Feather your Nest Friday, 28th May, 2021.

 It was a great week!  We had more rain and some sunny days which has produced a blanket of green.   It is beautiful.   Every time it was sunny I got out in the garden and planted more cuttings that seemed to be ready to go in.  All of this is making a difference.   My garden is looking much more lush.   I think the bonus is how the sun, fresh air and loveliness of it help me sleep well.   You get a full dose of Vitamin D and God's beauty that does you more good than almost anything else.  Maybe I would add animals to that list.  The sweetness of animals is so beautiful.  All this does your heart good.  

I have been thinking on industriousness.  Mum and I were talking about happiness and contentment.   I've said it over and over but it never stops amazing me how all the people I know who have happy hearts are industrious and busy with their hands.  I can't think of an exception.  Busy hands really do make happy hearts.   I know it is not a fluke that so many Bible verses have a depth to them that seems endless.   "She works with her hands with delight" (Proverbs 31:13) is not just a formula for being on top of your work,  creative and frugal but a prescription for health.    Again this week Australia has millions of people in lockdowns, children home from school, businesses impacted and more.  I won't even list the things I am seeing that many of your are experiencing.   All I can say is we have been preparing, building up our pantries and preparedness and we are not afraid of the winter as we have been doing stuff! 

 I watched as some of my friends were plunged into lockdowns and did they complain?  No!  Cath and Wendy were two who began to plan right away how they would use this time!   Wendy declared she will get busy soap making.   I have a list of blogs I follow posted on my homepage here.  Cath's blog is Debt Free, Cashed up and Laughing.  Wendy's is My Abundant Life.    I thought yes!!  These girls are industrious!   

Ok,  I better report the ways I feel I built up the home and pantry this week.   These include:

I made Friands.   They are made with Almond meal and berries.   They are delicious.  Easy for a gluten free treat.  

I had a couple of lemons that were pretty well past it.   I sliced them open and put them in the dishwasher. Then I threw in a large tablespoon of Bi Carb Soda and ran a cycle.   This makes it come up sparkling clean and smell beautiful. 

Mum gave me some meat for Scout and that added to her little section of the freezer.

In the op shop I found an animal carrier suitable for a small dog or chickens for $6.  It even had a brand new dog lead inside.   Then I found packets of all kinds of needles like darning, upholstery, embroidery and more.   Also some brand new cottons.   These went into my gift cupboard as I am making sewing themed gifts.   Something else towards these gifts are these button cards.    

The cards are a free printable from Jenny (who's blog is also on my reading list) and I made 30 of these then packaged them into little cellophane bags with a pretty sticker.  Into the present cupboard they went.   I have found doing multiples of things builds up my present supplies faster than anything else! 

I have started a little challenge to each week do at least one bulk cook up.  This week it was Pasties.  I made 16 man sized/meal sized pasties.   I gave Chloe 4 so that covered two meals at her house.  

These are full to the brim of beautiful veggies and a little meat.  I serve them with relish.   They are like pies kind of, I say this as I don't think these are common in the US.   They (also like pies) freeze so well.   A pie/pastie is a meal all in one. So handy.

So by the time I gave some away and we had a meal of them I had ten left to freeze.  This was five meals  added to the freezer for us.    Last year I made it that I would have at least one month of meals ready to thaw for emergencies etc.  I am working back up to that again as I let it slip a bit.

This week my investment was in needles for my sewing machine. 

Now for an adventure.   Every night I check the Facebook Buy, Swap and Sell sites for my area and these include livestock and poultry groups.    Won over to roosters by the two roosters I did a swap for I decided I could take in some more.  In one evening three people posted the most gorgeous roosters ever.   Thinking they were stunning and they were free I applied for them all, assuming I would be lucky to get one.   
So you already know what happened.  I got them all. šŸ˜¬

The animal carrier has had a work out already.    The first rooster I picked up from a lady in the supermarket car park.   We had a pretty basic arrangement to meet there and I had to sit and consider if people looked like chicken people.  Finally someone approached me and asked if I was Annabel.  It was kind of like a drug deal haha.   I was handed a box that was taped up as though Houdini might be inside.    I put the box into the car and noticed it was surprisingly heavy.   I gave the lady a pack of my cards and gift tags as a thank you. 

At home a couple of hours later I lifted the box out and walked into the hen house with it.   I had all this tape to contend with.  As I was trying to get it open it felt like I was opening a big present.   It was exciting!   Finally I got the box open.   All I could see was a box full of feathers.  Full to every square inch.  There was no obvious head or tail just millions of feathers.   I put my hand on top and kind of stroked.    Up popped a head and he stood up.   Packed into that box was a rooster the size of a small car!  
He shook and straightened himself out and hopped from the box.    I was just amazed!   I have named him George although Foghorn Leghorn came a close second. 

His feathers are just amazing.  And he is very quiet which is lucky.  

Since I have repeated this kind of performance 4 more times.  Now I have 7 roosters.  This is chicken maths for you.    I probably can't keep them all.   Over the weekend I will figure it out.  I have four hen houses so I can keep four.  Two of those have almost 20 hens each so those two can probably have two roosters....    The idea is to have chicks and increase sustainability.   The roosters protect the hens as well.     And now I have to stop getting more chickens.  šŸ‘€

I rescued lots of little succulents from an abandoned garden.  Oh my goodness some of them are gorgeous.   They were so long without water I wasn't sure if they would survive.  I soaked them in a bucket of water overnight and they sprung back like little sponges.  I saved all but one.  
Next I potted them up.   I will nurse them on a bit before planting them out.  

I got two trays like this.  So thrilled!   

So that about sums up the week.  I hope you had opportunities to build up your home and garden and get ahead.   We are going into winter in a couple of days.  I am glad to have easy meals in the freezer if one of us isn't well.  This weekend I have some apples I need to use up.   The fire is going and I have a blanket to work on. šŸ’– xxx


  1. Hi Annabel and everyone,

    Your new rooster is beautiful! And those pasties are a wonderful idea; I haven't seen them before, but I am sure they would be a hit at my house.

    It has been a busy week. We've had buckets of rain, but it does make everything beautiful and my roses have started blooming! The lemon balm has grown back enthusiastically and we will have balloon flowers (campanula) blooming soon. They make me so happy. There was one sunny day and we mulched the front garden, trimmed the evergreen shrubs, and brought in some soil for the raised beds. We replaced one of the bird feeders that was broken in the latest storm; it has received the bird seal of approval as we immediately had cardinals visiting! I bought a rosemary plant since my rosemary seeds didn't sprout, and a couple of heirloom tomato plant varieties that were new to me. It was nice to see veggie and herb plants at the nursery; last year there were basically none anywhere. There is definitely a smaller selection this year, but it looked like if you wanted flowers or veg you could buy them, you just might need to be flexible with the variety of plant. Indoors, my husband hung two new pantry shelves for me and I re-arranged - so much more room in there now! I also re-organized my craft closet and my husband moved a couple of heavy containers for me. It is amazing what a difference an hour of organization can do!

    Having an "Annabel baking day" once a week has been so good for us. This week I baked sandwich bread, a double batch of muffins, hamburger buns, apple crisp, and cooked up a turkey with veggies and stuffing. Lots of this went into the freezer for the week ahead; some of the bread and muffins were for work sandwiches/snacks. It really makes the working week so much less stressful.

    Since this is the first summer back to work after work from home, I needed to buy a few warm-weather clothing items. Stacking a coupon on top of a store sale, I got everything I needed and saved $214 (which is a substantial amount more than I spent)!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    1. Dear Kathy,
      Your garden sounds beautiful and I would love to see a Cardinal! I can see you feel the same as me about being out in the garden and the joy it brings.
      I am so glad your baking day is helping so much. Everything you made sounds delicious. Like with your double batch of muffins I like to do big batches and then you have thing son hand plus things put away. Well it all really adds up. The turkey sounds amazing. You have me thinking... I reckon I might have a turkey roll still. I will go digging as now it is cool a roast would be super nice!
      Well done on your clothing good deals! That was amazing to save more than you spent. I hope you have a good weekend, no doubt you will be organising ahead for the work week and get some rest too! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. What beautiful birds! I am in America and have had hand pies many times. I make them as well - we also have calzones - kind of a Italian version of hand pies.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Dear Cheryl, I know of Calzones and had a go at making them too and loved them. I think something encased in pastry is easy to handle and an all in one meal which is good. Have a lovely weekend to you too, with love Annabel.xxx

  3. "The fire is going and I have a blanket to work on." Sounds wonderful :). George is absolutely gorgeous - bless his heart, it sounds like he's a calm fellow, too. I imagined he'd be freaked out by being stuffed in a box like that - but, he responded to your stroking him and hopped right out. My goodness, God surely blesses your endeavors! I think everything you turn your hand to prospers.
    As my grandma would have said, "I declare!".
    Haha about your rooster hook-up sounding like a drug deal. Did you wear dark sunglasses and act furtive? ;)
    Those pasties look fab...and your Friands. Don't ya just love almond meal? the flavor is out of this world.
    Yay, the succulents bounced back. You taught your daughters well: Chloe rescuing those chooks (from your last post) and the plants this time. I can just picture her driving around looking at abandoned properties for needy animals/plants. Seems I remember Luke rescuing an abandoned cat a while back and putting it to work catching mice. I know God looks down and is pleased at every kind act....
    I've been moving at a snail's pace the last week or 2. Still working on getting the right dosage on my OCD meds - each increase in dosage throws me off 'til I adjust to it. So, little teeny steps forward. But, I tell myself to be kind to myself and not judge. This is also a Season of life...just have to plow through.
    Well, keep your eyes on things above cuz what's down here is enough to drive ya crazy! As you said, being productive is a blessing in itself.
    Much love, Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      I would love to hear someone say "I declare!" because to me that is right out of the movies. Many terms I have come to love were never used here... like to "put up" which I now use all the time because I love it! I declare I love it!
      IF the police were watching they would have been disappointed there were roosters in the boxes! It was kind of funny.
      I hope you are able to get your meds right for you. What is right for each person can vary so much. You just go at the pace you feel ok with.
      Wise words too. Yep things sure are crazy... but God has this! With love Annabel.xxx

  4. Dear Annabel,
    Your swaps never cease to amaze me. The roosters are gorgeous and I would be hard pressed to decide which ones I couldn't keep. I looked up the Friand recipe on line and found a gluten free Australian website that had the recipe. They are similar to the blueberry muffins I make and so delicious. I was wondering do you use a gluten free dough for the pasties and , if so, could you share the recipe? I love the idea of having themed gifts and the button cards look beautiful.

    How I feathered our nest this week and got ahead: Harvested knockout roses from the garden to make rose petal jelly an also rose water. Made 6 pints of no'mato sauce and froze for future use.
    Baked 10 dozen 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies and added chocolate chips to them, thus making them 4 ingredient. Planted seeds for mini cantalopes, also for zucchini, butternut squash, chard, beets, carrots, romaine and basil. Harvested and dried rosemary and oregano. Made birthday cards for June birthdays and Father's Day. It has been a roller coaster of weather here, blistering hot for 2 days and then very cool for a day and then back up. On the cooler days I made cream of zucchini soup from last year's harvest of zucchinis and served with sandwiches for light dinners. Made meat sauce for pasta with leftover meatloaf and lots of vegetables and no'mato sauce. I am striving to do the same thing you're doing insofar as having a month's worth of premade meals in the freezer. Making stir-fry sauce is also something I do and keep in the freezer as it's so easy to use leftovers and veggies and make a heap of stir fry and the leftovers from that get frozen and used at another time as filling for potstickers or wrapped in rice paper pancakes.
    It is expected to be raining all weekend here so I will be busy indoors doing some more feathering and getting ahead. Wishing everyone a good, safe, and productive week ahead. Blessings, Cookie

    1. Dear Cookie, I am horrible at making pastry and I purchase a GF puff pasty for myself. I have tried a GF one which you could find if you search Maggie Beer Gluten Free pastry and it was pretty good. The friand with the icing sugar and the almond flour is just delicious. And the berries too!
      Well done on all your baking! That was a lot! I also used to keep a list on the freezer of meals that were ready to go and number them. So I am getting back to that too. These meals are like money in the bank, we never know when they will save the day! Also it might not be our day that they save but someone else's.
      We had a really sunny Saturday so I was outside while I can be. Have a beautiful weekend to you too. With love Annabel.xxx

    2. Dear Cookie - I have a question, I hope you see it and are able to answer. I am intrigued about rose petal jelly. Do the roses have to be a specific color? Thankyou, Clare

    3. Dear Clare,
      From what I've read pink or red are the best colors to use as those colors seem to be more fragrant and the more fragrant the rose the tastier the jelly. My roses are pink and the color of the rose water for the jelly came out beautiful. Cookie

  5. Hi Annabel!
    Sorry I havenā€™t commented in so long. I love reading your posts and hearing of your adventures. And also the joy you get from them! The friands look amazing! And also like they would be very easy to have more than you meant too lol. The pasties in to the freezer is a great idea. And how nice for Chloe to have a couple of nights off cooking. And the succulents look fantastic. What a cute collection.

    This is such a busy term with winter sports on, I feel like a bit of a taxi service! I actually love it, I think itā€™s great that they play sport. It just means I need to be so well planned with timing, baking plenty of snacks and meals prepared early in the day.

    We had my youngest daughterā€™s birthday a couple of weeks ago and it was lovely. And my oldest daughterā€™s is today! Thankfully she chose a very easy cake compared to the three year old! She is having some friends around for afternoon tea and they are going to decorate cupcakes. This was inspired by your baking sessions with the girls, they also look so proud of the goodies they take home! Iā€™ve already baked the cupcakes as Iā€™m hoping to still have my sanity intact at the end of the day!!!

    Iā€™m halfway through a single bed crochet blanket for my son. I know that you can relate, it feels like it will never end! But I just keep adding a few stripes as I can. Iā€™m actually pretty thrilled that he still wants me to make one at his age.

    It is pouring with rain outside, Iā€™m happy Iā€™ve got some indoor activities planned for the party! Iā€™m off to make pikelets now.

    Have a lovely weekend!
    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen,
      I am glad to hear you are going ok. I was thinking of you as the blanket I am crocheting is striped and this reminds me of the one you did for your daughter.
      I can imagine how it is with the kids sports. Very hectic and a lot of driving. But I agree it is a very good thing. They are busy and you get to know their friends and other benefits. And they are always starving. See I remember!
      The birthday activity of cup cake decorating is great. They will love that. Thank you for telling me I inspired that! That made my day! When you see how proud they are it is lovely.
      When my girls were older I held a "dinner party" birthday party. This was really different to any party they had been to or had. The girls were maybe about 15. I set a formal table and I made entree, main and desert and tall crystal glasses ( op shop!). etc so it was a bit like a posh restaurant. They all dressed nicely. I ran it like a restaurant and told them what was being served and what cutlery to use etc. For some of them it was a little lesson. Well the loved it. For desert I made heart shaped mini pavlovas and did cream and strawberries. They thought it was great. After we have coffee etc. I remember one girl came out and asked me how did I made the coffee taste so nice and I showed her. Years later she was still doing things my way apparently. I was really impressed how they adored this. It wasn't expensive but it was special. A hight tea, afternoon tea is another that is good for a special party. I am sure your party and cupcake decorating was a success and like me found they love someone to do things with them and to learn what to do.
      Have a good weekend to you too. With much love, Annabel.xxx

    2. Hi Annabel,

      I agree...teens, and even "pre-teens" love this "formal"-style party. We had one once for our eldest's birthday. It was a high tea, with petits fours and cupcakes, etc., and lots of flowers (from the yard) all around, and I had gone to the thrift shop and gotten each girl a china tea cup, which they took home with them, along with a small pot of jam. They came "dressed up", and my husband and I served...they loved it, and loved "practicing their manners"! xx Jen in NS

  6. Itā€™s been a week of unexpected things- many negative but in retrospect, this has been a wonderful week here as well! The squirrel deterrent fencing we put around our raised bed gardens is working!! No squirrels or cats nibbling on our veg!! We also have had some nice rains - gentle and perfect for everything growing!
    Weā€™ve been enjoying fresh strawberries from the garden and wonā€™t add them to our pantry since we already have frozen whole strawberries, dehydrated strawberry slices and bunches of strawberry jam! For me, the hardest thing is knowing when to say that we have enough of something stored and donā€™t need more! Itā€™s the same way with planting tomatoes this year! We have 175+ quarts of diced tomatoes that I canned last year, 15 bottles of ketchup, a dozen jars of sweet and sour sauce and 60 jars of spaghetti sauce. Itā€™s just the 2 of us now so I agreed to only plant 4 tomatoes this year- Early Girl, Beefmaster, Sweet 100 and yellow pear tomato. These will be for eating all through the summer!

    https://pin.it/6IPPTQ7 Our blackberry bush is doing incredibly well as you can see and besides all those blossoms which are turning into berries, we also were able to sell ā€œvolunteersā€ this week and made an extra $122! Weā€™ve had people asking to buy lilac starts from us (we gave away dozens) and so this fall we will start propagating these too as well as other herbs, berries, perennials and bushes that we have growing here! Itā€™s been fun learning how to do it and a little extra money coming in from this is nice to build up our savings!
    I found an expensive brand of shredded cheddar cheese on sale for 70% off which made each 8 Oz package $1.20. I bought all 15 that they had and have put some in the freezer.
    Our ground beef (mince) was on holiday sale- $1.79/pound so I bought 20 pounds to put in freezer as: hamburger patties to grill later, cooked and crumbled ground beef portioned into 2 cup amounts for time saving add to a dinner recipe and then I made some into meat loaves! For us, this was a good price!
    I found antibacterial liquid soap (with aloe) at Krogerā€™s for 25 cents each (8 ounces)! I bought 25 of them for our pantry! When I was at a different Krogerā€™s location in my city the next day, the same soap is B1G1F, but that would make them each cost $1.50 instead of their usual $3 each!
    So even with sad and challenging events, we look back on this week with all the abundant opportunities that have been laid at our feet!!
    Gardenpat in Ohio

    1. Dear Gardenpat,
      You are so far ahead with strawberries and tomatoes! Your garden is looking amazing. You have worked so hard on it the last few years that I have followed along.
      The good deals were great especially that soap! Yes it is really wonderful when help and opportunities are given to us and we can be busy on good things. I love how you all help each other watch for the good deals.
      I would expect Lilacs would sell like hot cakes! With the blackberries and lilacs I think you will do so well! $122 is fabulous. I am doing the same only in my case it is currently fig trees and lavender!
      Have a lovely weekend, With love Annabel.xxx

  7. Enjoyed your chicken adventure. I had to share it with one of my daughters who was sitting nearby. What do chicken people look like? I had to ask myself the same question. ;) Your rooster is gorgeous!

    Thank you for sharing the button cards. I have been on Jes' site lately printing out her strawberry gift set. I made up a gift basket with a strawberry theme for my secret sister at church. Has anyone ever had a secret sister? What a blessing it has been to be apart of one of these...I can't decide what is more fun, to give or to receive! The lady gifting to me is so generous and inventive. Her gifts inspire me to give creatively as well.
    The McKinley home has been blessed with all sorts of good news this week. My husband landed a better paying job than his last despite his health issues. My eldest daughter finally landed her culinary apprenticeship. My second son graduated high school (home school) and has now joined the U.S. Navy. He was tested yesterday for the asvaab and scored a 99 out of 99! His recruiter told me he should have gone to my school. :)

    There has been lots of pantry organizing, sewing and tie-dyeing going on as well.
    Blessings to you all!

    1. Dear Leslie,
      After I realised the first arrangement to meet in the car park was very vague the next time I said I will have a blue animal carrier on top of my car. This worked as the people drove in and drove straight up and I wasn't left wondering how on earth do I work out who has chickens!?
      I have been in a secret sister type thing. It was lovely! Both the giving and receiving were beautiful. It really was fun. The strawberry themed gift sounds beautiful.
      Congratulations to your husband! That is wonderful to hear. And apprenticeship for your daughter is also fantastic and a graduation and acceptance into the Navy is a major achievement. Wow your place had a lot going on! These are all lovely to hear and the 99 out of 99 test results... Leslie you should be congratulated on your home schooling for sure. That is amazing. What a week I am so pleased for you all. With much love Annabel.xxx

  8. Dear Annabel, I am glad to hear that you had a great week. You wrote about ""She works with her hands with delight" (Proverbs 31:13). You know what? Lately I was reading in the bible about the tent in the dessert: "25 And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine linen.
    26 And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats'hair ." 2.Mose 35,25+26.
    Women who were able to spin are called wise and were worthy to work on the tent. Wow. It really touched me to read this.

    Be blessed everbody here on this wonderfull blog.

    xxx Heike from Germany

    1. Dear Heike,
      Those are beautiful verses. I also think of in Proverbs how it speaks of thought learning our crafts and fine tuning them we might meet a king as fine workmanship is so highly valued. We might not be able to do all things but we can tune our skills to have a skill that can do so much for us and our families. I love the whole thing. I love that each day our days are better because of some handiwork.
      Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. I loved your story of bringing home the rooster!

    1. Thanks Lana. He has settled in and taken charge! xxx

  10. Margie from Toronto28 May 2021 at 17:08

    Wow! That is a very impressive rooster!
    I'm staying home this weekend to get up to date on some housework and cooking. I'm going to make some stuffed peppers, bake a tray of chicken thighs and maybe do a bit of baking. The weather has cooled down again after reaching 30C so a good chance to get some cooking done.
    I love your packets of buttons - I don't sew but I've always been fascinated by pretty buttons and loved to see them in the fabric stores.

    1. Dear Margie,
      Your planned baking sounds lovely, stuffed peppers are beautiful. This will all be delicious. I do this, wait for cooler days to do the cooking and not heat up the house. Right now though the heating up is welcome! Have a great weekend, with love Annabel.xxx

  11. Sounds like you had a wonderful week! It rained several days here and my back was acting up, so it wasn't the greatest here. But I'm happy to report--

    I sold $85 worth of stuff at a friend's yard sale and took everything that didn't sell to the thrift store. I sold $900 worth of bigger items on craigslist and FB Marketplace in the previous two weeks, so I've made quite a monetary haul...plus I got rid of stuff, too!

    I was given a wrought iron plant stand.

    It occurred to me that with skyrocketing real estate prices, my house might be underinsured. It was! I went through State Farm's valuation tool with my agent and ended up increasing coverage by $220,000 for $65 more per year. My house (and everyone else's in the neighborhood) has increased by an incredible amount. But, considering what houses are going for in this area, $220K more seems about right. Buying more insurance might not seem frugal...but it will be an hellacious deal if my house burns down or blows away (hope not!).

    I don't usually bother with coupons, but I had two $1 coupons for Ken's salad dressing that made the product cheaper than the one on sale. I bought a year's worth of mustard and ketchup. In the US, Memorial Day weekend is the best time of the whole year to stock up on condiments. Definitely feathered my nest!

    I turned off the irrigation water for 4 days because free water fell out of the sky instead.

    Cheap entertainment--I read a couple of David Baldacci thrillers (my guilty pleasure) from the library. I started a book I bought at the yard sale. I didn't like it, so I'm glad it only cost .50!

    1. Dear Maxine,
      Sorry about your back. Bad backs are awful. Despite this your did so well! Fantastic work on the garage sale and craiglist sales! Good thinking on the insurance. A review of these things is something we should do but even in Australia I have heard about the price rises in houses!
      Very nice you got rain and didn't need tow water, and stocked up on condiments.
      Books are expensive, libraries are wonderful. A good book is perfect relaxation! With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Hi Annabel and so glad you had some rain and the landscape has greened up for you. What great pickups from the op shops on the buttons, sewing needles and pet carrier which came in super handy :) . What luck you got all the rooster free and that one is a huge rooster indeed and they will be handy to protect the chickens. The gifts of the succulents are fabulous and I am sure you will make the most of them. The pasties lock divine too and would make hearty meals and the friands look delicious too.

    Staying industrious is indeed wonderful and I agree getting out into the sunshine and in the gardens is so enlightening and keeping our homes beautiful is lovely too.

    Our Vicky challenge added up to $96.19 in savings last week :) .

    In the kitchen -
    - We baked 3 loaves of wholemeal white bread in the bread maker saving $10.47 over buying them locally.
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.

    In the gardens -
    - We split the remaining pine firewood for fire starters and stacked it.
    - DH cut the larger ironbark firewood logs in half so we can fit them in the log splitter to fit.
    - We sprayed around buildings, fences and paths for weeds.

    Purchases -
    - By buying Schweppes sarsparilla on half price sales and a carton of coca cola on specials we saved $21.25 on usual prices. I also will get a 2000 everyday rewards bonus point promo by spending $40 on these and a few other staples we needed for the home.
    - Bought 6 sherpa jackets on eBay for myself and DH for $24.25 saving $64.47 over buying them in our local shops who are charging $35 + each.

    Finances -
    - We added more money to our 6 month emergency fund bringing us to 69.96% of the way there to our goal.
    - We added more money to our home maintenance fund. We only now have $66 odd dollars to save to get our 2 house stumps replaced, the home leveled, shed beams reinforced and the 2 broken ceiling panels replaced. I have negotiated a far cheaper price by offering to pay cash.

    Hope everyone has a wonderfully productive week ahead :) .

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Dear Lorna,
      You are so close to the goal for the stumps and levelling! It will be great to get that done. Well done too on negotiating and offering cash. I know how much difference this can make. Huge. All this week will be fanatic to have done.
      Your six month fund is going so well too. What a wise thing to have that and you worked hard to build it too. A little by little approach has seen you achieve so many goals.
      Those ironbark stumps must have been pretty big! I love our log splitter. I have come to appreciate tractors and log splitters and things that make lighter work out of daunting work!
      Have a good and restful weekend.
      With love,

  13. Dear Annabel, I love the term industrious. Thankyou for the inspiration to keep striving towards it. I love your button gift idea and your new Rooster - how handsome! Last weekend helping at my husband's parents was very busy and very productive. We took down six dead trees that were in danger of doing damage if they fell in a storm and cleaned these all up, making piles of future wood and wood to be used now. You will fully understand my absolute excitement being able to fill six big bags full of pine cones for our own fire at home. These immediately came in handy when we drove home on Sunday to a cold house and I was able to quickly start a fire inside with them. We had a bonfire with the rubbishy bits with a few other family members as well. This week I made Lillipilli cordial which tastes delicious and a batch of Medlar jelly which looks like beautiful honey and tastes just as yum. I still have Medlar's in the back room that are not ready yet so hope to get another little batch done. I also got my mending done and a few more dish cloths made. My gift stash came in handy again as we had two little people in our life whom we would have visited this weekend for their birthdays but with lockdowns coming I knew we wouldn't be able to visit, so I quickly wrapped some presents and was able to drop them into mail boxes. The parents of these little people were very thankful as parties had been cancelled and our little gifts were appreciated. Today my family and I have been in the yard all day. My husband and daughter cleaned out all the guttering and I spent most of the day weeding the vegie patch - joined at times by humans and pets. My daughter put her little pet rooster Archie in with me so he could scratch up some bugs. I think I will get a cup of tea now and work on my rug. God Bless you Annabel for all you do and your encouragement of us all. Love Clare

    1. Dear Clare, I find myself loving the old terms... prudent and industrious are two I love. When you look into the meanings it is even better. Oh I nearly forgot diligent!
      How nice to bring home pinecones. I do understand! I have several big baskets of pinecones and they look nice just sitting there but they are so good to get a fire going.
      My Mum has Lillipillies now so I need a quick lesson on them! We will put them to good use though.
      It was a beautiful idea to drop the gifts into the mail boxes. That was lovely and well done on being able to do it.
      The chickens find so much in the garden and seem so happy so Archie was probably nice company! A very good week Clare and a big help to your parents in law too. With love, Annabel.xxx

  14. That's a handsome rooster you got there! I wish I could keep chicken where I live.
    Those pasties look good too - I make turnovers, that are like that with fruit filling. I think I might try my hand at a meat & potato filling. I'm making myself hungry lol

    1. Dear Kathy,
      If you would like a recipe look up Cornish pasties. They are lovely and a good recipe for pasties. They are good you will love them! I think turnovers sound pretty good too... we have those, usually apple or apricot turnovers... yum.
      With love, Annabel.xxx

  15. Dear Annabel,

    You are absolutely amazing! I love reading about how "industrious" you've been each week...it's such an inspiration. Your rooster is beautiful. And so are your pasties!

    I try to keep busy, too, as otherwise I think I would go crazy just thinking about all that is going on. This has been a very hard week for me, for some reason, but your post was a nice kick in the butt. :) Yes! Keep busy! In spite of all the swirl of craziness, I finally was able to have a "lilac tea"!!! My china pattern has lilacs on it, and for years I have wanted to have a tea party when the lilacs are in bloom. But our place didn't come with a lilac bush, and I have tried for years to get one going. Finally, this year, my bush being big enough now to survive the deer, I got some flowers, and so yesterday I planned a high tea with savory and sweet courses, and our family had a lovely time dressing up and indulging ourselves, both with food, manners, and with the heavenly scent of lilacs.

    I've been working on improving my flower beds around the house this year, and added to them from other spots around the yard this week. It's still too wet for planting the vegetable garden (and supposed to rain tomorrow, again...), but there are some holdovers from last year that are giving us some produce, plus the rhubarb is up, etc.

    Love reading Cath and Wendy's blogs, plus Jenny and Jes's, too!

    Hope you have another industrious week!

    xx Jen in NS

    1. Dear Jen, You are very industrious I always think! I am really sorry you had a hard week. I hope things are ok. Your Lila high tea sounds just beautiful. I adore lilacs too.
      Jen the work outside and also handiwork are so good for us. There is a lot going on that is for sure. We see a lot of things that dont even make any sense. The garden and animals and nature... they let me know all is well and God is in control.
      I have been working on flowers too. I was very focused on edibles but I decided I need the flowers and besides they bring the bees!
      I hope this week is going better and is easier on you. With much love, Annabel.xxx

  16. Hi Annabel. You are as productive as ever. Like Jen I haven't commented in awhile but have been reading along. It's a wild day here in Christchurch/Canterbury. Lot's of rain and wind, with rising rivers throughout the region. Tucked up warm on the couch with the cat asleep on my knee. Work is crazy busy at the moment so often very tired by the end of the day/week. Just making sure to rest and set little goals so I don't run out of steam. love hearing about the farm and your lovely home. I am amazed at your op shop finds. Some of ours are now veryover priced but as a discerning shopper I can still find some bargins. It's all about knowing your prices. Have a great week everyone.

    1. Dear Mandy,
      You sound very busy. Look after yourself especially now it is winter. Many of our op shops are also overpriced and ridiculous. The further out in the country are better. Garage sales can be a substitute when op shops go crazy. Thank you for your kind words! I think we also have rain and true wintery weather heading in. Ill be in near the fire! With much love, Annabel.xxx

  17. Hi Annabelle, your new rooster is gorgeous. I bet your Friands and pasties are delicious. Wonder if the pasties could be made gluten free. I need to look into that if I had a bread machine could I make GF bread in it to save me time and energy. We got our new puppy yesterday and since then have not got much done. She takes all our time and energy. LOL But worth it and we love her. We had rain yesterday so didn't have to water the courtyard today. I think the button cards are darling but most of my friends are not interested. Will look forward to your news next Friday. Have a good week. Nancy

    1. Dear Nancy,
      Thank you! Yes I make my pasties gluten free. Everything I make I do a gf lot for myself. I bought GF pastry but you can make it if you wish. You could use the bread machine to knead dough nice and smooth. I hope your puppy settles in well! With love Annabel.xxx

  18. I had to laugh that you got all three roosters!! Girl, you really do jump in boots and all. But you wouldn't be Annabel if you didn't. :-)
    Love the button card gifts, but wow, how I'd LOVE to enjoy some of your pasties!! They look so delicious.
    I think all my weeks are busy, but the busyness is more what I'd call industriousness. I could never say I'm bored or have nothing to do. Each day I look forward to the tasks I can do around home, and at this time of year the garden calls because it's our growing season - winter is summer here, and I am losing count of how many vegetables, herbs and flowers I've planted in the past month, but I do know that each year we have more raised beds, a better idea of what will grow in our climate, and where to put the raised beds for maximum yield in our climate.
    It will be three years in spring when you and I had our dreams come true, Annabel...how swiftly and productively the time has passed. Our God is so good to us.
    Bless you dear friend! xxx

  19. I've made pasties before for my kids. They loved them. I shall have to make more once it cools of again. I know I've done things to save money this past week like make bread and hang clothes to dry outdoors and such. I've got a bit of produce to use and have been looking up how to go about using items I'm not familiar with, like carrot tops and fennel.
    I'm trying to pull my flower garden together and save money all at once just like you've done with everything I can find, root, etc.


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