Feather your Nest Friday, 16th July, 2021.
It is pouring with rain so I am sitting inside near the fire. It was a good week. As always I am glad to take out a little time consider how the week went!
It is school holidays so Harper and Scarlett came to stay. The minute I got them home here we hit the ground running with jobs to do. They loved the goats and took over their feeding.
I always aim to teach them all I can. So each step I show them what to do. Scarlett was in charge of feeding Billie as he had not been drinking so well. But we got him back on track!
They loved how the pet sheep brought their lambs up close too ay hello!
Chloe brought baby Thomas over to see the girls and the goats. It was a good photo opportunity but crazy trying to get any of them to be still for one second!
We also went over to Chloe and Luke's. The best photo was this one as Scarlett is wearing her crown, subtle earrings and feeding the Alpaca! As you do.
This visit I started the girls on crochet. We began by learning chain stitch.
Harper is six. Her stitches were pretty good. Scarlet is only 4 but she still got it!
We took our crochet and went and visited Great Grandma (Mum) and she found them sparkly wool and shiny buttons. These combined to make necklaces and bracelets. They loved it! A step towards a new skill.
So it was a bit busy and I am behind on reading comments and replies. After I took them home on Tuesday it hit me how tired I was!
I did a trade. It was a really good one! We allowed a man we know to holiday in the cabin. He needed somewhere to have a break in the country. In return he shot some foxes... and one of them was right near my lambs in the paddock! He also arrived with a huge box of beautiful fresh produce.
I was thrilled with this trade! He also brought chews for Scout and biscuits for the sheep and cows. He remembered from a visit here what biscuits they eat! I was impressed!
So now I have begun working through all of this. It is amazing!
With this I remember the state of the cottage when we started out. Yikes. It is really good now and I re named it the cabin as my target group is really guys who want to camp, shoot foxes and so on. Cabin sounds more manly. But now all the work we put into that is beginning to pay off. We have an asset!
A few side gigs are a good thing. Our country is in a big mess with shut downs. Businesses that have been in families and been through so much have reached their fifth lock down in some cases. There is only so much any business can survive. Even worse than this are the families who can't reach a sick loved one. I feel really grateful we are all close together.
On Wednesday Luke rang me and asked me if I want a lamb? Of course I said yes. This little lamb arrived in bad shape. His mother had died. A fox attacked him. He was really dehydrated and his eyes were dull. I thought oh, no, this lamb is not going to make it.
Because of my animal pantry I had everything I needed ready before Luke arrived. I got a small amount of warm milk into him and sat him in a basket near the fire. Later I gave some more. It seemed pretty grim. Then the phone rang and his little head popped up and his eyes looked bright!
Well, we are still going.
I am doing my best. The very hard way I have found that sometimes an orphan has been too long without a
drink and slipped too far. But then I have revived them from worse than this!
At the thrift shop I found a beautiful summer skirt for one of the girls and some fine pure wool yarn. Also some lovely chickens books and some cards of pretty buttons.
Over the weekend it is set to keep raining. I think I will get some soup on, work on some of the produce and sew. (IF all goes to plan!)
I hope you had opportunities to further your pantry, preparedness, gift cupboard, garden or any other area!
Given everything (and I just heard about the floods in Germany and am trying to find out if a friend is ok...) how can we be the light of the World and encouraging while also encouraging each other to be prepared and watchful? That is tough! At the end of the day we need to do our best, keep the home fires burning and be helpful and encouraging to the people around us. I was chatting to a lady in the supermarket carpark. Our supermarket is on a hill. The car park is on a deep slope. This means if you let go of your trolley for a second it ends up in Tasmania. Anyway I held the trolley for an older lady and then we were chatting. Then I put her trolley back for her. She said "thank you for talking to me." This is what is has come to. When things are really dim a small light seems bright.
I remember how Mother Teresa would nurse and touch the people with Leprosy at a time when it was feared so much. Later Princess Diana also held the hand of a Leprosy patient. These both had an impact on me. Both acted as shining lights.
Stay with me I know the comparison is not the same... but I hoped that I would have bravery if I was ever in a situation like that. When the girls were in primary school I taught a little childrens Bible class after school. It was like a little club. One little girl that came had nits in her hair. She came from a home where everyone had nits and worse and the Mother would just shave their heads now and then and that was it. This little girl took to me like no tomorrow. I loved her too. So from the start I decided to suck it up and brave out the lice. She sat on my knee, ran to me, held my hand and stayed close. I am proud to say I never wavered even with my two and their long hair! I know it's not much, and not like being unafraid of Leprosy by any means, but now I am not wanting to stop talking to people and helping them in the carpark. I also am not going to stop singing. They told us not to sing. As I drove the girls home we sang all the way. They sang and screeched with laughter all the way home.
Put on the whole armour of God and encourage each other. xxx
Beautiful words, Annabel. I must try and remember to be the light in dark situations from now on, as when I look around there seems to be a lot of darkness, but there is always light. I loved how you taught the girls crocheting. This is really beautiful and very special. They will always remember this. They are very good. I think they have your creative genes! I love the animal photos and the photos of your beautiful grandchildren- their smiles truly are so delightful. Is there anything better than animals and children, it is like that Mother Teresa quote; how can there ever be too many children, for they are like flowers. They really are. Just a bit more tiring haha I love the trade that you did with the man that stayed in your cabin. What a great idea. There's a good haul and it would be worth a fortune in the shops too. When we had our groceries delivered the truck driver stopped and chatted and asked me what I had on for the day, I said oh, not much, just looking after my children. He said, well that sounds like actually you do a great lot in deed! I was so thankful to this man, they were such kind words. Sometimes it feels like people out there want to tear others down, but it is so nice when you find these kind people. You probably completely turned around that lady's day/week and the warmth of that conversation probably hasn't left her. I feel like I got a bit done, I saved seeds, crocheted, harvested some fruit and made jam. Lots of love, Lily
ReplyDeleteDear Lily, That man was nice to say that. It is true. Looking after children equals a busy day! Usually with many other things to do as well.
DeleteThank you so much, it was a good and special week. If we get a few extra things done like your jam and crochet then it is a very good week! With love Annabel.xxx
Beautiful week. Wayne says I have a sign that flashes when people approach me that says "I'll talk to anyone". I was stopped by a lovely lady in one of the country op shops while we were away. This woman was older, well older than me, and she just needed help sending a text message. No one in the shop would help her. I watched as even the women at the counter turned away from her as she approached. Now she was a bit of a chatterbox, but she needed help. We helped her send the text and she was so grateful, she couldn't stop thanking us. It took all of maybe three minutes and cost us nothing. Even Wayne commented on how everyone turned away from her. When I was a little girl I asked my mum how come Dad always brought home people. My father was a truck driver and if he came across another truck driver or anyone else who had nowhere to go for a meal and a shower and a sleep, he'd bring them home. Mum told me that Jesus told us to care for everyone, because if we care for everyone, then we are caring for Him, and I think those words from her lodged in my mind better than any of the sermons I've ever listened to on the topic. I was probably 7 or 8 at the time. So I try to have patience and kindness and not turn anyone away especially if they need help. Keep on singing - the Psalm says to ""make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing." Have a lovely weekend. xxx
ReplyDeleteWhat a precious thing your parents taught you, Cathš Mary
DeleteWhat a wonderful post, Annabel! Oh, my - thank you for sharing the importance of sharing the Light in such a lost and dark world. It breaks one's heart to think an elderly lady would thank you just for talking with her....what a cold, cruel world we live in.
DeleteThey tried to stop us from worshipping/singing here in California in our churches - Governor's orders. How diabolical. Worshipping God is how we keep our spirits up!
Those precious girls could not be more beautiful. Queen Scarlet in her alpaca-feeding attire has really got it down ;). And the pic of Thomas and the girls is delightful. Look at his chubby wrists - one of my fav things about babies. He's being feed nutritious stuff. Is Thomas' hat made by his G-Granny Pat? Looks like her beautiful knitting.
I wonder if the Mama sheep know Scarlett and Harper are Little Humans?
I'm praying for the newest orphan lamb and have been praying for the safety of the other lambs as well. Grateful the fox was not able to hurt one of the babies.
So glad Scarlett was able to get Billie back on track with taking his bottles. I'm sure you praised her and gave her a confidence she'll carry with her always. I remember feeding a lamb a bottle in Ohio when I was about their age...that is a wonderful memory I still have.
I love the girls' sweatshirt/hoodie dresses - they're so pretty!
Seeing the girls' crochet work brought back memories of when my nearly-30-yr-old niece used to visit us and I taught her to chain stitch. She made bracelet and necklace, too. These little ones learn so quickly it's astounding.
You and all the Bluebirds pour so much love and teaching into your children and grands, it reminds me of how God prepares good to continue in this old world.
Yes, putting on my armor for today (Ephesians 6:10-18, if anyone would like to look it up and be reminded :)
Love and prayers, Mary in San Diego (only supposed to get up to 86* today)
Cath there was a time anyone who have helped an older lady with anything. It would have been considered good manners. I am so happy you helped her!
DeleteWhat wonderful parents and I loved hearing how your Dad would bring people home.
Thank you! In more than one of our states they stopped Church services but you could still go to a pub or a brothel. So it had nothing to do with the virus did it.
I am not sure about that hat. Mum has made so many!
My lamb is still going. I am still not confident he just hasn't started to thrive. I keep trying. Thank you for praying!
Mum and I both like to buy the girls long tops or dresses that go over leggings. We thing this is warmer. Thank you for posting the verse and how to find it. It sure applies! With love Annabel.xxx
What a wonderful time you had with the girls and you show so clearly how much children can learn and actually love to learn if someone will just take the time instead of plunking them in front of a screen!
ReplyDeleteAll your animals are so sweet - I hope the new lamb makes it.
We just entered stage 3 of reopening today so most things are now opened but with restrictions still in place and face masks still mandatory in all public spaces. I have a Zoom meeting scheduled for this morning as we lay out the plans for my church's reopening at the end of August (we have been legally allowed to open but like many churches in this very large city, we have chosen to go online). By the end of August about 75% of the people in the city will be fully vaccinated so people told us that they wanted to hit until then. Music and singing is something still under discussion - people do miss it and we will at least have a soloist from the choir and perhaps a quartet but we won't have any singing from the congregation for a bit yet. We have had 3 major shutdowns and no one wants a 4th so we are all being very cautious.
Yes, people do seem to crave conversation and my walking friend and I have found people very friendly (if from a distance) and the bird watchers have been wonderful and so willing to share their knowledge. I hope it stays this way.
Yesterday, a commuter city just north of us was hit by a tornado! Thankfully no one seems to have been killed but there are a lot of injuries and damage. What a Summer with the fires and heat out west and now the dreadful flooding in Germany - I hope that your friends are safe and that you hear from them soon.
Dear Margie, Thank you. I am amazed what the girls learn and remember and how keen they are. We have screen free days here. They love the outdoors and I want to keep it that way!
DeleteWhat a fright with the Tornado! I heard about the fires in Canada and USA and the flooding in Germany! Really extreme. Stay safe and have a good weekend! With love Annabel.xxx
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful week you had with the girls. You are making memories with them that they will never forget. I love the photo of Princess Scarlett feeding the alpaca! And I love that you sang. Really what an awful thing to tell people not to sing. It reminds me of Daniel in the Bible, when the decree came out that they were not to pray to anyone but the king, that Daniel went on as he always had and prayed to God with his windows open.
This week saw lots of baking and using up produce. I made two loaves of zucchini bread, one for us and one to send to the fire station. I also made a batch of banana muffins that I intended to freeze, but they disappeared before they made it to the freezer. Banana pancakes finished off the last sad banana.
We managed to sell a few eggs. I'm still free ranging my chickens and saving all my scraps for them to help keep feed costs down.
I saved quite a bit on groceries. I also added to my essential oils, taking advantage of a 25 percent off sale.
Outside I weeded and mulched half of my roses. We are still getting rain, which is making everything just flourish. I measured and mapped out my garden area so that I can better plan for my fall garden. In my part of the world, we start our fall garden as early as August for some things. I'm hoping to start as much from seed as possible, both to save money and to practice skills that may be necessary some day.
Colton worked an overtime shift, so this will help towards our debt-free goals. We only have a vehicle payment, and we are making fast progress with our efforts. An overtime shift is 48 hours, so I feel like I've worked an overtime shift too lol.
I hope everyone is doing well. You are right that a little kindness goes a long way, and even the smallest act can make a big impact. And what an impact we have in our own homes.
With love, Kelsey
Dear Kelsey,
DeleteYes, go on praying and go on singing. As we must!
Coltons fire station colleagues must love you! It will be fantastic to get the vehicle paid off. And you will do it too. An overtime shirt is long! It is good you have a hard working husband!
With your eggs and garden and cooking and two small children you are doing so well and also creating beautiful memories at home! With love Annabel.xxx
Beautiful write up Annabel. I was having a conversation today with a lady about just that - being salt and light in the world. It is not difficult. I love these words - preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words. It does not cost much to give a cup of cold water when needed. Jesus showed us how to meet people at their point of need and William Booth who commenced The Salvation Army said that it was no use preaching to people if their stomachs were grumbling and empty. That is why we are known for our social work - for rolling up our sleeves and helping those in need. Our actions speak so much louder than our words. We can all, in our own ways be beacons of light and reach out to others in need. God bless you in your ministry of encouragement to others and may your light continue to shine brightly. Blessings. Bev.
ReplyDeleteDear Bev,
DeleteThank you! Yes, words and actions equally spread light and joy! I very much love and admire the Salvation Army and that they feed, clothe and help people. It is comely true what you say. Preaching to a hungry, sick, lonely, depressed or whatever person is just noise to them. Help, listen, feed, encourage ! Coming along side a person and helping them speaks volumes. Thank you too for saying I have a ministry to others. Over the years I felt a couple of ladies with blogs ministered to me through what they wrote. Also I feel that way about a few books. In my Great Grandmothers Bible there is a letter that a friend wrote to her when my Great Grandfather died. That letter had to have ministered to my GGmother as reading it ministered to me after all these years. Kindness and wisdom came through those words. So I know both actions and words add up to encourage others. Thank you Bev, with love Annabel.xxx
ReplyDeleteLovely pictures! I am sorry that you are having to go through lockdowns again. I hear we are 'penciled in' for Autumn ;)
In my country, one part is now able to remove their muzzles and other parts are not. The madness continues.....
Awful scenes in Germany with the flooding & I heard they are due more rain again! I do hope you get word soon that your friend is ok.
With regards to the singing- I would be singing with you! Word of warning though- my boys tell me I'm not that good! :)
Have a lovely weekend
With love, Heidi xx
Dear Heidi,
DeleteIm not a good singer either. I will sing with the girls though. I sing outside a lot. Luckily there is no one to hear me but the animals!
Heike wrote she is ok. A lot of places are having fires or floods just now. The news here is worse, more restrictions more lockdowns. I am happy to be out on the farm and hoping our town is not next. With much love Annabel.xxx
First off your grand children are so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteBut it seems every thing you touch ,you make beautiful. Pieces of fabric, ribbon, discarded
furniture become new beautiful things.
Abandoned weak animals, snippets of plants.
All flourish under your hand.
Your posts amaze me and renew my soul.
Today's offering was thought provoking.
Thank you for sharing your week with us.
Thanks Savannah, so nice of you. Have a beautiful weekend. It is pouring here and I am near the fire! xxx
DeleteYour little granddaughters are beautiful! I love your words of encouragement. We have not stopped talking to or loving on people since this all began. We need to connect, too. Sadly the disconnect has made so many unable to think outside their own small space and they are now unkind and rude to others. How will we relearn to live in society again? I also see that couples and families are not getting along. The only way to heal our world is to get on our faces and pray. First we must confess our own shortcomings and sin and then we can begin to pray for others. This includes me!
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you and yours!
Dear Lana,
DeleteI agree, people need to connect. Loneliness is a terrible thing as is isolation. I am horrified about people isolated in hospitals and nursing homes etc. We do need to pray. It takes a lot of reflection to confront our own faults and try and do better. But God leads us and makes new ways! Thanks so much for your kind comment! With love Annabel.xxx
Lovely post, Annabel. Thank you for sharing the pics of your lovely family and animals. I hope your new little lamb survives, he looks so dear. Your cabin and trades sound excellent! And I agree, isn't it amazing how just the littlest conversations and best wishes help others through the day? And they make me happier, too. Best wishes for a good week!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jill. We never know who might come across our path. Little opportunities to meet someone new. I was thrilled with my trades. I have soup on now with some of the veggies. My lamb is still going but Im not too confident yet.
DeleteHave a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx
God bless you. That is the way God wants us to liveā¤ļø
ReplyDeleteThank you Nana! xxx
DeleteDear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteFinally getting to your blog late this afternoon. I skimmed it so I could reply and will go back and read it through again later.
What a fun time your granddaughters had feeding the goats.How wonderful you are teaching Harper and Scarlett to crochet. My grandmother taught me that when I was about seven. I learned with crochet thread as that is all she ever used- doilies, dresser scarves, dollhouse rugs, and a double bed sized bedspread to name a few things she made.
What a precious little lamb. I hope and pray you can save him. Yes, we must find connections to others even in the midst of the pandemic. I still wouldn't hesitate to help an older person or anyone at the store. Blessings, Laura
Dear Laura,
DeleteIt is so wonderful that what we learn around that age sticks with us! And these skills bring so much happiness to our lives. I am still crocheting things my Nana showed me how.
Lambie is still going! I will keep trying with him! With love Annabel.xxx
This is a really uplifting post Annabel. I always love to see the pics of your grandchildren. Itās so lovely that you spend such quality time with them, and it must be nice for Lucy to have some time just with Sidney for a little bit.
ReplyDeleteThat box of produce is lovely! And how nice that you can have people come and stay in the cabin that would have stayed unusable if you had not worked your magic!
We had a short trip away, just overnight and it was wonderful. We did some really neat things with the kids and all really enjoyed it. Being short was great too, we still have plenty of time to enjoy at home. It didnāt start so well with a flat tyre 20 minutes into the journey, but we now have a tyre centre we will continue to use as they were so helpful!
I found some excellent kids clothing in an op shop in our travels, each item was $1 and that includes a jacket that just needs the sleeves turning up.
We have guests this weekend so Iāve done lots of baking which will last into next week.
I have two rows and the border left to go on the never ending crochet blanket! So that will get done this weekend. Iām so excited to finish it. And my son is eager to get it on his bed. I think Iāll follow it up with some dish clothes and baby gifts that are quick finishes!
I hope you have a lovely weekend, your plans sounds so nice.
Jen (NZ)
Dear Jen,
DeleteThank you! Lucy used the time to have an over haul of some organisation and the girls rooms. I think if I make it a tradition to have the girls come to stay every school holidays this will give her those opportunities to rest or do things you just dont always get a chance to.
Im so glad you had a little trip away. Trips are very exciting for kids and they experience something completely different.
It is fantastic you found such deals on kids clothing! Also Jackets are normally a much more expensive item. We are now in a big lockdown. A lot is happening. I keep working to put away clothes for the kids for the next season and next size up.
Your baking is always fabulous I know that! So your guests will be happy! I would love to see your blanket. It is a big job but these are heirlooms really and I always noticed (and still do now with the girls) that kids felt special that something was made FOR them. I noticed this a lot they kind of beamed with pride over things that were made for them. They felt special. There is a lot in that.
Keep warm and I hope you avoid lockdowns as we have gone back into them all happening fast! With love Annabel.xxx
Thanks for sharing. I know the pandemic has affected the world in a negative way, but it has created such a hunger for love and contact. I recently had a young woman ask me to disciple her in the Lord. She has come out of such a bad background and is intent on following Jesus. My, am I blessed! How kind of Him to use me as one of His vessels. Glad to be apart of a group who want to be "salt and light"!
ReplyDeleteDear Leslie,
DeleteThis this so true, I think there is a lot of loneliness and isolation. It's not good. IT is wonderful this young woman has you. The contrast now between the world and a young person seeking to live in faith is such a big gap. I would still suggest Laine's Letters for any woman wanting to live a Godly life. Sometimes I hear ladies say they are not sure what to do once their children have grown and what their mission is. Yet is is simple and clear and we are given perfect instructions on this! Hope you have a good week! With love Annabel.xxx
Dear Annabel,
ReplyDeleteHarper and Scarlet are so adorable. You are a such a good grandmother. Teaching children skills these days is very important since many skills are lost.
The fresh produce looked wonderful. Are you canning quite a bit now?
I am trying to do more dehydrating than canning. John said the black currants are ready to be picked. He already picked the Nanking cherries. Last week, I fed the apple and plum trees. I, also, have frozen fruit from last summer that needs processed.
The picture of Thomas with the girls was precious. The small goats are so cute.
Sending you and all the Bluebirds much love,
Dear Glenda, I know you have had some wonderful times teaching your Granddaughter skills too.
DeleteSo far I have made 2 big banana cakes. 4 jars of beetroot relish. Two pots of soup. Two impossible pies. A chicken meal where I used up lots of capsicum. 5 jars of lemon butter. Lots of meals with he beautiful broccolini. More to go yet.
I am loving dehydrating, more than canning. But there are different things that work at different times. It all adds up.
Thank you Glenda, I was happy to get these photos of the cousins together!
With love Annabel.xxx
Dear Annabel, I am okay. I posted on fb at Cath's posting xxx Heike from Germany
ReplyDeleteDear Cheesemouse, Thank you! I saw and was glad because we were seeing terrible scenes. It is very sad. Thank you for letting us know. There just seems to be a lot at once now! With love, Annabel.xxx
DeleteHello Annabel and you are so right we need to be a light to others to encourage, talk and help the people that come into our paths that need it :) . God does put us in the place we need to be at any given time says DH. We were in the bank and a ladies car keys fell from her pocket on the lounge chair and DH alerted her to it, she was so grateful and the above is what he said to her and she agreed.
ReplyDeleteScarlett and Harper look like their having so much fun bottle feeding the goats and Lama and I love that Scarlet dressed for the occasion. Your new little lamb is gorgeous and I hope it pulls through for you and a good sign it's little eyes are bright after a bit of tender loving care. That is lovely that the cabin is already in use and what a good trade :). The picking up of lovely wool , buttons and children's clothing from the op shop was a blessing too.
Like yourself we had rain a majority of the week so not a lot got done outside but we did get a bit done on the sunny days.
Our Vicky challenge added up to $46.50 in savings last week :) .
In the kitchen -
- We baked 4 loaves of wholemeal white bread in the bread making machine saving $13.96 over buying them locally.
- Cooked all meals from scratch.
Purchases -
- Did a mini grocery order and saved $11.50 by buying Vegemite on special and using $10 off WW rewards $.
Finances -
- With a bonus I got I paid an extra months mortgage payment saving time and interest on our loan.
- Also with the bonus I added more to our 6 month emergency fund bringing us to 73.2% of the way to our goal.
In the gardens -
- We harvested .945kg of capsicums saving $15.35 over buying them in the supermarket and washed, chopped an packaged them into 4 double meal sized portions for the freezer.
- With well composted grass clippings we topped up 2 raised garden beds and mulched an ornamental flower bed. We also used spent potting mix and soil in two pots to put some more soil in one garden bed.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead :) .
Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).
Dear Lana,
DeleteOur rain water tanks are all full now. They are running over. I feel as if I should be out there catching all the water running over somehow as well! But it is really good! Yours sound like they would be full also.
It was fantastic you could pay an extra month on the mortgage. You must be quite a way ahead. That is wonderful.
We love capsicums. That is a good harvest. I find a lot to do with them. Some were in the gift that man gave me and they were just delicious. I think full of goodness too.
Toppeing up the garden beds is good. Soil improvement is a never ending thing! Your baked bread and outside work all sound so good to me! With much love Annabel.xxx
When my granddaughter was young and I was teaching her how to crochet, we started out with chain necklaces and bracelets. Then she "advanced" to making three chains and braiding them together. This also helped her learn to braid. She took a bracelet she made to my mother when she was in the hospital. Mom treasured it.
ReplyDeleteChristine that is a good tip! All these things are so loved and helping them with their skills. I can imagine your Mum loving her gift. I keep a lot of these little treasures. I am already planning what to do next visit! xxx
DeleteI am so excited this morning as our first baby chick hatched out! He looks like Daddy Silkie who is quite homely but this baby is still awfully cute!
ReplyDeleteAnnabel, you made a good trade with your friend. So handy to have that cabin and the extra benefits it will bring. I loved the pics of your granddaughters with them learning a new skill and with those baby lambs. You are such a good grammie and a blessing to so many! (That includes me!)
Since all the rain we have increased our mowing and I have been raking up a storm. It will be a good feeling to have all that "hay" put back for my chickens. A square bale here has got to be very pricey. I am looking to buy some milo seed to supplement their diet. My friend told me that they used to feed their chickens some yellow corn meal and they had the prettiest eggs ;-).
I learned that a plant that grows profusely here is a good bug repellent. It's called American Beauty Bush and I've also read that jelly can be made from the berries. I think it pays to educate ourselves about things that grow locally and to build up a library with all kinds of useful information. In case some day we may not have access to the internet. Heaven forbid! I have been watching videos on uses for lemon grass (and taking notes). Our public library has a "freebie" bookcase and it has been a great source for all kinds of reading material. We bought ground beef getting ready to can more chili this week. I want to keep a good protein source on hand and we do love our chili!
I have been recycling ordinary things that would normally be tossed out into things that are useful. I decided to start saving tin cans to use as planters. I saw where one gardener was using plastic milk cartons as planters, too.
I hope everyone has a blessed and productive week.
Dear Pam, I hope your chick is doing well and followed by others! I love Silkies!
DeleteThank you for your kind words. All the rain has been good for you and now we have the same! The feed it produces is fantastic.
Things that grow well and have several uses are really good to have. I agree we need to work on that. I seem to be able to grow some thing sin great quantity and not so good at others. This Spring I am planting big time those things I know I have success with.
The freebie book case sounds great. I agree we need to keep printed copies of vital information as we reply on the internet just being there. But so easily the wheels could fall off! (and all the hacks lately...)
Have a good new week! With love Annabel.xxx
I always felt sorry for Princess Diana. She seemed like a kind person but one could tell how unhappy she was. My own mother made very unwise choices with men after my father died so I could look past Diana's unwise choices and see the hurting woman inside. We have way too much rain where we live, it has caused problems with the container garden. A dear friend lives in the Western Plains where it has been so dry. It seems to be mostly one extreme or the other in most of the States.
ReplyDeleteDear Brenda, I saw how there have been heat waves and also too much rain! As you say both extremes. Fires as well. This really makes life hard. We have to work with what we have. For us we have had rain! It is fantastic for us. It limits what I can do outside but it doesn't matter, I can do indoor work.
DeleteI hope you are having a good new week. With love, Annabel.xxx
Hi Annabel
ReplyDeleteWhat gorgeous photos of the Grandchildren. They sure are growing up so fast and the girls are at a wonderful age to start to teach things to.
Such a beautiful looking lamb and how heartwarming your story was.
Your produce that was gifted to you looks delicious. We always stop at a road side stall that a farmer has out when we head up into the hills. Last Saturday we did just that and got some amazing produce. Our visitors could not believe how amazing the pineapple was and also the strawberries from the local farm were. I love the flat type beans and was so lucky to get some of these and have been munching on them during the day as well as at dinner.
We had a wonderful few day exploring some places we have not visited in a while as well as some new places. We saw some platypus, turtles up in the hills, a beautiful waterfall and some crocs in their natural environment. The girls went swimming and yes it is the middle of winter but the water was lovely as most days the temp is still in the mid 20's. We went for a drive out to visit our old town and had lunch up in the hillside, visited the strawberry farm and an old fashioned diner.
Hope everyone is safe and well
Take Care
Aly xxx