocked this week ok. With much love Annabel.xxx

  17. Hi Annabel

    What a gorgeous cake and cupcakes that Chloe made for Scarlett's 5th Birthday and it is har to believe that she turns five. Time sure does go by very quickly

    I love the little planting system that you got for Christmas, it seems a fantastic way to especially start things off. I love looking at the photos of how well things seem to grow for you.

    High school has begun with a minor hitch of a group of them getting lost on the way to one class otherwise it has been good so far. The house is once again silent and the cat has to look behind every closed door to make sure I am not hiding the child. But you still worry for a while when they start a new milestone in their lives. One was very tired after a big day yesterday.

    After doing a few things last week to get back into a routine (some days this failed) I feel more like getting back into the swing of things this week. This morning I had been for a walk and done a load of washing all before 8.30am so I was happy with this. On Sunday I prepared a few meals for the freezer for this week and some I did a double batch of so that we will have some for next week also. DD made biscuits and muesli bars for her school snacks and we made a froze some sandwiches for the week. Having the meals frozen and ready makes it easier for me to spend some time discussing her day at school and take the pressure off at night time.

    Hope things are starting to normalise a little around Australia in regards to the grocery situation. I was a little taken back when you mention even the butcher ran out. Think I might head off and work on my grocery list for my shopping.

    Take Care and Stay safe
    Aly xxx

  18. What a beautiful cake! Chloe is amazing at decorating! (Oh, and Happy Birthday to Scarlett!) I have never seen a gum tree...absolutely beautiful! Your crocheting is wonderful, as usual. And I'm so happy for you for all the fruit you have.

    I have been busy here, continuing on with my "deep" cleaning. We have louvered bathroom cabinet doors, which is pretty much a necessity for the humidity we get in summer, but they collect dust like you wouldn't believe, and are hard to get clean. Tackled those this week and they look so much better. I also got some more crocheting and knitting done, and just yesterday scored some red twill (thrifted) as backing for my (thrifted) lobster material, so I'm all set to make my lobster placemats for Christmas presents. My eldest is a little under the weather today, so I'm planning to go crochet or knit beside her to keep her company while she watches "Sense and Sensibility", keeping her mind off her woes. :) We are having an absolute deluge of rain on top of all the ice pellets and freezing rain we got on the weekend, so it is very wet and very icy outside...what a mess! A perfect day for a hot drink and some handwork.

    xx Jen in NS

  19. Oh how fun for Scarlett. One of my grandsons will turn five on Sunday. It's a lovely age in my opinion.
    The apples remind me that my granny used to make a green apple pie with windfall apples that hadn't ripened. It was so good!


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