It seems like a month since last Friday! That means it was a big week!
We are in the final weeks of summer. All of us have the change of seasons to look forward to. After summer I am always so happy to go into Autumn, my very favourite time of year. I know many of you will be glad of Spring when it arrives and you are probably planning your gardens.
The end of summer has one great benefit and that is the fruit harvest. I was very blessed with a lot this week. It just kept coming in! So while the stores have been low, and the produce hasn't been very good, I have had some great opportunities.
Some of the ways I built up our home this week included:
I made some more cleaning cloths. They are cotton on the front and microfibre on the back. I teamed them up with scrubbie dish pads and cotton cleaning cloths.
I continued to bring in pears. I have 60 lbs of pears on a blanket in the spare room and I think I still have about the same again to pick. Then there is another tree!
I picked some apples.... one side of the tree is ready and so I picked some and combined them with some of the apples from last week.
I made apple puree which was delicious. Most of it was frozen in baby sized containers.
Baby food sized containers..... because..... Chloe is having another baby!
This week I went to the city with her because she was having a scan. It was a lovely trip. So a baby is due June/July. A winter baby!
In the city I went into a supermarket to get some things as we were staying overnight. It was late in the day and I was just walking by when I saw a man marking down stuff in the bakery. I picked up three big chocolate mud cakes for 72c each and a tray of Danish Pasties for $1. I gave Chloe the pastries and one of the cakes as she will use them for work lunches. I also found Brie and other cheeses on amazing mark downs.
When I lived in Adelaide I picked peaches from a tree in a lane, year after year. That tree was always ready the week after Christmas. This was one of several trees I knew of and visited many times. It was evening and I thought even though it is too late in the year I would go for a walk and take a look.
As I approached the tree I could see peaches on the ground. Then I could see the tree was absolutely loaded with ready to pick peaches! Weeks later than usual but there they were! I raced back to the house and got a ladder and basket. So there I was walking down the street with a ladder until I turned into the lane. I had to do two trips back and forth and ended up with about 40 lbs of beautiful peaches!
That was Tuesday night. Most are ready now so tomorrow I am going to make some crumbles. Peaches are my favourite fruit so eating them fresh is just lovely.
Loading the car to come home I had bags of groceries, bags of peaches and a basket of mint I picked which included some with root systems to plant. It was a good trip!
Mum gave me a basket of Sunflowers that she saved for the seeds. Some of these will feed my chickens and birds. The biggest seeds, from the biggest flower, I am saving as seeds to plant and also to package up as seeds to gift.
It was really a week of harvest!
Mum also gave me a heap of hand creams and moisturisers.
My chickens are just about grown up. They are so friendly and so pretty. Every day I pick them a bunch of greens. They go crazy over it!

My broody hen is still on the job so I am really hoping for another batch of chicks. Mostly I have only been able to buy red hens. But with my selection of fancy roosters I am getting very pretty chickens!
Each day I collected at least fifteen eggs and I picked tomatoes daily as well.
Every day the dogs have barked at odd times and no car has come in the driveway. Usually they bark and it means a car is coming. Finally I heard them again and looked out the kitchen window to see several Kangaroos hopping across the front paddock! We do have Kangaroos and Wallabies on the property but I don't usually see them out the kitchen window!
I have often mentioned being watchful, prudent... industrious... Today a friend called me and we discussed the word Shrewd. This word has had negative connotations to me but she was using it to describe something positive. Her example to me was we must be shrewd about who knows about our pantries and supplies. (Which is not me as here I am blogging about it.) So in a quiet time today I studied up on being shrewd. A shrewd worker might study to improve their skills or equipment. A shrewd investor might seek lots of advice. The Proverbs Woman is shrewd because she has prepared for all contingencies and has no need to fear the winter. Her pantry is stocked and she has brought in food as she can from far away places. She works to be prepared for problems before they arise. Well Amen to that! So be watchful, prudence, industrious and shrewd!
How was your week? How are things in your location? If you have information that might help another please do share along with your location. Did you manage to build up your home, pantry or garden?
Have a restful and re building weekend! xxx
Dear Annabel, congratulations to Chloe, Luke, little Tom and to the whole family. What wonderful news! Lucky baby to have Chloe as his/her Mum. I am excited for you all. I am amazed by the amount of produce you have been working on. This will be a huge help. I am always impressed by how hard you work and how you really make the most of opportunities and don't let things go to waste. The preserved fruit will be a great asset....and wow, peach crumble, now that would be delicious. I love you cleaning cloths and your cleaning sets, they are lovey gifts as are the sunflower seeds. This week I was given some school shoes for my oldest, and bought 9 items of children's clothing from the op shop for $1-$2, plus some children's books. This will be very handy. I bought some second hand uniforms in the next size. I was able to give uniforms in sizes that we don't need away to a friend and made a meal for my mum and dad and gave them some grocery items that we won't be needing. I finished a dish cloth too. I bought a lot at the grocery store today, but some things in bulk like rice, coffee, so this is good. Hopefully on the weekend I can do some gardening (pruning and weeding) and crocheting. lots of love, Lily
ReplyDeleteDear Lily, I love the name Lily... Scarlett is Scarlett Lily!
DeleteThank you so much. We grew up on apple crumble and apple everything. It was one of the USA ladies who mentioned Peach Crisp. I didnt know what that was... but it equally peach crumble to us. Cooked peaches with a beautiful crumble topping are just amazing. It was like the best thing ever... so now I make that every time I have peaches.
You had a great week! The school shoes, clothes and uniforms are great to have ahead. And the children's books. Also you helped others! It was great you could also stock up on some of the bulk things. Rice has been something that is very low here. It stores so well long term this is good to have a supply put away. Enjoy a lovely weekend in the garden, your weekend sounds ideal to me! With love
Congratulations to everyone on the new baby!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Laurie!xxx
DeleteCongratulations to Chloe! What lovely news. :)
ReplyDeleteI have a batch of mushrooms I dehydrated, and more that need to go into the dehydrator this weekend. It's been a bit of a week here, as our schools, at the very last moment, were forced into dropping all their protections against COVID, and so we immediately switched to homeschooling our seven-year-old. She's obviously young enough to need a lot of supervision with schoolwork, so I'm not getting much else done during the daytime right now, but obviously it's worth it!
Not much good on sale at the grocery stores this week, but at least Aldi looked maybe slightly better stocked (they were all out of yogurt, though, weirdly). One of our local stores has had their discount produce rack back out recently, so I've been grabbing heaps of $1 bags from them. We've been enjoying a lot of Brussels sprouts, and my current batch of mushrooms (all sorts!) came from there as well, so that's at least a plus.
Have a lovely week! :)
Dear Stephanie,
DeleteMushrooms dehydrate so well. When I make a casserole and there is too much liquid they act like sponges to soak it up! Perfect! I love them.
I admire your dedication to homeschool your daughter and yes at 7 they need a fair bit of time. I know a lot of homeschoolers now, temporary and permanent but a few hours a day seems equal or better then a whole school day when it is done at home. They can be ahead very quickly!
I am glad your Aldi is pretty good and you can get the discount produce. Having the dehydrator you can probably make use of all kinds of finds! These are great ways to get ahead and eat a variety too! Enjoy your weekend! With love
Congratulations on the new grandbaby! What a bounty of fruit! I love that you went to check for peaches and found them. I am picturing you walking along with your ladder and basket. Close friends of ours are buying a house on 25 acres with mature fruit and nut trees of all kinds. I am going to ask to come and help harvest next year in exchange for some provisions. We are about out of our supply of blueberries on the freezer so we will be looking forward to another friend's invitation to pick berries in their yard come summer.
ReplyDeleteI have had several chances to snap up clearance deals on clothing items for the grandchildren. These will be for Christmas gifts. I have gotten PJ's for $5-6 and packs of three adorable long sleeve dresses for only $6. I keep a notebook of what I buy throughout the year so that I know what is put away.
I am hearing rumors of a big trucker strike here in the USA starting March 1 like in Canada. Anyone else hearing this? Right now truck traffic through here is about normal but I know this could change overnight.
Have a good weekend all!
Hi Lana,
DeleteYes, I heard the same thing! So far big truck traffic is the same here in OK, too.
Dear Lana, I think it would be incredible to have an orchard with nut trees. I would be willing to pick and work for them too! Wow!
DeleteI am doing just the same as you on Grandkids clothes. I wanted to get ahead with things for winter. You had some great finds. I need to do what you do with a notebook because I stash things away!
Lana I am hearing reports about a truck convoy maybe happening in the US also. We are watching the Canada one and it has been just massive and also lasting. I am seeing this spring up in other countries... so it is certainly possible. I have a US friend her husband and son are both truck drivers... I will see if she knows an update. Many thanks, Love
Hi ladies,
DeleteI would Google a little Re: the truckers possibly they may start on southern California border and drive to Washington D.C. ? It is a good Idea to make sure you have prescribe and other vitals. It might also happen in the E.U. We found some articles on line. Big hugs💕 Patti from San Diego
Congratulations to Chloe and family! I love the example you set of never missing an opportunity to seize upon your opportunities. I can see you walking down the street with your ladder, yes, it gave me a little chuckle because it is something that I would have done as well. We are in full spring gardening mode along with seizing every opportunity that comes our way as well. The stores in our area continue to struggle to keep the shelves stocked and the price for gasoline has jumped almost $.20/gallon in the last 10 days or so. In fact, prices on just about everything is increasing at an alarming rate. Your chickens look pretty and like you I try to pull some kind of greenery to give ours as often as I can. Congrats on a new little grand, they are just the best aren't they!
ReplyDeleteDear Patsi,
DeleteThank you! I think we have to take every opportunity for sure! It is hard to blend in carrying a ladder haha but there was no way I was leaving them! Tonight I am making several peach crisps as suddenly a lot need using fast!
The prices and the shortages sound like they are significant in your area... all this time we knew to prepare and we are beginning to really see why. You have done so much these last few years to increase your garden, pantry... so many things. I saw you are up and running on the new garden even before Spring. Everything we do will make a difference! With love
Dear Annabel, you had such a blessed week, wow. Lots of good finds, harvests and good news about the new baby, congratulations ❤
ReplyDeleteThinking about the word shrewd: I once had a situation when a workmate surprisingly warned me about a collegue with which together I had worked at the school magazine. This collegue seemed to talk very bad about me and also lied. I remember the situation when this workmate warned me: standing there and listening very shocked to what she said, I heard an inner voice which told me: "be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves " (Matthew 10,16). Wow that was so great. I knew that Jesus saw my situation and that I had to be very wise now to know, what to do. To make a long story short: I called my schoolleader and (without telling him details) asked him, how credible the collegue who warned me, was. He told me, she was. So I prayed and next day took the next step: informing the schoolleader... and so step by step I went. Trying to be shrewd but innocent like doves. At this point it was not sure if the schoolmagazine would continue to exist. The bad talking workmate had threated at each difficult situation to give up, which put a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, because we both had founded this project. I did not want to risk the project and also have peace with her and the pupils.
I told the schoolleader that I was willing to work 6 more month with this person (til the end of the school year) but not on a long run anymore. My schoolleader helped me a lot. He knew that she was lying about me. The Situation ended up that the bad talking workmate was removed from the schoolmagazine team and the schoolmagazine is still existing till today. This is more than 15 years ago. But this verse is so strong in my mind now: "be shrewd, but without falsehood". It is an advice from Jesus. It seems to me that these two attitudes put together complete each other. The maybe negative meaning of being shrewd is toned down by the added advice not being false (fake, lying) with that.
Thank you for reminding me to that about your thoughts. xxx Heike
Dear Heike, It is so interesting, our understanding of a word. So it seems in many ways it is wise to be shrewd and your scriptures are good examples. Whatever we face we need wisdom with it that is for certain. It is also very hard when someone is hard to deal with or we are being attacked. I have always found that hard like I take everything personally but sometimes someone just has the problem in themselves and we just cant do a thing about it... but be shrewd in our dealings with them! Thank you for your example! With love
DeleteHi Annabel and everyone,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the new baby on the way! It is wonderful to hear such news. You have been doing amazing with fruit harvesting and now flower seeds and mint, too. I can't wait until gardening season arrives here.
This week I did a big baking day (corn & chocolate muffins, whole wheat bread, waffles - mostly for the freezer, spritz cookies for my husband for Valentine's) and cooked up a big batch of soup and some roasted squash, potatoes, and beef roast. It was also warmer this week, so a good time to open windows, air things out, and launder all the linens and soft furnishings. For the medical pantry I purchased some Aquaphor (hard to find here, but I was able to buy some online), eye drops, and refills on our prescription medications.
We had some money-saving adventures with the pharmacy and our new insurance company - we get health insurance through work and it changed as of January. They have been denying a prescription my husband needs for about 6 weeks (he did have some on hand) - finally yesterday with the help of our benefits director and after multiple calls and sets of paperwork from his doctor (who is wonderful), they approved it and we sent in the refill. It would have been almost $600/month out of pocket without the insurance coverage, so this is a great relief. I had a virtual visit today with my doctor and she updated my prescriptions so they will refill for another year. With news of an upcoming trucker convoy here in the US, I was getting nervous about our ability to get them if we needed them.
Fresh produce prices are getting higher here in OK, and while there are things like potatoes, carrots, onions, and apples readily available, it is hit or miss with softer fruits, berries, fresh garlic, and salad vegetables. My feeling is this is still a transportation problem rather than a lack of supply - we do get those things, but more sporadically, in my town. Meat prices are also a few dollars higher than they were, and it is harder to find different types of poultry. I cannot find a whole turkey or turkey breast for anything. Ground turkey is plentiful though.
Craft-wise, I finished the cross stitch I was working on for our bedroom, and started a small quaker piece using floss I dyed myself. It is very relaxing and meditative! And of course there is lots of knitting on the go.
I hope everyone is well, has what they need, and has a good weekend. <3
Dear Kathy,
DeleteI love your baking days! You do a wonderful job week to week with these.
Thank you so much re the baby. I can imagine how you are waiting on Spring and Spring planting. As our summer nears the end we can still grow a lot through Autumn and into winter, just we change to winter crops like cabbages, broccoli etc. My tomatoes will keep going a few weeks yet too. So I can keep planting although growing does slow down a lot.
I am so glad persistence paid off re your husbands prescription. That is a lot of money. If you have your own meds for a year that is very good. It is pretty crazy the difference country to country the difference in drug availability and price. One was Zavirax... it is over the counter and about $15 here but I have heard it very expensive in the US. I have also ordered things from the US that we cannot get here ie antibiotic cream. I value that in my medical pantry!
I am loving the sound of your hand dyed embroidery floss!! How beautiful! Have a lovely weekend! With love
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteWhat abundance! My mouth is watering thinking of all those peaches, pears, and apples! Here we are still in the throes of winter, but we have so many goodies to eat from the harvest last's fun going to the 'grocery store' in the basement! Ha, ha. Have been making several dishcloths in different patterns, with scrubbies to match. Found 1 lb. bags of dishcloth cotton here today for $8, which is a great price, so I bought a couple more to round out my color choices. Also found some worsted blanket yarn on for a great price, so bought 4 big balls to make afghans. Really happy about that. Also found some great deals on European chocolate for Easter, so I'm pretty much done the Easter Bunny shopping, and it's safely stashed away. Just need some jelly beans and will make a couple of favorite treats to round out the baskets. Going to be spending some time today and tomorrow making some Valentine's cookies (sugar cookies cut in heart shapes with hearts cut out of half of them...put them together with black currant jelly and frost with simple icing in pink...the longer they sit, the softer they get, and they are delicious! --And look fabulous.) I'll also make two types of chocolates and a nice dessert for all my Valentines here in the house, and will cook a nice dinner on Monday.
I'm busy fixing a small part of the wall in the bathroom where the paint was peeling it puttied and sanded and a first coat of sealer on. Hoping to get the paint on this afternoon so this bathroom can be back in business tomorrow. (The wall section is right next to the sink, so no sink usage until the repair is completed.) Little fixes like this don't cost a lot, but sure turn your house from "ratty" to "in good repair" in short order! :)
I hope you get a bit of time for a rest amongst all your fruit picking and processing! I know what a busy time of the year it is for you, and how happy you'll be with your pantry supplies this winter.
Love, Jen in NS
Dear Jen, I think dish cloths plus matching scrubbies is a great set. I am loving these and it is kind of fun to make up sets in different colours.
DeleteI love that you found such good deals on chocolate and thought to put it away for Easter! Sometimes after Valentines Day there are good deals and I grab those and adapt for Easter too.
I agree on the small jobs that make a house seem in good order. I have a few paint touch ups to do myself.
Tonight I am cutting up a lot of peaches that need using in a hurry. These will be peach crisps/crumbles and once cooked that buys my a couple days... I will probably freeze a couple. Your Valentine Cookies will be beautiful. Have a lovely weekend! With love
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteA big congratulations to Chloe and Luke. I'm sure Thomas will love being a big brother and Harper and Scarlett will have another baby to dote on besides Sydney.
I love your Beatrix Potter cleaning cloth fabric. so cute! I am amazed how you have peaches just free for the taking. the only wild free food here would be wild raspberries or blackberries.
Lovely sunflowers. i also plan to plant those again this year for us and the birds.
I did a bulk stock up of rice, lentils, beans etc. because I had a Vitacost coupon. Heading to the store tomorrow so I don't know what the produce will be like until them. Our snow is trying to melt, but could get more. i am so ready for spring. Blessings, Laura (Ohio, US)
Dear Laura Richard, thinking of and praying for you. Such a scary place to be in. Please stay safe. Your commend of English is amazing. Blessings, Laura
Dear Laura,
DeleteI would be pretty pleased to get wild berries... but it amazes me how people dont pick the fruit. I determined years ago if no one picks it I will! In the city I got peaches, lemons, nectarines and Quinces every year this way. Down here it is apples and pears. But we can use whatever we can et right!?
It is great you did a stock up of staples. Thank you for your message to Laura also! With love
Annabel, if you hear back from Laura Richard, please let us know. And let her know that we are all praying for her.
DeleteMaxine she has commented now see
DeleteDear Annabel and Bluebirds,
ReplyDeleteSo happy to read of all the savings and preserving. A big congratulations to you and your whole family on the coming baby! So glad for Chloe and Luke...she waited for the right man and now God is filling their home with love. :)
A week and a half ago, I did a big stock up of meat, cheeses, crackers, and baking supplies. Now it's paying off as I catch up on baking. The younger children and I made Valentine's and fudge this afternoon. These are for their Sunday school teachers and friends at church. We were blessed with an unexpected package from my husband's cousin. She filled it with puzzles, board games, and candy. It so made my day! It will make the kids' weekend as we are between snows and it's too rotten to play outdoors.
I am keeping an eye on things in my area. Mostly shortages in stores I don't regularly shop at. Also I buy food/vitamins when I see them and don't wait for sales. Many items are not resupplied for some time. I just save in other areas.
Blessings to all,
Leslie (Ohio, US)
Praying for Laura in Romania, too!
Dear Leslie,
DeleteHow nice to get a parcel like that! Just beautiful. That was very kind of your husbands cousin. I am happy you could do a big stock up. The way meat is going up it is like a wise investment!
I agree with some things that we need... we may need to just buy them when we can... rather than risk being without. I am doing this with some things too.
Thank you for praying for Laura, I am going to try messaging her. With much love
Laura has just commented see below! xx
DeleteI struggled this week. My attitude was not good and it affected every area of my life. Part of it is being overtired, but there you are.
ReplyDeleteIt was a week of frustrating things. I had called my doctor for a refill on a necessary medication and the pharmacy notified me of the amount due via text. It was shocking. I called to ask if that was the cost after insurance and told I had no insurance. An online check said I'd been cancelled, a call said I had no insurance and finally a patched through three way call revealed I did have insurance but the carrier continued to deny I had any! Well it's all straightened out now but good grief! Just one more hard thing on the pile of the week.
There were many good things in the week. No food waste. Catching a missed bill before huge late fees or fines were incurred. Time with grandchildren. Clarity in a misunderstanding on both sides.
Items we're finding hard to find at present are paper plates, smoked beef sausages, nearly all turkey sausage and in many stores even pork sausage.
Dear Terri,
DeleteYou have good reason to be tired. And oh boy on the insurance! It worries me that with a computer glitch or someones decision everything can be gone or changed. I am glad it is sorted out! These things are a pain in the neck though!
Turkey is being mentioned by others also. I hope you can get some rest over the weekend Terri. With much love,
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you and your family on the new baby-to-be! Such an exciting time for you all. I have to envy a bit but also happy for you to find all the beautiful fruit. You can't beat $0 on the price. There's not much to be gleaned around here but I try to keep my eyes open. I took advantage of our grocery store sales this week and found a large celery stalk for $1.00; 3 lbs. of lemons for $2.50 and 2 lbs. of zucchini for .59 cents/lb. Going early really increases my chances of finding the best buys. What I find on sale dictates my projects for the week! I dehydrated zucchini and celery today. Last week I bought a big pineapple for $2.98. I dehydrated some of the fruit and we ate some fresh (delicious), and the core and peelings I'm using to make vinegar. So a pretty good yield from a $2.98 investment. I will also try re-growing the celery from the bottom root area (have not been successful with this in the past) and I have onion roots starting to sprout as they sit on my window seal.
I made a list of items that I need to print labels for in my never-ending quest for organization! I also made out meal plans for two weeks. I don't always stick to the plan but on the days where my brain isn't engaged it's very helpful to refer to the menu plan so I'll know what to cook.
My old Singer sewing machine is such a pleasure to sew on but I've only had one bobbin for it. I finally ordered 10 new bobbins so I can wind them all in different colors and be ready to use that machine more often. My daughter had gifted me a bobbin winder and I find that to be such a help having the bobbins loaded and ready to go when I'm sewing.
A big project for the coming week is to inventory the freezers. This time I will show the use-by dates on my inventory so I will know what to use first. I also want to apply the labels I plan to print.
We are having the most beautiful sunny days now. Still a bit cold for working outdoors but it won't be long now. I so enjoy everyone's input here as I always feel encouraged and often learn some good tips. THANK YOU AND BLESSINGS to all. Have a great week !
Dear Pam,
DeleteThank you! I like the way you shop and that you found the best time too.
Having plenty of bobbins is a big help. I have collected a lot over time and they are mostly wound ready to go. I keep a few empty as there is always some random colour I need!
Good luck with your freezer organisation. I am waiting on an electrician to give me a new power point... once I have that I have a lot of re organising to do too! But it will be good.
Nice sunny days are lovely and make life easier! We are all looking forward to the change of seasons! Many thanks Pam, with love
A big thank you to Laura from Ohio (peidreaming) and Leslie McKinley (Ohio) for thinking of me and praying for me. You should see the big smile on my face and the tears in my eyes... Dear Annabel, congratulations for the beautiful news. Children are gifts from God. I truly felt that when adopted my beautiful boy 13 years ago. Now he is a 16 year old teenager with green eyes exactly like mine. God is good - in all his plans! Regarding the war news, yesterday we saw long convoys with tanks on trucks and other army equipment crossing our country from west to east, 1000 american soldiers arived, our politicians and Nato people keep talking, and we wait... Prices are very high, the inflation is around 8 procents, Still having snow but a bit warmer. Today I opened all the windows for a few hours and airdry outside the washings. Had a very nice long walk with my little dog, Charlie along the river. Praying, waiting, hoping...thank you for everything my friends. With love, Laura_s_world from Romania
ReplyDeleteDear Laura, We are all thinking of you and praying! Yes children are gifts from God! Absolutely! I believe green eyes are the least common colour eyes... so this makes you and your sons eyes both being green even more of a miracle! I also have green eyes!
DeleteTanks, soldiers and trucks sound very scary. I cant imagine. Many of us here are thinking of you and praying. Please feel free also to email me brinkzi21@hotmail but let us know you are ok. We are seeing a lot of reports, we dont know what is true honestly!
It is good that the cold has eased a bit. And lovely to open windows for some fresh air, I love that. I hope you can build your stock and find opportunities and good deals even with this inflation and high prices. Much love and many prayers. Love
DeleteI was so happy to see an update from you today. You are in my thoughts and I will light a candle for you.
Yay for the new baby! Wylder is now two weeks and he is so tiny. He was not a preemie but quite small. I thank the name rather odd but the kids love it and that is what is important. I wanted to name my daughter, Stephanie, Tatiana but everyone talked me out of it. Stephanie is thrilled they did! ;)
ReplyDeleteDear Brenda, I like the name! Oh to have a tiny baby... it is so wonderful. I hope he is doing really well. I always think the first 6 weeks are so important, the settling in, getting a routine, getting to know each other. Very special! Many thanks, with love
DeleteI haven't commented in a long while, but I think it's important to get a global view, so here's me in the UK.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Chloe, strangely I was only thinking about her a few days ago!
Petrol is now at it's most expensive ever, £1.50 a litre, obviously that has a knock on effect on everything else.
I received notification that my electricity bill will increase from £52 a month to £93! I was anticipating £85 but not that much. So, I have gone round the house and unplugged everything that's not essential, I have even reluctantly unplugged one of my freezers. I have measured out exactly how much water to boil for a pot of tea, so I'm not wasting energy that way and have made a haybox cooker, along with some other , fairly drastic measures. Bear in mind that 12 months ago I was paying £25 a month for electricity!
In the supermarket chicken went up by over 20 per cent- overnight. My favourite yogurt has gone up from 50p to 95p, I won't be buying it anymore. My tea has increased by 25 per cent.... the list just goes on and on. I honestly don't know what some people are going to eat.
So, not a happy picture, but I will do my best.
Dear Su,
DeleteThank you so much and thank you for your UK report. Wow that is a lot for petrol! Yes it has an effect on the cost of pretty much everything.
That is a huge electricity price increase. And you have to stay warm! This must be hitting families hard. These are massive increases. It is worrying. I hate thinking of families struggling to feed kids and keep them warm. Also the elderly skimping... it is just awful. You are doing some great things... A hay box cooker can work pretty well! Also a thermos can keep tea warm all day so you only have to boil the kettle once. I hope that you have opportunities with specials, good deals, the garden, trading even... as these things can help so much. It is like the Dig for Victory era! Thank you for your report I appreciate it! With love
Dear Annabel, just saw your comment about the supply of antibiotic cream. Plantain (plantago lanceolata) grows all over the world , I make salve with it. we use it on all cuts, and such. well worth having in your medicine chest , especially if your having trouble keeping antibiotic cream in stock. Have a great week, De
ReplyDeleteDear Annabel,
DeleteCongratulations 💕 to Chloe what a blessing.
We currently are able to get most things here or a substitution it might take a couple of stops. All prices have gone up. Kristi does the shopping do to my lukemia. She said all shelves were full at Target. We live in San Diego and are a port city.
Mark Cuban from Shark tank has started a press company in the USA. He will be charging 15 % above cost. He will not take insurance to keep prices down. He currently has only about 100 drugs but plans to increase to more drugs.💕 Mostly the cost with the 15% added will be lower than a lot of people pay with insurance. Hope this will help someone.
Annabel you always get so much done.💕
Much love,
Patti from San Diego
Thank you so much Annabel for this great community! Laura from Romania, so glad to hear from you, I think of you every time I hear the news. Thanks Su for updating from the UK. I was wondering how things were going for regular people, as it’s hard to tell from the news. Stay strong everybody!
ReplyDeleteThank you! The news (here anyway) makes basically no mention of how people are doing. How many businesses have closed, how people are feeding a family with prices like they are, nothing. Our news talks about who did what on reality tv shows! Meanwhile ... so much actual stuff is happening! It drives me crazy! xxx