Feather your Nest Friday, 21st May, 2021.

 It was a beautiful week!  We had a mix of rain and sunshine so the grass has grown and the outlook is green again.  It looks lovely.   While it's like this I spend a lot of time outside.  Make hay while the sun shines. 

I check the sheep every day. Still no lambs!  I think one of them might be having twins though.  That would be so exciting! 

Some of the ways we built up the nest were:

Actual nest building.   I have carted wheelbarrows of hay every day this week.  With one load I filled some old crates and set them up in one of the chicken houses.   I just filled one and I turned to fill another. In that split second a chicken jumped in and began fluffing around claiming it for herself.   Before I left to go on to other jobs she had laid an egg.   She didn't waste much time.   Later I returned and I conclude that this new nesting box is popular! 

As I seem unable to stop getting more chickens I am looking at things in terms of maybe they could be a nesting box.   Many possibilities! 

One whole lovely sunny day was spent working on a run that will let the girls out to eat much more grass, bugs etc.   It isn't finished yet but we were able to scrounge around the farm and find most of the materials we needed.   Hopefully pictures next week.  

Even my little bantams now can free range most of the day.  It took a long while to get fences and we have Scout who seems to guard against foxes.  I set an alarm on my phone so I don't forget to go lock them up before it gets too late in the afternoon.   

Two of the bantams are loved up and seen the whole day like this...

The third bantam wanders around like the third wheel.  I hope this all might result in Bantam babies in the Spring.

The ten chicks I raised are now pretty big.   They have been promoted and are in a big coop with other chooks in the orchard.   They are loving being out and scratching around.    They sun bake.  When the sun is out they lay stretched out soaking in all the sun they can.  

So it was a week of chickens! 

I made peanut butter biscuits, chocolate cake and little cakes for the girls.

I was given MORE apples.

We have our first bonfires for the season.  

I love a bonfire!  We plant to work our way down the driveway and have a big clean up.   We had over 100 bonfires in the first two seasons here. 

I planted, planted and planted into the garden.  At first I was getting nowhere as each day was so busy.   So I decided I will just plant something every day rather than try and get a day to do it.   Six lavenders with root systems that I dug up went in.   Several more fig trees are potted up.   My lavender cuttings are looking pretty good.  I have rosemary,  succulent and daisies to plant out as well.   

I found a huge old Yukka plant on the edge of the scrub.   We took the trailer and a chainsaw and cut off big bits.   Reading up it seems that if you cut through the woody parts they will grow again.   In the end area of my garden that gets wind and sun not much will grow.   These look like they will tolerate anything and if they grow I will have a wind break also.  My Aunt said a windbreak will help that area do better.  I know in nurseries these are very expensive.  We came home with a whole trailer load.   I got them all in and some were so big I had to dig some pretty deep holes.   But they are in!  Because of their size they make an instant massive impact.   The other massive impact was on my back and shoulders from doing so much digging!    

Because plants seem to be such good gifts and things to trade with I am starting up a little nursery area.   The lady who I swapped fig trees for Roosters with messaged me.  She has two new beautiful Blue/Black roosters,  do I want to swap?   Well, yes I do!  Since I moved every chicken on the farm one to the left I can take two more.  

On Facebook buy swap and sell I found a lady selling boxes of cottons.  One box was all wooden reels.   I got them!  This ended up being four lovely Decor containers full of all beautiful cottons.  I sorted them into my supplies and the brand new wrapped ones went into my gift cupboard.   Beautiful beautiful! 

I made a giant pot of Pumpkin Soup and another of baby food.  Soup was delivered to Chloe and baby food to Thomas.   I also finished Thomas' blanket.   The last inches and final stitch of this reminded me of when a marathon runner drags themselves over the finish line then spectacularly collapses. hahaha!

Mum gave me a carton of cream.   I used it to make Honey Mustard Chicken and that fed us for two nights.

Today is also gorgeous.   As the afternoon ends I head off to check the girls...

And put everyone away safely for the night.

This is no problem.  They know I have treats and they come running.  I do a headcount and check twice before I shut the gate. 

I hope it was a good week for you, full of opportunities to build up your pantry, food security, gift cupboard and maybe garden!  Be watchful and be like a little ant working away! xxx


  1. Dear Annabel, I love your description of a beautiful, normal, productive week that is at the same time also extraordinary and inspiring. I love the photos of your pets. There is nothing better than collecting eggs, I loved your story of the new egg boxes. This week I made Feijoa Jam and just now put some of the Medlar fruit into a jar to make Medlar Liqueur. I had a fairly productive week - some days I got a bit overwhelmed but I just picked up the next thing. This way I managed to stay on top of our washing and cleaning and meals in the house as well as making a big stack of cleaning cloths for gifts. Tomorrow we are heading off to my In Laws for Saturday and Sunday to help with a few jobs around their farm, jobs that require lighting fires to burn up rubbish. I will enjoy wandering around cleaning up this way. We will be sleeping in our swags as most of the family is home and there is a shortage of beds. M will love camping out near a fire I am sure. I have packed marshmallows. Your blanket for Thomas is beautiful. I have made good progress on my nieces rug. Have a great weekend everyone, love Clare

    1. Dear Clare,
      I am so interested in this Medlar fruit! Well done on making the most of each thing you come across Clare.
      The weekend sounds lovely and it will be so helpful to you inlaws and your daughter will enjoy it. This kind of thing and bonfires I remember loving them always!
      I want to tell you about a lady I know called Bonnie, she has a you tube channel. She makes prayer shawls. As you crochet for your niece and I crochet my next blanket the idea is you pray for that person as you work on it and pray that it comforts them as they use it. With a prayer shawl that is wrapped around the body but a blanket is too so I think how lovely is this!?
      It is great you made things for your gift cupboard. A lovely week even if so busy! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. It is gratifying that all is well in your world. Your animals are well content. Spring is a time of promise and your plans will certainly be fulfilled with you working so hard to achieve them. I am jealous of your thread collection; good quality thread is so expensive these days. Australia handled the covid virus so well. Your numbers are among the best in the world. Where I live, it continues to reappear and lockdowns continue to be imposed. Good luck with the broody hens.

    1. Dear Rita,
      Thank you so much. I think of cotton threads as a great item to stock up on and when I am getting a bulk lot they are working out 30c each sometimes. Australia has some advantages being an island. Melbourne though has suffered continuous lockdowns and I feel so sorry for all the people who have been devastated by that. It has been a tough time for so many. I hope you have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Fabulous pictures!
    We had a cockerel that had a favourite hen. He also took a dislike to one other hen and stopped the other girls from going near her. I actually witnessed him one day take his hens in the coop & keep the one he didn't like out!
    Those wooden reels! That was a great find.
    It is windy and non-stop rain or drizzle here. Not terribly warm either. Our runner ducks don't seem to mind though.
    Your blanket for Thomas looks beautiful. I love the colour choice.
    I have spent a few days clearing out my food cupboards. They needed it, but I had to push myself to get it finished!
    I am reading at the moment on how to collect my own seeds from the vegetables that we grow. We are also looking into ways to reduce our electricity bills. Second time this year they are going to increase prices! Between that & food we need to find solutions for long term.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend & productive week ahead for everyone here :)
    Love Heidi xx

    1. Dear Heidi,
      My little rooster I saw this morning when the golden hen goes anywhere near him he is nasty to her. I might even seperate them and get another rooster so she isn't so on the outer!
      Well done on your work in the food cupboards. It is good to have a clean and organise. I usually find room this way that I didn't know I had.
      Electricity is so expensive. We have the most expensive in the world I think. They knocked over power stations. You are right, this combined with food price rises, and dont forget fuel... the budget is getting attacked from different angles! A lot of people are feeling this. An area that is often changeable is gift giving. I dont mean to say give less but with making, baking, growing etc we can give more for less! Growing veggies too is fantastic. Seed saving is something I have started and then seed swapping! We can help each other this way too with seeds. Enjoy your weekend too, with love Annabel.xxx

  4. It is so wonderful to see your animals so beautiful, healthy and well-cared for. I love the story about the hen who jumped right in to the nest you made her and laid her egg - haha :). I didn't know chickens love to sun as well. Those two together are so cute. Blue/black roosters sound gorgeous!
    I wonder if the Yukkas you have down there are the same as what we call Yuccas up here...a big cactus with beautiful cream-colored blossoms?
    DH tells me we head into the "Orange Tier" next month and won't be required to wear masks - yay! I feel so sorry for people who have to wear masks their whole work shift...
    Thomas' blanket is beautiful--well done!
    I think in that last picture the duck is saying "You're a funny looking duck!" to the chicken ;)
    Hope your back and shoulders are feeling better.

    1. Dear Mary,
      This chickens sure took too that new nest! I collected another 6 eggs today from there.
      Yes I think the Yukka's are the same... tall, spiky and sort of architectural.
      Masks are tough to wear and work in. Let alone two. That would be very difficult. I have only had to wear a mask a couple of times for a few minutes and that was plenty!
      My ducks are very sweet. They just have such a happy disposition. Have a lovely weeekend Mary, love Annabel.xxx

  5. A lovely and productive week as always Annabel! And of course I am drooling at your wooden spools ā™„ļø

    1. Dear Jes,
      I have spools on display I think they are so lovely. Thank you so much! Enjoy a very nice weekend! Love Annabel.xxx

  6. I so enjoyed your post about all your lovely chickens, and sheep, new plantings, and baking. So much accomplished! I also love your beautiful afghan and all those wooden spools - so pretty. We've had our first fire pit fire this past week, too - love those to sit by and listen to the night sounds. Best wishes!

    1. Dear Jill,
      A fire is so soothing. Sitting near the fire and giving it a poke now and then is therapeutic somehow! I love a fire pit! Being outside at night and appreciating the stars is glorious too. Much better than tv that is for sure. Thanks so much, with love Annabel.xxx

  7. Hi Annabel and everyone,

    Annabel, your blanket for Thomas is gorgeous! And what a lot of wonderful stuff you got done in your garden, too. Those threads were a great find.

    This week I did another baking/cooking day on the weekend; it really helps so much during the week when we are away from home long hours for work, and to add to the freezer. This week was sandwich bread, muffins, brownies, roast & veggies in the crockpots, and spaghetti sauce. I stocked up on some more baking supplies for our pantry, and also added some cans of soup and spices. We re-arranged the closet my husband put shelves in to make my pantry, and found we could add more shelves to a section that had none - exciting! My husband put up the rest of the new garage cabinets/workbench and we did more organizing and cleaning in there - it is looking so much better already, and much easier to find things. In the process we gave away a large filing cabinet that we were not using. My dad and I swapped books to read and he also dropped off some nuts and chocolate for a little surprise - they will go to good use!

    I wish I could remember whose wonderful idea it was, but I followed the example of one of the ladies here and used a hanging shoe organizer to store greeting cards and stationery. It is so nice and easy to pick out a card and frees up other space for storage. Thank you, mystery friend, for the idea!

    In the garden, we pulled all of the hemlock (eegad!) and disposed of it properly. The figs are leafing out again, there are berries on the blackberry vines, and my veggie and fruit seedlings will be ready to transplant in another week or so. I finished knitting another pair of house socks and am so close to being done knitting on a pretty pink wrap. I've taken a small cross stitch to work so that I can add a few stitches over my lunch hour - it's also made my afternoons more enjoyable with some stitching time in the middle of the day.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    1. Dear Kathy,
      Well done on your baking day. This does get you ahead and if you can put a meal away here and there into the freezer then that is so handy too. The slow cooker is such a help. Something like spaghetti sauce too is so useful. What a relief at the end of a long day!
      Shelves going into your pantry will be great. I have a section of pantry behind a door where a narrow (can width) shelf would fit. Andy is going to do this next week I think/hope. Looking at it I realised that if the shelves were close together and fit cans and jars this space could actually become amazing! You are doing the same, putting space to good use!
      What a nice visit with your Dad! Very good to enjoy the same kind of books and be able to swap.
      Those show hangers are really handy! I had one on the back of my last pantry door where I put all my packet mixes and bits and pieces. You could see everything it was another good use of a dead space.
      Your garden is sounding promising! I would love to see this pink wrap. That appeals to me so much! It is nice to complete projects. I love that you take your cross stitch to work for lunch time! Good job! Have a good weekend to you too! With love Annabel.xxx

  8. The blanket you made is absolutely gorgeous! Enjoyed your post. It inspires me.

  9. This was my week--
    My library card is getting a workout! I read "The Spies of Shilling Lane," a WW2 mystery set in London. I checked out 3 more books.

    I asked for and received two bags (several pounds) of coffee grounds from the espresso stand at church. My compost loves it!

    I have been trying to buy a new picnic table, but couldn't find one ANYWHERE. At Lowe's, a clerk told me that they aren't getting them in the stores and to order online. They haven't had the entire sets available online for weeks--could have gotten chairs last week, though. I went online again, and they had tables, but not chairs. I took my chances and ordered a table. The next day, I was able to order two swivel chairs and, two days later, the 4 side chairs. At no point could I have ordered everything at once, or as a set. Each time, I ordered through the airline e-shopping portal and scored a few miles, but most importantly I am keeping my account active (frequent flyer accounts are use it or lose it). I used my Lowe's card and saved 5%, which was about $40 of the total. I also earned about $9 worth of Honey Gold rewards.

    I gave away the patio dining set with the broken table top to a friend whose family is living in an RV because they couldn't find a place to rent in 6 months of looking. He's going to replace the top with cement board and tile, which I think will be very cool. This means his family of 5 will be able to sit down together for meals all summer, which they can't do in the RV. I had planned to sell the chairs at a neighborhood yard sale this weekend, but this was way better.

    I sold the bike for the full asking price! In the last two weeks I have sold 4 big items for $900 on FB Marketplace and craigslist (most on FB). And I have a few things in the neighborhood yard sale today and tomorrow. The extra money is nice, but getting rid of stuff is the best!

    I planted my tiny raised bed veggie garden with tomato plants I grew from seed, one hill of zucchini, all of the green bean seeds I had left from last year and 2019 (they're viable for about 3 years) and a little Swiss chard. I spent less than $10 on seeds and have plenty left for 2-3 more years (except beans). I planted 10 tomato seeds on my windowsill two months ago and got 100% germination. I planted 5 here, gave two plants to one friend and one to another, and I'm growing the remaining two in gallon pots for my daughter-in-law. As soon as it warms up enough, her air ambulance crew is planting a garden at their base in Wyoming! (The plants are getting there by relay. My son will be here in two weeks to take the plants home, then she will take them to work).

    Does anyone know if Lorna is OK? She hasn't posted here (or anywhere else I hang out) in a couple of weeks. Hope all is well!

    1. Dear Maxine,
      Well done on. the coffee grounds! A great thing to add to the compost. It was great you ended up with all the parts of the setting. Persistence paid off!
      I really feel for that family. I heard rentals were hard to find. It was very nice of you to give them a table that they can gather around in nice weather.
      That is fantastic about selling your bike and all the things you have cleared and trend into cash. Really good!
      I love that the ambulance crew are even planting a garden! Your garden sounds like it will be wonderful.
      Well great minds think alike. I sent Lorna an email because I was wondering the same. See her post now below. With much love Annabel.xxx

    2. Hi Maxine and thank you for inquiring about me and had a few things happen but working through them slowly but back on deck now.

      Have a great week :).

      Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  10. Dear Annabel,
    I so enjoy seeing your animals and your cuddling chickens. How sweet they come running when it's time to go inside.
    Thomas' blanket is lovely and what a wonderful find of cotton thread. I have a number of spools that were my grandmothter's. Amazing all the things that used to be packaged on or in wood, metal, or glass that aren't anymore. Our mandatory masks in stores order was lifted this week. I can't help but think that that is NOT a good thing. There are fully vaccinated people who have gotten Covid. Lots of gardening here this week for spring garden plating. ;-)
    Blessings, Laura

    1. Dear Laura,
      I have heard of a lot of people here getting covid despite the vaccines also. So going forward that will be interesting. Also my daughters state is going tonight into 7 days lockdown. It never ends!
      The beautiful cotton spools from your Grandmother are a treasure. So man y things of that era I think are lovely, from milk bottles and jars and baskets and spools!
      I hope your planting went well. There is nothing as good for us as being in the garden and it is a good investment in every way! With love Annabel.xxx

  11. Annabel, you are such a hard worker. I know that is paying off for you as you see the good results. You are smart to do all you can while you are still young and energetic! We slow down as we get older and I am still learning to pace myself and take breaks. I find plenty of motivation right here and that helps to keep me going and makes me happy when I see your progress and your lovely animals. Aren't chickens the best entertainment? That is a good size blanket you made for Thomas - such a nice one and I know he will treasure it always.
    We have been feathering our nest in different ways. My granddaughter and her husband came over the weekend as he is doing some repairs on the eaves of our house. Chelsea has wanted to learn how to can so we used her new canner and put up chili and chicken for them! She brought us some eggs and I was glad as some of our chickens are getting broody. They have ducks so we will be getting two baby ducks before long. I cooked big casseroles of chicken spaghetti and enchiladas so we had enough left for them to take home and still had leftovers for us. The previous week I had canned beef roast and found a nice ham on sale that I sliced and put in the freezer for sandwiches or main dishes. We got so much rain it has been too wet to do much outdoors so I've been sewing and organizing. I never get through organizing! It was dry enough for Greg to mow today so I will be raking up the grass for the chicken pen. I had been feeling down because the garden has looked pitiful from the time it started coming up. I couldn't believe how it took off when we got all that rain. I guess that's all it needed and although it's too late for some things it looks like we will have some good potatoes, carrots and tomatoes. Today I have organic apples and carrots in the dehydrator and apple scraps making more apple cider vinegar.
    Have a lovely weekend, friends.

    1. Dear Pam,
      Thank you. I have to pace myself a lot. I am definitely not an early riser. Im wired for the working into the night more. But I try and get stuff done. Mum will be 80 in January. She is dynamite but she also paces herself. She sits down has a cup of tea and a snack then fires up again. Later afternoon I will hit the wall a bit and sit down (actually this is what I am doing right now) have a cup of tea and a break. Then I will run around and get lots done before getting dinner on. I think we have to work with how our bodies are too. If I am too tired from working outside I will change to work sitting down and maybe do some sewing.
      It is just wonderful you could teach Chelsea how to can! I wish I had been in on this!
      Your cooking sounds beautiful. I hope you get chicks soon too.
      If I get a ham on sale I love it as there is so much you can do. Usually the bits and pieces end up in a quiche at the end.
      I am glad you had rain that helped the garden and I love hearing you have the dehydrator working hard!
      Have a very good new week. With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Such a fantastic week for you! Love your blanket for Thomas. It inspires me to finish crocheting a blanket for a friend's baby. The baby is due this month and I am only half finished!
    My chickens are such a blessing, too. We have been enjoying lemon curd on our toast. Also lots of baking with eggs.
    Just finished sewing an apron for my 2nd daughter. She loves to paint and uses aprons as painting smocks. With school now out, I worked on my pantry. Jes has lots of labels and I used some on free gallon jars that I got from a local restaurant. The new jars work well and the fresh coat of paint makes the pantry so inviting.
    Blessings to all!

    1. Dear Leslie,
      Thank you so much. I am on to a new blanket. This one will be put away and I will wait and see who it is for.
      Lemon curd is beautiful. It seems such a luxury and yet with eggs we can make these things quite easily.
      I got some of Jes' labels too! I love them. Your jars would look beautiful. Great way to get them too! You will soon have a whole matching set. Leslie if you can get more of those jars do. They would even make beautiful jars as gifts with a label on them or maybe a soup mix or cookie mis in them. In a gift store I saw a big jar with a square of gingham under the lid. it was very country kitchen style. In the jar was a kitchen towel, some cookie cutters, a spatula, I think some had aprons instead of the towel . A gift in a jar. They looked so nice. What a good gift! I love jars though. You can never have too many! With love Annabel.xxx

  13. Annabel I am so glad you are getting some good rain. We too have been getting good rain and the whole area is looking green and lush. This arrived at the right time for us as the bore broke down. We had a new one drilled in and have lovely flowing water once more. We didnt need a big drilling rig like you did. We are on pure sand and water was flowing in at 10'.
    This past week has seen more made for the baby and me taking some time off due to pulling a muscle in my back. I have done a lot of sitting and having something in my hand to work on stopped me from getting too bored.
    I continue to do what I can, when I can. I did spend a few hours manning our Spinners, Weavers and Fibre Arts stand at the local Show. I was amazed by how many little people and older men were so interested in Spinning. The women were much more interested in what we made the yarn into.
    Life is good.

    1. Dear Jane,
      I am glad you were able to get a new bore drilled. Only ten foot down is fantastic! Im so glad your area had the rain as I know the difference it makes. Nothing is as good as actual rain for the garden.
      I hope your back is coming good. Seems backs take their time to get better! Be vey careful.
      I saw a lovely photo of you are the show. It is really good there was so much interest. You might get some new people come along to your group. From the FB groups it looks to me like there is a healthy interest in spinning, weaving and we know for sure knitting and crochet. The number of good sewers and other craftspeople is amazing. The talent is amazing too.
      You always get a lot done even when struck down with a bd back you still did!
      With much love,

  14. Annabel the bantam chickens are so beautiful cuddled up together like that and hopefully you get some babies in spring. The nesting boxes look like they met the laying tick of approval :) . It will be so exciting if you get twin lambs and I hope they arrive shortly for you.

    Your baking looks divine as usual and what a blessing all those cottons were as well as the upcoming trade for the roosters :) . The crocheted blanket for Thomas is beautiful and I can see the work that has gone into it.

    Purchases -
    - Bought both E10 and 95 fuels on low prices and filled up 7 jerry cans we had used over time saving $22.70 on usual prices.
    - Purchased 3.096 kg of whole mullet for $2.50 kg saving $13.93 on usual prices. I hadn't had mullet in such a long time and it was great to teach DH how to scale and fillet the fish and of course I helped too.

    In the kitchen -
    - Made a batch of chocolate walnut brownies saving $16.69 on usual prices.
    - Made 3 loaves of wholemeal white bread in the bread maker saving $10.47 on usual prices.

    In the garden -
    - We split some more free firewood we had.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful frugal week ahead :) .

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Lorna, glad to see your post.

    2. Dear Lorna, Maxine was asking after you earlier. Glad to hear you are working on getting ahead as always. The fuel storage is very good. Even having plenty of Jerry cans is good as they were so hard to get at one stage. Having full ones is obviously better! Also to beat price rises this is good.
      The brownies and the bread sound delicious. All the firewood you have gathered over the last year is so good to have. It would be nice and dry too. We lit our fire last week but then we have had warmer days and I had to let it go out or be too hot! Now something is brewing, it is warm and windy and a storm is blowing in I think. I hope it brings rain and lots of it. Have a very good week, with love Annabel.xxx

    3. Hi Annabel and thank you and answered Maxine above :).

      We love our fuel pantry (just another pantry to build up) and we use fuel doctor in the fuel as a fuel preservative which keeps the fuel good for up to a year in our jerry cans. By having a stock of jerry cans it enables us to ride out the more expensive fuel cycles and wait for cheaper prices.

      I know jerry cans you just could not get during the first part of Covid when fuel was so cheap and we managed to get a stock of them from 3 different stores to take advantage of building the fuel pantry.

      The wood is lovely and dry now so we are using it this winter already. Like yourself we had a really cold snap here for a few days with frosts and started the fire but now it is warmer so we don't need it. We do have firewood at the ready in wheelbarrows in the back room just in case it does get freezing again.

      Have a great week.



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