Feather your Nest Friday, 27th November, 2020.

 Can you believe we have less than a month until Christmas?  If you are in the US I hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving.   Thinking over what we have to be thankful for is a beautiful holiday.

We have three days until it is officially Summer.   Summer is the hardest time on the farm.  We had a taste of the hot weather.  It is just a lot of work watering and looking after animals in the heat.   But in between I stay inside and this is when I get some sewing done and all kinds of odd jobs.  This week that included a lot of Christmas present wrapping and card writing. 

Thanks to encouragement from Jane I sewed the girls each a summer dress. 

I had this lovely light cotton fabric with Australian animals and birds and featuring Blue Wrens, my favourite.  I enjoyed sewing these so much.

I also made pillowcases for the girls.  Frozen themed.  There is no escaping Frozen or Rapunzel at the moment so if you can't beat them join them! 

Mum and I had a day trip to visit everyone and my sewing was a hit.   Mum and I had a lovely day. It was  busy with excited kids and baby Sidney who had grown, but lovely!

I made two large quiches and this used up 20 eggs!  

Each week it turns out I have enough eggs to share with family and then about five dozen spare.  Last week I used them to help someone.  This week I traded them.   I traded them for a caramel coloured Alpaca fleece!  It is huge, clean and beautifully soft!    I thought this was a good trade!

While Chloe was away having Thomas I took care of her animals.   She has Guinea Fowl, ducks, one goose, chickens...   One chicken was broody.  On the floor there were fresh Guinea Fowl eggs.   I used her long handled kitchen tongs (as to keep the skin on my hand) and removed the chicken eggs from under the hen.  There is no rooster so these were not going anywhere.   Then I placed twelve Guinea eggs under the chicken.  It seemed logical.  Well,  this week they hatched!! 

I didn't take photos yet but with instructions from Mel in the Tuesday Afternoon Club I made some scrunchies using some remnants.  They turned out really well.  Most of the girls in the family have really long hair so these will be good little gifts.

The garden is growing.  My big box raised garden bed is full of zucchini's.

A box of zucchinis!

All the work to fill the raised garden beds is paying off now. 

I have a lot of tomatoes.  They are doing pretty well.

I also have quite a few that have come up on their own and these have added to my numbers.  This year I have planted quite a few different varieties as a bit of an experiment.   

So it was a nice week!  I am ready for a bit of a break tomorrow.   But I have things pretty organised for Christmas and am happy about that.  One year Laine said to me how she did her wrapping really early.  Then in December she was not well.  She was so glad she did that wrapping ahead and now I think that if I get a chance then do it!  I will be glad later!  
Mum was doing the same.  But she hates wrapping.  So I went over and I wrapped and she wrote cards and slapped them on.  We conquered a big lot of gifts and covered the dining room table with them.  I think Mum was glad about that.

Thank you to everyone who has replies to Laine's Letters.  I am showing her the replies.  At the moment she has no computer. She has been writing the letters on her phone!   But next week she is getting a computer.   Also I have two more letters here already to publish.   This has added a lot of joy for me.  There are people who never fail to encourage and she is one of them.     We have all noticed and felt a lot of stress.  It is almost Christmas.   I am thinking lets add as much joy as we can.   I was packaging up some parcels to post.  I thought of Vicky.  One year a parcel arrived.  The posted brought it to the door (back in my city days!) and it was covered in pictures of Father Christmas.   The postie smiled.  It was beautiful.  Everyone who saw that parcel on its trip from Ohio to Adelaide would have smiled!    So now I am decorating my boxed up parcels just like Vicky.

I hope you had a good week. How did you build up your home, pantry, garden?  How did you add joy where it was needed?  I love to hear what you have been doing.  There is lots of beauty in the ordinary! xxx


  1. I love those dresses! The fabric is lovely. How thoughtful of you to make them both a dress. The pillow cases are lovely too. Your garden looks beautiful- look how healthy everything looks! I am hoping mine looks better after the rain we have had. We dug up one of our beds and it was filled with roots from an invasive plant (not ours), so we will have to re-do it. You are wonderful how you help your family with eggs. I gave eggs away to mum and dad this week. That felt good! A lovelyy lady I met through the crop swap said she knew of a man selling local honey...and then he delivered it to my husband's workplace. How nice is that. It is beautiful honey too. Some I will decant into jars for gifts. I still have a little bit to order for Christmas, but most of it is done. I find wrapping hard work, so I understand how she feels. But it feels so good when it is done. I have been busily writing cards the week. I much prefer that. I am loving Laine's letters...they are such joy and are inspirational...they really lift me up- just like your whole blog, Annabel. Thank you for everything that you do! Love Lily

    1. Dear Lily,
      We have gum trees here. They also will invade spaces. I will keep to keep an eye on this too.
      Thank you for your kind words. When I had young kids I used to wait for Laine Letters like they were news from my best friend. I always felt so motivated and refreshed with energy after reading them. Now I know how much words matter. "Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul." It is so true. I love your crop swap group! I am really increasing my bartering all I can. It is wonderful! With love Annabel.xxx

  2. The little dresses are lovely. What pretty material.
    It is hard for me to believe you are preparing for summer, as we are set for much colder weather to hit here next week. Winters here are just so bleak and blah and they tend to make one weary. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Dear Cheryl, I have not ever experienced a white Christmas but I imagine it to be so pretty. It is heating up here but today is not too bad. On the not too bad days I get more work done outside!
      Our winters would be much milder than yours so I dont mind winter. I think I would get the shock of my life with the cold and snow and such things as ice on the roads or an ice storm. It is funny how we are just used to what is "normal" for us!
      Have a lovely weekend Cheryl! With love Annabel.xxx

  3. Those dresses are so cute - and the fabric is amazing!
    When I had a lot of gifts to buy I would finish shopping by the end of November and then get them all wrapped well ahead of time. It used to drive my sisters crazy but I just could stand being out in the malls with great crowds of people.
    This year I won't be buying many gifts - friends are older and we normally gift food or books or experiences. I only buy for the little grand nieces and nephews when I see them - that would have been this Christmas - but no travelling this year. I'm hoping to be able to visit come our Summer and will take gifts then.
    I'll be donating to various charities in the name of family and friends (I try to give to charities that mean something special to the individuals).
    I hope that this Summer will be a lot of easier on Australia with much more rain!

    1. Dear Margie,
      I am not one for crowds. This year even more so! Donating to a good charity is a great idea. Postage these days is expensive so giving when you see the little nieces and nephews is a good idea.
      I hope we get rain too! That would be wonderful. Have a lovely weekend Margie, with love Annabel.xxx

  4. Hi, Annabel!
    Here we're going into the Winter and the thick coats and sweaters have already been used. Those dresses are so, so cute! And I loved the pillow cases, too. You have one lucky and blessed family!
    Our gifts have all been bought but not wrapped, but we are trying to get everything ready until next week.
    Your garden is so green and beautiful! It's a gift, to be able to take care of all those vegetables and animals. I'm more of a city girl, but when I was growing up and visited my cousins in the country, I never wanted to go back home. The country life seemed so happy and peaceful and because I love animals, that was a bonus!
    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Dear Paula,
      I think it sounds like you could have been a country girl. I love my animals. And I love my gardens. In the city I still had gardens and animals... just on a. smaller scale though!
      I always see lovely winter sweaters (we say jumpers) and think everything looks beautiful but we would bake! Also I only realised something in recent years. All our Christmas slights only show up really late at night... being summer it might not get dark till 9! SO I started to use fairly lights etc in the middle of winter... just as decor and to add warmth and atmosphere and it is beautiful!
      Have a lovely weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  5. I am recovering from surgery last week. I have spent some of the time knitting a sock. I am not able to do much yet. We enjoyed Thanksgiving yesterday here in the US. My husband and children did all of the baking and cooking. It was quite unusual for me not to be in the middle of it all. My God is good. I like the dresses. Enjoy.

    1. Dear Laura, I hope day by day you are feeling better. It takes a while to recover from surgery. I am so glad your husband and children took on the baking and cooking. That is wonderful! Thank you Laura. With love, Annabel.xxx

  6. Thanks to your encouragement and the Bluebirds in the Tuesday afternoon group, I am just about ready for Christmas with gifts and advance foodstuffs all done! I shall start to decorate for Advent tomorrow, putting star lights in all our windows and purple candles in the candlesticks. I have baked eight Christmas cakes from a double batch of your recipe, and most of these will be gifts, including one going to my father in England. He has been in self-isolation since March!
    I am enjoying reading Laine’s letters, thank you for sharing them.
    Your vegetable gardens are doing so well, and weren’t you blessed with a full hatching of guinea fowl! What quick thinking🙂
    My hens are not enjoying our winter weather, minus 2’C all day and going down....but every egg is a little treasure, and so delicious. I have put bell cloches over my Swiss chard to see if I can keep it growing just a little longer, and my Brussels sprouts are ready to start picking now they have been frosted.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Dear Gill, I have seen your cooking so I am honoured you would use a recipe of mine! I hope you love it. It improves as time goes on. If you can ever wait so long after six months it is even better! Your poor Father being in isolation so long. He will really love your parcel arriving!
      I love the bell cloches they would look so beautiful aside from their function. You are doing so well still harvesting. Thanks so much Gill, with love Annabel.xxx

  7. Dear Annabel,
    Thank you for another beautiful blog post ,I always make myself a cup of tea and read your posts while drinking my cuppa,it makes me feel almost as if I am having a conversation with you!.
    I think this is my first comment on the new blog ,I apologise that I haven't commented on a long time ,I read every post and intend to comment every week ,the best laid plans and all ...
    I love the girls dresses and frozen pillow cases ,they are beautiful .you are such a gifted crafter.
    I have been making cardsfor gifts and decorating gift bags for some small gifts to go in and for some cards to go in too.
    I have been decluttering my craft area and supplies very very slowly as I feel up to it.
    I have sent someone some planner stickers and am getting another parcel ready at the moment but will wait until I feel up to doing more sorting through because I want to see if there are more craft things someone wants before I send the parcel.
    I used some fly buys $ to but myself a lovely little tea pot for one to add to my small collection of tea pots,cups and saucers etc.
    I hope you can get some relief from the heat Annabel and all bluebirds on extreme heat conditions and that there are no fires.
    I hope the coming winter is not too fierce for those bluebirds who are
    In the season of cold thanks again As Annabel for your beautiful " new" blog.
    I want to thank Laine for her letters , they are very encouraging and inspirational. I love them!.
    Love Barb W.
    Love Barb W.

    1. Dear Barb, Thank you so much! I love Laine's Letters too. She is a good example of someone with a chronic illness and she achieves so much in small bites. I thought you would be encouraged by her.
      Thank you for saying you are reading and for commenting!
      Craft items are wonderful gifts and so are the planner stickers. I am thinking now about what planner to get for next year. Have a lovely weekend Barb. With love Annabel.xxx

  8. Hi Annabelle, The dresses and pillow cases are lovely and got me wondering if I could make a couple for my two great grandgirls for next summer. I am not good at doing things without a pattern. We have a few things bought and I want to get to wrapping them as it tires me out. We could not get together for our usual Thanksgiving like we usually do but our daughter brought lunch and our daughter-in-law brought Bob a pumpkin pie and cool whip and bought me a delicious gluten free cupcake from the bakery. We had lots of phone calls and texts and of course the pictures to look at on facebook We were able to watch our church Thanksgiving Eve service on our TV. That was a blessing. So even though it was not the usual Thanksgiving gathering we had a nice one and are thankful. Thankyou for your posts of ideas and encouragement. I do enjoy Laine's Letters and am glad she is writing again. I want (and hope to get it done) to send out a few more Christmas cards this year just because it is a covid year and want to bring some cheer to people. We had cut down on our list but everyone needs a bit of cheer this year. How blessed you are with your chickens and gardens. May God give you a wonderful summer of blessings. Nancy

    1. Dear Nancy, There are a lot of free patterns on the internet for little dresses. The easiest of all would be the pillowcase dresses.. which can also be little nighties. But I am not sure of your granddaughters ages.
      How nice of your daughter and daughter in laws to do such nice things for you on Thanksgiving! That still made it very special.
      Thank you Nancy, enjoy your weekend! With love Annabel.xxx

  9. Annabel those dresses are beautiful. I hope you can share a picture of the girls in them. I am like Mum and hate wrapping parcels. This year I got around it by making drawstring bags out of Christmas material that I had in my stash. I also made Christmas baubles on my embroidery machine. I used these as my Christmas tags for the gifts. These got posted today. Our lovely Mel gave me her address to post my Sons family gifts to. He has a transfer from Sydney to Adelaide, arriving at his new home on Christmas Eve.
    Fraser Island has been on fire for the past 6 weeks. The only way this fire is going to go out is if we get rain and that is not likely anytime soon. The smoke from the fire settles over our town in the night and lays like a thick blanket until the wind comes up next morning. I am not doing much more than hiding out of the smoke in my sewing room.
    Besides all the smoke, life is good.

    1. Dear Jane, Thank you for encouraging me to sew the dresses!
      This parcel wrapping thing is turning out to be everyone! I think the drawstring bags or gift bags are a good solution. Mel is an angel. How handy and helpful to you!
      Six weeks is such a long time for that fire to burn. Everyone would be exhausted. It is also a long time for the smoke pollution to hang around and it isn't good. We have been through it and it is stinky and bad for anyone but if you have lung issues... well not to be messed with. I would not do well in some of the big cities that are in a smog all the time either probably. Nor would you! At least there is an upside to being trapped in the sewing room! :)! With love Annabel.xxx

  10. Yes, those dresses are so pretty - what darling fabric <3. Did you make hair scrunchies to match the dresses?
    What little girl wouldn't love those pillowcases?
    Yay - the guinea eggs hatched!!! Way-to-go Annabel and mama chicken. How're Chloe, Thomas and Daddy doing?
    We did have a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. Listened to Christmas music most of the day. Lots of people here in the States are decorating way early for Christmas this year. We NEED it!
    Some of the ladies in my Bible Study Fellowship had a masked, outdoor get-together this week. It was so good to see each other! One of our ladies couldn't attend....she's a nurse and has contracted the Wuhan flu ;( We're sure praying for her! 🙏🏻
    You all stay well and may God bless each and everyone!
    Mary in SD

    1. Dear Mary, Thank you! The scrunchies were from left over fabrics from the pillowcases. The girls had two each and were giving their best friends one each so they could be the same!
      I am so glad you had a beautiful Thanksgiving. It sounds lovely! I am going to decorate too this week! It will be lovely I hope.
      Lovely to meet up with your Bible study laddies. I hope the lady with the virus is doing well and makes a quick recovery.
      Bless you too Mary, with love Annabel.xxx

  11. The dresses are just beautiful Annabel, and the fabric is just perfect!

    I have been enjoying Laines letters so much, thanks for sharing them, I even got up early this morning and tidied and dusted my loungeroom (although it took much longer than 5 minutes LOL)

    I started my Christmas baking in earnest this week. I cut up and soaked the fruit for 6 Christmas fruit cakes and have baked 4 of them, hopefully by the end of the weekend I’ll get the other 2 done, then I can move on to fruit mince pies, macadamia shortbread and a couple of cherry pies which are becoming a new Christmas tradition in our hone, since I have perfected the recipe and cherries are in season at this time of year.

    Next week I hope to do a bit of cleaning as my mother is coming to stay for a week the following week, that will be our early Christmas catch-up. I’m very much looking forward to it.

    Have a lovely week Annabel, as usual I look forward to next weeks post.

    Love Cheryl

    1. Dear Cheryl,
      Thank you! Good job on the dusting. That is one of my challenges!
      The cakes sound beautiful! I soaked fruit last night and baked today! I think I will do shortbread next. It will be lovely to have your Mum come to stay. Thanks so much Cheryl. With love Annabel.xxx

  12. Lovely sewing Annabel! What lucky girls. I love wrapping presents! And I think it sounds lovely to do it together with your mum. I find it harder to do it in secret these days, my 2 year old is opposed to the idea of sleep at the moment lol.

    We had my sons 10th birthday this week, it was really nice. I'm noticing that celebrations are costing more even with making the cake and much of the food myself. So I need to have a really good think about what we will serve for Christmas, as we need to be very mindful of our grocery spend at the moment. I think so long as I am well planned I should be able to keep the costs reasonable.

    Just over 2 weeks of school left, so lots of Christmas baking and crafting planned. I love the build up to Christmas!

    Have a lovely week
    Jen (NZ)

    1. Dear Jen,
      Thank you! I dont mind wrapping presents either! I like them to look nice. And I like seeing them all ready!
      Happy Birthday to your son. Yes planning is the thing. A lot of side and deserts can be done pretty economically and they make the meat portion go a lot further. Also... presentation and table settings can cost really nothing but make the meal seem so special!
      I know you will enjoy the school holidays! My kids were always tired by the end of the year and the end of term. Many sleep ins happened the first few days of the holidays! Then Christmas was lovely. We always had one late night where we stayed up late and drove around to see all the Christmas lights. It was beautiful! Many of the most beautiful things just cost so little (or nothing!) and another was we had lights on the Christmas tree. In the evening the girls would get their pillows and have supper and lay under the Christmas tree looking at the lights. When they got sleepy it was off to bed. They always loved this!
      I know you will be baking up a storm. Enjoy! With love, Annabel.xxx

  13. Annabel I sympathise with the hot weather as it has been really hot here too and about mid to later 30's during the day so as you say way too hot to work outside unless really early in the mornings. The little dresses you made for the girls are gorgeous and the fabric divine and the pillowcases so pretty too. I can see why the girls loved them.

    Last week our Vicky challenge added up to $134.03 in savings :) .

    In the kitchen -
    - Made all meals from scratch.
    - Made 3 loaves of bread in our bread making machine saving $7.77 over buying them locally.

    Finances and internet listings -
    - Listed 20 handmade items on a free listing promotion saving $33 on usual listing costs.
    - Banked more money into our 6 monthly living expenses emergency fund bringing us to 58.96% of the way there.
    - Banked more money into our home maintenance fund bringing us to 39.62% of the way to our goal.

    Purchases -
    - Took advantage of a 10% off site wide on Pharmacy Online to buy herbal creams and antihistamines saving $11.36 on usual prices.
    - Took advantage of up to and 50% off weekly sales and online only sales in Woolworths to save $81.90 on usual prices on vitamins, probiotics, tooth paste, deodorant, mouth wash and spam saving $81.90 on usual prices.

    In the gardens -
    - Weeded 3 garden beds in the cool of the morning or afternoons.
    - Harvested garlic from one garden bed that we have curing.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Dear Lorna,
      We do have to plan and work around the weather. It can be exhausting otherwise.
      You did very well with your week. Twenty hand made items listed is very good. Also adding to your savings.
      You did great with your sales too. It takes watching but makes a difference. Weeding in the cool of the evening is what I often do too. Watering and weeding. I hope this week has gone well too. I was busy posting and am late with my replies sorry Lorna! With love, Annabel.xxx

  14. Those dresses are amazing, Annabel! Just lovely! It is no wonder the girls loved them (and the pillowcases!)

    In my neck of the woods we are starting to see some cooler weather. While we've had a few days still in the 70's, it has mostly been in the high 50's to low 60's. Quite a bit of rain, too. We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year. My parents and DH's parents are local, so we all felt safe being together. MIL was supposed to have Christmas at her place, but for various reasons, decided not to. That was fine with everyone else. So, we exchanged gifts on Thanksgiving (but didn't open them. Not until Christmas!) That means, except for a few small things for my children, all of my shopping and wrapping is finished. I've never been done this early, but it feels wonderful!

    I got some more turkey canned this week. With it being Thanksgiving here, turkey is one of the cheapest meats you can buy. I bought several for $4-$5 each, and they were between 14-21 pounds! I've also started a new crochet project for a gift. The cranberry juice I made a few weeks ago is almost ready to consume.

    Please let Laine know how wonderful it is that she is writing to us :) I still go and read some of her old letters. At least, the ones that come up. Not all of them do :( She is so generous to continue to share and encourage. Thank you, Annabel, for posting them for us!

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Dear Jennilee,
      Thank you! Well done on hosting Thanksgiving! We save our presents for Christmas Day too. Every single one!
      I would just love to be able to get cheap turkey! I have to convert kilos to pounds but it is nothing for turkey to be $8 a pound here. If I could get the prices I hear about I will go crazy!
      I am hoping Laine is reading, she has her own computer now. I also tell her! Thank you so much, with love Annabel.xxx

  15. Having a bit of a puddly week. Working night shift does that. I am in the middle of a major de clutter.
    It was brought on after I helped a friend clean up the flat of his godfather who had been admitted to a nursing home. There was so much stuff that ended up at the op shop which was sad. I did however make the laundry liquid (thanks Jane) and miracle spray (thanks Cath). Off to bag up some more bits and pieces.
    Janine in Colac

    1. Dear Janine,
      I think it would be very hard doing night shift or any shift work! Oh that is hard on the body! It would have been a big job cleaning out the flat. But very of good of you to help.
      The laundry liquid and the miracle spray are both wonderful! With love Annabel.xxx

  16. Hello, your sewing looks so nice ❤️
    I’ve enjoyed Laine’s letters too, I first read her back when her children were all still at home and being homeschooled. And now they are parents themselves. Life goes fast, doesn’t it?

    1. Dear Rhonda,
      Just like you I read Laine's letters when my girls were little. Now they both have babies too! Boy did Laine help me in those days! Amazing. I am so grateful to have Laine's letters again! With love Annabel.xxx

  17. What a wonderfully productive week you had once more! I have spent most of this month cooking meals for three households and running around to deliver them, looking after my granddaughters while Blossom is back and forth from hospital appointments, watering the veggie garden constantly as our wet season has not arrived and every day is scorching in the tropics, and trying to stay on top of things with my business. To be honest I’m exhausted beyond words but my dear Heavenly Father sustains me anew every morning. Simply couldn’t manage without the Lord! Wonderful to know we shall hear more from Laine. Xxx

    1. Dear Jenny,
      You have been so busy. I understand the cooking for extra households. There are times when it is just needed. Jenny I am praying and praying for Blossom.
      With love,

  18. Hi Annabel

    As usual I am behind things here

    I have been busy shopping not only for our gifts to give but also doing the shopping for Mum's gifts to give out as well as the wrapping for both of us and a select few cards that I will send out for her. Yes I have made a small start on the wrapping.

    I love the the material for the girls dresses. The dresses are just beautiful and I can imagine the girls in them. Glad things are better for you all down in SA

    Take Care


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