Time for a change.

Welcome to The Bluebirds are Nesting on the Farm!
When we were getting ready to move to the farm I wrote this post.   Bluebirds Farmhouse.  It is a kind of introduction. I was talking then about a new blog but it just never happened. Until now! So much has happened since we made the move. Our journey will remain here on  The Bluebirds are Nesting. There are several series there including a week by week Pantries and Preparedness series and many others. I will often include some links to old posts, tips and recipes. But it is time for an update.

As I set up here I will add lots more but today I am kind of testing out if I can even start a new blog as Blogger has changed and I am finding my way!   So welcome to The Bluebirds are Nesting at the Farmhouse. 


  1. I look forward to following you in this space šŸ˜Š

  2. Annabel, what a fresh new look! Iā€™m excited to see your new blog space! Of course I adore your original pink and blue design, and now this new one is so fresh and wonderful too! Love, Teresa

  3. Very excited to move with you. Always love Fridayā€™s when your email pops up.
    Good luck, all your old blog friends will be following for sure.

    1. Thanks so much Marilyn that is a lovely thing to say! xxx

  4. Oh wow Annabel. What fun! I am looking forward to following your journey here. I must admit the change to the new Blogger was the impetus behind me changing the layout and look of my blogs as it was just easier for me to change how my blog looked then to try and make the features work the way they did in the past. Then I came to a bit of a blogging halt as I have been deliberating whether to slightly change the focus of my blog.

    1. Dear Sherri, Yes I think when things are changing it is the time to strike and change everything! I can kind of resist change! I look forward to hearing the direction you go! With love, Annabel.xxx

  5. How lovely to see you in your new home šŸ˜Š I really look forward to following you here!

  6. I love your new blog space. Thank you for writing your blog, I love it so much. It is such a job and brings so much sunshine to this world. Lots of love, Lily

    1. Dear Lily, Thank you! That is a lovely thing to say! xxx

  7. This will be a lovely space to visit as well!

  8. Will follow you wherever you go! Hugs, Holley

    1. That is so nice of you to say, thanks Holley.xxx

  9. I have not been able to comment on ANY blogs, except prudent homemaker, in years. So, this is a test, too.
    I love the old blog and all the work youā€™ve done for us! This blog will also be amazing, iā€™m sure. I look forward to learning and reading along on your new adventure!

    1. Well Debbie this came through so it worked! And I appreciate your comment. Thanks so much.xxx

  10. Great, love your posts! They lift me up every time, thank you and God Bless you. Gloria

  11. So glad I found your blog I will continue to follow you on your new journeys, God bless

  12. Looking forward to visiting your new nest šŸ”šŸ¤ŽšŸ‚

  13. So excited about your new look. Of course I would follow you anywhere.

  14. Lovely. I'm so glad you're realising this dream too. xx

  15. Nice clean and fresh blog. Oh if only we could all just start over again. I shall still be waiting for Friday's to come along.

    1. Dear Beverly, I like to start clean and fresh diaries and New Years and even months! Maybe even a new page on a work book. These things have always appealed to me. A chance for a clean fresh start! Love Annabel.xxx

  16. Should we look for posts on both blogs or will this be the constant now?
    It looks great. I love that winding road leading to?? It leaves my brain to ponder the possibilities!!

    1. Dear Debby, I will just be posting here now but sometimes I will link back to old posts or recipes. So the photo is our driveway. It is quite long and we are set back from the road so the house is not seen from the road. I love it and it is a winding road and it goes over a little waterway. I loved it from the first time! With love Annabel.xxx

  17. What a fabulous new site! Hope it all goes smoothly for you. I will still enjoy going back to your bright ā€˜oldā€™ site! Thanks for all you do to inspire us!

    1. Thank you Michele. I am grateful to have my old site... and Chloe has printed most of it for me so it is like a record for the family too of how we came here and what happened. It kind of grew from small to massive! Thank you so much, with love Annabel.xxx

  18. What a fabulous new site! Hope it all goes smoothly for you. I will still enjoy going back to your bright ā€˜oldā€™ site! Thanks for all you do to inspire us!

  19. I know your new blog will be as heartwarming as your faithful followers have grown used to. You know how to do things the right way so I'm looking forward!

  20. I'm so glad I found you! I was a bit worried when only the last post from your old blog site showed up in my feed. I've updated the link and I'm off to read what I've missed the past few weeks.

  21. Annabel, I'm not sure if you just have not posted recently, but I am not getting any notifications in my email. For now, I'll bookmark this site.

    1. Dear Joy, I ha e just added an email subscription option to this blog so if you sign up you should get the emails from now on. I was a bit slow to do that but now we are on a new blog rather than it just continuing from Bluebirds are nesting. I hope this helps! With love Annabel.xxx

  22. Nice to see you once again.

    God bless.

  23. Well nice to see your blog that shows best comments of all the time thanks for sharing and you can get it from here House sort.

  24. Do you have any updates on Laine? It's been a long while since I've been on here, so please forgive me if you're updated her situation.

    1. Hi Kim, Laine is haring her update here this weekend. I think it will be up on Saturday, that is Australia time. xx

  25. Hello. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I have been watching, reading and learning so much. I am older now but growing up I was not so fortunate to learn about homemaking. Now that I no longer work outside the home, I am enjoying home. Thank you so much for your blog and for the education! Sue

    1. Thank you so much Sue and welcome! There is so much to do at home and it is so valuable! xxx


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